Goddess Arachne

Goddess Arachne

The First Spider



Once, a beautiful and talented weaver of cloth and fabric, a single prideful mistake made a monster of Arachne for all time.

With loom and thread, there were none more skilled than the mortal Arachne. Viewers traveled leagues just to see her art. So wondrous and majestic were her tapestries, it was said the spinner must have been instructed by the patron Goddess of Weavers herself, Athena. To this comparison, Arachne proudly scoffed, claiming not even the Gods rivaled her talent at weaving.

When Athena heard this, disguised as a crone, she visited Arachne and encouraged her to show proper respect to the Gods. Arachne dismissed the old woman and issued a challenge that no God, not even Athena, could weave better than she. Furious, Athena revealed herself and accepted the challenge.

They both set to the loom with fervor. Athena wove a glorious tapestry depicting her battle with Poseidon over the city of Athens. Her detail and imagery were exquisite. Yet Arachne’s weavings depicted Zeus in his many infidelities with mortals. So flawless, so lifelike was her artistry, not even Athena could refute the skill, nor could she contain her anger at such a sleight. Violently, she tore Arachne’s tapestry and pressed a finger to Arachne’s forehead. Twisting in anguish, Arachne fell to the ground as additional legs grew from her body, screaming as she transformed into the first spider.

It was an act of anger and pity, a lesson and a curse, for spiders are the greatest of weavers, and Arachne, in particular, was to weave for all time, but none could doubt the consequence for Arachne’s pride. Little did the Goddess know that by cursing her as she did, a fraction of her power was planted within her. It remained dormant for some time; but over the years sprouted into a terrifying and incredible power. Becoming a deity herself, Arachne soon gathered her own followers; becoming much more than she once was. Still, within her twisted heart, Arachne never forgave Athena, consumed by a dark hatred that can be sated only by the destruction of the Gods.



Age: Several Thousand Years
Gender: Female
Species: Deity
Height: 10 ft. 7 In.
Weight: 814 Lbs.



Blood Drain

Arachne has the disturbing ability to drain her prey of it's very lift essence. Sucking her victims dry, she often decorates her domain "The Infinite Web" with the corpses of her enemies. It takes but seconds to empty a body, making her one of the most lethal creatures to ever be recorded.


The Infinite Web

Located between the cracks of time and space lies The Infinite Web, a realm void of light and covered in webs. This is Arachne's ultimate tapestry for the millennium, as it is connected to every reality in the multiverse. With this at her disposal, the Goddess is able to travel anywhere she pleases; her form shifting to adapt to the limitless realms.


Silver-Silk Thread

The Goddess's web is indestructible to mortals, and incredibly durable to Gods. It is without a doubt her bread and butter when it comes to slaying her foes, or feasting on victims. Holding magical properties, it has been studied fruitfully by those rare few who have come across it, and lived.


Spider Walk

As you have no doubt already guessed, Arachne can climb over virtually any surface; making her impossible to catch, and incredibly difficult to strike.



Queen Arachne

When the Goddess reveals herself to her worshippers; she comes as a fiery haired woman with crimson eyes. Her violet and crested attire emitting an appearance of royalty; which as far as she is concerned, she is.


Merciless Arachne

Should a viscious approach be needed to discipline her followers, she will poison them brutally; letting them suffer for their crimes.

Human Form

Sometimes her true form is too much for others to handle, and a less blunt appearance is necessary. Granted this visage is a bit impractical, it still can do the trick; and is most she posses in regards to a guise.

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