• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ ғᴇᴠᴇʀ // ᴄs


give 'em hell, kid.
here is the character sheet. i've left it completely plain so you can use whatever code you desire, as i know i always prefer to use my own rather than a set option. all i ask is that you make it at least somewhat mobile friendly as i do not have regular access to a computer.

also, this is just the basics, feel free to add on other details if you'd like.

you'll also need to specify whether your character is one of the contest winners or a staff member. there is a max limit of 2 characters per person.


age: (18 - 28, staff could be older i guess)
role: (contest winner or ship staff)

hair color:
eye color:
skin tone:
height & weight:
piercings, tattoos etc:
sense of style: (eg. trendy, emo, hipster, minimalist)
anything that's unique or noticeable about them:

likes: (5+)
dislikes: (5+)
talents or skills:

PERSONALITY: (2+ paragraphs)

BIOGRAPHY: (2+ paragraphs)

anything else you'd like to add goes here.

Lucien "Lucifer" Wynters
too sad to live, too stubborn to die

the basics
//full name//
lucien "lucifer" wynters



bisexual... but good luck

contest winner (top prize, will also be performing as the main musical act)

//height & weight//
five foot eight, one hundred and three

//eye color//
blue-grey with sapphire flecks

//hair color//
glossy black with blue undertone

//skin tone//
vampire pale

stitches on wrists, 'memento mori' across chest, black 'X' over left ring finger, vampire bite on right side of neck, wings on back (a tribute to his friend)

eyebrow, snakebites, tongue, collarbone, ears (gauges)

//sense of style//
your classic emo kid, dark and edgy fashions and a wardrobe filled with black

//notable features//
his overall style, piercings and beautiful eyes

the good stuff​
☆music (alternative, hard rock, metalcore, acoustic)
☆performing and being on stage
☆being sarcastic
☆namedropping his band
☆energy drinks

★alcohol and partying
★radio music
★being called a nobody/garage band
★judgemental people
★anyone that doesn't get sarcasm
★romance movies
★emo jokes/stereotyping


★music snob
★doesn't know when to back off with the sarcasm

☆draws and writes lyrics/quotes on his hands and wrists so he won't forget them
☆spaces out a bit when listening to music he enjoys
☆tends to lean on things instead of standing whenever he has the option
☆will criticize what he calls "garbage pop songs" for a good 30 minutes if you let him
☆prefers pizza to even the finest gourmet treat

the life story
born during a cheesy halloween party, lucien's parents really should've seen it coming. no amount of tutoring or private school could make him 'normal', and they eventually surrendered and allowed him to attend public school. of course, he never really stopped stirring up trouble. it was mostly typical teenage stuff, except the fact he was severely depressed and attempted suicide at age 15. his family was understandably distraught, and sent him away to the best facility money could buy for 'treatment'. this only made him bitter and untrusting, and lucien moved out only a few days after his 16th birthday. having led a fairly sheltered life, he struggled for a while before finally securing a reasonably nice apartment and learning street smarts the hard way through trial-and-error.

now a know-it-all who seems cynical beyond his years, lucifer, as his fans and friends call him, has developed his natural charisma and has a way of staying in your mind, especially if you're a fan of his music. he spends the majority of his nights playing alone in smoky bars for minimal payment, and while he's mostly accepted his fate, there's still a pathetically optimistic part of him that thinks he'll make it big one day.

when not performing, he offers to teach kids the basics of guitar and lyric writing for minimal payment. lucien considers music one of the most important things in life, and feels that everyone deserves a chance to enjoy and create it.

the attitude​
"i'm just as devious and irresistible as the nickname suggests, but you already knew that."

if you were to ask a middle-school misfit what they wanted to be when they grew up, lucien wynters might have come to mind... at least superficially. a rebel who's long since mastered the art of sarcastic one-liners and casual indifference, one could be forgiven for thinking he was nothing more than a shallow fantasy.

a relatively unknown musician, lucien is used to getting a bit of attention and knows how to please his fans with his carefree attitude and sarcastic quips. he comes off as flirty sometimes without meaning to, and can be a touch reckless at times... not that he doesn't regret it later. despite this, he isn't really the party type and has no desire to get wasted or wake up passed out on a floor somewhere. he does, however, take great pride in his ability to tease and torment those who do.

