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Fantasy Glaciers Of The Undead


༺𝔦π”ͺπ”ͺπ”¬π”―π”±π”žπ”© 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔒༻
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The cold has fled the world turning it into a world of ice and bitterness. A deadly virus spread all across the United States in an amount of weeks or even days. People or dying and lots of people are already dead. Everyone needs to find a way out of this mess you call life. The food is very scarce and water is extremely hard to find at this time, The best way to survive is gather people to help you get through the Plague and the frozen wonderland. There is others out there that will go against you and will fight you to win to live.


*Cussing is allowed


*No killing other characters unless you have their permission

*Posts must be at least a paragraph per post

*have fun

@JackSkellington wanna join??
Yay! ^^^
Yeah just fill out a character sheet! Bruh or however you create character sheets lol on the Character Sign- Up tab

The snow socked to window of broken building and ice glistened on the pavement but there was no sun over the world just darkness from the clouds. It was cold so cold that people were dying from frost bite and the horrible virus that was created in Atlanta the plague has started. Corpses are freezed to the point their dying off the more less of humans the more the undead die...permanently.

Aaron and her brother had thick coats on and torn up sneakers from all the running. They walked by people that were crying and shivering praying god to help them. There is nothing to believe in anymore. Aaron grinded her teeth literally tasting the dirty water on her tongue. "You know where we're going?" Aaron asked glancing up at her older brother with questions running through her head.

Kory looked down from the corners of his dark eyes and shrugged at her question. "I don't know sis, we'll find a place for tonight at least" he said turning his gaze towards the front of him blocking all the sound from around him. They kept walking until they reached an alleyway that seemed fair enough to sleep in. Aaron sat down on the hard cold ice almost slipping then Kory sat beside her they huddled together. You could hear the sound of the sharp breaths each time they breathed. "Do you know if anyone is alive?... Like people you know?".

Kory glanced down at his sister then closed his eyes kissing the top of her head "I don't know, Maybe we have to keep trying to get through, okay?" He said furrowing his dark brows at her "we need to gather a group to protect each other".

Jace walked down the slushy alley of puddled mud. His shoes squished in the snow as it got in his shoes and made his ankels cold. He breathed letting out the swirly white mist that blured his vision. He would cough, roughly, but he tried to cover his mouth with his coat sleeve. The alley he walked down was dark, and he couldn't see anything.

"Hello?" He said in sort of a hushed tone. When he didn't hear anything back he just slid down a brick wall and sat down. He sat there playing with his fingers, trying to close his eyes. He opened them and they adjusted to the dark. Looking around he could see what he thought were people. He studied harder, yes,they were two people, hudled together trying to get warm.

There was no use in trying to help people anymore. Everyone pretty much fended for themselves, unless they were lucky enough to have family.

Jace got up, he didn't want to sit, he wanted to walk until he found something that could help him. He held his machete in his hand gripping it tightly. One step after another and the people came into clear vision. He put his machete away into his backpack, and began walking past the two lost teens.
Kory and Aaron hear a voice call out just as the sound of shoes in mud came closer to them. Aaron reached for her knife in her back pocket of her torn up jeans with dirt surrounding the surface of them. "Hello?" A voice yelled down the echoing alleyway. Kory turned his view and directed his eyes towards the sound then back over to Aaron "don't?, how do we know if he's dangerous or not?" He asked looking at her intently then silenced her with a finger to her lip as a figure came into view a boy around late teens with dark hair, tall and muscular stood still peering down at them.

"What is there you want?" Kory asked shaking his head at Aaron who had the knife getting ready to fire then she held it down low seeing her breath in the thin freezing air. Kory stood up pulling her sister along with him "here take whatever you want I don't want any trouble" he offered holding up some goods and weapons in front of him flat on the palm of rough hands.



"What? No, no...I don't take stuff from people." Jace felt bad as he looked at their tired faces. He looked at their huddled bodies like magnets sticking togethen trying to stay warm from all the cold. He kneeled down getting a better look at the dirt smudged people. "Here." He said swinging his backpack off of his back and placing it in front of him. He reached his hand in and pulled out a can of pineapple. Reaching inside once more he pulled out a rock he had sharpened. Using the rock against the lid of the can he opened it. "Have this, I got a couple more so take it." He swung his backpack on his back. "Well...goodbye....." He began to walk away.

@The Divergent
Kory took the can hesitantly then handed It too his poor shivering sister Aaron staring up at the random boy who had gave them some can of pineapples. "Thank you!" He said thankfully then stood up and walked after him telling Aaron to stay there "wait a minute don't go, Do you have any place your heading too exactly?" He asked curiously not trying to sound weird then held his coat closer to him. He heard footsteps coming up behind them it was Aaron "We've been looking for others like you" he added with a hint of happiness in his eyes "What's your name sir?".

Jace stopped in his tracks and waited as the guy walked over to him. "No, i don't have any place to go, I just walk until i find shelter." Jace looked at the shivering boy in front of him. "People like me?" Jace asked. "Because I'm a nobody. But...my name is jace." He said with shattering teeth. He let out the cold air being held in his lungs. "What's yours?"

@The Divergent
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