(GMG Round 1) Angel Litwick vs Gurren Simon

Gurren Simon

Your Opponent Is...
Energetic, charismatic, and has a fiery fighting spirit. Gurren is a typical Fairy Tail mage that cares about his friends. Even though the Grand Magical Games is a friendly competition, Gurren isn't going to hold back.

Title:The Fiery Fairy
Guild: Fairy Tail
Rank: A-Rank
Magic: Fire-Make Magic


"I'm fired up."


Offense: 40

Defense: 25

Health: 130

Evasion: 25

Endurance: 30

Magic: 30


S-Class Spells:

Fire-Make: Phoenix (Magic offensive large construct bomb)

A-Rank Spells:

Fire-Make: Falcon (Magic offensive punch)

Fire-Make: Tiger (Magic offensive pouncing construct)

Fire-Make: Fairy (Magic offensive small construct bomb)

Fire-Make: Bazooka (Magic offensive blast)

B-Rank Spells:

Fire-Make: Shield (Evasive)

Fire-Make: Arrows (Magic offensive long range attack)

Fire-Make: Flame Cannon (Magic offensive blast)

Fire-Make: Hedgehog (Defensive magic body spikes technique)

C-Rank Spells:


D-Rank Spells:


Gurren Simon


Mood: Fired up

Action: Waiting

Stance: Offensive

The Fiery Fairy stepped out into the empty arena. A grin appeared on his face as he looked at the cheering crowd. They were just as fired up as he was for the upcoming battle. Gurren looked up at where the other Fairy Tail wizards were sitting. Gurren held up his arm and gave his fellow wizards the special hand sign that only Fairy Tail wizards used. His grin grew wider as they returned the looking-your-way sign.

After lowering the hand sign, Gurren continued to look at his guildmates as if he was expecting to see someone. Thinking back about the Grand Magical Games in the past, he remembered hearing from his Guildmaster how the First Guildmaster had appeared to the guild members back in Natsu's day. It would be amazing if Guildmaster Mavis appeared this year.

Turning his attention to the match at hand, Gurren walked across the hard sand to the center of the empty arena. He rotated his right shoulder as he walked, clearly ready for the fight to start. Gurren stopped in the center of the arena and got ready to attack. "I hope you're watching First Guildmaster Mavis, Guildmaster Felix. I'm going all out to represent Fairy Tail," he thought as he waited for his opponent to show. He was ready to bring his A-game.

@Ivory Witch
Angel Litwick

Your Opponent Is...

Angel Litwick is a feisty and pesky yet beautiful young lady with a lack of any stringent moral code at all. She doesn't have a lot of faith in the human race and is still very much trying to figure out her place in the world based on that belief. Angel is always seeking to learn new things because to her, knowledge is the only thing with any value.

Title: White Streak
Rank: A Rank
Magic: High Speed & Knowledge Transfer


"No, no; can't have that now can we?"


Offense: 35

Defense: 20

Health: 120

Evasion: 50

Endurance: 20

Energy: 25


S Class Spells:

  • Speed of Light: Angel is able to activate her high speed magic to its fullest allowing her to move at the speed of light in order to get out of the way of an incoming attack. [Evasive]

A Rank Spells:

  • A Blur: Angel dodges the attack at such speed that although she is visible, her image is completely and totally blurred. [Evasive]
  • Straight Speed: Angel drives herself in a straight line towards her opponent at the highest speed possible while driving in a firm punch or stab with her dagger. [Offensive - Physical]

B Rank Spells:

  • Implanted Image: Touching her opponent in the instant before they strike her, Angel implants an image into their mind to convince them that she is standing slightly left or right. This causes their attack to miss because they attack the wrong spot. [Defensive]
  • Fun in Circles: Angel runs in circles around her opponent at extremely high speeds, thus dizzying and disorienting them before she juts in to attack. [Offensive - Physical]
  • The Knowledge of Pain: Coming into physical contact with her opponent, Angel implants the thought in their mind that she caused them physical pain causing their body to simulate that pain. [Offensive - Magical]

C Rank Spells:

  • Run Left; Run Right: Angel runs to the left or right at slightly high speeds thus dodging an attack. [Evasive]
  • High Speed Punch: Using her high speed magic on just a limb, Angel attacks hard. [Offensive - Physical]

D Rank Spells:

  • High Speed Jump: Building up her high speed magic, Angel charges at an attack although she jumps over it at the last minute using her speed as a spring. [Evasive]

Angel Litwick

No one would precisely see Angel Litwick walk into the arena. It was more of a thing where one minute she wasn’t there and the next minute she was standing directly in front of Gurren Simon - her opponent. Stopping in front of them, a wide smile appeared on the blonde’s face as she took in the sight of her first opponent. “I can tell this is going to be fun,” she smirked with a slight laugh in her voice. “Are you ready?” Her voice came off as very smooth, very sure of herself and having an almost cocky undertone. But there was something else there as well. It was almost as though, in her question, the girl was taunting the man standing in front of her.