mysterious in nature and extremely introverted, those who manage to fully break through lucien's carefully-crafted bad boy persona may end up being quite disappointed. he's truly a pessimistic individual, something he disguises with witty banter and a knack for morbid jokes, yet fails to hide completely.

though years of depression have left both literal and figurative scars, the sadness hasn't been able to dim lucien's passion for music and the creepy, obscure things in life. he has an odd talent for finding the strange and unusual, something he's more than happy to share with friends and enemies alike.

even without his bold persona, he's far from being truly antisocial. lucien values friendship, and while anything but extroverted, he'll open up a lot more around people he trusts and may even drop the apathetic act entirely.

code by spookie spookie
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alyx way
alyx way



(eVeRyOnE iS sOoOoO cUtE!!)

contest winner


~*eye color*~
cotton candy blue

~*hair color*~
changes almost weekly; currently a neon turquoise to green gradient

~*skin tone*~
pale, but with a hint of a tan

~*height & weight*~
5'5, 92 lbs

~*body type*~
skinny, bordering on underweight

~*tattoos & piercings*~
stars on elbows, wrists, lower stomach and collarbone, rainbow leopard print on both shoulders; snakebites, septum tongue and bridge are pierced

~*sense of style*~
ScEnE tO tHe ExTrEmE

~*notable features*~
neon everywhere, his rather short height, and somewhat rare eye color

+anything caffeinated, but only if it's sugary


+partying and nightlife

+bright neon colors

+attractive people

+lOlSoRaNdOm! humor... FLYING WAFFLE NINJAS!!!

+junk food of any kind

+drinking (but only the sweet, fruity stuff)

+staying up all night and sleeping all day

+cuddles of any variety

-anywhere too quiet


-acting his age, or worse yet, like "an adult"

-bitter alcohol

-short jokes


-math... it's his nemesis

-dark or serious topics, as they bring him back to a place he hides from by partying and acting crazy

-boring, judgemental types

-being separated from his phone

-horror movies, he says he's obsessed with creepy, macabre things and loves watching them but gets terrified and clingy afterwards at night

-the fact he's a total lightweight (in more ways than one)

-neutral colors, yaaaaaawn

I lOvE yOu​
alyx is glitter, sparkle and a triple shot of espresso combined. he can run circles around most people (literally and figuratively), and absolutely will if given the option.

whether yelling something totally random or spinning in an office chair until he can't even stand, he acts like a permanently hyper middle school kid and sees absolutely no problems with this. strangers are just bffs alyx hasn't met, and he acts friendly with almost anyone regardless of how long he's actually known them.

a party animal at heart, alyx is far better at holding conversations than his liquor, though this doesn't stop him from trying to keep up with the best of them. he blossoms in such a social and exciting environment and has a knack for getting people into that couldn't-care-less fun mood. really, the kid makes an excellent anti-depressant.

he's loud and opinionated though not particularly stubborn, unless it comes to following the crowd. alyx wants nothing more than to be liked by those around him, and can come across as annoying simply because he's trying to keep everyone laughing and upbeat.

behind his hyperactive and shimmery cover however, the real alyx isn't so happy. unable to truly deal with losing his sister and the endless pain it caused him and his family, he laughs and parties it all away, if only for a night. being 'on' 24/7 is draining him slowly, but he feels that his only hope of being liked and wanted is to be that crazy, vibrant caricature.

seeing the real, vulnerable side of him is a rare privilege, and not one granted easily. most will only ever know him as the image he projects, though if you get close enough to see alyx for who he really is, you've made a friend for life.

In DiNoSaUr​
alyx was born in the summer, his very favorite season. while not truly wealthy, his parents were middle-class and married, and young alyx had an average but happy childhood.

he was close with his older sister miranda, and they spent far more time playing together in backyards and parks than fighting. toys and secrets were nearly always shared, and miranda even taught alyx how to play the guitar and let him borrow hers.

this wonderfully average life continued until miranda began getting sick. she was about to graduate her sophomore year of high school, while alyx was still in middle school and more than a little naive to just how terrible life could be.

after graduation, miranda was admitted to the hospital and it was then they realized just how serious things were. her younger brother was her light through all of this, and he spent countless nights sitting beside that sterile bed and playing on his own guitar for her, a thank-you of sorts for having inspired his musical passion.

