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Fantasy Gods Among Men



Please include these in your character creation




Sexual orientation:

Appearance (preferably an image):



A little backstory:
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Name: Roxy Mist

Gender: female

Mutant: some sort of werewolf



Age: 17

Personality: rule breaker, risk taker, fun, loyal, kind hearted, a hot mess sometimes, always listening to her music through her headphones, switches only when she can't hear music or when her friends are in danger

Sexuality: heterosexual

Bio: Her family gave her a pair of headphones one year for her 7th birthday to keep her from transforming. But that same day, her parents was killed by humans and almost killed her as well if it wasn't for her brother who saved her at the cost of his own life. Now she travels around trying to find a place where they don't hate mutants
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Name: Alex Meyers

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Straight



Mutation: Electrical Transferal. Unlike complete control over electricity Alex has a focused area of power that he can mentally transfer from enemy to enemy. Essentially he can mark someone or something with a target and then obliterate it with a bolt of lightning. This ability does work indoors but is less powerful due to it having to use the electrical currents in the building rather than the sky.

Personality: Alex always tries to keep a cool head and plan his moves. He likes being around friends but ends up trying to prove himself just a little too much. He doesn't like to lead but is often put in that position.

A little backstory: As a child Alex realized he was different pretty quickly. This was mainly because he could see electrical currents and also could throw around a target which was only visible to him. Once he figured out the full extent of his powers he knew he needed to learn to control them. One day while teaching himself to control his abilities his parents had caught him and became scared. Not knowing what to do they called the authorities who notified them not to let Alex out of their sight until they arrived. Too bad for them he had already taken off, knowing what would happen to him if he were caught.

He lived on the streets for a couple weeks until he was discovered by another mutant. This new friend took him under his wing and helped Alex fully understand his mutation. He also introduced him to a small group of mutants that lived in an underground headquarters where they could avoid persecution. With his new friends Alex has gained confidence in himself and other mutants.
BunnyBear0626 said:
Name: Roxy Mist
Appearance: can switch from girl

to beast

Age: 16

Personality: rule breaker, risk taker, fun, loyal, kind hearted, a hot mess sometimes, always listening to her music through her headphones, switches only when she can't hear music or when her friends are in danger
Could you just add a little bit more to her and add some backstory?


Jack and George




Male #65

Sexual orientation:

Straight (Jack) Homosexual (George)

Appearance (preferably an image):


^ ^

George Jack


The two boys have a telepathic link enabling:

• One boy to see out of the others eyes (this involves sound)

• Them to know what the other person is feeling

• Them to speak telepathically

• Them to know when the other is in pain/danger

• One of them to teleport to the other, although they must be within 2 miles or so of each other, the rest of the abilities have no distance limits as far as it is known

These abilities make them useful for spies as one can be sent in, gather information and leave with no problems.


The twins have very similar personalities, both are major trouble makers with a good sense of humor and both have a complete disregard for rules. They both also have an Irish accent. They are so similar they often go as far as finishing each other's sentences. However, if you go slightly deeper there are a few small differences.

George is the quieter, gentler of the twins, and not as cruel as Jack, who takes on the role of ringleader, can sometimes be. George's sense of humour is not as harsh, and he is inclined to make fun of himself on occasion as well. He is also slightly more moral, and he has a limit to their pranks and jokes, Jack on the other hand needs a little reminder of when funny turns into mean and dangerous. He's more sure of himself than George and usually the one to come up with a plan, where as George is the one to fix it up so they don't die in the process.

A little backstory:

The twins were born into a fairly normal family with and older brother, sister and two parents. They didn't know that the whole mutation thing they had going on was unusual until a conversation with another lot of twins when they 7. After that they kept it to themselves, they didn't really care. It gave them a huge advantage many people didn't have, especially in school work and mischief making.

However, eventually they were handed in just for their love of speaking at the same time and finishing each other's sentences, this was after the call for anything even slightly unusual to be reported went out. It was soon decided there was nothing weird about them and they were sent out again, although they were treated with a lot more apprehension and eventually they were approached for the Insurrection by a member who had been watching them since they were questioned a few years ago, and since they had already thought it would be easier if they left they agreed.​
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[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]


Jack and George




Male #65

Sexual orientation:


Appearance (preferably an image):


^ ^

George Jack


The two boys have a telepathic link enabling:

• One boy to see out of the others eyes (this involves sound)

• Them to know what the other person is feeling

• Them to speak telepathically

• Them to know when the other is in pain/danger

• One of them to teleport to the other, although this takes a lot of effort and they must be within 2 miles or so of each other, the rest of the abilities have no distance limits as far as it is known

These abilities make them useful for spies as one can be sent in, gather information and leave with no problems.


