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Gang wars.


*Thud* *Thud*

Loud footstep's echoed through the old warehouse, every time the person took a step closer to pillar her heart took another loud beat. Keira breathed in slowly while her trembling hand clenched the gun. She held her breath as footsteps grew louder...she counted each step the person took and when the time came she stepped out from shadow's that hid her form and aimed for unknown man before her. Man quickly searched for his own weapon, but it was already too late when gun shoot echoed through the empty space. Keira watched as man fell down on ground, his chest rose for the last time as he took final breath. She never wanted this, when young woman signed the contract she never thought that this decision will turn her into a killer. Keira let out the breath she was holding and let her black bangs fall over her eyes. However it was too early to relax, she was still in other gang's territory. Keira had heard a lot of rumors about new leader of the gang, he was young but ruthless and knew no mercy. Rumors say that he killed his own father to get the position as a leader, but no one knew if it was true.

Keira looked up as old door's of warehouse burst open and many well armed man ran into the room. Quickly as an arrow young woman made a run for it to nearest pillar. Silver flashes of bullets were clearly seen in dark. Keira was trapped, there was no where she could run. She cursed herself for letting down the guard and now she had to pay for it. There was no other choice but to risk it, or else she wouldn't get out alive. Keira tightened her grip on the gun and jumped out in open, she aimed for two men who were closer to her and in a moment they fell down dead. However luck wasn't on her side as one of bullets hit her in shoulder making her drop the gun. Young woman barely managed to pull back and hide behind the pillar. she was done for sure this time. Keira closed her eyes, waiting for death when suddenly all the guns went silent and another pair of footsteps echoed through the air.

-Leave that woman to me.-

A gruff voice made her heart jump. She peered over the corner of pillar and gulped hard when she saw handsome man standing in middle of armed man...He was the leader of the gang.
Kage was in his own personal room reading a book with his black colt 50. Cal pistol with red lines on it that looked like veins another one was on the table the was red with black vines these two guns came together like twins. As he was reading he was thinking how he got here in this position which he had to claw his way up planning and plotting until he had his chance which he took by shooting his father right in the head, no one really new if he did except for him after that he was in charge and started making this gang better taking territory from other gangs and recruiting more people. He started selling drugs in mass quantities to other countries of course his wasn't the biggest gang but he had the most cunning and one of the most dangerous ones.

One of his underlines came in saying "Boss there's an assassin" the underline closed the door saying "what should we do" with a hoarse voice. Other gangs have been hiring mercenaries to kill Ash since he was a new gang boss but his men wouldn't let that happen they are to trained and loyal to let it happen. When Ash was thinking he heard gunshots and decided saying "take me I'll deal with this" he said as he put both pistols in their holster before putting on a trench coat. As he made his way out he heard gunshots of automatic rifles when he made it in he saw the assassin and it was a female so he thought "hmmm, I'll get some information and see who sent her" he made his way to his men saying "Leave that woman to me" as he said this all the fire stopped and he started walking forward as he did his men started walking with him so the assassin will have no chance of killing him. As he made it to her he crouched down saying "so miss if you answer my questions I won't hurt you to much okay" he said with a grin.
Keira glared up at man before her, he was just as rumors described - ruthless, cold and cruel. His grin alone made her want to snap his neck, it was like a game between a cat and mouse. Her chances to win against him were very low, it was almost impossible to escape this situation. Almost. Keira looked around her, checking out the best route of escaping. There was about five strong looking men behind leader, all of them armed and on guard. No chances there. Her shoulder hurt badly, the bullet must be still inside, that only made her escaping even more impossible. The blood loss made it hard to concentrate. After a moment girl sighed in defeat. She looked up at the leader of gang and frowned. If she told him who sent her, she will be dead anyway. No matter which way she turned the outcome was the same. Only thing she could do for her own sake was end it all faster.

-I wouldn't tell you even if you tortured me. -

Keira spat and quickly grabbed dagger that was hidden behind her belt. With a fast move she turned the dagger to herself and aimed straight for her heart. However just when blade was about to stab her chest someone grab't her arm and stopped her. As much as she tried to finish what she started it was pointless as person held her tight.
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Ash grabbed the girls wrist right before she stabbed herself she kept jerking her hand to puncture her heart "what is wrong with this girl, is she a person who wants to commit suicide or something" he said as he held her wrist she wasn't that strong or anything to him but he new she was dangerous and he had no idea if she was going to attack him at all.

