• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Gives You Hell (A Teenage-Summer Camp Roleplay) - Rules


Awesome Sauce

  1. No God-Modding (this should be obvious)
  2. Black out if there are things that would make others uncomfortable/Follow site rules
  3. Don't force someone else's character to do something they didn't have their character do. Example: Olivia and Jenna walked to the lake. They then both jumped in, where Jenna splashed Olivia. Olivia responded, "Hey! That's not fun!" Then, Olivia pushed Jenna under the water, where Jenna died. It's okay if you have them both walk or something, but you can't control all of their actions.
  4. Please write more than 1 sentence. I understand if you have writer's block, but sometimes 1 sentence just doesn't move the roleplay along
  5. Post a CS form. If you don't post one, then I'll ask you to leave.
  6. No arguing in the OOC tab. I understand if someone violates rule three, and if that happens, I'll warn them. If they continuously do it, then I'll ask them to leave.
  7. Be as cliché as you want, as long as your character isn't a complete Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
  8. Don't start the roleplay until I post the first roleplay start thing.
  9. I'd appreciate it if you used a realistic image for the CS, but if you have a drawing that you'd like to use, OOC me or PM me and I might okay it. :)
  10. If someone doesn't respond immediately to your post that you're interacting with, then you can always have in the RP that your character leaves them and goes to interact with a different character.
  11. Please tell me if you'll be gone for over 1-1 1/2 week(s)
  12. Try to keep the gender roles even please!! If you see a lot of girls, then make a guy! Same if it's vice versa.
  13. Don't steal all of the attention. Include everyone. :)
  14. Don't forget to check out the locations tab!
  15. Have fun! :)
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