General CS Blank

Sensei Fox

Eater of Goldfish Crackers
(Appearance/Face Claim Picture)

Full Name:

Birth place:


Social Class: (Money, Job wise. Are they respected or hated?)





Additional Appendages: (Wings, Tails, Non-Standard Human Ears, Robot Arms)

Important/Usual Accessories: (Stuff they wear all the time, or has personal meaning and why. )

Strengths: (What they’re good at, things that make them better at fighting. No fear of heights, hard head, good balance.)

Weaknesses: (Things that throw them off. Smells that make them sick, sensitivity to light, things they are weak to, weapons they can’t defend against well.)

Weapons: (What they are, proficiency, how long they’ve used them, number, wear and tear, current state, clean?, well used?, favorites?)

Fighting Style: (Type, style, street fighting, Tai Kwan Do, dirty, fast, aim for the head, favored targets.)

Speed: (How fast do they move?)

Agility: (How well do they move without tripping and what kind of acrobatics can they do mid-battle?)

Strength: (Sheer power.)

Stamina: (How long can they keep things up?)

Defensive Ability: (How hard of a hit can they take?)

Semblance Ability: (Your semblance name and how it works)

Planning/Strategic Ability: (How good are they at planning, split second decisions or long term? Many people or one? )

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral. Chaotic, Lawful, Neutral.)






Expressions: (Phrases, “Early Bird Gets the Worm”, ideas, quotes.)

Favored Expletives: (Fuck, Shit, Damn, Darn it, Sassafras. )


Favorite Childhood Memory:

Song: (That describes them best, not their favorite.)

Taste: (How do they, themselves, taste when licked/bitten. For the love of God don't answer this. Just trying to liven up a long ass CS.)

Character Flaws: (Bossy, Loud, Harsh, Blunt, Violent, Shy, Anti-social.)

Mannerisms: (Talks with hands, rubs nose, fidgets with necklace, chews nails, bright eyes, animated speaking, downcast looks, refuses to meet eyes.)

History/Background: (Everything about them from birth to current that shaped them into who they are.)

Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)

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