Gaming Table Pictures/Features


One Thousand Club
As Storytellers, it's often our place to provide a place at a nice table, maybe a bit of food and possibly lodging to our players. The pillar of this social contract is.. the Gaming Table.

This holy artefact is central to sit-down Roleplaying. The venerated RPG table is home to the Dice, surface upon which tea is spilled on Character Sheets*, and the frame for the ST's throne-seat at the head of the game and the setting.

I have oft renovated my table to better suit it to RPG-ing, and steady improvements have made it what I think to be an ideal setting for RPGs, particularly Exalted.

Here is my precious:


She sports a map under a glass pane; one of the advantages of this arrangment is that I or my players can scribble with washable pens and markers on the map or to describe a stunt or scene. The white box is a feng shui replacement for the wide bowl I used for pens, tick counters and dice; I think it will make the table more open for the next session, I'll be able to clearly see everyone.

The rotating office chair is clearly mine. What the picture doesn't show is the patio outside leading into the garden, which is nice for breaks, and the underused kitchen behind me, which would in theory help keep the game running when people get the munchies.

Bring on the pictures/descriptions of your own tables/rooms! I believed this to be the forum because it's an ST-ing related thread, but by all means shift it if I'm wrong.

*It's a commonly accepted fact that Tea/Coffee stains empower characters.
Soda stains tend to solidify the Destinies of PCs in my games.

My area is a living room,

my throne is a swivel chair next to a computer loaded with Exalted maps, NPCs, e-books, and other things,

my gaming tables are pine tray tables,

and my players are on crack.
Damn. You're like the fucking Chairman of the Board. You need an engraved name placard.
I moonlight as a GM at the same table about twice a month.

I have a table I use for games at home, but it's currently loaded with school books and technical brick-a-brack and is sorely out of shape.
"Presidente for Life"

Gold lettering on a jet black pannel affixed to a solid gold oak backing.

As a side note:  I need to find a laptop.
As a side note:  I need to find a laptop.
If you're not looking for anything blazingly fast, I can hook you up with a free one. It just needs a new hard drive. PM me.
I can take a pic of the table where my group currently plays this Thursday -- but it's gonna look hella ghetto next to what I shall dub, "The Executive ©"
My 'Throne' is a ratty old arm chair infront of a pieced together homebrew computer. Our table? The very books we use to play the game serve for a roling service, our appartment is too small to fit a true gaming table in. I'm none too wealthy currently, so we use what we can.
Samiel, if you didn't live across the goddamn pond, I might jack you for your table. That shit is bad-ass, for serious.
And you'd be welcome!

I'm considering joining the Requiem LARP in Cork again with a few friends; last time we were very close to winning the game through ebbil. If we do, it'll probably involve the table as a stragegy board, with underglass social maps and character portfolios... and a map of Cork City to boot...


I'm considering printing up Wordman's FA map minus the FA stuff because it's more pretty, but I'd likely run into difficulty getting it printed on large enough paper. The obvious alternative is the Real Map of Creation with all the good stuff in, but the same restriction applies.

Give it a few days and I'll have an alternate picture of "The Executive" which might disappoint; mid session! :P
Ok the projector map thing just gave me a reason to talk my wife into getting a projector that i have wanted for a very long time.
4-6 years of law school... $100 000

computers to usefor study $10 000

Articles clerkship $15 000

Office furniture $3 000

Legal library $20 000

Being a barrister who can afford to make a room like that? priceless
Damn you lawyers. Damn you. ;) Almost tempts me to go back to college and switch my major. But nah. If I ever have the funds to finish I'll likely still go back as an Anthro major...not that it'll do me much good. Begging for grant money and so forth isn't likely to result in beautiful gaming rooms.
I'm considering stealing my mum's projector for precisely that function.. I'd screw it up and it couldn't be permenant but teh sheer awesome of having a projection on the wall would make it all worth it..

Want a projector on the cheap, just look in the Argos catalogue. You don't need to be a barrister.
Projectors are for weenies. If you really want to flaunt your wealth with cool gadgets, get a Smartboard.
Miniatures are for weenies. Just draw/erase them on the smartboard as needed -- or use a program where you can drag and drop icons around the map.

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