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Fantasy Gales of Darkness


Florian Society Member
In another world, there lives a kingdom where it survives countless years of fighting a strange mysterious enemy made from bone, shadows, and properties made from dark magic. A prophecy was proclaimed that  one day heroes will emerge from the darkness and bring forth the light.

Years have passed and fighting continued. Nature was changing and its seasons all screwy. Most of the people lost hope as each day brought new and more casualties until that fateful day when the capital's shield was destroyed and the darkness came flooding in. Some people were able to escape while others were caught in the flood of teeth and claws. As the king rested on his throne, he sat defeated, crippled, exhausted, and tired. The doors were blown open as the raging purple/ black colored storm clouds converged into one. "Where are they....." The chilling voice moved through the empty and destroyed court. The king had enough energy to raise his good eye. "Agonis."
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"(Creaky voice) Where is your divine protection now (Deep voice) my fallen king!" Agony was hovering in the middle of the court room which froze over where he was. Soon two dark knights appeared from the darkness of the room with green beams of light shining through their helms and darker green auras devouring their arms and hands. "(Creaky voice) We were looking forward to this moment for a very long time. (Deep voice) Yes! And we will have our vengeance!" The two black knights arms stretched and wrapped around the King squishing him with a painful amount of pressure. The Knights reeled him in and lifted him up so the king could see eye to his six eyes. "You can stop this madness Agonis! I know my close friend is in there!" Agony's chilling breath made the king's beard get a little snow on them. (Squeaky voice) You ruined my life's work and now I'm going to ruin yours. You may want to pray to your divine now for a quick and painless death... but... (Deep voice) I'm not listening!" Agony rammed his ice spear through the king's body and threw it to the thrown. "(Deep voice) We're done here!" Agony turned back and the knights followed behind. One Knight looks back  closes the door sealing it shut.  
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From behind the thrown Grav-L comes a little shaken. "So that is the monster you talked about." He says looking at the kings body. " You old fool you should have let me take you to the ruins but, you weren't one to give up even when you had lost." He waits about 3 hours to make sure Agony is gone and then leaves and heads south to his home in the ruins of an old castle.
The Queen who left prior to the invasion rode on horseback as she followed her husband's last request. She stopped to see the black shadow consume her home, her people, and the endless snow and ice that fell from the heavens that at one point brought bright light and a shining future for her kingdom, but now brings darkness, storms, and hate. Tears fell upon the queen's cheek as she held on tight on another. It was a smaller individual with her who was fast asleep. Just  As the Queen was about to depart when a blurry object flew into the sky trailed by two black wraith wyverns. She had to keep moving. A strange bird watched the queen ride off and flew towards the mountains. She traveled a long way and was nearly to her destination. Only one obstacle remained, and that was to cross the river. As she was 80 % there when lurking in the shadows alone bowman with the strange bird on his shoulder drew an arrow and fired it into the Queens back. As the Queen yanked the arrow out she noted that it wasn't just any sort of arrow. Soon more knights came out of hiding. It was an ambush. This was bad the Queen thought as a horde of Knights  in bone armor and oozing out tar came running into the river. She raised her hand and used the rest of her magic to cast a spell that summoned a huge wave washing the horde away while pushing her and her horse as safe as possible to the other side. It was done. The Queen was getting weaker by the second. She almost couldn't keep her eyes opened, until she saw it. The entrance to a ruined castle. She made it. For a moment there was a gleam of hope in her eyes until her body collapsed. She fell off her horse and landed on her back tightly holding the small individual in her hands while her crown bounced a few feet away from her. Luckily the child was safe and that she put a sleeping spell on her before the attack on her kingdom. She wouldn't wake for a few more minutes. As she brushed her light green hair on her head the Queen's physical body began to dissipate. She lifted the rest of the coverage to show the face of a 10-year-old girl. She gave a smile only a mother can give to their children before dissipating completely and covering the young teen completely . All that remained was her clothes, jewelry, and her daughter. 

