• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Game Over (Open & Accepting!)


One of Oblivion


Name: (Real life name)

Username: (In-game name)



DoB: (Date of Birth)




Appearance: (Out of game appearance)

Armor: (In-game appearance)

Race: (Anything that has a humanoid form/shape)

Class: (Warrior, archer, Mage, Etc...)

Element: (Each in-game character has an element that they are quiet able to manipulate easily)





Quirks: (Something that's not been said yet)

Theme song: (Optional)

RPer: (Your Username)

(This is for NPCs that are like hired hands/summons, and Boss like characters, or just have a big roll in the story)








Mission Name: (be creative)

Difficulty: (more of a suffestion, range from low-high...for now)

Location: (Pay attention to RP's map!)

Requested: (Again be creative)

Description: summarize it and PM @Kishune the whole story)

Type of mission: (Smething simple)

Rewards: (Do I have to say it...be creative)

Enemies: (Must have 3-4 enemies, and please add their strengths and weaknesses. don't have a pic, @Kishune can cover it)
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Name: Kyugo

Gender: Male
Height: 6'0


Race: Human(?)

Class: N/A


Name: Kumoi

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8

Weight: 138

Race: Human(?)

Class: N/A


Name: Kuchiku

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Race: Human(?)

Class: N/A
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Username: Akumada

Age: 18

Gender: Male

DoB: 11/13

Height: 6’0

Weight: 150

Sexuality: Straight



In the real world Austin is a tall, slim firm built man, with flaming red hair, and piercing red eyes. His disposition usually makes him unapproachable, and got him in a bit of trouble when he was younger. That's where he got his scare on his forehead.



In the game, Akumada and has a similar body frame as in the real world, and wears full body armor that looks like it was made of a blood crystal or something. He'll wear everything but the helm, though. The type of weapon he mainly uses are two handed wielding swords, like the claymore, great sword and bastard sword, and for accessories he doesn't care as long as it give him proper upgrades.

Race: Demon

Class: Warrior

Element: Fire

Bio: Austin is a wasn’t the brightest kid in school, and was always called a delinquent in school due to his mean look and natural red hear. He got into fight a lot in school to where it happens almost daily, and had a good balance of wins and losses. Sometimes he often skips school to avoid such things.

On one of these, ‘times off’ Austin came across an arcade, and decided to spend his time there…better than at his house at the time with his parents. Austin started playing a few games. He was pretty good at them once he got a hold of the games and figured a few things out and started to spend his time off of school there where hit the high scores in the matter of weeks, in all the games. After all that stopped being a challenge for him, he started to move on from the Arcade to home console. He played those and most the challenging games to complete, into completion to the point that console games were still pleasurable to play, but still didn’t much of a challenge threw most of them.

Once Austin got internet in his house, he moved on to MMOs and slowly rose through the ranks of multiple games. In RPGs, he has gained the title ‘Berserker’ for his typical play style. He layer his character with all these buffs that he seemed more over powered than he seemed. He even won in a few gaming competitions like this, and had a few interviews with multiple game magazines making him a recognizable figure in the gaming community; thus the reason why he was chosen.

Likes: Messing with noobs, Gaming, Fighting

Dislikes: Loosing his fun, Loosing in a game

Fears: Finding a boss he could never beat.

Quirks: Austin is good at video games due to being able to over analyze things in them to exploit them…but he’s not a photo memory genius and can forget things at times. He also has a bit of a temper

Theme song: Night - Fake it

RPer: Kishune
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Name: Tsubaki Shinjou

Username: Midori

Age: 18

Gender: Male

DoB: 8/10

Height: 6'0

Weight: 168lb

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1644325.jpg.ce60ace4899d94e3c8a275ac4472ef76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1644325.jpg.ce60ace4899d94e3c8a275ac4472ef76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Armor: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/hkk.jpg.f2b31834776bae6c20d46109f99f072e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/hkk.jpg.f2b31834776bae6c20d46109f99f072e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Human/Demon

Midori has somewhat appearance relations with Tsubaki's but he looks more rugged and damaged. Midori has a muscular body build and his height is 6'2. His weapon of choice is a black steel katana and throwing kunai he forms put of thin air. His covered arm is a black and yellow demon arm which holds many potential abilities that are currently unknown and perhaps forbidden in game.