"Who said anything about torture"

He said as he took the knife slowly out of her hand and gave it to one of his guards, the guard took it and put it in his picket for safe keeping for now.

"And why would I torture, I'm better than all the other low life gangs I can get information out of you without torturing you....ill just break your will" he said with a grin.
Keira frowned, now there was no other choice but to give up for now. Her light blue eyes grew sharp as she glared up at the young man who was still holding onto her wrist tightly. "What is he up to? No torture he say's...then what will he do? I can't let my guard down." Keira thought to herself as she eyed the man before her carefully and returned his smug grin.

"I would love to see you try...."

She said in mocking manner. Keira knew better than anyone that breaking her will not be easy. The injury on her shoulder was starting to annoy her, the pain was only getting stronger and her vision started to blur. In a moment everything flowed together and her eyelids started to get heavy. As much as she tried to keep it together and not show that she was hurt, girl failed miserably.
Ash smiled hearing the girl respond he was happy by this response seeing he will have a challenge. "Now how should I do it....put her in a dark solitary place until she cracks and will only get to talk to me to lif the burden then leave her to break her again than come to see her again until she wants me to be there....or should it be simple electroshock" he smiled as he contemplated in his head the guards behind him shivered a bit feeling the dark mine come into place.

"Oh no worries I'll handle breaking you personally" he said smiling "but first off lets handle that wound" he said as he bent down and picked her up and carrying her princess style to his room saying "guards stand on the outside of the door" the guards responded with a 'yes sir' as they followed him into his room. As he got in he set the girl down on a chair saying "now how shall we deal with this wound?"
Woman tried to protest and wiggle out from man's grip as he carried her to his private chamber. However he was holding her way too tightly for young woman to stand a chance of escaping. Cruel smirk never left his face making Keira even more annoyed and angry. Her blood was boiling from rage as she was completely powerless against him. One thing was for sure as much as he might try she will never brake. at least Keira thought so. When man sat her down in chair first thing she did was pull away from him and scan the room for any possible escape. The room itself looked like normal bedroom, it was quite large i might add. Keira growled when she saw no other escape then window. "Wait! That's it!" Keira barely held back her smirk as the idea came in her mind. 5th floor was nothing she couldn't get over with.

"I don't need your help."

She spat when man asked about her wound. Like she would ever let him touch her. In her mind woman was already going though the best escaping route. Keira just needed to get to closest car and she would be long gone. With her violent driving skills she could get away from anything. She just needed to be patient and wait for the best chance. "Come on...let down your guard. I'm just a little helpless girl." She thought to herself as the corner of her lip lifted up in halfhearted smirk .
Ash sat on the bed thinking "Well at least it's more lively around here." He thought as his smirk was gone. He wanted to help out with the wound, he might have been a cold hearted bastard but he was no monster he just wanted to help her but she was stubborn that she wouldn't let him get near her at all.

"Really that wound will get infected and I don't want to break someone that is wounded"

He got up and looked out the window to the bustling city saying "but if you want I can throw you in the hole right now" as he snapped his finger and two men came in as he said "Take her to the hole" as he looked at female in the chair and the two guards.

"Oh yeah what's your name miss"
Keira frowned deeply when two men entered the room and grab't her by arms. Sharp pain run through her shoulder as they twisted her hands behind her back, girl bit down her lip hard not to let out a scream. Keira stayed silent stubbornly, but one of guards seemed to be overly loyal and impatient. "He asked you a question!" The guard yelled and pressed hard on the wound. This time Keira couldn't hold in whimpers...But she still keep't her mouth shut, refusing to even answer this one simple question.

"Go to hell...."

She said in forced, overly sweet voice. Girl was way too stubborn for her own sake. She was surprised that the leader actually wanted to help her, however she didn't believe that it was for a good reason. 'There must be something under his skin....i won't give in no matter what. He might be able to bent me, but i will never brake.'

Keira spit out some of the blood in guards face. She bit her lip so hard that it actually started to bleed. this action of hers made the guard extremely angry, however Keira showed no fear as he raised his hand to hit her.
As the guard yelled he was overall surprised he didn't know his men were this impatient but what are you going to do they are use to killing and such. As the girl said "go to hell" he snickers abut but when she spit in his face that was going over the line a little he admitted in his mind went a little to far. When his man raised his fist he came up to him and punched him in the gut saying to him.