The bowman soon neared the entrance of the ruined castle. "Hmmm... What a dump." As he continued to walk his bird landed on his shoulder rustling its feathers. The man looked as he saw the horse tracks which led him to the clothes on the ground. He walked up and picked the crown up to show his employer the deed was done when his bird felt a disturbing presence coming close and closer. 

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Seeing what had happen to the queen Grav-L starts to run t help her but is to late as he sees a man holding her crown. Grav-L simply says "Bad move." He then charges the man but stops as he notices the lump in the cloths. "You allways were the smart one." He mummbels then he raises his voice and says leave now or be smashed into bloody goo, I mean your bird too." He then punches and shatters a huge block of stone.
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The man looked at the golem with a glance of disinterest and unamused at the golems show of power and strength but what did fascinate him was its ability to talk. He sheathed his weapon and calmed his pet and hooked the crown onto his side. He breathed out. "So we are doing this now huh.... haaaaa... You know that would be threatening...well... If you were a threat to me. It's a little unusual for a slave soldier such as yourself to be all alone. Especially such a rare case that has the ability to talk. Are you the guardian of this castle perhaps? Who is your master?" Looks at the clothes and picks up a side. Was it her?"

"I have no master and am no slave. I am free and more than you think." he said with a pulse of mana. "This is my home and I would like it if you would be so kind as to go away." He wanted him to go but hated to be called slave so he showed the man that he was given the gift of mana as all free golems are given. He looked at the bird and shook his head.
The man snickered at the motion. "Golems... free? Don't jest with me. I've seen many like you. They may not have talked but they're nothing but tools and canon fodder. You will eventually to fall victim of this." The man gets emotional for a moment shaking the bird  of its shoulder perch. I am not saying this a threat. It's more of a warning. A storm is brewing. Nothing Like I've ever seen or felt before. I have felt true power and from what little mana you showed me pales in comparison t-" The bird flutters off the man's shoulder and gets in front of him glaring at him deeply. The man freezes for an instance and returns to his cool and calm state. "It seems I let to much slip my mind, and my tongue. It was always a bad habit for me losing control." Looks towards the clothes on the ground. I guess queenie had a little magic to disrupt me... though curious that there is still a strong presence". He was about to uncover the child under one more layer of clothing when a strong presence of mana centered around his head. Something was communicating by telepathy.  "Looks like we can agree on one thing though". The man leaves the clothes alone and his bird begins to swirl around him faster and faster creating a black feather tornado.  It is time for me to leave." The man said with a grin. Soon the stranger was swallowed completely by the feathers. The bird's scarlet red eyes beamed out of the mess and all the feathers combined into one giant shadow bird that launched itself into the sky going who knows where. Leaving only a small amount of feathers falling behind.

Growling at the feathers Grav-L goes over and gentaly picks her up. He quickly goes inside the uncovers the child he had known since birth. He gentaly puts her on a chair befor using earth magic to seal the door with stone. He looks back at the littel girl and lets out a sigh then unglamers the inside of his home. Gone was the ruine place, the castle was in good repair, Grav-L just doesn't like visitors. He looked over to the child and said "Thank gods yout okay." He then felt the pang of saddness as he remembered the Queens death. "I was to late."
Agony arrived at his ice fortress and surprised upon seeing a man appear with black feathers. "I've been waiting for you Lord Agony" Agony's eyes looked at the man then towards the bird on his shoulder. "(Squeaky voice) Ahhhh! It's nice to finally see some progress... So *Cough!* where's the body?" The man took the crown out of his pouch and handed it to Agony. (Still Agony) "I see... So it has been done. The arrow made quicker work on her than predicted. I guess this is why we test... Excellent. And the book? Was it on her?" The man shook his head no "It was not on her body. Her magic on person was too strong that it messed up my own senses and your weapons. "(Deep voice) WHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!" Agony's yelling made the man's hair go back and ruffled the bird's feathers glittering them with a nice little bit of snow. " (Deep Voice) My master needs that book in order for his plans t-" "Spare me your cries Agony. I did the job now pay up." "Hmpf very well." Agony made a wavering motion and a black knight with a chest walked over. "Pleasure doing business with you." 