Class: Rogue

Element: Wind

Bio: Tsubaki has always been a high svholar in school and out. He has many talents in other things such as Music production, Art and Animation and the occasional Social worker, but he realized that he despise that hobby due to his hatred for showing compassion towards others.

He had a strange interest in video games on day after class and decided to search the web for anything new and he did find what he was looking for. This demo for a new MMO game eas being released from every official website and a sudden flame ignited within Tsubaki. He had already achieved maximum glory and praisr from completing previous events sports, competitive fairs, tournaments, etc and just for the fun of it he quickly gathered info for this game and preparer himself to enter virtual reality.

Likes: Keeping to himself//Showing off in game

Dislikes: Showing his compassionate side, it makes him feel weak//

Fears: Having to loose something or one important.

Quirks: Tsubaki is rather arrogant and airheaded when it comes to things not many can beat him in.

Theme song: Will find one soon

RPer: @Cloud Nagasake



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Nora Nichijun








January the 8th


174 cm


62 kg


Heterosexual, Bi-curious


Lean, muscular, athletic ... light blonde hair and deep blue eyes from European heritage.



Multi-shot crossbow with bolted magazines ...- and physique is pretty much meant to more or less match her own.








Growing up in a disciplined household, Nora goes hand in hand with the term. Her father was a world-long boxer, and her mother concerned herself with several eastern disciplinary rituals. This caused her to grow up as just that; disciplined. Whether it mattered with her health, work or loyalty, she would always come across with a sincere fierceness in her mannerism. Despite this, she was always quite mischievous in classes and school, gaining her quite a few nicknames.

As she became older, she refused to let the discipline of her life-style overcome her personality. Therefore, she can actually hold a solid conversation without feeling that what everyone else does is inappropriate. Her mischievous and jester attitude quickly enveloped as part of her personality, and often manifests itself through social interactions. Whilst she was excelling academically and physically (her family was very strict on physical discipline and health), she could not help but feel that something was missing. Because of this, she was quickly sucked into the world of games at the age of 17. It was easy to win, the achivements felt real. It was good enough. Despite this, she was relatively new to games.

However, she was shortly after contacted by ... some sort of gaming company? They had some new type of soft-ware and, hearing about the great possibilities that it had, it would be dumb to turn it down.


Spicy foods, exercise and mischievous behavior


Sweets, the lethargic and far too strict


The usual human stuff - death among many. Doesn't like really small, tight spaces.


Has no respect for personal space. Irredeemably inappropriate.


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Name: Sumiko Inoue

Username: Apollo

Age: 20

Gender: Female

DoB: May 8th

Height: 5"9

Weight: 130lbs

Sexuality: Homosexual





(Replace the weird head thing with a simple gold headband; slap her face on top of the guy on the bottom) She looks relatively the same, although her hair is slightly longer and she has "harder edges", so to speak.

Race: Demigod(born of some flame deity, take your pick. Too many to count. xD )

Class: Archer

Element: Fire

Bio: Sumiko is a heiress; simple as that. Born to a family that had made a fortune in manufacturing concrete, she was raised in a very posh environment and wanted for nothing. Strangely, she grew up quite grounded, despite things, and had an innate compassion that led her to the oldest and poorest of places, helping all those that she could. She also grew up as quite the tomboy, her father a single man who treated Sumiko much like a son. not that she particularily minded; she was often without strong preference for anything. Having took fencing and archery -"true Heir skills", as her father liked to say- she grew enraptured with contact sports, but couldn't really go out and box like a "mere mortal", as it could damage her father's reputation(although that didn't mean she didn't take the lessons in secret). A friend introduced her to gaming, of which she fell in love. She would send much of her time blazing through FPS games, open world games, JRPGS; anything she could get her hands on. When she saw this new MMO coming out, she thirsted for it. Using her influence for one of the few times in her life, she got her hands on a copy.

