(GMG Round 1) Light Ethereal vs Aden Bourne


Team Skittles Timekeeper
Light Ethereal

Your Opponent Is...
Light Ethereal is a fairly young Lamia Scale mage who already carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. He constantly feels he is under an obligation to make the world a better place and it often drives to him to forget that he needs to take care of himself and ensure that he sets time aside to have a little fun every once in a while. A very caring individual, he doesn't often find himself in situations where he feels the need to physically harm another individual.

Title: Stormborn

Rank: A Rank

Guild: Lamia Scale

Magic: Storm Make Magic


Always remember... you were beaten by the brats of Lamia Scale!
Light Ethereal


Offense: 20

Defense: 25

Health: 130

Evasion: 45

Endurance: 30

Magic Energy: 30


S Class Spells:

  • Air Outburst: A large bubble of air expands around Light and it forces any approaching magical attack to redirect away from the center of the air bubble [Evasive]

A Rank Spells:

  • Tornado Spiral: Using air magic, Light generates a tornado that can redirect attacks. [Evasive]

B Rank Spells:

  • Pressure Drop: Light instantaneously drops the air pressure in the area surrounding both him and his opponent thus making it far more difficult to breathe. [Offensive - Magical]
  • Water Body: Transforming his own body tissue into water, Light is able to absorb the force of a physical attack without taking direct damage from it. [Defensive]

C Rank Spells:

  • Ride the Current: Light generates a current of air that drives him forward towards his opponent fast and hard. Driving his fist forward, he is able to deliver an amplified punch. [Offensive - Physical]
  • Barrier: Light is able to generate a barrier of either air or water in front of him, defending him from a single attack. [Defensive]
  • Thicken the Fog: Light gathers the water from the clouds in the sky and brings it closer to the ground creating fog that blurs the sight of him making him a harder target to hit. [Evasive]

D Rank Spells:

  • Water Surfer: Generating water beneath his own two feet, Light is able to increase his speed in dodging an attack. [Evasive]
  • Strike of Lightning: Light uses his storm maker magic to create a storm and summon lightning to his lightning rod. Then, while his lightningrod remains electrified, he is able to give his opponent a good whack with it. [Offensive - Physical]

Light Ethereal


Mood: Apprehensive

Actions: Wait and Call Out

Stance: Defensive
Light stood in the center of the arena, his eyes running rampant through the crowds that surrounded him. It was very much something that he, as a mage, was not used to and it really wasn't his style to have so many people watching him when his sole purpose was to fight. He wasn't the most into fighting so it may have seemed odd for the Stormborn Mage to have even been present in the first place. However, not many others in his guild had volunteered to take part so Light had decided to step in. Lamia Scale needed representation, especially if they were to prove that they were the strongest guild in Fiore. Sure, Alyssa was there as well, but Light was still in the process of figuring out whether or not having her be the only Lamia Scale representative would have been a wise decision.

So, in that cascade of events, realizations and contemplations, Light Ethereal had entered himself in the tournament with little to know expectation of how well he personally would do or how well he would do at representing the guild as a whole because he really hadn't been there all that long. Did Light want to fight someone for show? No. Would he? If he had to, Light was sure he could manage well enough.

And it was with that mindset that he watched the other entrance anxiously awaiting the arrival of his opponent.
"Are you coming!?" Light screamed out. It wasn't an impatient tone - not at all. But he did want to get this over with.

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Aden Bourne

Your Opponent Is...

Nothing in this world can hold a candle to the vastness of the ocean's magesty.

Title: The Ocean Knight

Rank: B Rank

Guild: Guildless

Magic: Sea Requip


Nothing in this world can hold a candle to the vastness of the ocean's magesty.
Aden Bourne


Offense: 25

Defense: 25

Health: 120

Evasion: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic Energy: 35


S Class Spells:

  • None

A Rank Spells:

  • None

B Rank Spells:

  • Leatherback Shield: Blockade- Aden hides behind his giant shield to protect himself from incoming attacks. (Defensive)
    Goblin Shark Gauntlets: Clobber- Aden punches multiple times with the toothy fists of his gauntlets. (Offensive, Physical)
    Goblin Shark Gauntlets: Jaw Shot- The fist end of the gauntlets are fired from the rest of it with a cable connecting the two ends while the fist latches onto what it can grab and pulls Aden out of the line of fire. (Evasive)
    Archerfish Bow: Aqua Shot- Aden forms an arrow of water magic and fires it with great speed. (Offensive, Magical)