As the man and his bird left Agony paced around his room getting more and angrier. "(Deep voice) Guard!" A knight appears kneeling down.              "(Squeaky voice) I want you to alert the ferals near the kingdom under my new management and search the land to find any trace of that blasted book!" The knight nodded his head and went on his wyvern heading toward the now ruined kingdom. "(Squeaky voice) If I now her like the witch she was she would have hidden it close nearby... but where... where..." Agony looks out of his window as a large group of excavators chip away at the ground while dark sludge is oozing out of the cracks. "(Real voice) Wherever it may be I will find it before the others... for the Grand Master."

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Grav-L was pacing in front of the room he had moved the girl to. As he had moved her 3 papers had fallen out of the queens cloths. He couldn't read them so he had hidden them under his desk. He was worried about the kid she hadn't woken up yet and he didn't know why. He was about to see if he could get a docter to see her when he heard the door to the room open and a kid walk out. "Hey sleepy head how you doing?" Grav-L asks.
The young girl was drowsy as she picked herself up. The room was pretty well lit from the fire but her body didn't want to move. She stumbled a little until reaching a big heavy wood door which was slightly opened. It creaked as she peeked in. "At first she drew back scared until she heard those words. "Hey, sleepy head how you doing?". She then slowly peeked her head out. Her voice was silent at first. "L....L!" (Her nickname for Grav-L) Upon seeing the face of one of her friends she got out her hiding space and tried to run towards him but fell. She teared up for a second. But something was off. Why was she sad. Yeah, the pain was still stinging but something felt... empty. Why did she feel so cold... She couldn't remember.  Still teary eyed she looked up at L.

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Seeing this Grav-L walked up to her and said. "It's okay little one." He say her tear up and walked over, he knew she was tough and that fall wouldn't make her cry. She some how knew her mom was gone. "It's okay, every thing will be okay." He pats her on the back and asked about what she remembered. He looked at her and thought "If only I had been a little faster." He looks at his little friend with sad eyes as he trys to find the right words to explane.
A snow storm began in the afternoon and was pretty late at night when the two black knights arrived in front of a cave. The taller one growled under its helm as it took a few steps close to the entrance  and took out a horn made of bone. The knight raised its helm just to reveal its bottom jaw which had black fur, tar, and bone with red tattoos streaked along the jaw line. *BRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!* The horn echoed down the caves into darkness. At first, there was nothing and then there were howls and the sounds of claws scraping against the limestone walls. Soon monsters resembling wolves, bears and birds came rushing out. One of the knights backed up stumbling from the surprise of the vast numbers but the tall one just stood there. It soon pointed in the direction of where the mercenary was when he killed the queen. The creatures snarled while tar dripped from their mouths. Then a bigger wolf with a scar over its bone head armor howled which triggered the rest of the pack to follow. The full moon was out as the creatures roamed the land searching for their master's targets. Their howls echoed across the lands making many fear for their lives. 

Ai was sitting at a table eating a small warm meal. She still didn't understand what her friend meant earlier. Every time she tried to remember anything else should get a bad headache. As she was about to take another bite out of her meal she heard something. She dropped what she was doing and neared the entrance to the cave. It was a snow storm out there. She was about to head back in until she felt a pair of eyes on her.

Grav-L was keeping an eye on Ai as she ate and when she went over to the cave he followed close behind. He noticed her stop and turn around as if she noticed something. He lumbers up and puts a hand on her shoulder and moves in front of her as he says. "Whats going on kid?" He looks at the cave and just to be safe uses a spell to make it collapse the entrance another to fuse the rock togather. He then looks around for trouble.
The sound of the collapsing cave didn't go unnoticed. All was quiet. At least for now. Ai, breaking out of a trance like state and ran and hid behind her friend. Under the fused boulder was a paw. A wolf's paw to be exact but it soon began to melt into a black tar like substance. The wolf's paw completely melted into a puddle leaving bones, but Ai thought of the red yellow glaring eye she saw right before the cave collapsed. The Alpha felt the disturbance within the area. It traveled at breakneck speed surrounding the area where the location of its offspring's death. It again howled collecting all other members of its pack. It wasn't a big pack but a pretty decent size and trudged through the snow storm enclosing on their prey.