The twins have very similar personalities, both are major trouble makers with a good sense of humor and both have a complete disregard for rules. They are so similar they often go as far as finishing each other's sentences. However, if you go slightly deeper there are a few small differences.

George is the quieter, gentler of the twins, and not as cruel as Jack, who takes on the role of ringleader, can sometimes be. George's sense of humour is not as harsh, and he is inclined to make fun of himself on occasion as well. He is also slightly more moral, and he has a limit to their pranks and jokes, Jack on the other hand needs a little reminder of when funny turns into mean and dangerous. He's more sure of himself than George and usually the one to come up with a plan, where as George is the one to fix it up so they don't die in the process.

A little backstory:

The twins were born into a fairly normal family with and older brother, sister and two parents. They didn't know that the whole mutation thing they had going on was unusual until a conversation with another lot of twins when they 7. After that they kept it to themselves, they didn't really care. It gave them a huge advantage many people didn't have, especially in school work and mischief making.

However, eventually they were handed in just for their love of speaking at the same time and finishing each other's sentences, this was after the call for anything even slightly unusual to be reported went out. It was soon decided there was nothing weird about them and they were sent out again, although they were treated with a lot more apprehension and eventually they were approached for the Insurrection by a member who had been watching them since they were questioned a few years ago, and since they had already thought it would be easier if they left they agreed.​

Name: Taelyn Thorn

Age: 18

Gender: female #65

Sexual orientation: straight

Appearance (preferably an image): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/pyro.jpg.c3877287f513348d9869c38a442215c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/pyro.jpg.c3877287f513348d9869c38a442215c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mutation: Psychokinesis. She has the ability to create fire in herself but that is proven most difficult and she has only done it a couple of times by accident. She is most effective when grabbing the flame from something already lit. (she keeps a lighter on her at all times). Her ability is strongly tied to her emotions especially when she is angry or scared.

Personality: Taelyn is shy to a degree. She will help those she is loyal too and cares about but can come across cold and uncaring. Most of the time she is on the defense and has her guard up assuming everyone including mutants are out to get her. She is deathly afraid of water but won't say why.

A little backstory: Taelyn grew up in an abusive home. Her mother did drugs and her father was hardly around and when he was he was drunk. Her older brother hated her from the time she was born. Their mother made it quite known that he was an accident and that Taelyn was the child that they always wanted. When Taelyn was 7 years old her parents were hardly ever around and she was forced to be watched by her brother. He would hit beat her up and threaten to kill her if she said anything. Seeing how he was ten times bigger than her, she of course kept her mouth shut.

Her brother managed to accumulate a fancy lighter and was messing with it. He accidentally burned his hand and heard his little sister snicker at him. That's when she found out her ability, Her brother decided to give her a taste and in her struggle pinned her down and lit her hair on fire. Luckily her father had come back for something he had forgotten and heard the commotion and screams of his daughter. He quickly put an end to the torture and threw water on Taelyn's hair extinguishing the fire. Her hair was completely burnt. What scared them the most was she had no scarring and no blisters from the where the burns should have been. When asked if it hurt she simply told them she was crying because of losing her hair and the awful smell it left.

Fortunately her parents let it go thinking they didn't hear her right or maybe she was just trying to be brave. Her brother however, never stopped and took this as a chance to get rid of her once and for all. Taelyn had enough of her brother and so tried to fight back. In all of her anger and rage fire erupted from her palms. That night the house caught on fire and she was the only one to survive. Since then Taelyn hid away on the streets and is more terrified of people that she lets on.

((sorry i got a little carried away...))



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Name: Mason Finch

Age: 19

Gender: Male #65

Sexual orientation: Straight

Appearance (preferably an image):


  • Heightened senses, speed, strength, durability, stamina, cognition, and healing (let's say everything's twice as potent)
  • Slight telekinetic ability (the farther away it is, the less he can lift. Without any physical intervention he can lift 100 lbs at arms length and 1 gram a mile away, roughly)
  • Telekinesis is strongly tied to his emotions. Spikes of anger seem to allow him to exert his telekinetic abilities even further, but wear him out faster.

