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Fantasy God Save The Queen


Tonight was the coronation, the night where she would become queen of the entire empire, an Empire that would be remembered throughout the centuries.

Vieno looked at herself in the large mirror that took up the corner in her room. This night would be her last night of being the simple princess daughter of Queen Roselle Zaxinscia, no more would she have no power in whatever her mother did, after tonight she would be Queen, a Queen with all the power the world allowed. She had been looking forward to this coronation ever since she was 13. She loved her mother, she really did but she was too kind, too mellow, too soft. This Empire needed a stern ruler to survive, it almost fell once, it almost fell twice, third times a charm. She quickly ran her fingers through her long brown hair and smoothed down the purple tunic and the red, large pants she wore that matched the knee high red. It wasn't a big puffy dress like her sister Kalia wore, but to her, it was absolutely smashing.
Bran walked around searching for the tavern where he is supposed to meet his partner. Bran usually worked alone in fact this will be the first time he had to share a job, he refused countless of jobs just because it required him to work in a team. But this job was different the pay was more then he earned his entire life combined, but you get what you pay for which means this job would be his hardest job he ever done as well. So he agreed to share this job, the job was to assassinate the princess that is set to become a queen tonight but if all goes according to plan she will stay a princess… Forever. Bran didn’t know who ordered the hit nor why but “who” and “why” are question Bran stopped asking a long time ago, now the only question he asks is “how much?”.

He finally found it “The lazy ale” tavern, Bran chuckled at the name as he pushed the door to enter. He looked around searching for a man matching the description he has been given, after scanning the tavern a few times and not being able to find any one matching the description Bran was convince that he was not present and sat down at one of the empty tables and waited for his partner to arrive.
She sighed happily. ''Perfect.. I look perfect '' she said smiling brightly, revealing that one of her canines were missing. She knew her mom would be a little nagger about what she wore and how she acted. But that was her mother, a woman who wanted everything for her little girl who she wanted to look perfect. Her gaze into the mirror was interrupted when she heard the knock at the bedroom door. '' Vieno? May you let me in? '' she heard her mothers thick accented voice through the door. ''Yes Mama '' she quickly replied as she grabbed her cane that leaned against the wall and walked over. She couldn't walk without it, it was like her third leg, without it she wouldn't even able to get out of bed. She opened the door to see her rather decorated mother. Her mother wore a navy blue lace dress with a corset and everything in between. Vieno wondered how she managed to wear such large gold hoops without her mothers ears tearing off. Roselle smiled at her rather male looking, bulky daughter. ''Oh Vieno.. you look perfect! '' Vieno smiled brightly. '' But are you sure you don't want to wear a dress? ''. Here it comes he Queen to be though.

( her mother wants her to be more ''Girly''. Roselle isn't a big fan of her daughter not wearing dresses and acting like a 'lady' but she knows stopping her will be like trying to fight a lion and win. It won't work and damage will be involved)

( ehmm....)
Omen wandered threw the small forest behind her house, the hem of her white under dress carelessly trailing behind her and getting caught in twigs and other such things. Blue eyes searched threw the branches and grass carefully as she walked. Each step careful and light. I know I saw something over here. Was it just a bird? No, birds don't make that sound and neither does rabbits. In fact I don't know what could have made that sound. She realized momentarily stopping at the knowledge. I wander what it was then.

Back at the house her mother stepped into the back yard hands on her hips and brown eyes irritated and focused as she searched for her daughter. When she didn't spot her she headed back inside shouting behind her just in case. "Come on Omen. Its time to come in!"

