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Ghastly lands

Darn it! She thought the man would stay sound asleep. Katie turned around with a vile look on her face, she had not forgotten his actions the day before, and now was a good time to yell at him, to distract him from catching her feeding. She took three graceful steps towards the necromancer, and poke his chest hard.

"You bloody madman! What part of don't kill yourself did you not comprehend? Don't think I did not see the amount of beasts you summoned to our aid! Don't think I forgot that you gave me the extra energy when you needed it, you blasted fool! If you die, what then? I'm left alone, with a corpse of my once-partner! I don't care about the mission, your safety comes first you-" Katie switched to Faerie tongue, however it was clear she was cursing at him.

When she was done, she looked at the man with her face flush. She held a glare for a while, but her stomach growled. She looked surprised, the sound catching her off guard.
The necromancer staggered a step back, almost falling over, as the faerie started to scold him. The power of that lone finger was almost enough to push Paian to the ground. Damn. The Revenants' abilities were really something else.

He hung his head low, even if he didn't exactly felt guilty. After all, the woman herself ordered him to take care of the hell fiends while she took on the fiend lord. All of his magic was needed for such a task. And his safety was secondary after the mission - after the commandments. There was no real need to call him names. Even if there were so many monsters, there were also enough heroic spirits to aid his magic... although the golem might have been excessive. The necromancer instinctively touched his chest. His soul flame was low now... and the poke hurt.

He sighed, and hid a smile when he heard the growling noise.

"I apologize for my carelessness, my lady. I still suggest that you should eat. I shall prepare you some food. Please, Katie..." he tried to smile. He still felt something was off, and that made him even more worried for the woman... Paian moved, holding out his hand. "I'm sure I can cook something suitable for your taste..."
Katie almost gasped when he staggered as he did. She poked him hard, but not that hard. Her mind wandered for a brief moment-- Kooth had been extremely powerful, and he made her what he was, maybe- At the mention of food her stomach growled again, and her mouth watered.

"You can cook, Paian? Anything with meat, I'm starving!" It was almost startling how kind Paian was to her, albeit he was most likely afraid of her. Her mind wandered to Paian, his arcane powers might result in him discovering what happened to her. Phantoms pains appeared when she remembered Kooth breaking her ribs, she almost gasped aloud.

She walked back to the inner sanctum, and sat back on the altar, watching the necromancer cook, her mind lost in thought. Her armor lay in front of the Altar, dirtied and broken. She could see Paian's spirit, it was so small and faded. She pitied the man, why would he practice a magic that killed him? After the thought, she nearly laughed aloud. As a revenant she had literally killed herself once, and here she was wondering why he would do something similar.
The necromancer smiled as he followed back the woman. Seemed like the revenant was just as eager on food as every champion he knew.

“Yes, my lady. They say it is more than edible; we shall see your opinion soon” he chuckled, moving slowly. He still needed to lean on his staff, and he idly wondered why he was so weak. But after all, he raised an army not so long ago… he knew his soul flame was barely flickering now.

Well. Food shall help that, too, and maybe it would calm down Katie, too. Paian knelt down by the stairs to his backpack, pulling out the small cauldron and the food rations. Setting up a small, magical fire was barely more than a trick, and soon, water boiled in the cauldron.

He only had smoked meat, but he thought it would suffice. Vegetables, barley and cheese, and spices… he pulled out some herbs, too, smiling. This won’t be a healing potion, but it would still do some good… he barely felt his fingers, but he managed to chop up the meat and the vegetables into neat cubes with a silver knife, even without cutting his hand again.

It was hard to cook while he had to concentrate on staying upright, but the knowledge that Katie was watching him made him a bit more confident. He worked fast, stirring in the barley and the herbs and spices, then the meat and vegetables. It was tiring, and he felt a dull ache, but he had to focus on the food so it won’t burn… the pain was disturbing, though, and his movements were a bit more jerky than he wanted.

After this, maybe he should sleep…

The necromancer checked whether the barley was soft, and when he found it perfect, he nodded, a bit happier. He dipped a spoon into the hulled barley, and motioned for the woman, smiling even dizzily.

“Here, my lady. Would you care to taste it? I can still change the seasoning now…”
Katie noticed he was struggling. This was not the same type of fatigue, this was from an injury. Katie got up and took three steps to the necromancer. She walked behind him, ignoring and reaction he had. A red stain on his back, blood.

