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Looking for Partners


The Breathing Master

I am looking for one or two partners for some relaxed, slow-paced roleplays.

I generally post at least two paragraphs. I will not write one-liners. I would prefer a partner who could write one solid paragraph or more per post.

Ultimately it's about the substance of the post, though, so as long as we give each other material to work with, post length is no longer my greatest concern.

Post frequency is the key area. I will not pressure you to respond constantly. Take your time. But please take note that I will most likely be a slow poster most of the time. I might respond right away. But more often I take a few days, or sometimes a week or more.

This can be difficult to work with, and some partners will, understandably, lose interest because of this. So if we are to make some awesome roleplays together, we've got to be alright with the above.

I also ask that you have a decent grasp of the English language. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar should all come together to form a post that is easy on the eyes. I assure you I'll try to do the same for you.

Now to the more interesting stuff.

I am interested in playing in canon worlds or original worlds. If we are playing in a canon world, chances are I will want to play with canon characters only. There will be some exceptions. I primarily play male characters.


Marvel Cinematic Universe (might not take this one anymore, but may be willing to branch out to Agent Carter era)

Fargo (FX) (Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers, perhaps?)

Star Trek (original series or Abrams)

The Office (US)



The Wolf Among Us (haven't read much Fables, though)

The Last of Us

Criminal Minds


As a bonus, I would be interested in adapting a roleplay from The Antlers' album "Hospice".

-more to be added-

Original genres I enjoy go from realistic to light fantasy or sci-fi. Certain supernatural elements are alright. I like some aliens, artificial intelligence, shapeshifters and anthropomorphic creatures. Any pairing combination is acceptable, though I prefer to play as a male and have little experience with female characters. Doubling is something I may be up for but have not yet tried.

I like character development, conflict, and darker themes. Friendship and romance are fine, though romance should be gradual, and only if the characters have that sort of chemistry--and it isn't necessarily a happily ever after story. This applies to canon character pairings as well.

I have some vague ideas in mind for canon roleplays, namely Marvel, Naruto, and perhaps The Office. My fandom list is far from complete, so if you want to ask about a certain film/tv show/manga/etc, feel free to.

I like open, friendly discussion with my partners. I want to plot, discuss characters, and have a good time. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, please PM me.

Thank you.
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Wow. Okay.

So, I have several ideas in mind right now to share with you, as far as original universes go. Modern supernatural, light sci-fi, modern fantasy, modern realistic - all that nice stuff. I rarely get into many canon universes, so I don't have much to give you for fandoms. I also am shit at playing canon characters.

It's almost weird how well I can understand your requirements. Everything there is literally exactly what I would ask for from a partner.
That's awesome--I'd be interested in hearing your ideas. I'll send you a PM soon, and thank you for replying.
Bumping. I'm still open to more potential partners who meet my specifications.
I am still looking for a couple more partners. Please PM me if you might be interested. Thanks.
Yes, I play original characters in original worlds. I can play canon characters in canon worlds, depending on how well I know the character. As far as playing original characters in a canon universe... It really depends on the world. Does that answer your question?

Daaaaaaaamn, I haven't watched that in ages. If I remembered even an inkling of that show, I'd tell you to hit me up but nah, I'm gunna have to re-watch it now. ;_;
@Nichole - Ah, I see. Again, it sort of depends on the canon world. I'd probably prefer we both play original characters in that case, unless the OC will fit and not seem out of place. But generally, yes, of course you can play the sort of character you wish to play.

@Viola - Hah, yeah, I sometimes forget it's a bit of an older show. The music was the best, though. Have fun rewatching it!

@Maikeru - Yup, definitely interested. Perhaps we could discuss details through PM?

Thanks for your responses!
Sure, I'd be interested in a Naruto roleplay. Let's move it to PM to figure out the details, yeah?

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