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Realistic or Modern Gives You Hell (A Teenager-Summer Camp Roleplay)


Awesome Sauce


Summer... Everyone's favorite time of year. Why? Well, the answer is simple.There's no priso-I mean school. No high school.

And truth be told I miss you

And truth be told I'm lying

Of course, nothing can ever be perfect, right?In fact, your parents had signed you up for a summer camp.Little did you know, that some students from your high school were accepted as well. In fact, only students from your high school had been accepted. Isn't that weird? Maybe you know of them, or have actually talked to them! Of course, you aren't besties, and in fact, you might even be enemies.

Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself

Where'd it all go wrong?

But the list goes on and on

At Camp Whisper, you're words can always be heard. It might cause chaos, and it might cause companionship. Who knows? Maybe even romance will be thrown into the mix. There's also no counselors, and no adults here--they only organized it and made a pamphlet. It's basically teen-paradise.

Plus, there's an abundance of food and group-activities. Hopefully you like the people that you are with! Chances are, you won't like that one person, though... Maybe that girl who spread those rumors about you is there, or maybe that boy who once beat you up is there. What can go wrong, though? Well, multiple things. For one, there are hidden cameras, making it a reality show. Don't worry, there's none in your bedrooms or bathrooms. Plus there's a lake!

When you see my face

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell

When you walk my way

Hope it gives you hell

Hope it gives you hell


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