"You idiot, you didn't tell me you were wounded!" Katie called out with both anger and concern apparent in her voice. She removed his garments on his upper body, revealing his frail white frame. Thew wound on his back was, very shockingly, not infected. It seemed to have been made by an axe, yet Katie did not recall any of the fiends wielding weapons.

"What did this to you? This is a fresh cut yet i did not see any axe wielders in the battle!" Katie wanted to smack him but the mix of his magic exhaustion, and physical wound served punishment enough. Katie didn't know any healing magic, but she did know basic first aid. The Fae treated his wound gingerly, afraid to cause anymore damage. She wrapped it in clean fabric torn from the shirt she wore when she faced kooth.

Kooth. Rage boiled inside her heart, just as black sludge pumped through it painfully. Katie sighed deeply, and got up to get food. Her stomach grumbled as she looked into her bowl She ate her food with her hands, like an animal. Katie was absolutely starved, and the food was absolutly amazing!
Paian flinched as the revenant yelled at him; he was way too absorbed into cooking to realize what she was talking about first, besides, he entirely forgot about that wound. Well. That kind of explained the pain and dizziness; he remembered now how he used the blood for creating a flesh golem alongside his bone warriors…Surprisingly, Katie sounded like truly angered and concerned, and concern was new. The necromancer smiled.

“I’m sorry… it completely slipped out of my mind. I was worried for you, my lady… I think it is negligible…”

Evidently, the revenant didn’t share his opinion, as she was quick to tear down his jacket and shirt… she was grumbling, and looked very angry, so Paian didn’t dare to oppose her treating his wound, even if it hurt like hell. He winced again at the woman’s angry words.

“There was one. I think it was a human once… it seemed horribly deformed. I think whatever was that purple thing in this chapel was corrupting poor soul… at least the axe was enveloped by its fire… but… most likely… there is no reason for you to worry, my lady. I’m resistant… against most poisons…” he clenched his teeth as Katie started to bandage him up. “Thank you, my lady…”

The necromancer sighed as he was released. At least the revenant seemed to be quite appreciative of his cooking. He smiled, although was a bit disdained with the woman’s eating style. He was fairly sure faes had better eating manners.

Paian just heaped his bowl, sticking a spoon in it, and deposited it right next to Katie, so she could eat more. He wasn’t that hungry, so he only ate from his mug, leaning against the stairs. He felt really tired, though… he glanced up, watching the woman. He felt close to passing out again… he swallowed, looking up at the revenant.

“Would you please tell me what happened, my lady?... I found you inside, injured…. but that energy gone… well, mostly gone. I’ve felt that it injured you, Katie. Whatever it as… it tainted you, sorry to say this… I can still taste that power in you… I’m worried. I apologize for my rudeness, but I am… really concerned about you, my lady…”
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Katie finished her food, and quickly started his-- this time utilizing the spoon. It was marvelous, even though it was hastily prepared, Paian was a phenomenal cook, each bite made her reconsider her distrust towards him. It was when he asked her what happened that she almost choked on her food.

"What happened?" She asked, trying to think of something quick. "Well there was an Echor Fae, a faerie vampire who fed on a lot of demons. His name is Kooth, very evil man." She tried hard to keep her voice steady, although she was a terrible liar. "He attacked me, I lost, end of story. I think he escaped, I'm not sure." Katie finished her food, and set the plate down. She had to move away from Paian, afraid if he saw her, he would detect her lie.
The necromancer was almost happy to get an answer, not even suspecting he wasn’t getting the entire truth. He somehow understood the concept of lies, either by words or omission, but he never really experienced it. The Spirit Queen made a hasty effort to teach them about the outside world, but she didn’t dwell on subjects deemed less important. So Paian didn’t realize that the revenant lied to him – and he still knew something was off.

An Echor Fae. That was horrible news – even more so since it definitely got away, that purple energy was gone mostly. He was lying there unconscious, not being there to help, and the Echor Fae defeated Katie, tainting her with his power. Maybe a curse, most likely to weaken the revenant. The remaining purple was still there in the woman’s body.

The necromancer held a waterskin filled with herb-infused water towards Katie, thoughts wandering.

