Generation 8


The New Boy Wonder
Read more about this role play...

Male to female ratio: 5-2 (looking for more girls!)

Accepted Sheets:

@Bea Delaine (Danny)

@WolfOfProphecys (Tony)

@Hi Im Red (Ian and Harley)

@PenBlade1326 (Brax)

Generation 8 character sheet:

Appearance: (picture preferred, preferably realistic, but you can also use something from a video game or even an anime.)





Sexual orientation:

Spliced animal:


Weapon of choice (optional):






Name: Jonathan Mare

Nickname/Alias: Falcon

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual orientation: gay

Spliced animal: A Golden Eagle


Powers/abilities: flight, enhanced strength, and master marksman.

Weapon of choice (optional): dual automatic pistols.


Personality: Jonathan is shy when you first start talking to him but after a while he'll warm up to you. He's very talkative but sometimes he worries about what to say.

He's a joker. His humor is kinda crude and rude but he doesn't usually mean anything he says. He's a pretty easy going guy unless you mess with people he cares about and then he becomes kinda aggressive. He's not a very violent person but sometimes he just has to let it.

Bio: Raised in a conservative Christian family Jonathan was raised to believe that anyone who had same-sex attractions where abominations in the eyes of The Lord and would immediately be struck down with a ball of fire. When he was in about 7th grade he started to realize that he liked boys in a more than just friends kind of way. He was a freshman in high school before he acted on any of these desires. He and one of his friends at the time started having and on again off again friends with benefits relationship until Jonathan's mother caught him in the act. He was banned from seeing the other boy and was told to either repent or leave. Jonathan packed his bag and left. He became a runaway teen and was living successfully on the streets moonlighting as a hustler for about a year. He was picked up by a presumed John and was knocked unconscious and taken to the New Genesis facility. The facility was out in the middle of nowhere and looked more like a prison hospital than a laboratory. He was one of the first subjected to the experiments for Generation 8. He and his comrades later escaped together and have been living in an abandoned cabin miles away from New Genesis.
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Name: Daniel (Dan or Danny) Ruth

Nickname/Alias: Lynx

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Straight.

Spliced animal: Ocelot


Powers/abilities: Run on walls, extreme agility, jump from unreasonably high places with ease, can sense ones blood flow and "Smell fear"

Weapon of choice (optional): Knives.

Personality: She is sort of a little sister type. Timid but not weak, wary but not always scared, she tends to think things out well and try to come up with a way to benefit the masses.

Dan is almost silent. She tries to talk but due to emotional scarring, words don't come out easily. This is okay because she is happy with minimal words and making her ideas clear through her actions.

You hurt anyone she likes and it will be the end for you. She doesnt need muscle mass to kill with ease and does not forgive anyone who touches her "family".

Bio: She was born to the wife of a mentally deteriorating scientist. She was taken in and worked on almost immediately after her father broke. it was when she was around five and her mother struggled to keep Dan. Unfortunately, the unstable scientist was backed in every way and her mother was shot in front of her without anyone batting an eye. The woman had no other family anyways. Her live was not one that mattered. She was one of the last to leave, following Jonathan, the first other experiment she had seen.
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ignore the wings, add wolf ears and a tail

Name: Tony Holmes

Nickname/Alias: Lucifer

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Straight

Spliced animal:

Powers/abilities: Heightened Senses, Faster Runner, Canine Strength

Weapon of choice (optional): His claws and fangs

Personality: Tony is rather a lone wolf, preferring to stay away from others in favour of being alone. He hates any form of physical contact, which makes him flinch harshly. However, if anyone is in danger he will risk his life for them, as he believes everyone is worth more than he is.

Bio: Tony was orphaned at a young age, and adopted by a abusive family. He refuses to tell anyone exactly what happened, but the scars all over his body kinda show it. He ran away when he was 13, and was taken by the scientists


Name: Ian Summers

Nickname/Alias: Razor

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Honey you cant get any gayer with him

Spliced animal: Diamondback


Powers/abilities: Immune to poison if that counts for anything. Retractable sharp teeth (kind of like a vampire, but if he bites you die...sorry)

Weapon of choice (optional): Daggers

Personality: He is scared easily which isn't the best thing for him. Ian is very lovable and is easily angered, thank the people who did this to him for that. He's a great fighter, but hates violence, though that is just something he needs to get over. He is like a wizard with daggers, because he believe's that his abilities are useless, so he learned how to control a dagger quite easily.