Ai felt the same presence when she was attracted to that creature she saw. She went into a dream like state and murmured " they're here..." snapping back to it. She tried to hide behind her friend. As she did the alpha was before them both on top of a snowy hill, with shadowed creatures with glaring red/ yellow eyes looking down on them. The alpha looked down with its one eye. Ai looked up to see the creature had bones covering its joints head, stomach, and tail with black ooze leaking with strange red tattoos all over the bones.

Seeing the monsters Grav-L lets out a roar as he rips a stone block four times his size from the ground and throws it at the pack. He then uses a spell to enclose Ai in a cage of stone to keep her safe and then walks forward and beats his chest in a challange to the alpha. The alpha was the strongest, he could tell by the way it acted. He was ready to face him no matter what, he had to keep Ai safe. Grav-L used a spell to change his blunt fingers into claws.

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The small campfire crackled loudly, casting an eerie glow across the forest where a man in a set of expensive looking silver armor sat on a log near his small hearth. A helmet, silver like the armor, sat near his armored foot, a motif of a Pegasus emblazed in gold on its face, exposing the man's white skin to the small amount of heat the fire gave off. His breathing was low, but enough to make his whole body move, causing his long, shaggy black hair to move with him, some of it covering his sea-blue eyes. He sighed as he held out his armored hands to the flame, trying to collect their warmth as he looked upward to the evil looking sky. He returned his attention back to the fire shortly after, gazing into the flames as his mind began to wander...

This man was known as Sir Ivosolov Reggihme, a Paladin of some renown. He was in the service of the King until just recently, when he ordered nearly all his staff to leave the Palace, for great evil was coming. Ivosolov, along with many other knights, begged their King to let them stay by his side, but with a flick of the Kings hand, he and the rest of the Knights were sent away. Ever since then, Ivosolov has had no idea what to do. Despite how brave his deeds were seen, he did feel fear, and plenty of it. And so, he decided to make a small camp here, in the forest he was teleported to. Perhaps with some rest, he can come up with a plan, but his body refused to tire. So here he sat, armored up, without a cause to fight for. He sighed again as he continued to stare into the fire, guilt filling his insides. The King was dead; he was sure of it. And it was partly his fault for it; if only he was stronger....

he closed his eyes as he tried to process all the emotions he was experiencing...
A voice cut through the icy wind. "You mind if I rest here for a moment friend?" A figure approached from the storm. He had a white long coat with a white hat to match. He was buckled up and had a jet black scarf, pants, and boots. The scarf was wrapped around his face (Mostly from the nose down. His eyes were covered with the hat and on his back, he carried a giant greatsword on his back. The very sword itself sheathed looked like a cross with the top and sides of the cross being the hilt and the bottom side being a curved black blade completing the shape of a crucifix. It had a golden crossguard and the hilt was wrapped in bandages. The man also had a cross on a necklace. As soon as he neared the fire he noted the emblem on the shield. He paused for a moment. "I see.... So you are one of the last survivors then. Aren't you? I've traveled through many lands but nothing  like here. So what is a knight doing here in the middle of nowhere? Sitting defeated without drawing his blade?"

@The Lord of Sunlight

A few of the smaller ferals were smooshed by the giant boulder but the rest continued going around and jumping on top of trying to gnaw at the golem. One even tried to get around to get at Ai. Ai ran to the other end of the stone cage as the beast tried to bite its way through. Ai saw something burning in the monsters eyes. But her fear prevented her from moving. She screamed as it broke a small piece off.

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Seeing the monster go for Ai further enraged Grav-L, and he used a spell to cause the ground under the feral to turn into quicksand. He the began to tear the ones off him and throw at the rest. He had suffered a few scratches and gouges. He stayed near the cage as he turned one after the other of the ferals into goo with each slash of his stone claws. He was getting angryer with each kill and with each kill he could start to feel his reason slip away. Unkown to him strange red marks had started to appear all over his body and dimly glow, but with every death they glowed brighter.
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Ivosolov nearly jumped from the log when he heard the voice interrupt his thoughts, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was just another person, albeit an odd looking one. The man asked if it was okay to take a seat, to which Ivosolov gestured to the log in front of him. "Sure, have a seat. My fire is small, but you are welcome to it."

