[G H O S T S]Kestrel Luv


Team Skittles Timekeeper

NAME: Kestrel “Kes” Luv

AGE: 23

GENDER: Female

OCCUPATION: Certified Nursing Assistant


Kestrel has long brown hair which she usually pulls back into a very neat ponytail. When she does leave her hair down, it hides her vivid blue eyes. Kestrel’s skin can’t really be described as fair and she’s not pale by any means. She is capable of tanning although she prefers not to.

Other than that, there isn’t much to describe for Kestrel’s appearance. She weighs the average weight for her height of 5’6” when she's not pregnant; at the time of her death she had a rather prominent bulge in her stomach because she was carrying an infant who was full term at the time.


Because of her job, Kestrel could often be found wearing scrubs. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore black shoes with a stethoscope slung over her neck. She always wore a watch as well because it was also required for work.

Generally, Kestrel preferred to wear the fun scrubs – tops plastered with neat designs or graphics such as hearts or Disney characters along with colorful pants. She didn’t own any black scrub pants when she was alive because they were too boring.


Kestrel does not wear any jewelry because it tends to be something that isn’t recommended for her career field.

Kestrel’s body lacks many significant natural markings. She has the occasional mole here and there, but nothing that really identifies her as Kestrel – at least to normal people.

That being said, there are 2 unnatural marks that Kestrel bears on her body. She has one tattoo which is a tree with two pronounced branches. On the end of one branch is the name Isaac; it is her son’s name. The second branch is blank for the moment. Kestrel also has a scar along the lower portion of her stomach because her son Isaac was born via C-Section.


Don't tell me how to live my life and I won't tell you how to live yours.
Kes Luv

Fly away, little Kestrel bird.
Jacob Laud



Loving mom: Despite having given birth to her first child at the age of 18, Kestrel is one of the most loving, fierce and protective mothers you will ever find. She makes sure to spend plenty of time with Isaac even though her work schedule can be demanding and she doesn’t let anyone tell her how to raise her son.

Free-Spirited: Kestrel is a very fun loving individual who doesn’t allow any worries to really break through her shell of happiness. She’s had a lot of people tell her they don’t approve of her life, and Kestrel is very good at ignoring that and moving forward with her life despite what everyone yells at her. She is practically always smiling.


Disorganized: Kestrel is not very good at planning things out and she prefers to do things on the fly which has caused her many problems with life. She tends to be late to appointments, miss deadlines and forget to pay bills because she’s not very organized. This can also make life difficult for both her husband – Ian – and her son – Isaac.

Self-Consciuos: Despite her fantastic ability to ignore people's opinions when she's around other people, the shouts of judgement really do get to Kestrel over time. She worries about what it does to her son to hear people judging his mother all the time and she really does desire approval form others.

Attachment: Kestrel works as a CNA which means she encounters and helps a lot of people every time she goes to work. Most of those people are elderly people and Kestrel finds herself getting very attached to them quite quickly. Unfortunately in her line of work, people she meets and helps do not live long and so Kestrel's work often leaves her quite sad. She struggles to move past her sadness and grief, especially while at work.


Not Being a Good Mom: Kestrel's deepest fear is that she is inadequate as a mother to her son Isaac and that she will be unable to raise him or the child that is on the way to join him as a sibling. Her children are her life and to lose them would tear Kestrel to pieces.

Her Husband not Coming Home: Ian is away on a military tour. Kestrel and Isaac talk with him everyday on the phone or using skype and he always looks exhausted although Kestrel doesn't express her concern for Isaac's sake. He always mentions that the mission is getting more dangerous. Kestrel is afraid that he will not survive the trip and return home to them.


Kestrel is a very outwardly social person with a very prominent bounce in her step. Nothing about her outward appearance or attitude would suggest that she is anything less than happy with her life and that is mostly because she is very happy with her life. Kestrel is almost always smiling and when she's not smiling, she still looks happy in general.

A very social person in general, Kestrel is not afraid to talk to anyone and attempt to brighten their day. She does it all the time at her job and she loves it. Kestrel comes off as a very caring person and it is very hard for anyone to get on her bad side if that is even possible to begin with. She's dealt with cranky people and even that won't spoil her happiness. In reality, only two things can soil her mood. When one of her residents dies at work, Kestrel becomes sad and that sadness is very obvious. Kestrel's mood is also ruined when people yell at her for her life choices although this mood disruption is not as obvious. She hides the pain it causes her because she doesn't want people to know that their opinions hurt her.