“Kooth? That is an old name. Let’s hope its owner is not so old, because if it is, we are in more trouble than I would wish to know.” he said, softly. He was fairly sure that the strange, purple tasting magic eating away the revenant’s silverish green one was a curse laid by the creature. “I apologize profusely for leaving you face him alone, my lady. Forgive me; I'm sure he escaped, I was... well, unconscious while you fought him, and still not awake when he may have left. The energy is mostly gone, though. I think the Echor Fae managed to place a curse on you, I taste that foul power still… or maybe it poisoned you when he tore up your chest… I know something is not right, and this makes me worried. Even for a faerie, that wound must hurt… would you let me rebandage it? I have no chance to heal you now, my lady, but I’m sure our healers could. Maybe… since we technically cleansed the village, and I made some rituals to appease their spirits… could we head back to Citadel, then maybe to the Blood Spiraea? Someone who knows a lot about demon-torn wounds should be able to help…”
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Katie sighed deeply. She did not wish to tell Paian, but it seemed he saw the corruption within her body. Kooth's blood bonded to her own, even now she could feel it. She wondered though, would this really be so bad? She consumed souls regardless, this was they died rather than passed on, but what did she care? She was stronger and fast now, that much she knew. Her power would grow exponentially like Kooth's own had done over the years. She could slay more demons than ever before. Another little voice in her said whispered, "at what cost?" At what cost indeed? Souls she ate would die, she would become power hungry, even now she could feel the intoxication from the power she already possessed. Should would lose what humanity she had left, and become a power-driven mad-woman like Kooth had become. Was that really worth it?

"We will go to the Bone Spiraea, all will be clear there. I jut ask when you see to cleaning my body, you keep it discrete from the order." Katie sighed, she had never liked lying, but it seemed she intended to do it again. She packed their things into their packs and prepared her recall stone. Paian was obviously in no condition to be moving freely, so she made sure the necromancer did not.

"I appreciate everything you did, although I am mad you almost killed yourself." She smiled as she turned her head, so he couldn't see. Little more than a day they had known each other, yet she cared for the man. She still thought he was inherently creepy as a necromancer, but that was easily overlooked by his consideration in combat, and extreme willingness to do what was needed to be done.

Katie helped Paian walk out to the village, where the battle had taken place. It smelled foul, and Katie was glad to be leaving this place. Katie drew a basic circle in the bloodied dirt with her finger tipped in spectral energy, and held the stone in front of her. It was black with a green swirl of energy inside. The crystal floated and adjusted itself for a moment in the air, and in the blink of an eye the duo was transported back to the Citadel.

It took Katie several seconds to reorient herself from the teleportation. It was unlike blink. Blink simply moved you, teleportation requires the user to be broken down at a molecular level, being moved, then put back together. Unsurprisingly, Paian was out cold when he rematerialized, the teleportation had a way of sapping strength, which he had little of left. Katie held the light man in her arms, and carried him out of the Citadel. Revenants came and went for months at a time, so most revenants did not even know each other personally, and did not talk to each other much. Katie did not speak a word as she carried the Necromancer back to the Bone spiraea. The bone golems did not stop her from entering, seeing the necromancer in her arms.

"Hold on Paian, soon we will both be better. She felt the sludge course through her veins painfully, and sighed. She was honestly afraid of what the necromancers would do to her, they had a bad reputation lately. She took her first step through the doors.
“Of course, my lady. As far as I know, your Spectre Order is not fond of our habit to not to kill first and ask permission later, anyway.”

Paian was trying to smile. He really did. It was just that his body wasn’t really obedient right now… he could barely curl his lips. Even with the wound cleaned, his back hurt like hell. The feeling weakened him even more.

“And for the record… I did not try to kill myself. I just merely not counted on one of them being human…”

It was pathetic, having to be helped just to walk, to be honest, it was a bit humiliating, even if that was eased a bit by the fact how nice Katie was to him. She really took care of everything, from packing to help him walk… even if she herself was injured. The man attempted another smile freely. He still thought the revenant was mean, but that almost seemed endearing now. No matter what she said, Katie still acted nice. He liked her more and more, even with the rough handling…

This time, teleportation really took everything out of him, almost literally, and the necromancer collapsed arriving, as hot pain flashed through his back. Everything went black before his eyes.