Hearing her shout Omen froze and looked down at her white dress. Her actual dress and shoes was safely hanging on a branch but her under gown was littered with dirt and stains. Oh no. I forgot about the coronation. Turning on her heels she raced back to the house grabbing her dress and shoes. After seeing that the cost was clear began to climb the tree outside her window. If she hurried she could change her under gown and wash her feet off. I'm glad we own the area around here otherwise if mother found out I ever wandered in just my under gown she would kill me.
''Yes, I am very sure that I do not want to wear a dress '' she said through gritted teeth. '' This feels more comfortable than a dress. ''. '' But, Vieno - this is your coronation! You need too dress better! '' Her mother replied with a strained voice. Before she could go any further, Vieno cut her off. '' I am not wearing a dress! This looks fine! '' she hissed, her voice raising which made her mother go quiet, signaling the end of the pre screaming match. '' Ok... Ok fine'' Roselle murmured softly. '' My bad. ''. Vieno put a hand on her mothers shoulder. '' Its fine, Mother''. Vieno was happy that they didn't end up yelling at eachother, she hated it when they fought. It tore tiny holes in their already stitched up relationship.

( Her and her mother have a shaky relationship)

( Her mother tries to make her more lady like and posh, though Vieno herself is not very ladylike, almost male like but still female and can get very wild sometimes. She's more demanding and stern than her mellow, feminine mother. )
After changing into a new under gown and washing her feet off Omen slipped into her dress and shoes. It wasn't a puffy dress but instead a white one the hugged her figure and flared out at the waist. Little blue flowers spread across the hem like vines and the sleeves went down to her elbows. All in all in was a rather pretty dress and the white slippers went with it perfectly.

Undoing her, now, messy ponytail she twisted her hair into a French braid as She hurried down the stairs. She made it to the bottom just as she finished and smiled brightly at her parents and elder sister and brother. "Ready to go?"

"You say that as though we were the ones that kept everyone waiting." Her mother scoffed before stalking out of the house followed by her father and siblings. Smile leaving her face once they were gone She braced herself for a long night. Oh, please don't let them find a husband for me.
Damian just woke up, it was sundown he was quite late but he didn't mind, he was told that the job pay is high, so high that only he and another one accepted it.

Well after his beauty nap he was finally ready to go, walking through the market smelling all the different aromas, he loved walking the streets there would always be a sight to see, like a bunch of drunks ranting about who knows what or trying to fight it was always amusing, but his most favorite sight was of the flower maidens running through selling beautiful flowers.

When he got to the tavern he sat at the bar ordering a big pint of ale, and then a herb mix to wake up, when he was done he got up and shouted out of the top of his lungs "WHO THE FUCK IS BRAN FAY!!" and sat back down waiting for a response.
( XDDD )

She nodded sliently. ''Ok.. Well you look nice without the dress '' she then said quietly and timidly. ''At least you haven't cut your beautiful hair off ''.. Roselle then smiled lightly at her daughter. '' Now lets go see how your sister is doing ''. With that, Roselle walked down the large, decorated hall, Vieno grabbing her cane and hobbling close behind her, her club foot slowing her down.

( Damiens legit )
Bran was day dreaming of what he would do with the money he is going to get from this job when he heard someone shouting his name so loud Bran couldn’t help but cover his ears. It took Bran a few seconds to pin point where the shout came from and when he finally found the man who will be his first and probably last partner. Bran stood up and walked towards Damian inhaling as much air as his lungs can take then right as he was only at arm’s length from Damian he shouted releasing all the air he inhaled “IAM BRAN FAY! NICE TO MEET YOU!!” then sat beside Damian casually. Bran half hoped the shouting will continue since it was fun but also half hoped it won’t since they had a job to do after all.
Damian removed his ear plugs saying, "your not my first rodeo..." Looking at Bran with a weird look saying "So you're my partner... Did they give you any details of the mission, I was told to meet you here, nothing else."
Bran growled as Damian removed his ear plugs then said “that’s a very weird thing to be prepared for…” Bran paused shaking his head then continued “Any way I was hoping you had more details but looks like you are more in the dark then I am.” Bran released a sigh then started to explain to Damian the job “Well all I know is that our job is to kill the crown princess that is set to become a queen tonight, we were provided with two invites to the coronation one is for Count Philips Ellison the second, and the other one is for John Devin a rich merchant. I will be John since trying to pass as a count with my skin color will bring too much unwanted attention. Beyond that I got nothing not even a map of the hall the coronation will take place in so I guess we will have to wing it.
Vieno was shocked to see the dress they had put her 10 year old sister in. An old, plump maid was stitching up the back of the rather mature purple dress that little Kalia was wearing as Roselle and Vieno walked into Kalia's large red room.