Bio: Well, Ian has issues with education seeing as he never went to school. He was taken at a young age due to his parent's not wanting him and living in foster care. By the age of six he was already fed up with life and ran, he didn't care where he went, as long as he got somewhere. He learnt to fend for himself over the years and by the age of fifteen was found and taken, he almost had himself killed because they didn't see any abilities with the new gene they tried. However they waited 24 hours and ultimately it saved his life because his abilities started to come.


Name: Harley Adams

Nickname/Alias: Beast


Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: "Society can't put another label on me!" -Harley (So open to anything.)

Spliced animal: Snow Leopard


Powers/abilities: Heightened senses, has a cat sense to know when someone is near, razor sharp claws

Weapon of choice (optional): None

Personality: She speaks her mind, always, she never once second guesses herself. If there is no answer, she has one (even if it's no good). She adapts to new things easily and never likes the idea of getting to attached to someone. Friends are fine, even then she knows she shouldn't stay too close in case of being hurt. Harley is always there, like she never sleeps, if you need to go to the bathroom at the middle of the night, she'll be around somewhere to scare you. Oh yeah, one more thing, she's a blood thirsty killer.

Bio: When Harley was fourteen, she had been raped (hence the being to close issues), no one actually helped her through it, not even the police seemed to care. Not even six months later it had happened again with the same person, she doesn't talk about that much though. After that she ran until her feet bled and she was left crying on the streets when these men came and coxed her into coming with them. Worst mistake of her life seeing as now the outcome was that she had a snow leopard's DNA embedded with her own.
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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/BOY1.jpg.bcf1fd5062983fa18d81fedb8f026340.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/BOY1.jpg.bcf1fd5062983fa18d81fedb8f026340.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (wears glasses as well)

Name: Braxton Devereaux

Nickname/Alias: 'Brax' is a nickname, and 'White Death' is an alias

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Openly bisexual. His attraction to girls is clear, but he's more quiet about his attraction to boys.

Spliced animal: Great White Shark

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/great-white-shark-1.jpg.3c9ac153b949c782ef77b4fc8b40c8ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/great-white-shark-1.jpg.3c9ac153b949c782ef77b4fc8b40c8ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/abilities: Enhanced speed, strength and agility. Breath underwater, able to sense electronic signatures of other people. An expert hunter.

Weapon of choice: A staff. (Possibly a trident)

Personality: Despite the power he holds, he's a very shy boy. His kindness is unmatched, he's always willing to lend a hand. Though he's not as social as most people, he's quiet and a little rough around the edges. Though he'll speak up more once he gets to know you. His defense mechanism is humor, even in some bad situations.

Bio: Growing up he's never been exposed to kindness. His parents were always too busy for him and he was an only child. He was lonely and always seeking friendship in those around him, yet he was rejected by society. He noticed his sexuality when he was 13 and acted on his urges to be with a boy instead of a girl and when his parents found out...they beat him. For years he was abused for being different, beaten and neglected at home, and bullied at school. In his sleep, his parents LET a group of men in the house and they drugged and abducted him. he was then taken to be a subject for Generation 8. After being subjected to several grueling tests, he gladly escaped with Johnathon Mare and companions to the small cabin away from New Genesis.



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Sorry this is a WIP because I'm at work and it's really the only time I can get to it right now so! Not a mutant but just as awesome :)

Name: Cameron Jack Harries

Nickname: prefers Jack

Age: 20

Sexual Orientation: Harley

Personality: Jack fights for what he believes in. He is a hero to his country-even if his country doesn't know his name. Jack had a growing passion for fighting in the war, he never knew why, he always loved the idea of being a hero and helpin those he loved. Jack has always had a knack for art, and he would be an artist, but there aren't many of those around anymore. So it was to the army for him.

He loves Harley unconditionally, and though they only spent one year together, he knows that she is the only one that he can see himself settling down with. However, the whole hybrid ordeal makes it hard for that dream to. Be fulfilled.