Kestrel can also have an attitude at times. She's not afraid to yell at her son when he tries to pull tricks on her - they're becoming more common as he is getting older. She is also not afraid to snap at people who try to raise her son for her or tell her how to raise him. Isaac is her son and no one else's... well, he's Ian's son too, but Ian is overseas so he doesn't quite count.

Being a mother while her husband is overseas also requires that Kestrel is a hard worker, and she is. Kestrel works the days shift 6 days of the week at a nursing home and then she goes home and plays with her son until it is time for him to go to bed. By the end of the day, she is always exhausted, but her job puts food on the table and Isaac thinks she's the best mom in the world which really helps to further Kestrel's seemingly eternal happiness.


Kestrel was born Kestrel Finch to a woman whose life had been torn apart by drugs and abuse. It is unknown who Kestrel’s father was, but based on her mother’s history, people thought it would be better not to look for him. Thus, a few days after she was born, Kestrel was placed into foster care. She stayed with one family from infancy to the age of two and it was a fairly good family for her to be with, but when Kestrel’s foster mother gave birth to her own child, they didn’t have time for Kestrel anymore and so they put her back into the system.

It was then that Kestrel was placed into the family that became the family she would always think of as home. Although the foster family was filled to the brim with foster kids, they were well taken care of. The children never really thought of their foster parents as mom and dad, but all the children treated each other like brothers and sisters and Kestrel was no exception. One of her brothers in particular really cared about her. He was seven years older than she was and he always told her, “Fly away little Kestrel bird!” He saw her as the kind of person who didn’t really fit in with the other foster kids and he sort of took her under his wing to protect her from the corruption that the other kids could’ve caused her.

Kestrel was sent to school like any other child and she actually did fairly well in all of her classes. One day she came home with a report card that had all A’s and she was really really proud of herself. She went to show it to her foster mom who looked at it and said good job, but nothing more really came of it. Although Kestrel doesn’t really realize it, that was one of the moments that led her to decide upon her dream. Its normal for kids to declare what they want to be when they grow up and she was no exception. Kestrel decided she wanted to be a mom.

Then when Kestrel was thirteen, she met Ian. He was her first and only boyfriend in her entire life. Neither one of her foster parents really cared and her big brother was gone from the foster home by then; he had always been the one Kestrel was really close to. Kestrel’s relationship with Ian progressed quickly as she realized more and more that she loved him and he loved her. They were high school sweethearts as time progressed and when they were both 17 years old, Ian proposed to her, knowing fully well that Kestrel really wanted to start a family despite her young age. Kestrel accepted.

Kestrel and Ian were married the day she turned 18 and Kestrel was already pregnant at the time. Her memories of her wedding day aren’t the greatest. She heard the whispers and they weren’t very pleasant; people thought she was stupid and got knocked up. No one ever stopped to think that maybe she wanted to get married young and start a family right away. She did feel beautiful, though and she got to spend the day promising herself to Ian which made the day ok in the end.

Shortly after the birth of their son, Isaac, Ian joined the armed forces because that had always been one of his dreams and Kestrel wasn’t about to hold him back. He was sent overseas and has since served two tours.

Kestrel, meanwhile, devoted her life to Isaac and to proving people wrong. She became a fantastic mom, at least in Isaac’s eyes. She continued working as a nursing assistant after having been certified in high school. The money was decent although the work itself was hard. Kestrel only put Isaac in daycare when she herself couldn’t take care of him because, in a way, she was kind of jealous of anyone who got to spend more time with him than she did. He was her son first.

The year Isaac turned four, Ian was home for Christmas and some time after that as well. Their family was legitimately happy even though the outside world judged them for some of the choices they had made. People liked to tell Kestrel she should’ve gone to college. People judged Ian for having a child so young. People didn’t think that Isaac was being raised properly. However, as long as they were together, their family was able to put the judgements behind them and just be happy. It was during this time that Kestrel became pregnant again and when she was told she was going to have a daughter, Kestrel was delighted to be able to give Isaac a sister. They decided the new addition to their family would be named Robin - a bird, just like Kestrel.

The sky was shedding snow on the night that Kestrel went into labor. Ian was called away for a training exercise and Isaac had been sent home from school sick on that same day. It was the middle of the night, so Kestrel really had no choice but to bring Isaac along when she started driving herself to the hospital.