The Bone Spiraea flower covered walls reacted to the unfamiliar presence as the demon-infected faerie entered inside, the bridewort trembling expectantly. One of the champions stepped out to the corridor from a conjuring room, a tall, angelic blond man with violet eyes, his muscular form clad in bone-coloured armour. He hissed from surprise as he saw them, hurrying to the woman worried.

“What happened, Lady Revenant?” his voice sounded concerned for both of them. He reached out to take the necromancer’s limp form from the faerie’s arms, if she let him. “I will usher you to the healers now…”

He looked over the woman again, eyes glowing from the grey of spirit power going even narrower as he realized what is off. His face changed a bit, but only his expression of concern deepened – no anger, no fear, nothing else, just worry.

“Follow me, my lady. Do you think you can climb a few flight of stairs?” he asked, voice husky. “I reckon you both need help right now, but most of us is… currently engaged with something else to fight.”

His words were supported by the noises from the rooms – the corridors resounded from the sounds of battles, simulated and real, demonic hisses and growls mixing into voices chanting. It was quite a busy day, from the sound of it.

“I’m sure Auntie Kaele will be able to help you, but she cannot really come down here. You can take my true name as assurance we won’t hurt you; I am Rionn. Conjure by it at will, but I beg you to hurry if you can. If you need assistance, I will try to pull out a friend from the fight…”
Katie sighed deeply. Looks like she was at the mercy of the Bone Spiraea, but she wasn't scared. If anything she was worried, but for Paian. He was so weakened, physically and mentally. Katie watched at the necromancer carried Paian away, and as much as she wanted to follow she resisted. She needed to go find this Auntie Kaele person to help cure her of her Echor disease.

The next year fled by quickly for Katie. The necromancer's worked tirelessly to cure her of her Echor Disease. It took three days to cleanse her body of the vile sickness. Katie shivers as she recalled the pain of the cleaning ritual. She had not seen Paian since Rionn took him from her arms. If she would be honest with herself, she missed him dreadfully, especially his cooking. Once Katie returned to the Citadel, she reported to Arbiter Lyon Hawke. She decided to leave out the part where she had become an Echor Fae herself, the necromancer's agreed to keep that a secret from the order. She explained to the arbiter how Kooth had slaughtered the village and raised the army of fiends in the remains. He posted a bounty for Kooth of the top threat level, but there had been no activity from him since Katie's run in with him. She put in a request to join the redeemers, which was approved. She needed more power to defeat Kooth, who she had come to loath.

Redeemer training was harsh. It differed dramatically from being a regular revenant. Her body was marred by runes sketched into her skin. Each rune held dramatic spectral power that different from the magic she used as a revenant. The faerie went through extreme physical training, pushing her beyond her limits. In only a year she had adapted well to the redeemer techniques.

About a year later, Katie would see Paian again. Arbiter Lyon Hawke called upon her to hunt down Kooth, who had been gathering men and monster alike to form another army; already eh had taken several fortresses for himself. The Arbiter had suggested Katie work with Paian as he was the only other one who knew of the Echor Fae, albeit he had not seen him personally. Katie found herself nearly shaking with excitement. She missed Paian dreadfully, even if he was a weakling. She smiled to herself gleefully.
The necromancer was smiling as he knelt beside his backpack, carefully arranging its contents. Mother had him made a bottomless bag so he wouldn’t keel over as soon as he takes it on his shoulders, but he still had to be careful, thinking up where he puts the items; he would have to reach in blindly.

Paian was excited; this would be the end of a very long year spent with even more training in the tower. And today, he will meet with Katie again. They didn’t see each other since the cleansing of the village… the Queen said she was off, training. The necromancer was still slightly concerned for her, even if Auntie said she could get rid of the infecting black blood. The Echor Fae did something despicable to the revenant, and the man still felt some shame for not stopping him to do so. Even if everybody kept telling him that he was lucky to be even stay alive… he was out for weeks after the incident, and Katie left after the cleansing rituals. Luckily, these kind of things kept happening in the tower, demonic infection in fights were not a rare occurrence, and the healers, while it was a first time for them dealing with an Echor Fae’s curse, managed to cleanse her body and soul before the curse could take a real effect. Paian still wanted to see her. Even if she was abrasive, the short time they were sent on a mission was almost fun. Well, as much fun as a trip to cleanse out a fiends’ nest could have been.