they were as close as ever, and their parents even called alyx "his sister's little angel."

the treatments gave her a few extra years, and miranda lived long enough to graduate and see alyx into high school, a place he most certainly did not like.

of course, it wasn't near enough time. miranda passed away during his freshman year, and the loss sent alyx and his family spiralling. his parents sought grief counselling, but he found it nothing more than a condescending mockery.

instead, alyx turned to partying. he'd promised his sister never to touch drugs or hang with the bad crowd, but alcohol and the average party squad did not apply. he stayed out almost every night, spending most of his time with people years older than him and not caring. he'd always dressed differently, but took it further than ever in order to stand out and feel like one of the 'cool' kids.

his parents, of course, were devastated. they'd already lost one child, and their second was heading down a dangerous road. they fought constantly, and alyx simply refused to listen, drifting even further apart from their well-meaning efforts.

by age sixteen, he was well known for being the life of any party and possibly the most hyper, sugar-addicted kid in his school. most found him annoying, fake, ridiculous or all three, but he had his group and didn't bother too much with anyone else.

code by spookie spookie
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Mariah Nichole Grant

name: Mariah Nichole Grant
nickname: Mimi
age: 22
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
role: contest winner

hair color: red
eye color: green
skin tone: slightly paler than average
height & weight: 5'4 / 130lbs
piercings, tattoos etc:
sense of style: fashionable (fashion over comfort)
anything that's unique or noticeable about them: definitely her hair color.

likes: cats, jewelry, heels, being first, being told she's pretty, sushi

dislikes: big dogs that get hair everywhere, not looking her best, cheap makeup, gold jewelry, the color orange

quirks: tugs on her hair when embarrassed/flirting; pretends to text when bored of the conversation

talents or skills: dancing, she's taken dance and gymnastics classes since she was young; good with numbers (she has to be with memorizing those credit card numbers)

Some call her feisty. Some call her spoiled. Some just flat out call her a bitch. Mimi has been described as alot of things, and most of them are probably true. She's used to things going her way, and she has been known to pout or throw a mini fit if things don't go the way she wants them to. The mini tantrums can include anything from ignoring someone to destroying something that someone loves. She's like a tornado-- wild and untamed, and not afraid to knock someone down who's standing in her path.

On the plus side, Mimi is a very sociable girl. She's a good person to be on your side. She gives good fashion advice and boy advice. Since the girl doesn't have a shy bone in her body, though, sometimes it might not be a good idea to tell her your crush if you're not ready for him/her to know. Or maybe she can be the icebreaker, who knows? If someone hurts someone she cares about, she's got no issues making it known that they fucked up by standing up for her loved one. She also has a soft spot for cats.

Mimi was born to a socialite mother and an upper class businessman father. Her mother was born into money, her father built his career from the ground and came into money. She is an only child, so it makes sense that she would be spoiled and given pretty much whatever she wanted. She always had people surrounding her, wanting to be a part of her circle. Eventually she learned how to weed out those who just wanted her for her money, and those who actually cared about her. Those who actually cared became her inner circle, and those who just wanted money became her followers of sorts. That was her middle and high school career.

After graduating high school, she waited a year and then went off to college, wanting to do something with fashion and/or beauty. A designer, perhaps, or a beautician of sorts. During her year off, she traveled to Europe, where she tanned under the European sun and bathed in European waters. And don't forget the European boys. She almost deferred another year, but knew if she didn't go then she probably wouldn't at all. She's gotten her basic classes out of the way, and after this cruise will be time to start up her program classes.

theme song, maybe to be added?

Code by apolla apolla
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E L L E N​
Ellen Elizabeth
Age ... 21
Gender ... female​
Sexuality ... Straight
Role ... Contest Winner​
Physical Details
hair color: Blonde
eye color: Hazel
skin tone: Medium
height & weight: 5'5, 120lbs
piercings, tattoos etc: has her ears pierced, has a small sun tattoo on her ankle

sense of style: trendy/hipster

Personal Details
likes: her phone, laptop, cats, buying clothes, doing her makeup, cookie smelling candles, gummy bears, weighted blankets, kids
dislikes: too much sauce, tomatoes, purple clothes, zoos, cleaning, not being in control
quirks: bites and picks her nails
talents or skills: took ballet for 7 years

Ellen is the type of girl who is always willing to help no matter the situation, and always does everything to the best of her ability. She comes off to people as a very generous person, and it's not just show. Ellen prides herself on being a super nice and helpful girl, who will do anything that you need (within reason, of course). That being said, she's not a pushover and won't do anything that she doesn't think is right. She's not too innocent and isn't easily manipulated. She knows what right and wrong is and always stays on the side of good...generally, anyways.