Ivosolov noticed how large the sword on the man's back was, and his eyes widened at the sight of it. It would have to take a person of immense strength to even consider using a sword of that size. As he began to think more about where the sword came from and how this man came to own it, the man spoke up again, asking of Ivosolov's past. His head was inclined towards his shield, and Ivosolov looked down at the insignia on it with a sad look and sighed.

"A knight I may have been, but I am one no more. The King of this land...he is most likely dead, and I could do nothing to stop it. He sent me away before the force that created the storm you see now took him. I failed in my duty....so here I sit, just trying to survive. And hoping I don't run into anything larger than I, heheh..."

He gave a low chuckle at the end, then returned to staring into the fire. Memories of the past began to rear their heads, but he pushed them out of his mind. It was still too painful to think of events that had transpired.

The last of the pack members were turned to goo. All but the alpha remained in the midst of the golem who had symbols glowing brighter where the prey was bitten and scratched. The Alpha began to go beserk. Barking and snarling. Its mana levels were rising at a high pace. Its symbols grew brighter and bigger and in doing so devoured the beast into a red sphere of mana. The black ooze inched towards it. Whatever this sphere was it was attracting the bones and globs from the defeated ferals. All the enemies remains were gone and are now in the sphere. It began to dull and turned solid. A weird rock stood where the alpha once was. The red symbols from the golem jumped off of him and attached themselves to the rock, and the light from them died.  The rock cracked open like an egg and tar dripped from the opening. It was pitched dark in the rock until a single eye yellow opened up. In a sudden burst, a 20-foot tar/bone creature crawled out. "KRAAAAAWWW!!!!" It revealed its morphed skull which had one eye in the center with symbols surrounding it and even rocks on its chin. As it crawled it had rocks on top and across its arms and on its knee caps. As it screeched it raised its two arms. One short and skinny and the other being buffed and long. But this was sugar coating it for wat would happen next from this monster. "more.... must have more.....Must have more MANAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!. It looked at Grav-L dead-eyed and charged at him full force leading with its muscular arm out in front of it.


The man took a seat on the log. "Thank you kindly..." After sitting he listened to what the paladin had to say. He just sat there taking note of every little thing said. As the knight went quite the man spoke again. "You are much like this fire. Small... and weak in the midst of the unknown filled with enemies and  what not like this storm. The fire can't make itself brighter and stronger just because it wants too by itself or by others on its own..." The man stands up and goes near a moderate sized tree covered in snow. In an instant, there was a slashing sound and the  tree's outside bark fell leaving behind a good dry log cut perfectly in half. The man takes hold of these two logs and returns to the fire "It needs... a helping hand..." He then threw the cut logs into the small fire. This caused the small fire to explode into a large one blocking the view of the ex-knight and vice versa. "That is what a swordsman life is all about. Giving help where there is none, bringing order where there is chaos... and bringing light to those who are lost in the darkness. May he or she be a Knight, or not. One doesn't merely just survive in this world. One must also live on and shine brighter.... Thank you for allowing me to warm up a little. I must be on my way" As the fire died down he was gone as mysteriously as he came. All was silent except for the occasional fire to crackle. "KRAAAAAAAAWWWW!!!!" A screech pierced through the storm loud and clear. Over and over again but there was something else adding to it. A little girl's scream.

@The Lord of Sunlight
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Grav-L saw this and as he saw the monster charge he made the earth under it turn to mud. As the monster steped in the mud it sank up to it's knees and then Grav-L turned the mud to stone. He was inching towards a part of himself he hated, a thing deep inside that wanted out. "Ai, run." He opened a part of the cage so she could run. He saw her go befor he sliped away. He roared and charged the monster as he became something worse, a wepon of pure bloodlust. He slashed his claws at it not caring where he hit.
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