"I'll handle her and don't worry I'll add a little more suffering for what she did, but for what you did to her you'll have to clean the storage room"

The man was surprised but he sucked it up saying "y-yes boss" as he said this Ash went up to the female snaking her across the face saying.

"You shouldn't do that to someone who is just doing their job, you know he has a wife and kids to feed mostly everyone here does you just make it harder on them" he stood there for a second then said "take her to the hole minimize her food to the max, make sure it's pitch black, she is not to have any human contact. I'll talk to her in seven days and we will see if she answers then, maybe then you'll cooperate" he whispered the last part to her and kissed her check then backed up to get her pissed off since she wasn't going to get loose.
Keira pushed forward to attack the leader when he dared to kiss her cheek, but the guard held her tightly. Girl fought from all her might as guards took her away. She tried everything, fighting them, kicking, punching even doing nothing and refusing to stand on her feet as they took her through endless hallway's. By each step they grew more darker and soon guards game to stop before dark metallic door. One of guards unlocked them and the second one pushed her inside. Keira screamed in anger when door shut behind her, leaving only pitch black darkness. She slumped against the door, but they didn't budge.

Keira didn't know how much time had passed, many times she tried to open the door or at least something in the darkness, but it was pointless. Only sign that time was actually moving was pain that continued to grow. Keira could only lie on her back stare into endless darkness as if it had a meaning. 'They won't brake me.....I won't let them.' She repeated again and again in her head till those words echoed in her mind. Woman didn't accept the food only what seemed like three days later she finally accepted a glass of water. Something strange was happening, her body was acting up, she couldn't move her injured arm, thick layer of sweat covered her whole body and she had hard time breathing. The wound was pulsing,causing her a lot of pain and her fever was way over normal.

Keira closed her heavy eyelids, not waiting for anything to happen when suddenly the door swung open...
Ash was walking through hallway after hallway until he could not hear the sounds of his men working in then warehouse. He was alone because he didn't need his guards right now. He was going to meet his killer he didn't know her name or anything but hey he was going to get some answers It might have been early at 3 days but hey he at least wanted to see the condition she was in right now. So when he got to the metal door he pulled out a key that matched the color of the door and fit in lock perfectly, when he opened up the door he saw the girls pitiful state she was covered in sweat there was an awful stench in the room and her wound was infected. He walked up to the girl and crouched down it didn't look like she had any strength in her at all so he was good.

"So miss hard ass do you need help at all because I will help you if you give me information" he said as he got on his knees and set her head on his lap waiting for a reply.
Keira saw a blurt figure approaching her, only when it came to stand before her she could make out the face. She looked in stormy eyes of man who was holding her and smirked halfheartedly.

"No matter what i tell you, the outcome is the same..."

Keira took deep breath, speaking alone made her weaker by each second. Every word caused her pain

"I rather keep the last bits of self respect....so piss off."

Young woman managed to say before losing consciousness. Her body went limp and she didn't respond. Her black bangs were drenched in swat and clung't to her pale face which had gotten almost white.
"Heh you still stubborn *Sigh* looks like I have to be the good guy"

As Ash said this he picked up the girl and brushed her hair away from her head and wounds so it won't get any worse than it was. When he looked at the wound it was throbbing "guess this is going to take a while", he started carrying the girl in a princess style manner as she was limp and was difficult to hold her but he was managing.

As he made it into his room he went over to his bed and set her down on a white sheet that was covering his bed it was pretty think so it could hold a lot of liquids. After he set her down he went over to a drawer and pulled out some tweezers, alcohol, and gauze with bandage. "Good thing I'm a hoarder of medical supplies". When he got all his supplies he went over to the girl and set all the supplies down "oh wait thread and needle damn" so he ran back to the drawer pulling out medical thread and needle and came back with scissors to. As he got back he started cutting her clothes around the torso off and pulled off the shirt. What was under there was the wound that was still infected and pulsing she had pale skin with two nice breasts that were covered with a bra, Ash took a deep breath in and started the procedure.