Her hand rose up to fiddle with the ribbon in her hair as she stood there for a moment, straightening the bow that held back the nearly white locks that hung from her head. It seemed like maybe she was waiting for an answer although none of her attention was focused on the man standing in front of her in that small moment. A moment later, though, all her attention had returned and was back in the fight that was about to ensue.

“Too late,” Angel grinned as suddenly, she vanished leaving only a puff of dirt billowing in the air. “We’ll get started whether you’re ready or not!” Unable to be seen, the voice seemed to radiate from every corner of the arena all at once and it wouldn’t be too hard for anyone to figure out what she was doing; Angel was using speed magic and simply moving too fast for the human eye to track.

“Behind you,” Angel warned, her voice now clearly taunting her opponent as she made another small dash towards him, driving her fist along with her body. “High Speed Punch!”

Current Stance Attack Roll Possible Damage Defense Roll Damage Taken? Current Health Current Magic
5 N/A N/A 120/120 120/125
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Gurren was ready to fight, but wasn't quick enough to vocalize it. His opponent vanished in front of him as quickly as she appeared. After hearing her voice from all over the arena, he realized that she was using some kind of magic that allowed her to move quickly. “Behind you.” Gurren spun around and was ready to strike, but Angel moved to fast for him. He gritted his teeth as her punch connected and he was sent back a couple feet due to her momentum.

"You're right, this is going to be fun," he said with a fired up grin after recovering from the attack. "Now I'm going to show you why they call me the Fiery Fairy." Gurren tossed off his jacket and threw it aside. Now the only clothing he was wearing was his pants, shoes, gloves, and necklace. "Fire-Make: Fairy!" Gurren formed what looked like a Fairy Tail symbol made out of flames and sent it toward Angel. The magical fairy construct made a small explosion once it was close enough to her.

Current Stance: Offensive

Attack Roll:


Possible Damage: 15

Defense Roll:


Damage taken: 5

Health: 125/130

Magic: 115/130
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Angel Litwick

“So you’re a fairy tail mage who uses fire magic… fiery fairy?” As Gurren’s fire magic exploded and the smoke cleared, the voice coming from behind him would tell him that it had not been effective. Her speed magic had allowed her to evade such a thing with ease and she didn’t even appear to have a scratch on her flawless skin. “How creative…” she mocked.

Navigating her way in front of the man, Angel stopped right in his potential line of fire, speaking again. “They call me The White Streak; those that actually see me and survive to tell the tale do, anyway. I suppose those people aren’t very creative either…” The way she spoke was so calm, so elusive, so… unemotional and contemplative. It was odd and unsettling.

Her eyes scanned him up and down as she had multiple different trains of thought fly through her mind. “I suppose under the right circumstances, you would be considered attractive as well. Unfortunately, I’m not one to care about that,” she added in, seemingly unconcerned about what she was saying. “I tend to dispose of anyone in my path regardless of… whatever else others might consider.”

Sighing, Angel spoke one more time. “I suppose it is my turn to attack… I wonder when this is going to get interesting…” While her wording may have been subtle, Angel was trying to rile the Fiery Fairy. The angrier they were, the easier they were to fool and it was the games of trickery that were most amusing. Without further warning, Angel’s body moved in a dead sprint circling the fire mage and entrapping him in the center. “This is called Fun in Circles. You can’t catch me!” Suddenly, Angel broke from her circular run, charging straight at her opponent while her fist once again drove forward.

Current Stance Attack Roll Possible Damage Defense Roll Damage Taken? Current Health Current Magic
45 [dice]17083[/dice] No damage taken 120/120 110/125
Gurren spun around after his Fire-make: Fairy exploded to see Angel behind him. He thought that his attack had hit, but since she was a speed mage was it really much of a surprise. "We'll see about that," Gurren said as she started to literally run circles around him. He felt another one of her punches connect with his body, this one much harder than before. Gurren got the wind knocked out of him. He was also knocked back, but this time he tumbled in the sand.

Despite taking a big hit, Gurren didn't stay down for long. "I'm just warming up," he said as he stood up. "Fire-make: Bazooka!" Flames shaped like a large bazooka formed in Gurren's right hand. After resting the flame bazooka on his shoulder, he fired a large beam of fire at Angel. Gurren readied himself for another speed attack from the White Streak after his Fire-Make: Bazooka dispersed.

Current Stance: Defensive

Attack Roll:


Possible Damage: 55

Defense Roll:


Damage taken: 50

Health: 80/130

Magic: 100/130
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Angel Litwick

“Warming up?” Angel Litwick raised an eyebrow as she was again able to get out of the way of Gurren’s attack without the addition of any magic, without any apparent difficulty. “Is that supposed to amuse me? Again, it's not very creative…” she commented.

“Question,” Angel appeared behind Gurren for the second time in the fight as she spoke although for some odd reason, she never tried to attack him from behind. “Are you trying… at this point? Is this the best you can do?” A taunting smirk consumed her expression throughout her inquiry. Now Angel was really trying to drive him nuts, to get him enraged, to take away his own mental control. Such things were what she would declare to actually be amusing.

