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One x One Genie At Your Service


I'm back~
I will be taking one character for now. You'll be human, of course. Later on though, we might be having another genie and his/her finder so just be aware.

Background of the djinn powers, history and wishes are here but we'll be re-told in the role play.

There are many types of djinn but the one most associated to wish granting is Marid. Though she is a Marid, she isn't that powerful or old enough which is shown by the color of skin (green). The most powerful ones have blue skin (that's why Genie from Disney Aladdin had blue skin and not green) and over 300 years. Their lifespan is 500 years (due to their suspension in their container, they stop aging when they are inside) and she is 150 years.

Djinn power is astral projection, possession (exorcise by the smell of burning cats), shape shifting, healing saliva and unlimited wishes. The djinni doesn't tell the finder right away, the unlimited amount of wishes because they are cautious on the finder's true nature so first they test the finder. Djinn are bound to the lamps and the protection of their finder. They can only be set free by the finder and if the finder loses the lamp will the djinn not service the finder. So keep the bottle with you!

The role playing genie is a green Marid, 150 years old and has had 3 finders in her whole lifetime. All were from the same family, she was passed down. The first one bought the Sake bottle from a Japanese merchant. The last one misplaced her while fleeing the temple.

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