Likes: Sweets, Contact sports, Video Games(FPS Games the most), Cooking, Mythology, small animals(cute things in general)

Dislikes: Bitter Things, Lack of Etiquette, Disrespectfulness, Ulterior Motives

Fears: The Underground

Quirks: True to her upbringing, Sumiko feels most comfortable in fancy, clean cut clothing, usually a gentleman's. She really likes to snack. She sometimes likes to cuddle up with people she's familiar with, whether they like it or not; is a bit touchy-feely. She absentmindedly cracks her bones, really loudly.

Theme song: wip

RPer: Athenian
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(Posting for

@NetherLightGod )​

Name: Jeanne Artoria St.Claire

Username: Luna St.Claire XIII

Age: 19

Gender: Female

DoB: 5-13

Height: 5'9

Weight: "You dare ask a lady her weight? Have you no shame?"


Sexuality: Heterosexual




Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Element: Light

Bio: I'm not good with these but if you really want me to make one, I'll put WIP for now.


  • The Moon
  • Lotus Flowers
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Inflicting pain
  • Bringing Judgement upon others


  • The Sun
  • Arrogance
  • Lies
  • Liars
  • Being told she's a sadist


  • Finding someone who enjoys pain

Quirks: Rarely leaves home as she works from her house. If she is seen outside it usually to get groceries and that's it. Everything else she needs is in her home such as a washer and dryer.

Theme song: [media]
RPer: @NetherLightGod
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Name: Skye Doranvol

Username: Kai

Age: 21

Gender: Female

D.o.B: 01/20

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 135

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Skye's eyes are dark brown, and her long red hair just below her back.



In-game mode, she has a more fierce look, and a more defined body, and has longer red strands of hair. Her eyes also changes to dark red.

Race: Demon

Class: Warrior

Element: Fire


From a tender age of six, Skye's world took a drastic change. Her parents, including her cat, Jinx, were murdered by wanted bandits before her. She was then left on her own to fend for herself, struggled through life on her own for a period of five years. At the age of 12, Skye was pitied by a young man who had then came to love the little red head. Her very own hair was the first thing that had attracted his attention, then as he watched her closely each day, he realised that she had no one, he watched as she struggled her way through life. What he had found rather interesting was how responsible she had been, and how determined and hardworking she was. That made him drew closer to her, and approached her. Skye gladly took the help, though she was not the friendliest person. He showed her his dojo which he had owned, as he trained her day by day the basic art of sword fighting, and martial arts. Skye grew to love his teachings and developed a fatherly love for the man, though, on a fateful day, he passed away from an illness which he had when she had turned 17. From there, she took over the dojo and continued training on her own, then decided to train others for a small fee to learn the art. Never, would she want others to go through the same hardship she had miraculously endured. She was never afraid to tell her stories of the life which she had to go through. Her strong voice was always eminent throughout the town from the dojo, and from there, she was quite known throughout the town for her great works.

Likes: Cats, Swords, apples, the clouds, stars, training, teaching

Dislikes: illmannerism, dogs, rain, cold water, untidy surroundings, laziness

Fear: Skye fears nothing.

Quirks: A real technological freak and a heavy gamer. When she had first discovered computers and phones, she was anxious to learn more and its uses. She secretly keeps this to herself.