Bio: Jack met Harley one year before he joined the armed forces. And when he did meet her life changed. The sob story bullied little boy from high school was gone, and it was Harley who had changed that. He loved her, and there wasn't any denying it. However when that year was up, he was off over in Iraq fighting to come back home. However, when he did get home it was like Harley was wiped off the face of the earth.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.2f6caeda480215ed9542033e27b67f91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.2f6caeda480215ed9542033e27b67f91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mikino Tsukino


Kino Kino, Miki, Miki-chan





Sexual orientation:


Spliced animal:





Mikino can sprout bat like leathery wings and can fly through the air. However, she is terrified of heights and as a result, is not very good at flying. She has a habit of smashing into things whilst flying and doesn't like to fly unless she has no other choice.


Her hearing is advanced so that she could hear things that are quieter and things further away. She doesn't like it when people yell because it hurts her ears. She is very quiet as a result.


Mikino can hang upside down for long periods of time and can cling to ceilings or walls easily. She has very sharp, almost claw like, nails that help her grip surfaces easily. She doesn't like to sleep upside down- she's terrified of falling- and she fears falling along with heights.



Mikino is very quiet around people that she does not know. She does not like to shout or to yell. If she dislikes something, she likely won't mention it but just smile politely. Her shyness around her others makes her prone to giggling or whispering.


Mikino is always kind to strangers and likes to help people in need. She doesn't like to see anybody suffer, no matter what they've done in the past. She believes that pity should be taken on people that are hurting and that people should help others, no matter the cost.


Like bats, Mikino has a habit of falling asleep during the day- normally unintentionally. If there is a lull in the conversation or nothing to interest her, she just falls asleep. She also struggles to stay awake for hours and hours at a time. She normally has to take a nap in the afternoon.


Mikino was born in Japan but her family moved to America, when she was very young indeed because of her father's work. She can remember little of Japan but is fluent in Japanese. When she was younger, the other kids used to tease her because she was bad at their language and they thought she was an alien. So, Mikino changed. She learnt English and adapted to her new home in Ameria. Eventually, she was kind of accepted but still wasn't particularly close to anyone. She was caught by the goverment when she was walking home late one night after school. She was offered "everything she'd ever wanted" and naïve little Mikino- thinking of a chocolate swimming pool- agreed. She was used in experiments from that point on. She escaped later on and is now wandering the country alone. She can't find her way back home.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]



Mikino Tsukino


Kino Kino, Miki, Miki-chan





Sexual orientation:


Spliced animal:





Mikino can sprout bat like leathery wings and can fly through the air. However, she is terrified of heights and as a result, is not very good at flying. She has a habit of smashing into things whilst flying and doesn't like to fly unless she has no other choice.


Her hearing is advanced so that she could hear things that are quieter and things further away. She doesn't like it when people yell because it hurts her ears. She is very quiet as a result.


Mikino can hang upside down for long periods of time and can cling to ceilings or walls easily. She has very sharp, almost claw like, nails that help her grip surfaces easily. She doesn't like to sleep upside down- she's terrified of falling- and she fears falling along with heights.



Mikino is very quiet around people that she does not know. She does not like to shout or to yell. If she dislikes something, she likely won't mention it but just smile politely. Her shyness around her others makes her prone to giggling or whispering.


Mikino is always kind to strangers and likes to help people in need. She doesn't like to see anybody suffer, no matter what they've done in the past. She believes that pity should be taken on people that are hurting and that people should help others, no matter the cost.


Like bats, Mikino has a habit of falling asleep during the day- normally unintentionally. If there is a lull in the conversation or nothing to interest her, she just falls asleep. She also struggles to stay awake for hours and hours at a time. She normally has to take a nap in the afternoon.


Mikino was born in Japan but her family moved to America, when she was very young indeed because of her father's work. She can remember little of Japan but is fluent in Japanese. When she was younger, the other kids used to tease her because she was bad at their language and they thought she was an alien. So, Mikino changed. She learnt English and adapted to her new home in Ameria. Eventually, she was kind of accepted but still wasn't particularly close to anyone. She was caught by the goverment when she was walking home late one night after school. She was offered "everything she'd ever wanted" and naïve little Mikino- thinking of a chocolate swimming pool- agreed. She was used in experiments from that point on. She escaped later on and is now wandering the country alone. She can't find her way back home.

Accepted. Just be at the facility Jonathan and Tony will be unlocking the cells shortly.

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