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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

".. You must have. And you're not the only one." He smiled warmly as he nodded at Michael. "You want to put him back in his crib for me? Cover him over with his blanket, as well." He smiled as he leaned over and gently kissed the top of Michael's head. (@Axel1313)
"I'm glad that I was able to put him to sleep." Smiling softly he stood up. His neck and back popping in the process. He quietly walked over to the crib and tucked Michael in. Making sure that he was covered up comfortably before turning back to Amari. "You need anything else done today?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Turns out I'm looking after The Black Sun's children for a couple of days, so I'm going to have my hands full. I'm hiring a butler as soon as I can to take care of extra stuff while I'm looking after the kids - It'll probably always be that way. Now, when you're here babysitting next week, I'll be out doing what I said, but after that, I want you to be the one to make a move on their explosives supply, so in the meantime, head home, and start planning a way to make a move on that. I recommend you set up a wide perimeter to section off people from the warehouse, that way there won't be any casualties. If needed, I can get you police uniforms to make it more genuine, but until then, just plan how it'll be done. You'll have five guys with you to do this - You'll be given one block of C4 and some guns, blow up their supply of explosives to ensure that they can't make any attacks." He said as he patted him on the shoulder. (@Axel1313)
"It just keeps getting more and more exciting every minute doesn't it?" He joked. "As for the explosives. Is there anyway to get in contact with the five other guys who will be working with me? I think it would be wise to coordinate with them on the plan of attack. Who's going to be doing what and how it's going to be done. Gotta make sure that absolutely nothing goes wrong and even if it does, making sure that we all have a plan of escape as well." (@DrTrollinski )
".. Yes... I'll email you their contact numbers. I recommend that you organize a meet-up over a cup of coffee to discuss plans." He smiled at him and then sat down in the seat that Johnathan had once occupied. ".. I'll see you next week on Friday, okay? I'll lay down everything you need to know on the evening, alright?" He smiled. (@Axel1313)


(You can go ahead and skip to next week Friday. Just write out a paragraph explaining the plan you made up, then we'll jump straight into the RP)


DrTrollinski said:
".. Yes... I'll email you their contact numbers. I recommend that you organize a meet-up over a cup of coffee to discuss plans." He smiled at him and then sat down in the seat that Johnathan had once occupied. ".. I'll see you next week on Friday, okay? I'll lay down everything you need to know on the evening, alright?" He smiled. (@Axel1313)

(You can go ahead and skip to next week Friday. Just write out a paragraph explaining the plan you made up, then we'll jump straight into the RP)
“Okay, so we all clear on what’s going to happen?” He stood in a circle with the group who was assisting him in dealing with the explosives in the warehouse. They were going over the plans to make sure they all had what was going to happen later that night. “We’ve determined a perimeter around the building that should be cleared out to ensure that nobody is harmed. One of you will watch the perimeter via cameras to check for any citizens wandering the area. You and I will be disguised as cops to help shoo away any curious eyes and serve as an extra look out.” He pointed to the guy next to him. “And three of you will go in and plant the explosives, two for getting it set up and one for lookout while that happens. Once we planted we all evacuate the area and detonate the explosive and rid ourselves of this problem for good.”(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah. We've got that. When's all this happening? A couple of days from now, if I'm right? I know for a fact that tonight the boss is out dealing with some of their Lieutenants to make sure that their operations are a bit more bent." One man spoke as he leaned back in his chair. "We've got everything we need, some guys are going with the boss tonight to help him out, and by the time these beaners are done with, we're gonna' be in the money - every last piece of their territory will be ours." He smirked. (@Axel1313)
"We'll be meeting with the boss later tonight to see when we enact this plan. Shouldn't be any more than a few days before we do." Johnathan leaned forward. "Let's worry about the money later alright? Just focus on getting rid of these explosives first."(@DrTrollinski )
Speak of the devil.

'Johnathan - Get all the guys over to my place as soon as possible. I'm heading out soon, so once I leave, you know the drill - You'll be doing the babysitting while I'm gone, but don't worry, I've got a list for you to follow and I've already got dinner ready to be cooked. Michael's been fed and changed already, so he shouldn't bother you that much until I get back.' (@Axel1313)
'Okay, I'll be over there with the guys in a little bit.'