After that, Mother wasn’t too keen on letting him out of the tower. While the other necromancers regularly joined other members of the Spectre Order, the Spirit Queen kept Paian locked up. At least she had the graciousness to train him even more with a few hand-picked others, providing him with even more knowledge and power. From the Custos of the Second Cemetery, the young man became a Magister of the First. It took a toll on him, of course, leaving him even more fragile, his skin and hair losing the last drops of colour in them, and his health became progressively valetudinarian, but in exchange, his power grew exponentially.

Even with this, most likely, if the Arbiter of the Spectre Order, wouldn’t put in a request, the Queen most likely would never let him out again. Even with this kind of might, she was reluctant; she even asked Paian, most likely hoping he will say no, and she offered several champions in exchange before that.

He said yes, of course. He wanted to meet with Katie again, even if he overlooked the fact that he was the only one with first-hand experience with the Echor Fae in the tower. He missed the mean woman, even though they spent a very short time together…

…well. Even the cooking set fit in. The necromancer smiled, standing up gracefully, and straightened out his robes. He needed even warmer clothes, and sadly, ones which were littered with even more runes – some of them had to be tattooed on his arms, lest the demons would attack him immediately as soon as he leaves the flower-covered walls.

The man looked even slimmer and frailer than before, even if he felt stronger. Maybe his physique was still crap, but he commanded even greater forces than before… and this time, he wasn’t even gasping from air when he reached the bottom of the tower, stepping out to the bone golems. Paian turned towards the Citadel, waiting for his companion, smiling excitedly.

This would be difficult, but still… he was looking forward to it.
Katie blinked across the distance from the Citadel to the Bone Spiraea. It used to tire her out, but her Redeemer training had done blink exercises all the time as it was a very useful tool for them. She was mere feet from Paian, but he was not the Paian she remembered. He looked like a corpse, yet stronger. His body was clearly more worn out, but he held himself in a more confident way. It was almost intimidating, which made her angry.

"I can't tell if I am looking at a bloody ghost, or a necromancer, what the heck happened to you?!" She was not concerned for him, she knew as a necromancer he ate at his own life to perform his magics, it had bothered her, but she couldn't do anything about it, so she did not open her mouth on the matter.
The necromancer winced when the woman’s voice snapped at him suddenly; he looked up, smiling.

“Greetings to you too, my lady. I can assure you, I am still alive. You can touch me if you do not believe my words” he chuckled, holding out his hand. It was covered in runes, too – they were needed so he wouldn’t attract that many demons this time. “I admit that I might look a bit… paler than usual, but this is nothing to worry about. I needed to get stronger too, my lady.”

Paian looked upon the Revenant… no. That wasn’t right. Katie was different from last time they met.

“You look gorgeous” he said, honestly, then bite through his tongue when he realized what he said exactly. Still, he didn’t retract it. “And you look stronger, my lady. May I assume you progressed in your powers, too? I’m sure that you are indeed mightier than before, which says a lot… I feel relieved. I was worried, I admit freely – it is good to see it was without reason…”
Katie looked at his outstretched arm and pulled him in for a rough hug. She had to pull her strength as to not hurt him, part of the runs under her wrappings enhanced her strength many times more than possible before. She hugged him tightly, despite his frail frame. She blushed very slightly when he complimented her. It was not something she was used to, as she was a warrior, not a lady. Katie withdrew slowly, lingering her hands on him.

"It is good to see you again, Paian. I am stronger now, that is correct. Arbiter Lyon approved my request for Redeemer training. I do not don my armor because my skin is hard as stone with my own runes. She unwrapped the white cloth around her body to show some of her runes. "They are like yours, but more sharp and brutal looking." She observed, almost to herself.
The motion startled Paian a bit, but the hug also made him happier than he would care to admit. He reciprocated the gesture, smiling earnestly; it was a bit scary how his hug felt so much weaker than hers. Well, she was careful, that was clear, too… the necromancer appreciated it, either way. It was a much warmer greeting he could have hoped for.

“I am glad to see you, too. Honestly, I missed you” he said quietly, smiling. He nodded at her words.