Theme song: Back On- Strike Back



RPer: @Dark Child
Real name: Unknown....for now

Username: Skorn



Race: Orc

Age: 33

Height: 7.5

Weight: 220

Sexuality: Heteral

Class: Necromancer

Element: Dark

Bio: This...player,is a strange one,first he chooses one of the most unused races in the game,second he doesn't seem to respond to many pms or have any other accounts other then the one in game,yet he still talk in normal chat like if he was a player,but of course he never talks about private stuff...some believe he is just a part of the game....nobody knows....Although even if he is an orc and chose the powers of death,he seems to wish to help others that may need some help in harder moments,sometimes even trying to saving them,with his large Cleaver and his powers of a Necromancer,he is one of the mightiest yet intelligent orcs players of the game

Likes: Sometimes help others,train his powers and slash somethings with his blade

Dislikes: No honor or respect for him and his people,cowards

Quirks: Most of the IRL information is unknown,as this user doesn't seem to like sharing his information.....however...some say that he isnt really a user.....but somewhat of a glitched npc....nobody knows...for now at least. Skorn has a companion, his main summon whenever he go, his first test as his powers of necromancy. Some say that this undead was a great warrior once....yet now he is a undead follower with some magic powers.

Theme song:[media]
RPer: @DaedricSkaarj
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Name: Rheanna "Rhea" Knightly


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42410906_GOChar.jpg.52ef9835fcf2636f0defc7b196709bbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42410906_GOChar.jpg.52ef9835fcf2636f0defc7b196709bbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Username: MissMacabre

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42415063_GOGame.jpg.34ef8039eac7df9c93f9d36019751861.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c42415063_GOGame.jpg.34ef8039eac7df9c93f9d36019751861.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

15 (17)

Gender: Female

DoB: 12/17

Height: 5'0" (5'0")

Weight: 74 lbs (135 lbs)

(parentheses show her details when in-game, while the other is in real life)

Sexuality: "..."

Appearance: Rheanna is a very frail girl out of the game world, in her real life. She is very small and slight with nearly no figure except for a very small difference in the width of her narrow hips. She has straight red hair with a tinge of dark auburn here and there, seemingly more of low-lights. Almost sickly-looking, it is clear that there is some sort of problem with her.

In game, Rheanna has a clearly fuller, thicker figure, with nothing pointing to her to possibly ever be petite or small. She is the same height, however, as she prefers to be shorter than taller. She dresses very dark, gothic, and lolita, and does so with a passion. Her hair is a light blonde with incoming auburn roots. She wears a rabbit mask in-game to retain an allure of mystery around her person.

Armor: Rheanna does not wear much armor, except for a thin protective vest under her clothing that includes a chest plate and a abdomen shield, She also wears a thick pair of highly conductive metal gloves. There seems to be an invisible protective force around her, preventing other magics from harming her.

Her vintage pocket watch is a magical object, like a wand of some sort, almost. Because she is an elf, she can grasp and cast magical abilities as well as due well in closer, more stealthy combat. Her rabbit mask gives her an insight as to the weak points of an enemy with glowing red eyes on the mask during effect.

Race: Elf (Possesses small white rabbit ear nubs on the top of her head like a neko.)

Class: Rogue

Element: Thunder/Lightning

Biography: Rheanna lived graciously in a mysterious forest with her family when she was a young girl, loving life and savoring every minute of it, well, as much as a young girl can. Her childhood was halted short incredibly quickly, however, as it was discovered that she possessed an auto-immune disease mutation in her DNA causing her to always become sick. It used to not be a problem when she was younger, not being as severe, but soon became increasingly worse and worse as Rheanna aged. At the age of seven, everything about her physical health began to rapidly decrease until she could barely even venture outside for even an hour or so.

A simple cold could prove fatal, and a small fever could end it all for Rheanna, so she was soon isolated in her home. At age nine, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She soon lost the feeling in her feet, as it slowly crawled up her body until stopping around mid-waist, thus leaving her paralyzed from the torso down and stealing the ability to walk as a result. Becoming very sickly from never leaving the house as well as her illness increasing in its severity, Rheanna found her only escape to be in the world of video games, a place where you could do practically anything.