Making her way in front of Gurren as opposed to behind him, Angel continued to mumble on, “Since you don’t seem to be doing so well, I suppose I can’t entirely be mean. Sad for me… good for you, I guess. I won’t attack when your back’s to me. You wouldn’t even stand a chance,” Angel’s voice rang with a mock empathy as she spoke. “Not that you stand a chance now, anyway.”

Without any further warning, Angel’s body lurched towards Gurren at her fastest controllable speed, once again driving her fist forward straight at his face. Straight speed.

Current Stance Attack Roll Possible Damage Defense Roll Damage Taken? Current Health Current Magic
50 [dice]17106[/dice] No damage taken 120/120 95/125
Gurren's attack missed again. Clearly Angel was skilled. Her speed based magic made her a difficult opponent. At least she fought honorably. It would have been an even easier victory for her if she attacked him from behind. Gurren felt Angel's fist hit him hard in the face. He was knocked back again and landed face down in the sand.

It took Gurren a couple seconds longer than the last time to start getting back up. As he started to stand he had a large grin on his face. Losing wasn't an issue for him, he was fighting a skilled opponent after all, but there was no way he wasn't going down without a fight. "I'm a Fairy Tail wizard. I'm always trying my best," he replied. "I just haven't let loose my big fireworks yet."

A large stream of fire erupted from his hand into the air above him. "Fire-Make: Phoenix!" Gurren's flames formed into a giant phoenix. Gurren thrust his hand forward and the giant fire construct flew toward Angel before causing an explosion that dwarfed the Fire-Make: Fairy explosion. About half of the arena went up in flames; the arena stands were not caught in the flame, but things got a bit toasty for a couple of seconds.

Current Stance: Defensive

Attack Roll:


Possible Damage: 65

Defense Roll:


Damage taken: 100

Health: 30/130

Magic: 75/130
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Angel Litwick

As the phoenix construct came at her, Angel quickly realized that this was not the same as the fire mage’s previous attacks. Remembering the explosion that one of Gurren’s previous attacks had generated, Angel was expecting that this one had to potential to do the same. With that thought in her mind, Angel made to run out of the way of the attack although the more she calculated in her head, the more she realized that she would not be able to clear the blast range. Still running, Angel uttered the words of her spell, “High Speed Jump,” to give her just enough of an extra push to get her out of the blast range although she did trip over her own two feet as she landed which sent her tumbling to the ground.

“Now that,” she began, “That was more like it. You still missed me, though. Sad for you.” Angel’s eyes looked up at Gurren while her expression became that of a mock frown.

“You think you could keep that up the whole time?” Angel asked as she scrambled to her feet. “Or am I just going to keep hitting you and boring myself in the process?” Every word Angel spoke took on a tone that gradually became more and more demeaning. She still wanted to make him mad - still wanted to anger him to the extreme. She wanted him to feel like the worthless human being that he was.

“I guess for now, the only choice is to hit you again although I am curious how you intend to come back from this one,” Angel commented before her speed magic once again took over.

“Straight speed.” Angel darted forward at Gurren Simon, her fist once again accompanied by a speed that was very close to her own top speed - faster than the human eye could track.

Current Stance Attack Roll Possible Damage Defense Roll Damage Taken? Current Health Current Magic
50 [dice]17189[/dice] Nope 120/120 77/125
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Gurren wasn't sure weather to be shocked or not that his attack missed. With the way this Grand Magical Games fight had been playing out he should have assumed she'd dodge it. "Sad for me?" Gurren asked. "You don't need to feel sorry for me, I'm facing a strong opponent," he added with a grin. "Don't pull your punches on my account. Hitting me is the only way you're going to end this round."

Gurren's grin grew wider as Angel seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. Seconds later he felt her attack. Gurren was knocked back and laid in the sand beside his jacket. A smile rested on his unconscious face. A few minutes later Gurren came to. He picked up his jacket as he staggered to his feet. "My fire was no match for your speed, this time. I'll think up some new attacks for our rematch. In the mean time, if we end up teaming up...," Gurren said, before tossing his jacket onto his shoulder. "You're welcome to join Team Gurren."

Gurren started to hobble toward the Grand Magical Game infirmary with a determined look on his face. He would continue to fight his hardest during the Grand Magical Games. It didn't matter if he lost the games, he just wanted to fight strong opponents. He was fired up for the matches and events ahead.

Gurren paused to look at the other Fairy Tail wizards in the crowd. A surprised look appeared on his face before it was replaced with one of his grins. Unknown to Angel, Gurren had just seen the First Guildmaster of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermilion, smiling at him. Gurren smiled back and flashed a looking-your-way hand sign before continuing out of the arena. "Enjoy the show Master Mavis. It doesn't matter if I win or lose this thing, I'm going to bring honor to the Fairy Tail name."

Current Stance: Injured

Attack Roll: None

Possible Damage: 0

Defense Roll:


Damage taken: 130

Health: 0/130

Magic: 75/130
Winner: Angel

@Ivory Witch

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