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One x One Good Directions and Turnip Greens...{Private}


Autumn Avri Hamton




Spoiled and short tempered. She likes things to go her ways and tends to throw a fit if it doesn't. She is fiery and opionated, strong willed and indepent. She is passionate about what and those she cares for. She is smart and has a great sense of fasion.


Name: Joe Huddleston

Age: 25

Personality: Joe is a humble country boy who doesn't have a care in the world. He is hardworking and kind-hearted, and tends to get things done if you ask him. He doesn't worry about love or friendship, all that matters to him is his family, which is pretty big, if you count the animals on the farm. He lives a simple life, and doesn't mind if he doesn't have WiFi. To be honest, he doesn't really see the point in it all. He rarely leaves the farm, as it is his father who takes the crops down to the city to sell. All in all, he lives quite a happy life with his family on the farm.



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