Rheanna's parent's were completely overjoyed at the fact that their daughter could finally be happy again, finding a hobby that she really loved. In fact, this would be all that she would do with her days. Due to being so involved with video games, reality had become such a foreign and nonexistent concept that it did not even exist to her after a while. Rheanna had been so immersed and even delved into the world that is video games that she had lost her grasp with reality and became but a hollow shell of her former self that was devoted to the fantasy world of video games.


• Video games

• Horror/morbidity/macabre

• Nature


• Multiple Sclerosis

• The color white

• Extreme temperatures


• Her ever-growing disconnection with reality

• The concept of her possibly dying any day

Quirks: She is the slightest bit mad.

She travels around via wheelchair in real life, while her in-game self in incredibly agile and quick on her feet.

Theme Song: (Optional)

RPer: @PlaguedWithInsanity



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Emi Shizuka








(DD/MM) 7/6

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 42 kg







Specs: She'd be wearing her red scarf and a cloak with this most of the time


Faerie (No difference in appearance)






Emi grew up as an only child, cared for greatly by both her parents. However, she had always yearned for siblings, and a little after she'd turned 10, her father adopted three orphans, all a year younger than her. She was elated, and stepped up to be their big sister, caring for them despite the lack of blood relations. They grew to love her greatly, and found a home in that house. When she was 14 though, her mother was caught in an accident and died tragically. Her father fell into depression, and she was left to comfort her siblings. She started wearing her mother's old scarf to remember her by. With no one but her siblings and friend for support, she turned to the world of gaming, which made her forget, just for a moment, all that had happened. It made her feel alive.

The young girl made a name for herself within the gaming world, constantly playing under the name Shikami, a username thought of cleverly by one of her younger brothers. Despite the tragedies, Emi is generally a very cheerful and optimistic girl and continues to be very sweet to whoever she comes across, always looking for the good in every person.


-Most Games


-People she holds close









Emi has a phobia of spiders and is terrified of losing the people she holds dear.


She always seems to have change in her pocket to give to homeless people for some reason :)

Theme song

Unsure yet, possibly Ayano's Happiness Theory

RPer: Mayfly
Name: Unknown

Username: Monroe

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

DoB: 8-7

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 150

Sexuality: Heterosexual





True to the picture, the only visible part of her in game are ice blue eyes, the pupils blurred as if glazed. Her stark white hair is tucked carefully away, and she is armored entirely in black.

She wields dozens of concealed throwing knives. Two larger daggers at each hip, and two short swords on her back.

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Element: Earth

Bio: [[ My intent is to have her be a very mysterious character, so it is safe to assume that, quite literally, none of this information is known. Unless this is unacceptable, in which case I will happily edit! ]]

Born to a wealthy family, Kameron Falejscky, her last name of Polish origin, was set up to live quite an extravagant life. However, there were some..difficulties that could not have been predicted before her birth. Kameron was born with characteristics of an albino. Porcelain skin and stark white hair - this wasn't the issue. The issue was that instead of red eyes, she was born with blue. Blue eyes like the sky from the moment she came into being, and had been lightening, growing brighter and brighter as she aged. Her sight deteriorates further every year, and now at the age of 24, she is almost entirely blind.

Her parents were rather distant, in and out of her life because of busy careers, and she had no other siblings to speak of. Her birth was an anomaly - her mother was said to be barren. But she was more than provided for in their absence, surrounded by tutors and mentors. They educated her both in knowledge and trained her to survive without her eyes so that when the time came that she could no longer see, she would be perfectly capable. And capable she is. Though some sight remains still, mostly blurs and flickers of light, she has become a walking weapon. Her hearing is exponentially better than the average person, and though built of solid, compact muscle for her small stature, even in real life she can move almost silently, feeling out her surroundings with a calm adeptness - unless one knew she was blind, it was hard to tell by the way she moved.

