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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Of course." He smiled softly. He felt bad for him, only a kid and he had all this worry on his shoulders. "Whatever makes ya feel better and get some rest easier."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Thanks..." He quickly wiped his eyes and sniffled as he stood up and hesitantly walked out of the room to go upstairs. A few minutes later, Joseph came back with a blanket with a dark blue sheet, and he also had a pillow with a pillowcase that was the same tone of blue. He sat down on the couch and draped the blanket over his and Johnathan's lap - he put the pillow down beside the arm rest and set his head down on it. It wasn't even ten o'clock yet, but it was a bargain if he fell asleep earlier than his bedtime. He looked up at Johnathan, wiped his eyes again, and then smiled weakly once more. ".. Can we have some hot chocolate, John? Before I have to go to bed?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"I have a feeling your dad's gonna lecture me later for spoiling you boys rotten." He joked as he stood up to head to the kitchen again. Returning with a couple of cups of piping hot hot chocolate. "Here you go, nice and fresh."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Thanks, John." He smiled and took the hot chocolate from him, and then spent the next twenty or so minutes drinking that and talking to Johnathan about other stuff - more happy stuff, such as when his birthday was - which Johnathan found out to be June 15th - and what sort of stuff he was learning in his 'school', he was home-schooled, though, so he didn't have many friends. Hell, he didn't have any. He actually spoke of how he would have liked to have gone to a public school. Maybe that was a possibility once La Desierta was dealt with? Who knew.

After drinking down the hot chocolate he lied down on the pillow and looked at the TV, more happy and reassured seeing as Johnathan was close. Within ten minutes, he had fallen asleep. He looked far more peaceful now.

Johnathan wasn't left alone for much longer, though. Thirty minutes after Joseph drifted off, there was a quiet knock at the front door - Amari wasn't due back for at least another few hours, so who was this? Didn't the guards at the gate stop them? (@Axel1313)
"No problem." He smiled. Happy that Joseph was finally calming down and in a better mood. The poor guy was crying so hard earlier, it broke his heart to see him like that.

Johnathan was just drifting off himself when he heard the knock at the door. Carefully making sure that he didn't wake Joseph he slid off the couch to see who it was. "Hello?" He yawned. Cracking the door open just far enough to see who it was.(@DrTrollinski )
When the door opened in the slightest, a barrel of a silenced pistol came through the door. Both of the guards at the gate were either unconscious or dead, but he'd heard no commotion while he was inside, so it couldn't have been anything serious. He couldn't see any blood, either - what he could see was the gun being pointed right in his face. Whoever it was gently hushed him and pushed the door open, slowly stepping inside. He closed the door over and then pushed the gun up against his forehead, followed by pushing him against the wall and covering his mouth with his hand.

".. Now--.. I'm not here to kill you, or anyone, for that matter... If I let you go, do you promise that you won't scream for the two boys to run away?" He whispered in question. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan was only able to get a gasp out before being backed up to the wall at gunpoint with whoever this was hand over his mouth. Why hadn't the guards alerted them in some way or did they even have the chance to? Not wanting to put the boys in any more danger he nodded in agreement.(@DrTrollinski )
"A simple social gathering. Yes, that could work. One to promote mutual conduct between us and Amari. Very good thinking, brother." Rick said, swiveling his chair as he spoke. God he loved those things, you could pivot so easily left and right in those things. "And we finally have a good enough excuse to get the boys a nice suite."
He slowly pulled the gun away from him and then spun him around, placing it against the back of his head. ".. Alright, let's go sit somewhere quiet. Don't want to wake the kids up, do we?" He whispered before nudging him forward and towards the kitchen. He forced him to sit down at the small table in the kitchen, and then he slowly placed the gun down on the table.

".. Johnathan... You're looking at the man that was sending the random emails while you were doing the research." He said, pulling the balaclava away from his mouth, but leaving his sunglasses on. He was bald, and the most facial hair he had was merely the five o'clock shadow. (@Axel1313)


".. Indeed, indeed. We'll have to dress the boys just like us, maybe with a change of shirt color, or something." He smiled softly and rocked back and forth in his chair several times over, watching Rick. ".. We'll shower Amari with wine, the boys will be fine in our place. The kids have enough toys to keep them occupied - seeing as Joseph's going to be with us, after all." He paused for a moment. ".. Maybe we should invite his American friend, too." He said. (@Beowulf)
He glared at the man as he was forced to sit down at the table and that that glare only grew colder as he revealed who he was. "So you're the guy who was poking his nose into stuff that was none of his business." He glowered. He would have used a harsher tone, but the last thing he wanted was to wake the boys up. "How did you even get in here huh?" (@DrTrollinski )
"If that will put him at ease. We may also stumble upon someone we may like to meet. Perhaps someone brave enough or dumb enough to smuggle items from the West side over. Brave or dumb, it is all the same when it comes to smuggling technology from the West side." That last part was added as mostly an after thought. But, if they were to find a smuggler that trades in West side items, that would be very beneficial.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Hm, I have about ten minutes before the guards wake up." He smiled faintly and leaned back in his chair. ".. You'll find that The Deserted are my business. I'm not here to tell you to stop, I'm actually here to help you - You and Amari have done a fine job at putting the beaners six-feet-under so far, so you might want to know this - You see, years ago, in another state, The Deserted attacked a small medical center and killed everyone inside. One of those people was my mother. I've wanted blood ever since, but it seems that I don't need that now that I've got you." He leaned back onto the table and leaned forward a little bit, his tone going more quiet. ".. I know where you can find the second in command." He said. (@Axel1313)