''Oh Kalia you look wonderous in that dress! '' Roselle said gleefully as she squirried over to the young princess and hugged her tightly. ''You look glorious my lady '' the maid said with a raspy voice as she she stepped away, finally done. '' I agree.. she looks rather.. fine '' Vieno said hesitantly as she looked down at her sister. Kalia was short and had the body shape similar to a pear. She had plump cheeks and chocolate colored curls. Her mother hoped she would thin out as she got older even though everyone knew she wouldn't.

( how is everyone?(
Damian was surprised by what he herd, a princess that's it... He was a bit confused he thought that they have to assassinate a king of another nation, or a notorious bandit leader, "What ever..." He said after thinking for a moment "Aight, don't worry 'bout the interior of the palace I can get ourselves the plans for it, now 'bout the job itself we can go 'bout it 3 ways, but first lets discuss it out of the publics eye." Damian was about the get up when he heard a grumble behind him, "ahem, ahem..." He turned around to see the barkeep, He looked him dead in the eyes nodding for a yes, the barkeep nods for a no, a bit annoyed Damian nods again for a yes, but the barkeep denies him with a no...

Angry now Damian shouts "FUCK YOU! You cheap ol' fart." he then turned his eyes on Bran saying "Ha, haha, hey there buddy.... Do me a favor and pay the man fowty` gildings."
'' It feels a little tight '' the little girl replied. '' But I love the dress! Its so pretty! '' Kalia smiled brightly and began to twirl, the violet dress fanning out. She began to giggle and laugh loudly, loud enough that you could hear it through the echoing hallways. '' Are you sure you want to put her in this dress? It looks like your trying to dress her up like a porcelain doll '' she murmured to her gleeful monster who hit her on the shoulder without even glancing away from her happy daughter.
Bran chuckled at the situation, Bran looked at Damian right in the eyes and said a simple “No. I would however would like to see the plans for the hall it will make things a lot easier.” he said with a smile. then looked at the barkeeper and chuckled again, there was no chance of the bar keeper wining if it will become a fight after all Damian supposed to be one of the best assassins available, of course the best was Bran, Bran just hoped Damian won’t kill the poor bastard.
''Oh you know she does! '' she harshly whispered as she batted her cane into her mothers ankle. ''I can't wait to go to your coronation, Vi! You must be really excited! When is it anyway? '' Asked Kalia as she finally stopped twirling. ''Its in... 1 hour'' Roselle said. '' After the coronation there will be a grand party'' Vieno said in a voice she only used with children. She kneeled down, not wanting to tower over her little sister.
Damian was getting nervous, The barkeeps eye's were turning more and more piercing, He does look like the average fat slob from the outside, but rumor has it that he was an infamous bandit leader, who would raid enemy army camp stealing their loot and equipment, Words of confirmation would come from Damians master, Yet even so not believing it 100% Damian did not plan to be the one testing those rumors.

He turned his look at Bran saying :Aha, you want the plans than pay the man, and ill give you the plans, but if you don't neither of us are doing this job, SO PAY THE MAN HIS BLOODY MONEY!!" the barkeeper was getting pissy turning his attention towards bran, slamming his hand on the counter and reaching his other hand to a meat cleaver that was under.

((sorry it took a while, see my ranting inn ooc chat."
( I did see your ranting))

( I might play a different character besides Vieno also)

Kalia smiled brightly before hugging her sister tightly, making her grunt. '' Now I can't even wait! '' she squealed before pulling away. '' But I'm more excited for your coronation then the party '' Kalia softly smiled at her sister and mother. '' Being queen is really really important ''. Vieno smiled back. '' Yes it is, and one day you'll become queen ''

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