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Realistic or Modern героі (Alternate History Superhero Roleplay)


Mekon's Maze Worm

Real Name:


Home country: (or planet, I suppose)

Status (aбаронца, Illegal hero, or villian):

Appearance (normal): Can be a picture or description

Costume: Description prefered, pictures are ok though



Bio: Please include how they got their powers

Personality: You can just merge this with Bio, if you'd prefer to.

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Real Name: Lev Isakovich

Alias: Pyro

Home country: Ukraine

Status (a???????, Illegal hero, or villian): a???????

Appearance (normal):

Costume: None

Powers: Made of Magma, can project flames, propulsion flight.

Weapons: None

Bio: Lev was born in Kiev Ukraine and lived with a lower class family. Lev worked at the local tank factory during the war, however as he returned to his home after his shift he heard an object fall from above. What fell was not a brick or bird, but a Jupiter-class Nuclear Missile which landed only feet away from Lev. Though he should have been disintegrated by the blast, the dynamo and radiation binded to his skin and made him into a man made of fire. He was discovered a few years later while Radiation workers were observing the city damage they found his unconscious body in the crater the missile made. He awoke from his coma and was revealed his new abilities, he was then offered the position of a???????, which he accepted, having no other choice.

Personality: He is a very quiet person, mainly due to his freakish appearance. He is always willing to aid in keeping order and sympathizes with the SSR's lower classes.


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