"Hm. It's hard to even get back into the side all of us are on, even without anything that's smuggled. Only professionals can smuggle stuff in, and they certainly can't climb that wall, brother." He chuckled a little. "In the past ten years, there's been two people that have successfully smuggled something in without getting caught or killed." He added. (@Beowulf)
"I'm not expecting to find a third, but there is no reason to hope for it." Rick said before swiveling to the computer that was in the study. "Might as well send invitations while I'm here. Perhaps I can look for a couple of suits for the boys. Then after, we can practice our rituals and aim. Those skills can never be sharpened to much." he continued as he booted up the computer and began to search for nice looking suites for the boys.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. How about... Charcoal or black suits, white shirts and red ties, or blue shirts and black ties?" He said with a shrug. ".. I'll let you make this choice this time, brother. Honestly, I think we could win Amari over completely if we helped him find his wife, don't you?" He said. (@Beowulf)
"You do?" He was weary about this guy at first, but the offer to help was intriguing. The fact that he wanted revenge on La Desierta after losing his mother to one of their attacks helped build some trust in him too. "You willing to tell me or would you prefer a meeting with my boss." He brought his tone down to a whisper as he leaned forward on the table.(@DrTrollinski )
".. I'll tell you. This guy's in charge of all of the drugs and narcotics that go through the gang. He doesn't live all that far from here, but he's more out in the stranded area in some fancy little home in the middle of some mini lake. Really fancy place - Guards, gate, guns, and CCTV - He doesn't leave the place. The most you'll be able to do is with a sniper rifle of some sort - he occasionally goes out onto his patio in the back, so I'd say wait for the little bean-eater to take a dip in the pool, and then pop him - if you're hiding in the trees, no one will see it coming." He smirked softly and shrugged. ".. Of course you'd have my intel assisting you, if you chose to do this. I believe Amari's given you something else to do within the next two days?" He said, smiling even more. This guy was well-informed, no doubt. (@Axel1313)
"I may have to bring it up with him before hand, but I'm sure my boss would be more than happy to take that guy out." Johnathan smirked. "I can do the job whenever. Except of course in about two days, I'm a tad busy at that point....hmm...how about we just keep in contact? Figure out a plan of some sorts?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. Sounds like a fair plan. I'll be in touch, don't worry." He smiled at him and then stood up and walked out of the back door into the yard. When he got out there, he ran off to the side and then sprung over into the neighbor's yard - he pretty much disappeared into the shadows after that. (@Axel1313)
"Oh....that was more excitement than I needed tonight." Johnathan let out a sigh and stretched his arms out on the table. Letting his forehead fall and rest against it as well. At least he had gotten some very valuable information from him, Amari was definitely going to be pleased. (@DrTrollinski )
After that it was a long and quiet night, for the most part. Michael woke up only once for a diaper change and something to eat, and George got up once as well because he needed to pee - other than that, it was all quiet, and Joseph hadn't even moved since he fell asleep on the couch. At approximately 1:30am, the front door creaked open and Amari stepped in, slowly peering around the hallway. It was very quiet. (@Axel1313)
After getting up to feed and change Michael, Johnathan had fallen asleep on the chair in the living room. The couch would have been more comfortable, but Joseph had taken that up completely after he had gotten up. He began to stir though when he heard the door creak open a bit. Cracking his eyes open he turned his head in the direction of the noise.(@DrTrollinski )
Amari walked into the living room and looked down at Joseph, smiling for a moment before pointing at Johnathan and then pointing towards the kitchen. He walked out there himself and then waited for Johnathan's arrival.

"Glad to see you kept everything under control."

He smiled tiredly and looked back towards the living room. "How come he slept on the couch? He asked. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan yawned and followed Amari into the kitchen sleepily. "Yeah, they were really well behaved.... As for Joseph. He got all upset about something and asked me if he could sleep out here. I figured it couldn't hurt."(@DrTrollinski )
"Ah, right..." He smiled a little and then got up and made two cups of coffee, putting one cup down in front of Johnathan while sipping one himself as he sat down opposite him. "I'm glad they were good for you. The boys I was 'taking care of' were pretty good for me, too." He chuckled quietly under his breath. (@Axel1313)
"Ah, right..." He smiled a little and then got up and made two cups of coffee, putting one cup down in front of Johnathan while sipping one himself as he sat down opposite him. "I'm glad they were good for you. The boys I was 'taking care of' were pretty good for me, too." He chuckled quietly under his breath. (@Axel1313)

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