As Ash got done he started stitching the wound up, after the he said to himself "now all I need to do is clean it so it doesn't get dirty...well I do t want to use the alcohol right now so I'll wash her by hand" after saying that he went to a sink with a bucket and filled it up with warm water and got a sponge when he got back to her he undressed her all the way and folded up all her clothes setting them in a basket to be washed later. When he got done cleaning her he started bandaging up her shoulder and arm all the way down to her elbow, he made sure it was tight so it would not fall off after that he went over to a dresser drawer and pulled out a big shirt, some boxers and some shorts he went back over to her and dressed her. After he dressed her he picked her up so he could get the dirty sheet off the bed after he did that he set her back in the bed covering her up with the sheet and he sat in the chair and fell asleep since he was to tired to stay awake from concentrating to much on the surgery.
Keira slowly opened her eyes, bright light light made her blink few times before her eyes adjusted to the brightness. She was no longer in cold, smelly basement where no sun shined. In stead she was back into leaders bedroom, laying on his bed. Keira sat u quickly, her shoulder still hurt but much less than before. Young woman looked down at herself and her eyes widened. She wasn't wearing her clothes anymore, instead she was dressed in man's clothing that was twice bigger than her. 'Wait...Who the hell changed me!?' Keira felt a bit panicked as she took a look around the room, she was shocked to see the leader of gang fast asleep on chair besides the bed. He was breathing peacefully making Keira smirk. 'Well, well well...what do we have here?.'

Quietly woman crawled out from bed, not causing any sound as she moved. Her grin only grew when she noticed a gun laying on the nightstand. Without hesitation she grabbed it and pointed the weapon at leaders head. Keira held the weapon with steady hand all left to do was pull the trigger, but for some reason she couldn't. Woman eyed her neatly bandaged shoulder and sighed. 'Fuck it! I'm so going to regret this later.' She thought to herself and lowered the gun. Her steps made no sound as she walked to window and opened it. She didn't care what she was wearing, right now it was more important to get away before the leader wakes up. Skillfully she jumped on windowsill and looked down at free fall. 'This or staying here...i choose this.' Keira took a deep breath and jumped out from 5th floor.
When the female jumped out the window Ash was still asleep until a sunordinate came in and woke him up. He tried opening his eyes but they hurt from the light and he had to squint as the subordinate said "Boss she left out the window as you confirmed should we follow" Ash looked at the open window and said.

"Sure why not you guys go ahead while I get dressed"

After he said that the subordinate left and a lot of movement could be heard downstairs as people got into cars and started going after the girl. While this happened Ash was getting dressed in a all white suit that had a white trench coat on, he put shoulder holsters that went around his shoulders and placed his pistols in the holsters under his armpits, then he brushed his hair. After he was done he went downstairs to floor level and went to the back of the building, when he got to the back a Black motorcycle could be seen with a helmet and book bag on it when he got to the bike he put pistol mags with another pistol in it. He put on his helmet and book bag saying

"Now let's see where the mouse hid the cheese" as he put full throttle on his bike and followed the gps he put in the girl as he sowed her up.

(Just for some reference)

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Keira smirked confidently as she pushed gas pedal into floor and gained speed. The car was rushing through street's of Los Angeles crossing every possible speed limit. She couldn't return to her gang, if leader found out that she failed mission he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. Keira was actually quite happy about the chance to get away from all this, but she wasn't dumb. Girl knew well enough that they are after her and life she is living will never be peaceful. Keira sighed when blue and red lights lit up behind her and annoying sound of police car echoed through her ear's. Quickly she took sharp turn to left, playful smirk appeared on her lips when police couldn't keep up with her moves. Soon enough no one was after her and Keira reached her destination. Young woman hopped out from car and rushed inside the tall building before her. After long and annoying elevator ride she got out at 30 floor and rushed straight to her apartment. Keira stormed around the house for a while, packing some of her clothes, guns and other things she might need. Young woman pulled on her own clothing, as always she was dressed whole in black.

She had exactly 30 minutes to make it to plane. After she checked her things one last time Keira rushed back to the car, but surprise, surprise. She was no longer alone.
As Ash zipped down the road he was bobbing and weaving around cars following the chip he implanted he gave his men some trackers to so they knew where to go. He took a sharp turn down an alley way thrashing trash cans out of the way and sometimes hitting a person out of the way, as he made it closer to her the beeping got more rapid as he got there all his men were set up around the entrance and the back entrance looks like she was coming out the front to be inconspicuous huh. As he got to the barricade he set his bike down and went up taking out both pistols and held them waiting for her. As she came out all of the men raised there weapons up and he just looked at her grinning a bit while saying.