C Rank Spells:

  • Urchin Spine Lance: Pierce- Aden thrusts one of his Urchin Spine Spears toward his opponent for a head-on strike. (Offensive, Physical)
    Flying Fish Wings: Evasive Maneuvers- Aden uses his wings to move move swiftly and momentarily fly to avoid attacks. (Evasive)
    Dunkleosteous Armor: Take a Hit- Aden takes a hit from the incoming attack with his upper-body Dunkleosteous Armor. (Defensive)
    Urchin Spine Lance: Javalin Toss- Aden throws one of his Urchin Spine Lances for an indirect attack. (Offensive, Physical)

D Rank Spells:

  • None

Aden Bourne


Mood: Exited

Actions: Meet n' greet

Stance: Offensive

Aden casually walks into the arena, looking around in awe at the huge crowd of people that came from all around to watch wizards test their might against on another. He has traveled a fair distance into the arena when he notices another person, presumably a wizard, on the other side and begins walking toward him with a faster pace than before. As Aden keeps walking along, his exitement keeps steadily growing. He had never felt like this before. No mission had ever given this kind of thrill during or even before the actual action started. All he could think about is what kind of fight would be in store for him. What kind of magic would his opponent have? Would he even stand a fighting chance against him?

Once Aden had traveled to approximatle the crenter or the battlefield, he calls out to the other wizard. "Hey there. It's nice to be a part of this. I'm Aden. You must be Light, right? It's great to meet you." After his last statement, he reaches the young man who is presumable Light Ethereal, Aden's opponent. Aden extends his hand for a friendly gesture, hoping that Light would be kind enough to return the gesture. He smiles and says what anybody elsse would say in the current situation. "May the best mage win. You can take the first move is you want to." Aden keeps a happy demeanor but keeps his wits about him. You never know if your opponent would return the gesture or just attack.
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Offense: 20

Defense: 25+15 (Defensive Stance)

Evasion: 45

Endurance: 30

Magic: 30

Attack Roll:


Potential Damage: 10

Attack Type: Magical

Light Ethereal

Light’s eyes widened as his opponent extended him a hand in greeting, slightly confused by the friendliness. Weren’t they supposed to be fighting? Of course, that didn’t mean that Light refused the offer of a handshake; he wasn’t that out of it and he wasn’t about to be rude despite the circumstances, but that didn’t clear up any of his confusion. “You are correct. I am Light. It’s nice to meet you, I guess,” Light replied.

His confusion was further amplified when Aden offered him the opportunity to make the first move; that almost reached a point of lacking an amount of sense as far as Light was concerned.
“Are you sure about that…?” Light almost whispered, unsure of whether or not he really should have been saying something like that or not given his ultimate goal within the games themselves. Shrugging it off, Light decided that it would be better for him to not continue going back and forth about who ought to attack first.

Light took a moment to analyze the situation further. If he was being given the opportunity to attack first, he wanted to make the most use of it that was possible.
“Pressure drop,” Light uttered the words of the spell, feeling the air pressure around him begin the cascade downward. His body would adjust to the lack of oxygen, but, in theory, Aden’s would not.

Health (130/130)

Magic (120/130]

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Offense: 25+15 (Offensive Stance)

Defense: 25

Evasion: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic: 35

Attack Roll:


Potential Damage: 10

Attack Type: Physical

Aden Bourne

Aden is happy to see that Light returns his handshake and smiles at the seemingly puzzled wizard. He can't understand exactly why his opponent was confused, but Aden soon became confused himself. For some reason, even after being offered the first action, Light wasn't doing anything. After a moment opposing wizard utters the two words to begins the duel."Presure drop." Aden feels the air around him become heavier and finds that it had become harder for him to breathe and falls to his knees.

Aden slowly gets back up off the ground, coughing and cathing his breath. He may have been used to holding his breath underwater, but he wasn't used to the air around him being that heavy. Once he is able catch his breath, he lets out a sigh or relief. As Aden looks back to his opponent the wings on his back fade away and another magic circle appears at both of his hands. "Sea Requip: Goblin Shark Gauntlets!" He reaches inside and pulls out two gauntlets with what appear to be thin, sharp teeth sticking out. He then bolts from where he was toward Light, fists at the ready.

