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Fantasy Goetterdämmerung - Call of Cthulhu RP


I have avenged perjury!

Year 1940: At the 14th of June, Paris surrendered to German Army. 3rd Reich raised it's flag all over France, and the occupation continued. Some patriots tried to resist, but there were no hope of freedom with a small resistant. Germans got to coastal lines, started building up new defensive lines for Atlantic Ocean. Soldiers started marching on streets, forcing woman to work in dirty jobs, and exploiting resources of the France. Collaborators helped them, the ones who surrendered, they founded a new state: Vichy France.


Germans started a new war at Britain, for air superiority. Nobody had any idea about what will go on, inside the Germany. There were romors about a cult and their impossible plans. No one had a single clue about the plan, but the rumors started spreading.

12th of January, 1941, Paris

It's snowing for three days in a row, a typcial winter in France. Today something happened, a bunch of French rebels got arrested with an assassination plan. Their fate is unknown.

There are some reports about missing officiers, one of them in high-command in Military Administration of France. A cold day with a cold death, may be? Who knows? The only thing that you know: Your duty will call you soon, very soon.

Military Police Battalions(SS) patrolling all streets in Paris, they are on alert. An important visitor will arrive in a week.
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