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Fandom Gijinka Manor

Having finished her breakfast, Lora continued her routine, heading straight to the training grounds. She didn't want to encounter many people, especially after the fitful sleep she had, so she decided to take the least traveled route. Rounding a corner, she was met with the sight of Jupiter sitting against the wall, a book in their hands. She nodded in their direction, still humming under her breath as she passed. Out of the corner of her eye though, she saw what Jupiter was reading. "Good book." Lora commented as she recognized the familiar sentences on the page, before exiting the manor. She wasn't sure how to comfort the Flaffy gijinka after they had been bullied by some of the others, but she hoped that made Jupiter feel slightly better.

Roughly ten minutes passed before she finally made it to the training grounds. Considering the fact that she and the other gijinka were in hiding, it wasn't much: just a few trees, a small pond, and a somewhat large clearing, a few boulders on the sides. Letting the psychic energy flow through her, Lora slowly made one of the boulders float, the strain of it making sweat gather on her brow. Although it was good training, the process would be better if she had a partner to train with...

The Gardevoir gijinka shook her head. The last thing she wanted was someone commenting about how she looked like a zombie because of a lack of good sleep right now.

ScreamingAtLightningBugs ScreamingAtLightningBugs
Slightly startled, Jupiter paused their doodling before looking up. They only caught a small look at Lora before looking back down at the book. Lora was nice. Calm and peaceful, could sing real nice as well. It made Jupiter think of what talents they had to make them so special, or what a redeeming quality this ball of anxiety would have. Nothing really came to mind...

The Flaaffy looked back up to see where Lora went. They figured the Gardevoir headed to the training grounds, which was the most reasonable place to go over there for. After much debate, they stood up to go join Lora. Maybe they could talk a little or something. Before they started walking, the book was snatched out of Jupiter's hands. Asura was back.

"Wow, you sure do like to doodle a lot, don't you Mareep?" Asura said in a slight, mocking tone. Jupiter started to shake again. There was nothing they could do to get it back, at least nothing they knew of.
Alistair finished his food as people were finishing up, taking his plate and starting on the dishes, since it took him the least amount of time out of everyone. Once he was done with the dishes, Alistair headed out to decide on what to do today. He looked around towards the training grounds, before spotting Jupiter being picked on by Asura. He fumed slightly, not liking the bigger gijinka bullying the smaller gijinka, and walked up behind Asura. With a swift blow to the back of Asura's head, not really damaging, but definitely attention grabbing, Alistair crossed his arms, glowering down at the smaller gijinka. "That's not very nice of you," he stated. "Return the book." His tone carried the threat of 'or else'.
Noam sighed softly as he made his way outside, silently wondering when the manor had become so rowdy. He supposed it was technically a good thing, more gijinkas were finding safety there, after all. Still, he missed the days when he could read indoors without being disturbed. He enjoyed reading outside, but it was annoying when it rained. Losing himself to his thoughts, the Absol gijinka made his way down a well-known forest path to sit beneath his favourite willow tree.
Evelyn had just awoke from sleeping. Leo had been awake, but he had been waiting for Evelyn to wake before going anywhere. "Hey Le-Le." Evelyn said tiredly. "Goodmornin' sleepyhead. Ready to get something to eat?" Leo asked as he got up from his bed. He put down his book on the table beside him as Evelyn nodded. Leo picked little Evelyn up and finally came out of his room. He walked over to the kitchen with a straight face. Evelyn on the other had had a huge smile on her face while on Leo's back.
The Typhlosion gijinka sighed as she entered the kitchen with not only her dirty dishes, but those that belonged to her younger brother. Just as she walked in someone else was making their exit. Leaving Tempest to grumble to herself as she set the dishes in the sink and started to run some hot water. Rolling up her sleeve and adding some dish soap into the water, the young woman cleaned the plates and forks. Instead of drying them with a towel however, Tempest decided to use a quicker method. Holding the items in her hands flames engulfed them quickly before vanishing just as fast. With the plates and forks now dry she put them back in their designated cabinet and drawer.

