Go on, Have a Taste

Zahir Nelson

New Member
Zahir Nelson (17M)

Interests: Cooking / Cycling / Anime

Hey everyone! I am aspiring to become a chef, and planning to attend one of the highest accredited culinary schools in the country (US). The school I'm planning to attend has not been decided exactly, but the choices are several Top-Caliber Schools such as: Institute of Culinary Education (ICE), Culinary Institute of America (CIA), or Johnson & Wales Culinary (J&W). I recently discovered my interest in cooking this year after sitting in for several chef demonstrations at my high school, and also after watching Shokugeki no Souma (Which is now my favorite anime of all time). After seeing that it made me think that if I could get people to experience foodgasms (obviously not exaggerated like SNS), then that would be amazing. I actually experienced a foodgasm before, when I tasted a bowl of Chili from a restaurant by the name of "Texas Roadhouse". It was unlike any Chili I have ever eaten, it was amazing, and it literally surprised me. That Chili is to die for, it was that good. Anyway, I suppose my culinary voice would be giving others pleasure from the art I create. With this education, I will become among-st one of the best chefs in the world.

Top 3 Favorite Anime of All Time:

  • Shokugeki No Souma
  • Noragami & OVA
  • Kill La Kill
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Hello there, Zahir Nelson!

The word 'foodgasm' is an interesting term, but I've heard it - funny how 'gasm' can be added to just about any word, eh? It's awesome that you want to become a chef! We have another resident user (who is actually a Fellow, a user that simply helps around the site), called Atom, who also wants to become a chef. How exciting! You should come introduce yourself in the Chat (also called the SB) and come converse with us! I really hope you get yourself into a good college, and I wish you luck in persuing your dreams! :D

I've never watched Shokugeki no Souma, but Noragami and Kill la Kill happen to be some of my personal favorites (especially Kill la Kill... and you can probably guess why).

Anyways, welcome to the site, and I hope you have an amazing time here at the site and I'd love to see you around! If you have any questions, or just wanna chat, let me know!
I love to cook as well :) and my roommates hate me for it. my boss told me she was glad she didn't live with me because she'd "want to eat everything and would get fatter"

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