Don't let this fool you, though. Ellen likes to party just like anyone else her age, and so when she won the cruise - something that she hadn't even thought was legitimate, mind you - she was elated. The girl is the kind to drink too much, but she can typically hold her own. Her generosity and kindness usually follow her even in inebriation, as she often finds herself cleaning up after others and helping them do whatever it is they need or want to do. People sometimes tell her she needs to loosen up, but she doesn't normally feel like she is uptight - it's just who she is and she doesn't mind doing it.

Ellen's parents weren't always around when she was growing up. They worked a lot to give Ellen the best life, but she really just wanted them to be around more. For most, this would have been something they took advantage of, but Ellen did the opposite. She knew that what they were doing was for her, and she tried her best to be a perfect daughter. She never wanted to hurt her parents feelings or do something that would take them away from their jobs, so she worked hard at school and always did the right thing.

This grew into a way of being for Ellen, and she found that she liked being the way that she was. She grew to be very self-sufficient, and often felt like she was far more mature than many of her classmates. She would try to give good advice to them, but they would always tell her things like "that's what my mom would say". She grew apart from people her own age, but she didn't feel like she blended in with people older than her very much. Ellen grew into a bit of a shell, even though she didn't want to. All she wants to do is have tons of friends and party, but she can never seem to find people she really likes, who also like her back.

code by pasta
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Jackie was born in the Dominican Republic of the parents Joshua and Danielle Rodriguez. While growing up there she enjoyed living in DR with her older brother and her parents and she was just loved being in the environment there like she belongs there, however when Jackie turned 2 she ended up being a big sister for two little twin girls and that's when her family decided it was time to move to a better home for them so they moved to the one and only Virginia Beach.

For her moving to Virginia Beach was a big step for not only her but the family as well. They didn't know how to speak good English only mostly broken English, but over the years they started to get the hang of things and understanding very slowly over the years. When Jackie reached middle school things did change for her. She was bullied by other kids because she didn't know how to speak English or even write it but she thanks, those kids every day since she started to make sure she practices her English more.
Since she had and very older brother by 5 years he helped her along the way and that's what lead to her following her older brother's steps and started writing her own songs and learning music and playing instruments.

Jackie couldn't ever forget about her favorite twin girls behind. They mostly had a very close bond with each other even though they were 1 year apart. While they were growing up with each other the family always called the girls "The Triplets" because they were always together since day one of when the twins were born.

Even though the twins and Jackie goes to different high schools while they were in public school and Jackie went to private school to continue her talent as a singer, their bond only gets stronger everyday, after hearing she won the contest her sisters and her older brother threw her a big party just for her for a goodbye and Jackie enjoyed herself because she knew her sisters and her brother will always be there for her and help her become the singer she always wanted to be.
However she didn't execpt one of her childhood friends would end up going to the same school as his twin sisters were. He was just a family friend but he did have the talent to be able to go to Saint Mary's but sadly the head master didn't take him in.
She knew the rest why and it was because of the money he couldn't afford to even stay there for a year but he is always still close to the family and she still bugs him all the time and tease him but that's what they do when they been bestfriends since they were little.
name Jacqueline Amber Martinez
nickname Jackie or J
place of origin Dominican Republic
age twenty
sexuality Bi-sexual
realtionship status Single
role Contest Winner

height: 5'4
weight: 146
hair: dark brown
eyes: light brown
body figure: slim

clothing style:

features: music tattoo
rose tattoo


personality: Jackie has a sweet personality but not even the nicest people in the world are perfect. Jacquline is always happy and smiling even though the rumors that the popular girls started when she was a little girl making fun of her which led her sometimes with low self-esteem. She loves adventure and having fun with her friends. She is always curious about the world she lives in and she loves danger. She doesn't smoke but she does drink and loves enjoying her music and songs. She is very risk-taking and is a bookworm. she is very talented in her work of songwriting and playing the piano or the guitar.