Kameron has been trained in dozens of martial arts and fighting styles meant to hone her senses. Her specialties are: Wing Chun - A Chinese martial art developed for those of smaller size. Based primarily in balance and focusing on self defense. And, Palasut - A Filipino knife fighting style. It is brutal and meant to kill in the quickest, most efficient way possible.

As a career, much to her parents dismay as she has had one of the finest educations available, she wishes to sing. She rents her own apartment in New York, having moved from her home in Europe to pursue performing on Broadway.

She hadn't gotten to enjoy video games for long, though she did love them when she could see well. Thanks to her parents' money and influence, she was able to be a beta tester for the newest virtual reality system, though it was more for her eyes than anything. They had hoped maybe in the system she could see. Maybe it would buy them some time in some way? Connect to her brain in a way her actual eyes no longer could? They weren't sure. Maybe something miraculous would happen. But that was not the case. Even in the game she can barely see, and now trapped, her eyesight continues to diminish.


-Strong smells. Pleasant ones, obviously. Like the smell of freshly baked goods, or freshly cut grass.

-Her closest tutor, Josston. He was her private tutor and had worked with her for over a good decade. He helped her find her passion: music. He helped to convince her parents that vocal lessons would be good for her, and every time she sings she thinks of him.

-The color purple. She imagines she will miss this color the most.


-Dubstep. With her passion for music, she finds this genre to be frustrating and..well, useless. The fact that people would call it music irritates her immensely.

-Boring cardio, such as running or cycling. Accustomed to practicing different fighting styles, she likes to feel like she is still working her mind while she works her body. She admits this train of thought to be relatively closed-minded, but she thinks things like running or biking are boring, and take no talent. She was required to run often to stay in shape when living at home, but she loathes it, none-the-less.

-Shallow people. Being that she ( mostly ) cannot see, aesthetics mean little to her, so she finds people who take appearance for granted frustrating, as appearances are so terribly fleeting.


-Losing her hearing. Already without her eyesight and so reliant of her other senses, the thought of losing another one, hearing in particular, terrifies her. She has nightmares that she can hear and see nothing, feel nothing, not even the ground beneath her feet, all while still being conscious and self-aware. It is nauseating and she wakes in a cold sweat.

-Forming close relationships. She does not have any close friends to speak of other than her tutors. Her social skills are not the best, and she does not like to speak about her personal thoughts or feelings, hence her in-game mystery.

-Hummingbirds. No rational reason. They're just..odd.


-Chews on the inside of her cheek when thinking really hard.

-She also finds a strange comfort in hanging upside down or being suspended entirely in water.

-In real life she had a bad habit of running around barefoot, which frustrated her parents to no end.

Theme song:

RPer: Linwe Lossehelin

[[ Hopefully I did this well enough! Thank you for your patience! ]]

Vera Lomahan








November 19


In Game - 5' 9"

IRL - 5' 7"


In Game - 120 lbs

IRL - 130 lbs




Vera in real life has a lean yet muscular build, pale blue eyes, a pale complexion and dark ebony hair. Her right hand is also a prosthetic seen below.


It ends at her wrist and is cleaner than the one in the picture. It can rotate 360 degrees along with opening and closing as needed. Along with all gears and inter workings enclosed.



Her build is quite similar In-game though she is noticeably a bit taller, leaner though not sickly looking, and has extremely grey with that emit a faint glow. Her armor is like that of a plague doctor, dressing in quite durable outer-clothing garment, beak mask, short top hat, leggings and boots despite most of it being made of black cloth and waxed leather. For combat she uses her duel bone saws equally alongside magic and summons. Along with all that, she is half shapeshifter. Specifically half bat so therefore she had 2 large leathery wings attached to her back, heightened senses and strength.


