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Fantasy Goetterdämmerung - Call of Cthulhu RP

(Unofficial Guide for the Roleplay)

Wehrmacht Ranks:

Mannschaften (Enlisted personnel)

Soldat (Private)

Obersoldat (Private First Class/Senior Private)

Gefreiter (Lance Corporal)

Obergefreiter (Senior Lance Corporal)

Stabsgefreiter (Staff Lance Corporal)

Unteroffiziere (Non-commissioned officers)

Unteroffizer (Sergeant/Corporal)

Unterfeldwebel (Staff Sergeant/Sergeant)

Feldwebel (Technical Sergeant/Staff Sergeant)

Oberfeldwebel (Master Sergeant/Warrant Officer Class II)

Stabsfeldwebel (Sergeant Major/Warrant Officer Class I)

Fähnriche (Officer candidates)

Fähnrich (Ensign)

Oberfähnrich (Senior Ensign)

Offiziere (Officers)

Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)

Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant)

Hauptmann (Captain)

Waffen-SS Ranks:

Mannschaften (Enlisted personnel)

SS-Schutze (Private)

SS-Oberschutze (Private First Class/Senior Private)

SS-Sturmmann (Lance Corporal)

SS-Rottenfuhrer (Senior Lance Corporal)

Unteroffiziere (Non-commissioned officers)

SS-Unterscharfuhrer (Sergeant/Corporal)

SS-Scharfuhrer (Staff Sergeant/Sergeant)

SS-Oberscharfuhrer (Technical Sergeant/Staff Sergeant)

SS-Hauptscharfuhrer (Master Sergeant/Warrant Officer Class II)

SS-Sturmscharfuhrer (Sergeant Major/Warrant Officer Class I)

Offiziere (Officers)

SS-Unterscharfuhrer (2nd Lieutenant)

SS-Obersturmfuhrer (1st Lieutenant)

SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer (Captain)

German Commands:

Basic Formation Commands

Angetreten! - Fall In at Attention

Antreten! - Fall In NOT at attention

Stillgestanden! - Attention!

Kehrt, um! - About Face

Vorwärts, marsch! - Forward march

Kompanie, halt! - Company, stop!

Rührt, euch! - At Ease

Basic Field Commands

Auf! - Get Up! Move!

Pass auf! - Look Out!

Aufsitzen! - Mount Up (Get into the half tracks)

Absitzen ! - Dismount! (Get out of the tracks)

Deckung! - Take Cover

Hinlegen! - Lay Down

Laden und Sichern! - Lock & Load

Am links / Am rechts / gerade aus - On the left / On the right / straight ahead

Feuer frie! - Fire at will

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