She sometimes has a hard time speaking her mind because when she was little they made fun of her because English was not her first language so it kinda took a step back for her when she was a kid but that never stopped her from doing what she loves which is singing. She doesn't like all the attention on her when the finger gets pointed at. She is very loyal to all her friends and family. Jackie is a very open-minded person and creative in her music but she is hoping that going on this boat will bring up, even more, ideas towards her songs while she is away.

likes: singing, parties, experiencing new things,



coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
note: all pictures are clickable

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"i know i don't talk much. why do you care?"

name; nerina guisella brioschi

nicknames; rina (preferred), rinny, guisella d'ambrosio (psuedonym/stage name), gigi

age; 21

sexuality; heterosexual

gender; female

role; contest winner

face claim: @privetvenera

voiceclaim; lizzy grant/lana del rey

hair color; medium brown

eye color; hazel, but appears usually golden, especially in the sunlight

skin tone; fair and rosy

height & weight; 57/120 pounds

piercings, tattoos etc; multiple on her left ear and right arm tattoo

sense of style; a mix of minimalistic and grunge

anything that's unique or noticeable about them; her eye color

likes; music, cats, dark colors, the sky, saying what she thinks, wintertime, fresh snow, aesthetics, strong alcohol, tattoos, physical contact (only with very close friends and family)

dislikes; bright yellow, cloudy days without rain, liars, cheaters, arrogance, ignorance, springtime (she has bad pollen allergies), touchy-feely subjects, the "popular kids", the smell of smoke, fake people

quirks; has an unexpectedly high and soft voice when speaking, almost always has a poker face (despite having many different expressions), scratches her hand when nervous

talents or skills; sings and writes her own songs, plays both the guitar and piano proficiently

misc; she owns an ibanez classical acoustic guitar. she also has a dark gray persian cat named snips (due to his very sharp claws).

personality; rina seems quite reclusive, with her soft and high-pitched voice that just screams shyness. being naturally introverted also makes her seem quite soft-spoken and socially awkward. despite her voice, the girl is not afraid to say what she thinks. she tends to be quite outspoken and opinionated with strong views. rina is quite judgmental of extroverts and people who seem like they would be part of a popular crowd and has a bias towards people who are different.

rina is not completely exclusive to being rude, though her voice is extremely unintimidating. the girl can be too spontaneous and quick to insult someone she dislikes. she has great suspicions about people who seem "fake" and overly nice. while rina may act tough and overconfident, she is very insecure. she has a sort of self-deprecating humor that can quickly go too far.

quite a few of her songs reflect her insecurities and her internal melancholia, how she struggled with alcohol for a bit, and her past experiences. rina puts on a persona of this sad, struggling woman in her music, as that was how she was just years ago. she sings about drugs and obsession, but not quite in the same way that radio pop artists do nowadays. it's very close to blues and "dream pop" as some call it.

but rina is not a mean person. she absolutely despises bullies and she is not afraid to stand up for someone. she is very independent and never asks for help, which is both good and bad. she is the kind of person to stay strong and adapt in tough situations. she is generally unshaken by people's perceptions and thoughts of her and she doesn't get worked up over it.

rina is very creative and enjoys music. she likes to express her feelings through writing not just songs, but poems as well, which allows her to be a great songwriter. she has a good ear for pitch and she can tune instruments quite well. rina is not a touchy-feely person, but when she warms up to someone, she becomes more open and shows herself to be more caring and expressive, but also very philosophical. she makes interesting observations about the world and it's as if she speaks in metaphors.

rina, believe it or not, enjoys being showered with praise and being shown affection to, whether it be in a friendly or romantic way. she doesn't like hugging strangers, but she will gladly hug someone she is close to. she is also the kind of person to show people that she cares about them, usually in less extravagant ways like randomly complimenting them or helping them out with something even if they don't ask.

biography; rina was born to italian immigrants in the city of new york. her parents were not very wealthy and they were a problematic family from the start. her father was an avid smoker and a druggie, while her mother was a waitress who was almost never home, working long hours. rina, as an only child, had to fend for herself.