"Dear oh dear or guest tried to leave us without saying good bye....that's just rude you know" as he waved his finger as to think she was a child doing something wrong.
Keira's look grew sharp as she looked around her, she knew that they were following her, yet she didn't expect them to find her this fast. Long annoyed sigh escaped her lips.

"Your seriously going to aim your gun at me in public place like this? That's just dumb, police must be already on it's way...Who would have thought that you can be such a pain in the ass...."

Keira said in harsh manner, yet she didn't seem to be worried about men surrounding her at all. A mysterious smirk appeared on her lips as sirens of police cars echoed through the air.

"Looks like we have guests, be so kind and deal with them for me...see ya."

Quickly woman turned her back to the gang and ran inside the building, gun shoot's echoed through the air as some of the men fired, missing her every time. Keira frowned when she could hear footsteps following close behind her. Young woman kicked open the door to staircase and started to run up. She knew well enough that she won't make it to elevators on time so she had to try plan B, even if it sucked.
Ash was happy she still had a lot of smart ass in her still he liked his girls feisty and she was just the type it was to bad she kept running he would have to put a bullet in her leg sooner or later if she kept doing this. As she ran into the building his men tried shooting but missed do to some civilians mixed in and on top of that the police were about to be here.

"Shit hold the police off and shoot anyone that is associated with another gang on site, I'm going in okay!"

As he said this his men shook their he'd confirming they understood. He looked towards the complex and ran in after her and eventually caught up but she took the stairs and she was quiet fast Ash was quite happy she was giving him a chase. As he ran he looked up at the girl which was one staircase ahead of him he looked at her saying.

"You can't escape so just give up already and I won't send you to the hole okay" as he pulled out his twin pistols to shoot her legs if she didn't stop.
Keira frowned, he was much closer than she wanted him to be. The sound of guns safety being switched off echoed through the empty staircase making her nerves jump. "Shit....Shit...SHIT!"

Woman cursed in her head as she continued to hop over the steps.

"You can try, but your method's work only on weak people like yourself!"

Keira yelled, stubbornly holding onto her sharpness and strong nature. Although her chances of escaping this were low. Her level of stamina was high, yet it wasn't endless and the building wasn't too. With each floor she felt her body growing weaker, the rather fresh wound on her shoulder was starting to hurt badly, her body wasn't ready to go for such a work out after being kept without much food and water. When Keira reached 25th floor woman was already breathing hard and tripped over the steps from time to time, her body was at it's limits already and she was forced to stop when a loud gunshot echoed through the building. From surprise and shock woman didn't know what to do. Her right leg felt like someone had smashed it. Quickly woman grabbed her gun which was put behind her belt and pointed it at man who stood only few steps behind her...She didn't hesitate to pull the trigger aiming for his head, but nothing happened. the gun was empty.


She cursed loudly.
Ash calmly walked up to the woman saying. "See look what you made me to your pretty body" he said as he put his guns in there holsters tightly enough in case she tried anything at all, while he was walking up to her with a devilish smile and when he came up to her he smiled even more and pulled her small waist to his waist and kept her there and kissed her lips. It was a warm sensation and he even Frenchmen her at some point then pulled apart to breathe.

"See isn't this much better" as he snickered a bit as he released pressure from her leg.
Keira was furious, he captured her, injured her leg so that she had no chance of escaping at all and whats more he dared to kiss her!! Damn she was angry. She was pissed at him, but even more furious she was because girl actually had a chance to end him, yet she didn't pull the trigger and left him alive. Who knows, if she had actually killed him maybe now she wouldn't be in the mess and just maybe she could return to her own gang. The level of her rage only rose when she thought about that. The had a chance!!

"I'm so going to kill you....When you will expect it the least i will make sure to blow out your brain."

Keira spat, venom dripping off her voice. She made sure to look into his eyes as those words left her mouth. Man's evil, yet rather playful smirk made her feel even more angrier. But in a moment her face switched to complete boredom. Keira sat down on the steps and crossed her arms over her chest. If there was no escaping him then at least she was going to make it hard on him.

"Do what you want, i wouldn't care less...."

She answered in bored voice while looking away from the man standing before her. One moment she was angry and she still was, yet she didn't want to give him the pleasure that her anger and helplessness caused. Keira was stubborn and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

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