(Not exactly but just to give an idea)



Note that these are just references




Half Shapeshifter






Vera, at a younger age was just like any other child. Happy, go lucky with not a single problem in the world. Well, that was soon to change. At the age of 16 she had been driving her younger brother, August, home from practice. They had been arguing as sibling do, but it got heated. And just as she turned and took her focus off the road to scream at him some more, she had failed to notice the truck that had gotten into their lane somehow slam into them head on.

Vera had woke up in the hospital to a few heart wrenching discoveries. First and foremost, her brother had been killed. And if that wasn't enough, her right hand had to be amputated. This was just about too much for her to handle at the time. Falling into a slight depression, Vera really was at a low time in life. Some of her family blamed her for August's death, others tried to go on with life as if nothing had ever happened.

This caused her to go into somewhat of a depression. With half of her family disowning her and the other half trying to be the exact opposite...and doing a terrible job. Yet, while drowning herself in various MMO's and FPSs, she had apparently been selected to test a new...VRMMO system? What? She was quite surprised, not only was she a mediocre player, but didn't participate in any major events or even attended a convention! Vera accepted immediately. Not only could she get away from her family, she could do something she loved at the same time.



Rain - not a thunderstorm, but just enough to provide a calming feeling, not a "oh I'm emo and suicidal -hair flip-"

Orchestral Dubstep


Overly sweet things(encompassing people, foods, drinks, etc)





The Dark


Vera is intelligent, yet tends to overthink things at times. Also, In game, she rarely speaks and instead uses various clicks, calls, chitters, etc. Not because her race doesn’t allow speech, but the hilarity of it all.

Theme song

Become a Legend - Instrumental Core



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Name: Camden Altraz

Username: Reyto

Age: 15

Gender: Male

DoB: 18th March

Height: 5"8

Weight: 130lbs

Sexuality: Straight





Race: Human

Class: Archer

Element: Fire

Bio: Camden grew up on sports, playing a wide variety of them when he was young ranging from football to tennis to archery. He does not fancy video games anywhere near as much as he adores sports due to how terrible he is at them, unable to work the controls for video games. He never really made friends with anyone and typically kept to himself unless he was talked to. His athletic ability attracted attention, particularly his accuracy. He is very intelligent when it comes to sports but hopeless at everything else, having gotten through school and advanced only because of his athletic ability.

Likes: Sports, winning, terrible weather

Dislikes: Losing, being insulted, studying, gaming

Fears: Being incapable of playing sports, injuring himself severely, failing

Quirks: Camden is very strategic but absolutely hopeless at his studies and exams. He likes to test out new things and try dangerous moves when he believes he can do it.

Theme song: (Optional)

RPer: Xeyran
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Name: Kazuki Tsukino

Username: Yue

Age: 16

Gender: Male

DoB: 14 April

Height: 168cm

Weight: 50kg

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Race: Human

Class: Mage

Element: Dark

Bio: Kazuki is a very smart person, but very weak physically. He lives in the city with his parents and his older sister since he was young. He used to go to a famous high school (him being smart and stuff), before he stop going to school school and began his life as a shut-in. His shy and quiet nature made him a good target for bullies in school. It is suspected that he has been bullied, and perhaps someone attempted to drown him, which explains his sudden fear for water. (His family knows nothing about his school life, so no one really know what happened.) Ever since then, he grows an extreme fear and dislike to schools.

During his life as a shut-in, multiple counselors have visited him and tried to talk him out of it, but they all failed. Meanwhile, he started to grow to like gaming. Kazuki sees it as a form of escape from the harsh reality. Gaming is like a second life to him.


  • Reading
  • Gaming
  • Sleeping
  • Cats


  • Being anywhere near a water body (lake, river, pond, sea, etc.)
  • Schools
  • Counsellors
  • People invading his personal space

Fears: Fear of Water and Going to Schools

Quirks: Kazuki behaves very differently in game and in real life, to the extent that it seems like he has a split personality (but he doesn't). He also has a white cat named Bubbles.