Personality: He is very paranoid. You'd need to be as close as family for him to trust you. Sarcastic. He despises violence even though he resorts to it almost constantly, although he would do just about anything to protect his "family". He tends to butt heads with most authority figures.

A little backstory: He doesn't know about his parents or any family for that matter. He was told they turned him in for his... disability. It was so long ago, all he can remember are flashes of faces and faint voices. He'd been locked in their facility forced to submit to their experiments, and the hours of training everyday. They couldn't help, but slip up at least once.

At the age of 13 he was able to escape. All it took was a distracted guard and a plastic spoon. One the guard was slumped over on the ground he took the key card and rushed out the door. Once he found a vent to slip through it was stupid easy. He was outside before the alarms even went off.

Ever since he's been on the run. Going from town to town and keeping close to alleyways and the small wooded areas that dot the country. He's had a few slips recently. He tried to save a guy getting mugged in an alleyway by some local thugs, but the same guy he saved decided to turn him in. They're hot on his tail, and he doesn't have a whole lot of time left before they capture him again, and once they have him, he knows they'll never make the same mistake twice.
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Erina Chelshire





Sexual orientation:


Appearance (preferably an image):

- Height: 5'1

- Weight: 42kg



The abilty to see the future.

If you give her around a minute to focus, she can see the future of the next seven days. The only thing is, that she can see just the negative things that happen during that time. Another negative thing would be that she loses consciousness for around a hour after predicting and feels weak for the whole next day (making her unable to fight in that period). Erina doesn't prefer to use this power thought, because it has more disadvantages than advantages.


The ability to freeze objects.

Erina can freeze anything (exept for time), but for she has to have direct touch to the object being frozen.


Erina has a hard time trusting people. Once she finally warms up to you, she could still have some doubts about you. She has been described as "at first glance, she comes across as being a lazy sort, but... there's a strong sense of mischief in her eyes." Erina is quite relaxed most of the time as she occasionally skips out on things she finds boring. When fighting, she becomes brutal and has no qualms of hurting people who threaten her or any of her comrades. She has also shown that despite her trouble making independent personality, she is more than capable of respecting and caring for other people.

A "little" backstory:

Erina was born into the noble family called 'Oldshire'. Ever since she was little she was forced to act like a lady, think like a lady and dress like a lady. Erina followed every order she was given. Walk gracefully, speak politely and countless other things. When Erina was 8 years old, she was finally supposed to marry a young master from another family. Erina had never even seen the young master, not even going to talk about having the smallest chat with him. For this exact reason, Erina was against the marriage. As she grew up without being allowed to oppose anything, the young girl just accepted the fact that she had to marry.

The day came where she had to finally meet the boy. He seemed nice on the outside. He was friendly, charismatic, playful and always complimented Erina. Erina developed a deep friendship with him. He was the only one she could rely on and the only person she told everything she felt. Starting from how she hates her family and ending with how she dislikes having to wear these ugly puffy dresses. The young master always comforted her and laughed along with her. One day Erina was finally ready to tell him her deepest secret - she had a mutation. She showed the boy how she was able to freeze tea cups and told him about her precognition too. The young master acted like he was interested and surprised, but in reality he had been sent to watch over Erina this whole time. The forces had heard how odd thing had happened around Erina and sent a spy. He finally gathered enough proof for them to take her away. Erina heard about this when she sneaked around the house. There was two people talking about her in a dimly lit room.

After hearing about this, her heart was broken. She thought the young master was the one she could completely trust. After hearing that she packed her things and tried to run away from home. Unfortunately she was caught at the entrance by around ten men who were all in suits. They had some weird weapons. They tried to seize Erina, but she froze everyone that tried to approach her. In the end it became a blood bath. Erina was about to lose this fight, until a person came to her rescue. He had completely black hair and was able to control things around him. He was easily able to kill everyone except for Erina. Erina had fainted in exhaustion. When she woke up, she was far away from her home. It looked like the guy had simply dropped her off at a random place.

To be more secretive, she changed her name from 'Oldshire' to 'Chelshire'. She wanted to keep a part of her previous name, but still change it to some extent. Erina found the group opposing these anti-mutation forces and joined them.​
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Sylph Momodor
"Let's get moving."

  • 190934.jpg

    Gender: Male #65

    Age: 18

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

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BunnyBear0626 said:
You... Um... haven't told me if I'm accepted yet...?
sorry i thought Ahara already did... My statement still stands in keeping the rules 2 paragraphs at min... especially at intro. Sorry but the first replies are going to be deleted. @northofmyworld

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