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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

Apparently hes going to have her toting that massive minigun and holding a rocket launcher with a 'come hither' look about her face. Hes still working on that expression though. Hes better at living things than I am at drawing them so he has license to try his heart until it explodes..
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Well I'm back from my supposed deathbed. As far as I could read on what I've been missing in the last five days is something happening with Jarkov malachai and Atoms absence.

I'm going to read in the ICR for now.

*Edit* Crap baskets. I still can't intervene with anything or anyone :/
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NeoLeaf said:
Well I'm back from my supposed deathbed. As far as I could read on what I've been missing in the last five days is something happening with Jarkov malachai and Atoms absence.
I'm going to read in the ICR for now.

*Edit* Crap baskets. I still can't intervene with anything or anyone :/
Why can't you? Why not plot out a side event or something? You don't have to stick with just Ira.

@Jarkov Malachai That all of this line killed me given who was saying it xD
Well I have a number of things planned in case we have 'visitors' to The galaxy that Jarkov's species, as well as my own are present. Hmmm... a side plot... I don't know. I haven't exactly done a side plot without screwing up something, most of it due to bunnying or godmoding. If I were to make a side plot I'd love to know what I can go overboard with or what I make miniscule to the whole ordeal.

What we have as a start is that we now know that there are other empires - mostly dangerous ones. I am on board with Jarkov's pirate treasure journey with the use of Ira. but i haven't exactly thought about myself thus far. I have a number of ideas but we could go through it through PM.


We do too have lives >:T - I'm a Gamer, I have several lives :D

Night, braws
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NeoLeaf said:
Well I have a number of things planned in case we have 'visitors' to The galaxy that Jarkov's species, as well as my own are present. Hmmm... a side plot... I don't know. I haven't exactly done a side plot without screwing up something, most of it due to bunnying or godmoding. If I were to make a side plot I'd love to know what I can go overboard with or what I make miniscule to the whole ordeal.
What we have as a start is that we now know that there are other empires - mostly dangerous ones. I am on board with Jarkov's pirate treasure journey with the use of Ira. but i haven't exactly thought about myself thus far. I have a number of ideas but we could go through it through PM.


We do too have lives >:T - I'm a Gamer, I have several lives :D

Night, braws
If you shoot me a message you can bounce stuff at me and I'll tell you what's good and not. How's that?
Im waiting for @Romulus VenZiel (if he has and I didn't get a notice imma be pissed) because all my characters are tied up with him.

I truly am sorry... if he doesn't do anything by tonight ill just kill the rest of his Dreadnaughts, rip the info from Holly's mind and get back to you. Its not right for him to keep you land locked this long my good sir.
I think I can post around the weekend if we are finished with the discussion.

By the looks of it the conversation had went well and I've been given some ideas on what I could make my faction do and not do.
im always working on sci-fi shit.

Right now im trying to figure out for my treasure hunt If I can Use the Relics of The Final Sybill. Which one would be to OP, how can I fix that? Which ones are to UP for a faction based rp and if so how can I boost that? Things as of the like, im oh so ready to get more ships and the like and *grins* more Dredge
Basicly his version of SCP Containment Breach.

GreenEyedStranger said:
Bring more souls, slayers of demons.
Also, what exactly is a dredge?
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The guys were so surprised when I told them I had never heard of that game and/or website. The Dredge are my lovelies, totally original creations
This should fill you in - I listen to this every night before I go to bed *wink*



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