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Gods & Monsters


In 400 ADF (after downfall), the universe, K'Ale, was split in two: those who proved loyal and worthy were up above, among the Gods; making them Gods themselves. Whoever still remained on Earth were now known as Monsters - humans who once thrived with live are now consumed by grief and hate. However, there are some whom souls still possess the 'goodness of mankind', who try their hardest to convince the Gods that their intentions are still good and that they were never part of the rebellion, while avoiding the Monsters whom still lurk the streets.

as the roleplay goes on, the story will develop and flourish more.

  • This is a fantasy RP, so basic knowledge of anything fantasy applies.
  • Must be able to write at least two paragraph responses, preferably throughly detailed.
  • Must be comfortable with playing with Mature ratings, thought keep in mind that rules 17+ rules on this site applies.
  • Any questions and concerns, please PM me.
  • Bring your creativity with you, of course.
  • If you want to send me a character sheet beforehand, you're welcome to do so though it's not exactly necessary. This is, of course, a 1x1 RP, so only one character will be accepted.
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