at a young age, rina found herself at the center of bullying from the more popular girls at her elementary school. she was stick-thin during elementary school and while many girls had early puberty, she didn't. they taunted her for being so skinny and "flat". rina became self-conscious and it stuck with her for a long time.

rina found comfort in music, specifically music from the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's. she had a wide range of genres that she liked, but she was greatly inspired by musicians and singers like amy winehouse, julee cruise, and david bowie. she began playing the guitar and she taught herself for the most part. rina also began writing songs and found a love of writing in general. she would write for hours, discarding things that were either not genuine or just cringeworthy. she would take a notebook everywhere and she took her guitar wherever she could as well.

as she grew older, her home became worse. both of her parents lashed out at each other, becoming abusive towards each other and having many horrible fights. there were times when things became so terrifying that rina had to call 911 and it was not just once. she realized she had to get out of there. she was 16 at the time and she went to stay with a good friend of hers, staying there when her parents' arguments got very bad.

when she graduated, she couldn't wait to move out. rina would become a creative writer as she loved writing. however, she also realized how much she loved singing and she could use songwriting as a way to develop her writing skills in general. because of this, she saved up the money and enrolled into five towns college, a music school in new york. she was accepted into the college and she is in her junior year. rina now makes music under the stage name of guisella d'ambrosio, performing at small venues around town.

very recently, rina entered a contest to win a free cruise. like most, she thought it was a scam and did it just for fun. to her surprise, it was not a scam and she was one of the winners.

coding by: diaphanous
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Paz Zhang


Name: Paz Iyan Zhang

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Biromantic Pansexual

Role: Ship staff

  • source.gif

    Hair Color: Reddish brown

    Eye Color: Light Hazel

    Skin Tone: Olive

    Height: 5'10" [~178 cm]

    Weight: 161 lb [~73 kg]

    Body Modifications: None

    Style: Varies based on mood, but typically stays dressy casual in flexible clothing; he'll dress his style up a few notches when the occasion calls

    Distinguishing Traits: None



name : Micky Velasquez
age : 24
gender : Male
sexuality : Heterosexual
role : Contest Winner

Physical Details
hair color : Black
eye color : Brown
skin tone : Tanned
height & weight : 6'1" - 185 lbs
piercings, tattoos etc : Micky has a tribal tattoo that covers his right shoulder and runs down the right side of his back.
sense of style : Typically wears darker colored clothing. Usually just bland, no design clothing.
anything that's unique or noticeable about them : Other than the tattoo, on Micky's upper left arm he has a long scar from where he gouged it in a car accident.

Personal Details
likes : Eminem, dogs, swimming, basketball, football
dislikes : Overly happy and excited people, sharks, spiders, R&B, people calling him Micky Mouse
quirks : Cracking his knuckles, Running his fingers through his short hair, tapping his foot.
talents or skills : Micky is pretty athletic and is quick with his hands.

PERSONALITY : Micky is pretty easy to get along with. Although he isn't always smiles, he is almost never seen frowning. He tries to make the best out of any situation by looking on the bright side even when there doesn't seem to be one. Micky is pretty friendly towards new people, it's one of the reason's why he was looking forward to this cruise. He especially likes to joke around, and quite a bit is sarcastic joking.

The bad side of him is that he has a relatively short fuse around pushy, bossing, and generally hostile people. Micky really doesn't like people who are overly dramatic and quite frankly has a low tolerance of them. When he's upset (as anyone would be), his actions become hasty and impulsive.

BIOGRAPHY : Micky Velasquez was born and raised in a small town in New York. It was your typical rural town, just a tad bigger. He participated in the athletics programs quite a bit to stay fit. One of his favorites was football. He played running back most of the time and was pretty good, in fact, he took his varsity team to sectionals twice, states one of those times. Anyways, outside the athletics, he did pretty well in school (mostly because of his coaches) and was around a B to A student most of the time. At some point in his sophomore year he got in a car accident that got him that scar.

After graduation, instead of taking his impressive record to a college, he went to work for his father in their family garage. He stayed there till he had enough to get his own place. Once he did, he moved towards New York City to begin his own life. Shortly after this, he received something in his inbox about wining a free cruise. Initially, he believed it was just spam, but when he saw something typed in fine print regarding sharing a room, he started to believe it real. What bot would actually include some fine print? He accepted the offer, entered the contest, and to his surprise, won.

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