Health (110/120)

Magic (125/135)
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Offense: 20

Defense: 25

Evasion: 45

Endurance 30

Magic: 30

Stance: Defensive



Light Ethereal

A punch struck Light hard in the face as he was sent flying backwards. Well, maybe flying wasn’t the best word; it was more like he fell although flying makes it sound more dramatic. Quickly pushing himself off of his backside, Light grinned at his opponent. “Well, one thing’s for sure,” he remarked. “You know how to pack a punch.”

Light did not remain on the ground for long. He was eager to see what else this mystery mage could do and he knew he had a few spells in his own arsenal that might bring more of his opponent’s talents out into the open field. Before he could do anything to that effect, though, Light wiped the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.
Great, that’s not going to improve my image with the guild at all. What are they going to think of a guy who can’t even take a punch?! Light already had some ground to make up.

“Time to ride the current…” Light mumbled as he began generating a current of air behind him, using it to power his run forward straight at his opponent. The air current led him to move a lot faster than one would initially think was possible and it further amplified the force behind his punch as light drove it at his opponent.

Possible Damage: 25

Damage Type: Physical

Magic (115/130)

Health (120/130)

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Offense: 25+15 (Offensive Stance)

Defense: 25

Evasion: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic: 35

Defense Roll:


Spell Subtraction: 10

Attack Roll:


Potential Damage: 10

Attack Type: Physical

Aden Bourne

Aden watches his opponent fall to the ground with a bit of a surprised look on his face. Did I overdo it a bit? He looks down at his gauntlet and notices some blood on it. I hope I didn't break anything. Hearing Light speak to him, Aden looks back up to see that his opponent had stood up. "Oh, heh. Thanks." He smiles at the compliment.

Suddenly Light mumbles something and charges at Aden with incredible speed. Aden jumps back as his gauntlets dissapear and a magic circle appears in from of him as he lands. "Sea Requip: Dunkleosteous Armor!" A bulky set of stone-like upper-body armor appears around Aden a he braces for the attack. "You're not too bad yourself."

The punch must have a lot of power behind it because Aden was pushed back a few feet. Aden jumps to the left as another magic circle appears and the armor dissapears. "Here we go again! Sea Requip: Goblin Shark Gauntlets!" He then pulls back out his toothed gauntlets and charge again at Light.

Health (110/120)

Magic (105/135)
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Offense: 20

Defense: 25

Evasion: 45

Endurance: 30

Magic: 30

Stance: Defensive



Light Ethereal

Light’s eyes widened as his opponent pulled out a shield and his fist collided with the firm surface of it. "You're not too bad yourself." His opponent remarked.

Light smirked at that as he took a step back for a moment.
I’m not too bad…? I haven’t done anything yet,” he sneered. “Save your compliments for when they’ll actually apply.” In that statement, Light wasn’t trying to be rude. Crap, he wasn’t even trying to sound like he was mocking his opponent. All he really wanted was honesty and in all reality, Light felt he was taking more of a beating than his opponent was at the moment.

And that feeling only grew when another blow from his opponent hit home, this one driving firmly into Light’s gut. It definitely knocked the wind out of the Lamia as he was forced to take yet another step back. He was losing ground quickly. He needed to get his opponent out of close range because that really wasn’t where Light fought best.

“Air getting thick yet?” Light commented, while whispering the words of his most common spell once again. Pressure Drop.

Potential Damage: 10

Attack Type: Magical

Health (110/130)

Magic (105/130)



Offense: 25+15 (Offensive Stance)

Defense: 25

Evasion: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic: 35

Evasion Roll:


Spell Subtraction: 0

Attack Roll:


Potential Damage: 40

Attack Type: Physical

Aden Bourne

Aden gets somewhat confused at Lights response to his compliment. What's up with this guy right now? He must be really critical about himself. The sea wizard brigs his attention back to the battle at hand, deciding to focus more on the current situation than what might be going on in his opponents head. Unfortunatly, almost as soon as he returns his focus, the air around Aden becomes heavier again. He coughs just like before, falling on his knee. Looking back up at Light, Aden answers his question, albeit rhetorical. "It could be heavier. This might even help me with getting used to deep water pressure."

Aden takes a moment to catch his breath and notices Light stepping back. Figuring that Light must be trying to gain ground, due to his use of physical attacks, he smiles and suddenly dashes forward at his opponent. He works through the heavy air and shrugs off the trouble breathing. Aden readies his fist, hoping to slam it into his opponent.

Health (100/120)

Magic (100/135)
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Offense: 20

Defense: 25

Evasion: 45

Endurance: 30

Magic: 30

Stance: Defensive



Light Ethereal

"It could be heavier. This might even help me with getting used to deep water pressure."