“Oh, I see. It is a rare honour, as I know. I wish we would be able to form runes like that… these are brimming with power. Very vibrant. Tastes so much like you… I mean… silver and green…” he blushed slightly, looking down to his own arms. “Mine are just masking my presence slightly. Let’s hope that would mean some advantage for us now…”
Katie smiled inwardly at the man. He was rather sweet, she thought. Katie turned and fluttered her wings, lifting her feet from the ground. Just like the first time, expecting him to follow her to the Citadel. Her runes were weapons printed on her body to make her the ultimate physical fighter. Katie chuckled for his sake.

"We are bloody powerful, Paian. I reckon most demons that would come your way would learn a harsh lesson about messing with a redeemer, and an amped up necromancer. At any rate, your runes are graceful, at least. They make you look rather handsome, i might add." She decided to return fire in flirting with him.

"Anyways, the mission." Katie's face lacked any emotion as she began to speak now. "Kooth, the Echor Fae, has been capturing forts and turning them into breeding grounds for monsters, opening portals for demons, and corrupting the minds of the soldiers who were garrisoned at the captures locations. Kooth wants a bloody war, but we are not sure why, but that is not our mission. You and I are to stop him at all costs. The only information we know is that he was recently spotted speaking to a werebear tribe chief near the Slyuut mountains."
The necromancer blushed when Kate said him the runes make him look handsome… he couldn’t even answer at the compliment. He couldn’t really think up a reply, but it made his chest warm, which was a welcome change – Paian felt cold even in the warm clothes. He grabbed his pack, and started walking after the woman, watching her graceful wings aflutter, listening as she talked to him about the mission. Without any kind of meanness now… the necromancer smiled, looking at the faerie’s muscular frame complimented by those fragile-looking wings…

Torn. He blinked, confused, but the image of the Redeemer’s wings bloodied and burnt and torn disappeared again, only leaving him with some vague worry. He sighed – sometimes he got a glimpse, nothing more.

“We shall be careful, then. Werebears are dangerous and proud. Wish I was a better diplomat” Paian looked up to Katie. “And I suppose we will have to clean up his mess in every possible place, since I was the one who let him flee. I’m grateful that Mother ended up heeding your Arbiter’s wish – and I am grateful that you are still willing to do this with me… after all, last time, while I enjoyed your company, I wasn’t for much good… so now I’ll try harder, I promise. And pay back Kooth with interest. Dead people should only come back on their own volition – I hate that he meddles in our works…”
Katie lead Paian through the Citadel to the teleporter room again, she prepper it to go as they spoke. Paian was rather brave, despite his physical weakness.

"I'm sure we can handle them, they were just northern folk anyways, all brawn no brain." She felt a pang in her stomach, remembering what had happened in the chapel. "You summoned a bloody army, you did plenty fine, it was my own arrogant fault i got hurt. It was you who saved me, remember?" She smiled and put a hand on his cheek, she was feeling bold. Before she could do anything else, they teleported to a shrine in the northern lands. The shrine was at the peak of a mountain, made in honor the the spectre order. The air was frigid, snow reducing visibility.

"To the bottom it is."
Paian felt comfortable in the Citadel still; it was still familiar. Besides, he was walking with a redeemer. A beloved redeemer, no less.

“Let’s hope so – I’m afraid I won’t be much good outside of my magic there” the man smiled back, caressing Katie’s hand without even thinking about it. Somehow, that felt natural, besides, the redeemer’s hand seemed warmer than his own, and it made him feel better. “I want to do better now than before. I hated to see you injured, sorry. I know as a revenant you were more than experienced, but I still felt despair. I do not wish to feel so again.”

He still held her hand in his own, on his cheek, when they teleported. The necromancer swayed a bit, but smiled. His physical weakness would be a problem, he was sure… he sighed, still holding her hand without thinking about it, wrapping his thick cloak around him even tighter. He was shivering already, even in the warm clothes.

“Well then, we shall proceed. I will try not to fall – promise. Fair warning, I still might. I am sorry, Katie. I will be better in the actual fight.”

He smiled at her, a bit ashamed.

