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Realistic or Modern Going the Distance Characters



Player Selected

Daniel Parks
Age: 7-16
Height: 7'6 - 6'4
Weight: 94lbs-154lbs

Bio: Daniel is a very polite young man, and takes any moment to help someone in need. Although he is clumsy, he helps himself up and finds the best in every situation. His parents are very loving, and trusting. When Daniel is gone for awhile, they trust that he comes back. He loves to draw and paint in his spare time, and is very creative.

Avery Verona
Age: 7-16
Height: 4'2 - 6'1
Weight: 85lbs-102lbs
Bio: Avery is a very adventurous young lady, and loves a good run. That may be a good trait for her to have on the long journey her and Daniel are about to have, but in her spare time she loves to play the piano. At home her parents are very close, but at the same time anxious for young Avery. Avery is an all-around very happy girl.

If you are interested in playing as Daniel, pm me
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