Light scoffed,
“Now I know you’re just acting tough.” Light could see the panting, he could see the lack of breath, he could see the color change in the man’s skin. To be unable to breathe was not nearly as easy as his opponent made it seem and Light knew that well enough. It had taken his own body years to get used to the lack of oxygen that he tended to force on himself whenever situations like this arose.

However, Light was not surprised when the man charged at him to attack him once again. It seemed to be the guy’s only strategy and quite honestly, Light was getting tired of being hit over and over again. “Air Magic: Barrier!” Light proclaimed as a wall of hardened air appeared between himself and his opponent. The punch Aden tried to throw never actually hit Light; rather, the barrier was what his punch drove into.

A smile appeared on Light’s face as he realized that at close range, an air current driven punch would be devastating.
Ride the current, he casted the spell which drove his punch forward towards his target with dangerous speed.

Potential Damage: 25

Damage Type: Physical

Health (110/130)

Magic (95/130)



Offense: 25

Defense: 25 + 15 (Defensive Stance)

Evasion: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic: 35

Defense Roll:


Spell Subtraction: 15

Attack Roll:


Potential Damage: 5

Attack Type: Physical

Aden Bourne"Aww come on." Aden remarks as he swings, "I'm just trying to joke around." Suddenly, his fist seems to slam into what seemed to be an invisible barrier. Aden couldn't be sure exactly what is was, but he knew that he wouldn't let it stop him. That is until Light prepared for another attack. Aden jumps back and adjusts his stance, lowering his center of gravity for a more defensive stance. "Sea Requip: Leather Turtle Shield!" Landing back on the ground, he summons his large shield once more. He slides back slightly as Light's fist collides with it.

Aden lets out a little chuckle behind his shield. "Almost got me there." The shield dissapears and he summons a large black lance in an attempt to change up how he was fighting. "Sea Requip: Sea Urchin Spine Lance!" Right after he summoned the lance, he lunges forward to strike.

Health (100/120)

Magic (80/135)
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Offense: 20

Defense: 25

Evasion: 45

Endurance: 30

Magic: 30

Stance: Offensive



Light Ethereal

“You think fighting is a joke!?” Light scoffed. “You think I fight for jokes!?” The Lamia Scale mage was baffled by the mere suggestion of it because of all the things he knew about the world and because of all the things he had been through. Of course, Aden would have no idea what ran through Light Ethereal’s mind, but that didn’t mean his comments didn’t piss Light off.

“If you truly think fighting is something to joke about, then you have no reason to be standing in this arena now. These fights are for the honor of a home, a guild, a family… not for some fun jokes,” Light finally added in. He really believed what he was saying and he felt that saying so was better than keeping it to himself.

As his opponent charged at him, lance in hand, Light dodged it easily by simply sidestepping the lunge, watching it go right past him. The attacks were slowly but surely becoming more and more predictable and Light wasn’t going to argue with that.

Then Light reached up to the sky with his storm maker magic and the clouds began to grow rougher, more violent, with his lightning rod in hand, Light reached to the sky before a crackle of thunder rumbled in return. The next would contain a bolt of lightning and as Light aimed his lightning rod at Aden, a crease of lightning struck down towards the ground aimed at his opponent.

Potential Damage: 5

Damage Type: Magical

Health (110/130)

Magic (90/130)

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Offense: 25

Defense: 25 + 15 (Defensive Stance)

Evasion: 20

Endurance: 20

Magic: 35

Defense Roll:


Spell Subtraction: 0

Attack Roll:


Potential Damage: 5

Attack Type: Physical

Aden BourneAden is now even more confused than he was before. Sure an event like this might have some effect on a person's reputation, but not so much as to make someone act like that. Maybe something had happened in his opponent's past to make him feel like that. Despite his curiosity, Aden decides that it might be in his best innterest not to dig too deep into this matter. Unfortunatly, while he was dwelling on this matter, his opponent had called upon lightning to strike him. Aden tries to jump out of the way, but his leg is struck by the lightning, causing him to fall to the ground.

Aden lays on the ground for a moment in shock and pain. He had never been struck by lightning, or even normal electricity for thaat matter. He didn't know what to expect if it were ever to happen to him, but the pain wasn't what he thought it would be like. Figuring that it wouldn't be best to dwell on the pain like he had on how Light had acted, he readies the lance in his hand and throws it at his adversary as hard as he could.

Health (95/120)

Magic (75/135)

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