“Can I reduce my failings with an offer of warm supper after we are done here?...”
Katie did not feel the cold, despite her thin clothes. As a redeemer a lot was different about the way she felt things. Warm and cold no longer existed, as both were regulated by runes now. This provided one less thing for ehr to worry about when hunting monsters, like werebears in the freezing northern lands.

Katie lead the man down the path, her warm hand in his. The werebear clan wore a lot of green around their armor to signify their allegiance. Were they working with Kooth? Perhaps, perhaps not. Katie did not wish to spill the blood of a potential ally, however on the othe rhand she was curious about her new immense power. She smiled, scarcely remembering Paian's wonderful cooking.

"If you bloody fall, i swear to god I'll kick you so hard you'll break in half," she joked with a harsh tone. "I would kill an entire covenant of witches just for a bite of your cooking!"
“We have a deal on the cooking, then; I can promise you something good now. Not even something hasty, and with lots of meat” the necromancer chuckled, stepping down carefully in the snow. It was difficult – he was quivering from the unforgiving cold, even in his thick clothes. His health was even more fragile than before, a heavy price for unimaginable power…

“I am sorry. You were right about my power being too consuming… so let’s hope nothing will happen. I admit I will be much happier once our footing becomes horizontal… although I trust to that we won’t have to fight here yet. Werebears were once respectable… I hate the thought we might have to spill their blood. They would be powerful allies… but I can definitely taste the trace of that despicable purple even from here…”


Paian stepped on a loose stone hiding under the snow, and slipped, instinctively trying to let go of the woman’s hand so he won’t yank her down with himself, tumbling down on the snow-covered mountain side...
Katie sighed, it was just like Paian to fall over like that. She debated letting him tumble to his death down the mountain, but decided against it at the last second. She blinked closer to the man, and dashed with her wings in front of him to stop him with a thud. Katie laughed, despite her previous threat.

"So I guess this is when i bloody kick you in half?" A smile collected on her face, under her wrappings. Katie helped Paian down the rest of the mountain, and lead him to the next trale. Honestly Katie hated the northern lands, she knew how cold they could be from a visit her as a little girl once. The tribe they were looking for was rather sophisticated, for lycanthropes. They had their own villages, even. An army of bears knocking at people's door, exactly why Katie and Paian needed to determine friend or foe.
“Sorry, sorry; please, spare my poor spine!” Paian almost chuckled, even if the brief collision hurt. Thank the heavens for Katie’s speed and strength. “I couldn’t see it was loose. Quite a foolish thing, I know. But sincerely, thank you for catching me. I’m afraid otherwise I would be naught but a smear on the canyon’s wall soon… I am grateful immensely, and I am willing to exchange the integrity of my spine with some sweet pastry tonight, if you wish.”

He followed his partner closely, now a bit more carefully, but several times only the redeemer’s hands saved him from slipping; he sighed relieved as they found the path leading to the first village. He was still trembling from the cold, but at least their footing was horizontal now.

He sniffled into the air, and scowled.

“It tastes even more purple here. I’m sure he was around recently. Shall we proceed to the first village? Or should I scout it out first? Maybe that would be a wiser act… if Kooth turned the villagers or summoned demons, we should be prepared…”
"Lets deal with these barbarians quickly then, honestly I just want your bloody food, maybe we should just kill them all, I'm rather hungry." Was she joking? Yes, most likely. Katie approached the village gates, which were mounted by sentries. Katie had no intentions of scouting or preparing. Paian did not know the new power she possessed, physically she was beyond that of any mere werebear.

"Stay back, I need to make sure they are not wanting to spill your blood before we even get inside, once I am in you will follow me." Katie's tone was serious, she was fine with anyone else dying, but Paian made good food, so he needed to stay.

"Greetings Revenant, what can we do for you?" The sentry's accent was thick, and confident.

"Good morning friend, I am here to talk to your chief about a lead on a monster we are hunting." Katie kept her hand on her hips, her kama and kanabo easily seen on her back. The sentry sent the other, younger, lad away. He vanished from sight, Katie assuming he went to go get the chief.

"Good for you lass, the chief is a busy man, perhaps I can be of service?" Katie rolled her eyes. She had half a mind to leap the gate and slaughter the whole village, but Arbiter Lynn Hawke's word echoed in her head, "Try to keep the mass slaughter to a minimum, hmm?" Annoying.

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