Walking out of the kitchen Tempest rolled her single sleeve down as she caught sight of some late comers making their way towards the dining area. Red orbs glanced towards the bit of food still left out. The eggs and potatoes no doubt were cold by now. No one would want to eat it that way. So out of silence, Tempest felt like doing a minor good deed. Walking over to the food she placed her hands on the pans that held the previously warm food. Then without hesitation, the Typhlosion sent a wave of heat into them. Not hot enough to burn the food, but enough to get it warm again. Still silent, she began walking away from it, glancing at the man and young girl. Hopefully she didn't screw up, Arceus knows that not everyone else here was a fan of hers.
(Mentions: Noivian Noivian & K Koolcat113 )
Zaria had finished her breakfast rather quickly, jumping up when she did. She decided to just walk around the manor a bit, due to being rather bored. Her eyes darted to what seemed to be a Garchomp, Flaaffy and Arceus Gijinkas. The Garchomp had took the Flaaffy's book, and the Arceus tried getting it back for her? That's what she understood, at least. The Zorua Gijinka approached the three, curious of what was going to happen next.
Asura rolled her eyes. "Alright, jeez big guy. So imposing and scary," she said, mumbling the last part mockingly under her breath. She handed back back to Jupiter, who held it closely to their chest. Asura scoffed at Zaria's appearance slightly while she turned to leave. That kind of curiosity could get a person killed... she thought. As the Garchomp left, Jupiter uttered a silent kind of thank you to Alistair.
Zaria blinked, watching the whole scene. The Zorua Gijinka decided to follow Asura. She walked a bit quicker to get to her before she fully left to wherever she was going. "What the hell is your problem?" She asked simply, not seeming even a bit hesitant as she spoke, looking up to the other, her arms crossed.
Asura stopped, looking at Zaria with a sort of glare. "Well gee, I dunno, why don't you tell me yours? I heard about what happened at the table. You just don't know when to calm down, do you? You made the sheep uncomfortable yourself, but you didn't pay any attention to it. Maybe you should work on fixing yourself instead of critiquing others first, yeah?"
"Well, I didn't exactly mean to make her uncomfortable. Unlike you. You did it intentionally." She huffed, shaking her head. "Plus, you do it to like, most people. Y'should really stop." Zaria sighed. "Just because y'older and stuff don't mean you can.. like.. be a bully." She said with a shrug.
She turned away with a huff. "Yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat, kid. Now excuse me but I believe I was going to go about my business until you interrupted me for this useless talk," Asura said as she resumed her walk. Goodness was that Zoura starting to get annoying.
Blake sighed to himself as he wondered around the manor, unsure of what to do today. Training was our of the question due to his dislike of fighting, which was completely opposite of his older sister. Maybe he could find a book to read somewhere, or maybe go for a walk outside. The Quilava gijinka huffed out of slight frustration. This was a quite the connundrum he had on his mind. Eventually though, Blake would figure out something to do to fill his boredom. After a bit of thinking the boy finally came up with the decision to go wondering outside near the manor. So upon arriving to the backdoor the fire-type slipped out. Heading towards the tree line nearby.
Chi saw the commotion go down in the cafeteria , she slightly giggled before going out and following Asura. As she followed her , she couldn't help but to toy with her so she used shadow sneak on Asura to get right behind her on her shadow " hi Asura I see you still haven't changed " she winked at her before disappearing into the shadows then jumping out on her back again
ScreamingAtLightningBugs ScreamingAtLightningBugs
Asura shrugged with a toothy grin. "What can I say? The sheep's easy to mess with," she said, much nicer to Chi than anyone else so far. The Garchomp had gotten attached to her friend in a way she didn't entirely understand yet. She didn't mind, though, Chi was nice to hang around. Asura couldn't push everyone away.
Chi smiled at her friend " hey Asura guess what I did to your room " she giggled before acting very serious " I fixed it up and I moved a blanket and a few other things in there for tonight.." she said seriously " if that's OK with you ...if it's not I'm still gonna stay with you for tonight that is..." She blushed lightly as she walked beside her. " hey did you ever find someone who could stand up to you " she asked
ScreamingAtLightningBugs ScreamingAtLightningBugs
The gijinka rolled her eyes at Chi's stubbornness. That was one of the good traits about her, at least in Asura's view. "Yep," she answered. "And she's walking right next to me, also just happens to be a close friend of mine." Why did it feel so weird to say that? It shouldn't. They were friends. They both accepted that. It should feel normal after years of saying it but... something still lingered. What? She couldn't place it.