Theme song:
from Mana Khemia
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Eldon Flint Baker









In Game Appearance:
Super large image ahead!
Just decrease his antler size to little nubs






Primary Weapon:


Secondary Weapon:

A single leather gauntlet that boosts all magic stats by 7%
Bio: Eldon was born on Christmas day at the early time of 4:58. He grew up in a middle class family and began a normal life in a the cozy town of Canton, Ohio. He wasn't a Star Student in school, he did get a 'C' every once in a while, but mostly kept his grades in the 'A' and 'B' range. His family life was quite average and happy.Mary and Toby, Eldon's mother and father, decided to keep Eldon as their only child. As an only child Mary and Toby worried that Eldon would become spoiled and rude. They spent extra time teaching him proper manners and even sent him to etiquette school for a few years, not that he needed it. Eldon was naturally kindhearted and humble, a born gentleman. Eventually his parents did get divorced, but he had seen it coming years in advance and was grateful that he didn't have to hear them arguing anymore. He was introduced to the video game consoles early in his life. Playing them became his passion, keeping away from virtual games became a great challenge. He spent all his time cooped up in a dark room with take out dinner and Mountain Dew. His infatuation with virtual worlds became a real problem after he graduated high school. Instead of enrolling into college or getting a stable job he decided to spend all his time on video games. He didn't leave his room for three months except to get new video games, which he ordered and had delivered to his house. His real life friends finally managed to pull his back to reality, and he agreed to limit his gaming time to a reasonable amount. Eldon's other hobby was to collect consoles and hand held devices. He began with a Gameboy, and continued his collection all the way up to the most recent technology. He began exploring PC gaming after his best friend mentioned the MMORPG WoW. He became fairly well known in the gaming community for winning first place in several gaming competitions for three years in a row. His winning streak was broken after being the first one killed in an FPS competition. The humiliation drove him to never show his face in gaming events ever again. He is currently majoring in Criminal Justice in college and minoring in Digital Design.



-Healthy foods

-Competitive gaming


-Morning jogs

-Dog parks

-Criminal Justice




-Being recognized for gaming

-Being neglected

-Being treated badly

-When people are treated badly

-Unhealthy foods

-Black berries


-People will harass him for his epic loss

-Underwater predators

-Not being able to save someone

-People laughing at him (not in the good way)


-He tends to be a comedian around people he's comfortable with.

-After eating and drinking junk food when he was younger he now hates is

-When in an uncomfortable situation he will tear up anything he can find (ex. paper towels, paper plates, ect.)

-He sleeptalks

Theme song: (Optional)

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  • Name - Ganji Yoshimaru

    Gender - Male

    Sexuality - Hetero

    DoB - Mar. 19th

    Age - 23

    Appearance -


    Weight - 154 lb

    Height - 5'9"

    - Born into a Semi-Rich family, without a mother. He had a good life, somewhat troubled without motherly lookout. He pushed through anyway.

    - Had two sisters, one 8 and the other 6. One day they were both playing outside with their stuffed colorful ponies while their Dad hosed the driveway. The 6 year old sister's pony floated away and she tried to catch it. His Step-Mother had accidentally killed her by running her over. He was in grief for a long time, and this developed his cautious trait.

    - He was introduced to computers at a young age. This grew his interest in them, and was a heavy gamer because of it. He spent most of his allowance on computers.

    - He had a good social life, which made him a cheery person. He didn't really have any social boundaries, so it made him a bit annoying. He fixed it, still being cheery.


    A happy, social dude. He's nice aswell he'll share with you and guide you. He doesn't reject others much, so he makes friends with a lot of people. He hates talking about the tragic incident with his sister, bring it up and he'll turn cold on you instantly. During battle, or a stealth mission, he turns quite serious and deadly.



    Tight Spaces


    Social Ability






    Bitter Stuff


    Getting Removed of Food

    Quirks - Flirty around pretty girls


    Loves American food. Loves it.

Theme: [media]
RPer - @Krekire

(Did I miss anything :o )

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