"Come on guys, it's time to head over to the boss's house. He said to be there as soon as possible too, so no messing around. If you're not careful I may just recruit all of you to help me with babysitting Amari's boys tonight." He joked as he headed towards the door and to his car. Speeding off towards Amari's place. (@DrTrollinski )
"I don't know about that. Half of us have kids to get home to myself." One man chuckled. "Trust me, if I told my wife I was looking after another guy's kids, she'd probably shoot me - I'm away from home enough as it is." He laughed a little and rubbed the back of his head. (@Axel1313)
He laughed and glanced back at him quickly. "Oh how I know how that goes....if my girlfriend found out that I was actually volunteering to watch somebody else's kids I'd be in hot water too." (@DrTrollinski )
"It depends, man. Women can be assholes. They go and watch their friend's kids and leave you with your own, but then as soon as you do the same thing, you're either cheating, trying to spend more time at the bar with friends, or you're not committed. Seriously, my wife's the same - Total. Bitch. But I still love her, you know?" He grinned and leaned back in his chair. (@Axel1313)
"I know what you mean there....my girl intimidates me into doing what she asks by threatening to send me to the couch or sending her brother after me. Irritates me to no end! But I still love her more than anything." He grinned. "And at least they love us no matter what we do too. That is, pending on how bad you mess up."(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, trust me. Amari hates women that are manipulative like that. His wife did something like that once, and said that if he didn't change, she was gone. Amari didn't have a word of it - he went fuckin' batshit with the whole 'you know what? Fine! If you ain't happy, then fuck off right now! The kids are happy, I'm happy, and all I ever did was make change while you were sitting here complaining, so if you ain't happy like us, fuck off!' And you know what she did? She walked out, and came back half an hour later crying her eyes out and begging for forgiveness. When women try to manipulate you, you know what you do? You fuckin' grow a pair and stand up for yourself. You ain't goin' anywhere in life if you let a person who's meant to love you push you around." He explained. It was obvious that Amari didn't fuck about. (@Axel1313)
"Eh." Johnathan shrugged. "To be honest, she's not as manipulative as I've made her out to be. Most of the time it's my own fault and I shouldn't have argued in the first place....like the time I came back drunk outta my mind. The girls were only a few weeks old so I should have known better, she even told me so...ended up sleeping on the couch for about a month for that stunt and she hardly talked to me too. We kissed and made up though, so it was all good." (@DrTrollinski )
"Still ain't right, pal. You're allowed to go out and get drunk sometimes, doesn't mean you should get punished for it. If you risked your life, then fair enough. All of that talk of her brother, though? Fuck that. He don't have the right to step in and 'put you straight'. Bullshit." He huffed as he looked out of the car window. (@Axel1313 - last post so goodnight :) also, next post, have them arrive at Amari's)
"Not when she's stuck at home with the newborn babies and already running on only a few hours of sleep. I was in the wrong with that one and she had every right to be mad at me for it. As for her brother? He's been on my case ever since I looked at her! He's just a jerk like that to every guy that looks at her funny. She does let him have it for doing that though." He explained as he pulled up to Amari's house. (@DrTrollinski - Alright. Noapte Buna)
"Trust me. If her brother's a guy like that around here, he'll hate the Italians and he'll probably end up losing a few teeth here and there if he gets funny with any of us." He shrugged and chuckled as he stepped out of the car once they'd pulled in after the gates had been opened for them. He walked towards Amari's door and knocked on it, and soon enough, Amari stepped out and closed the door behind him to speak to them all.

"Good evening, everyone." He said. (@Axel1313)
"If only I would have known you guys sooner, it would've made dealing with him so much easier." He grinned. "But I think he'll shut up once I marry her. He won't be able to do anything after that."

"Good evening sir." They greeted Amari as he appeared.(@DrTrollinski )
"Evening. Your plan takes place in two days time. Sunday evening. Most people are at home having Sunday dinner and all that. I'll have the police uniforms stored in a dumpster behind a donut store a block down from the warehouse. That'll be your first stop." He said with a sure nod. He was wearing a long coat and a hat - he was all ready to go out. ".. Johnathan, I need to speak to you in regards to the babysitting. The rest of you move off." He said. (@Axel1313)

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