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Request Give me your OC's![Closed]


Just an imp in a harlequin hat
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I usually hyperfixate and draw one OC which is great as I get really good at drawing that one character but I want to try expending my horizons a little more. Post a visual reference of your OC and I'll do an unspecified number of sketches of people's OC's. (I may line or color, I'm just going on vibes on how much interest this gets and as time allows) A couple lines describing a personality or key aspects of your character you don't want liberties taken with would also be nice!

Here's some examples of my art below:
please.png lycoris.png

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An actual example of my sketching done just today! The girl on the right is KingMarion's Marie!
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This is an oc of mine, hunter. This is from a while ago, and I suck at drawing, but its the basic foundations
Here’s my splatoon nonbinary inkling OC! They use They/He pronouns.
Their name is Draco, I’m still trying to develop their personality more so I don’t have a lot to say, except they’re more on the shy side.IMG_3212.png
Hallo! Here is mine! The art isn’t mine; I just yoinked it from Pinterest. Librarian is a robot-like oc of mine for Isekai Hell (He/Him, but doesn’t mind too much when misgendered on accident). I haven’t used him much, but his main goal is to pursue knowledge and occasionally make friends along the way! As his sheet states: “Librarian, though tireless, isn't cold or emotionless. He befriends scholars, adventurers, and anyone else he finds on his journey. He shares his vast repository of knowledge freely, sparking revolutions in science and art. But he remains an enigma, ever searching, ever learning, driven by an unknown creator's purpose and his own insatiable curiosity.” He does not believe in any higher power, but he wishes that after death, is a library full of endless knowledge, Library of Babel-type stuff. He started as a mindless machine, but after reading more and more books, signs, pretty much anything with letters, his intellect grew and grew to that of a human, maybe a little farther.

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This is an oc of mine, hunter. This is from a while ago, and I suck at drawing, but its the basic foundations
I made him a muscle elfy because I'm guessing he's a blacksmith? Hope you like it!

Hallo! Here is mine! The art isn’t mine; I just yoinked it from Pinterest. Librarian is a robot-like oc of mine for Isekai Hell (He/Him, but doesn’t mind too much when misgendered on accident). I haven’t used him much, but his main goal is to pursue knowledge and occasionally make friends along the way! As his sheet states: “Librarian, though tireless, isn't cold or emotionless. He befriends scholars, adventurers, and anyone else he finds on his journey. He shares his vast repository of knowledge freely, sparking revolutions in science and art. But he remains an enigma, ever searching, ever learning, driven by an unknown creator's purpose and his own insatiable curiosity.” He does not believe in any higher power, but he wishes that after death, is a library full of endless knowledge, Library of Babel-type stuff. He started as a mindless machine, but after reading more and more books, signs, pretty much anything with letters, his intellect grew and grew to that of a human, maybe a little farther.

Hello hello! I thank you for your interest. Since thiiiiis technically isn't art of your character would you be ok with me taking some liberties with the design? I'd feel a little weird about it otherwise. (I've also never drawn mech before so I can't guarantee the results but I'll try skskherksh)
View attachment 1163447
I made him a muscle elfy because I'm guessing he's a blacksmith? Hope you like it!

Hello hello! I thank you for your interest. Since thiiiiis technically isn't art of your character would you be ok with me taking some liberties with the design? I'd feel a little weird about it otherwise. (I've also never drawn mech before so I can't guarantee the results but I'll try skskherksh)
Here’s my splatoon nonbinary inkling OC! They use They/He pronouns.
Their name is Draco, I’m still trying to develop their personality more so I don’t have a lot to say, except they’re more on the shy side.View attachment 1163355

My style is a bit more... semi-realistic and I don't draw this cartoony often but I think it came out well! I only had shy to go on so I hope he looks good!
Ahh! I'm glad you love him so much! :3:
I'll give this a try. This OC is actually an alter ego for another character. His name under this disguise is Marcus Blitson. I suggest to draw him a 1920's outfit.


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Hello hello! I thank you for your interest. Since thiiiiis technically isn't art of your character would you be ok with me taking some liberties with the design? I'd feel a little weird about it otherwise. (I've also never drawn mech before so I can't guarantee the results but I'll try skskherksh)
Feel free to take liberties! Like you said, technically not art of my character, so be free!

Also, if mech is too hard for you, you could make like a human version of him! Either is fine with me.
Feel free to take liberties! Like you said, technically not art of my character, so be free!

Also, if mech is too hard for you, you could make like a human version of him! Either is fine with me.

Here we are, one robot lad! It's my first time drawing a mech and it's kinda cool but gosh so much harder to freeball it ahaha!
Alright! Then I’ll give you my second one now:

He’s actually a beastkin/beastfolk, like a bipedal cheetah. Not sure if you can draw beastfolk so if not I don’t mind if you make a human version of him instead.

Image Reference (This was art generated by a someone for me, I don’t have any own sketches of him yet): IMG_3246.jpegIMG_3247.png

Name: Leander Lux

A ranger wielding a bow and arrows.

He grew up as an orphan resulting in his low self esteem, however his personality is pretty much what you would call "hippie" he’s laidback and relaxed on the outside, but at times it’s the opposite on the inside, where he worries too much over stuff. Most importantly he believes in everything good and he is pretty much a black and white thinker, believing everything is either bad or good and he’s naive enough to think that all bad must be removed, even though the truth is that he can never remove all the evil from the world.
Is the double tail an AI goof or does he actually have two?
I'm guessing the 6 fingers is also AI. There are some interesting ideas incorporating the grasses with the ranger clothes tho so I can work with that
I didn’t notice it, but yeah that’s AI goofing! xD
Allow me to offer up my characters:

This is Uro (gorgeous art by AtomBombBaby AtomBombBaby ), exiled prince of a ruined kingdom in a now post-apocalyptic setting. Terrible monsters roam the dead earth, he's been cursed into a quasi-demon, and even though he's the last of his line now, there's no kingdom left to speak of. Thieves and marauders and holy knights who serve no lord rule his wasted planet. Uro was sweet and sly in his youth; I daresay he's just tired now. I encourage you to take liberties with any portion of his design, if you wish, especially his outfit.

If you're looking for more of a challenge, I don't have any art yet for Uro's counterpart, Aeshi, but I do have two very conflicting AI inspirations (courtesy of Pinterest).


The idea is a cursed yet holy entity (depending on how you define any of those terms) tasked by some deity (who either doesn't exist, has forsaken the planet, or is dead) to restore balance to the world. Aeshi's got no idea how to do any of that, but they're ludicrously powerful and they've decided to start by cutting down anyone in their path and starting the world anew.

Aeshi's startlingly vicious, naïve, yet often kind — because they are supposed to be a force of good, even if they're a bit misguided on how to get there.

If you go for this, I truly applaud — even a sketch I can't imagine merging those two designs, and of course, the liberties are yours to take.
Created through Picrew ! This fella has been dubbed Inky. While potentially off putting, he’s been born to a forest as its keeper and as a guide. Mostly for the young humans who tend to get lost within it while playing, but any one in need of guidance through the woods is eventually sought out by Inky.
I’d describe his personality as curious, as he’s a fairly young creation. Kind, though perhaps has odd ways of showing it. Not exactly stoic, but not a talker.

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