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Noam sighed softly as he made his way outside, silently wondering when the manor had become so rowdy. He supposed it was technically a good thing, more gijinkas were finding safety there, after all. Still, he missed the days when he could read indoors without being disturbed. He enjoyed reading outside, but it was annoying when it rained. Losing himself to his thoughts, the Absol gijinka made his way down a well-known forest path to sit beneath his favourite willow tree.
With a long, drawn out sigh Tempest decided to go outside. She had a feeling nobody inside the manor at the moment would speak to her, but perhaps being away from everyone else wouldn't hurt. Never did before. Pushing open the front door the young woman made her way towards the woods that encased the manor. Protecting it from those who seeked to hurt her kind. The fun part about it was that it seemingly stretched for miles and miles without ending, or so she thought. As sh walked through the trees rather aimlessly, the Typhlosion gijinka placed her hands on the back of her head for support while gazing up towards the mid morning sky. Becoming lost in her own thoughts.

Minutes went by before the young woman snapped back into reality. Once she did, Tempest found herself in a small clearing with a rather large willow tree as its main landmark. Looking around she noticed where she came from, and the tradition path that had been beaten into the earth. "I guess I took a road less traveled on," she murmured softly to herself. Silently, the Typhlosion made her way over to the tree. Examining it with her eyes before slipping out of her sandals. After she managed to get a good hold on one of the low hanging branches, Tempest started climbing. Coming to a stop when she managed to find a sturdy enough branch to sit on, located higher up in the tree. With her back to the trunk, the red eyed woman gazed at the leaves.
Ocean123 Ocean123
Noam was so absorbed in his book, it was unlikely he would have noticed much of anything that went on around him. He knew the area so well, he didn't need to look up to know when to duck below a branch, settling down in a groove in the trunk that seemed like it could have grown around his form over the years.

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Alistair fixed Asura with a pointed look as she left, but smiled down at Jupiter. “It’s no problem. If anyone ever gives you trouble, come to me. Don’t ever worry about bothering me - it’s really no trouble.”
"B-But..." Jupiter closed their mouth. They really didn't want to be a bother to Alistair. He surely had more important things to take care of, right? "I'd... ra-rather uh... start t-t-trying to defend my-myself..." Of course they couldn't defend themselves! What were they saying? Whatever, at least it deflected Alistair's offer. Her mind then drifted off to a new reading spot. Somewhere in the forest might be nice...

Noivian Noivian
“Well... at least let me help train you to defend yourself. I’d feel bad if there was something I could do but didn’t do it.”
Jupiter was startled. H-Help me train? Isn't he a god??? They took a moment to collect their thoughts before speaking again. "W-Well... I woul-wouldn't want t-to be any trouble..."
Noam was so absorbed in his book, it was unlikely he would have noticed much of anything that went on around him. He knew the area so well, he didn't need to look up to know when to duck below a branch, settling down in a groove in the trunk that seemed like it could have grown around his form over the years.

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Thanks to being engaged into mindlessly staring at the swaying of the weeping willow's vines and leaves, the tatted up gijinka didn't notice Noam approaching the tree. As she sat in the tree Tempest grew a relaxed smile on her face. Ears pressing against her head as the wind found its way to her. Though the breeze was weak, thanks to the vines, it was still nice nonetheless. However, the pollen that found a way to the young woman was beginning to tickle her sinuses. After about a minute and a half of fighting the urge to, Tempest finally let out a sneeze. Giving her presence away to the young man sitting below her branch.
Ocean123 Ocean123
Alistair simply beamed happily. “Nonsense!! I wouldn’t have offered if it was any trouble!” He made a motion to ruffle Jupiter’s hair in a fatherly manner, but paused, not wanting to startle it make Jupiter any more uncomfortable. “So, should we work on verbal defense first or physical defense?”

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