While Kestrel was driving, Isaac started having a coughing fit. Kestrel’s eye tore from the road, concerned for her son and by the time the fit was ended, they were doomed. Her eyes returned to the road in time for Kestrel to see the semi coming through the intersection at which she had failed to see the red light. She slammed on the breaks, but the road was too slick for them to stop in time. Kestrel’s death was instantaneous upon impact.


(This is a post originally made for Fairy Tail: A New Beginning and it features Light Ethereal, Stormborn mage.)

At the edge of the Akane beach there sat a single house. In all reality, house wasn’t the best word to describe it though; it was more of a cottage when everything boiled down. The building itself was in bad shape: the windows were shattered after winds of storms, the siding was falling away, torn by the waters of the ocean, and it just lacked a sense of people overall. But that was the truth of it as well. No one had lived there for a very long time.

It was actually one year to the day since Devon and Marsha had passed away, their bodies no longer fit to carry their kind souls. Light could only assume that the house had been abandoned since the day he had buried them since there was nothing there to tell him otherwise as his eyes fell upon the building he had once called home. Closing his eyes, Light could remember it as though it were a day ago - no an hour ago even.

It had been a fairly normal morning. Light had woken up to prepare breakfast and he brought in plates for both of his teachers, waiting to see their constant smiles. The minute he walked in, though, Light would see that the morning was not to be the same as any other. The hands of his magic teachers were clasped tightly together in the middle of the bed as the two of them laid close to each other, neither one of them opening their eyes to greet him, their student. Part of Light had known right then that they were no longer a part of his world. Part of him didn’t want to believe that they wouldn’t have left him without warning though.

Stormborn had reached into his mind, grasping at the air magic that Devon had ingrained into the boy’s very existence, as he searched their bodies for signs of life. His magic confirmed his fears though. No air moved in and out of their lungs anymore and it didn’t seem as though any had for at least a few hours. His teachers, his saviors after the betrayal of his father, were dead. What had happened next was beyond Stormborn’s ability to comprehend or admit to - he couldn’t even imagine that he was so controlled by his emotions that he had allowed such a thing to happen. The destruction within the house was caused by him and him alone in his grief.

As Light walked up to the house, his foot hesitantly stepping on the stair, he turned around unwilling to enter a place where he had been such a failure. In his turn, Light’s eyes fell on the setting sun over the beach and he found himself sitting down on the staircase up to the deck, his eyes glued to the orange as it met with the water’s blue. “I’m a failure, you know,” Stormborn said to no one in particular, his lungs refusing to accept the words as he hunched over through the ensuing fit. “Can’t even use my own magic right…”

Even through the pain of his slow breaths, Light had to smile as he realized that his own words were not really his own. Marsha had told him that he wasn’t doing it right all the time, but that was Light’s way. It was how he developed his own style of combining the elemental magics into something brilliant, something they couldn’t even believe had been possible when they first saw it. Maybe I’m not doing it wrong. Maybe I need to look at it differently. As Stormborn lifted his head once again, his eyes fell upon the whole reason for being there in the first place. Within the sand of the beach itself there were two graves. He stood up, approaching them slowly.

With each of his steps, a swirl of wind brushed past the graves bringing with it droplets of ocean water that dripped onto each grave, raining down upon them. It almost looked as though the stone of the graves was crying. It was Light’s way of letting them know he hadn’t forgotten about them; that the storm they had grown inside of him still raged on.

Except, it was more than that too. As the droplets ran down the graves in sadness, Light learned something too. Water, as it evaporated, could condensate as well. All of Light’s current physical problems arose after his unintentional evaporation back when he fought Seth with Soren’s help. When he put himself back together, back to human form, there had been a giant destroyed metal train - metal allowed for condensation. The more Light thought about it, the more things began to make sense. “Water Magic: Water body,”Light whispered allowing his body to transition into a fluid form. It was only in that state that the water within his own body was drawn back to the proper location reforming his lungs - the former outline being functional, but only just.

Light allowed the spell to wear off on its own as he enjoyed the sensation of breathing without pain ensuing at each breath, his eyes still focused on the graves of his former masters. You saved me again. I don’t know what that brings the count up to. And I’ve done nothing to repay it… only fail.

It was there, in front of the stone graves that he had carved himself, that Light sat buried in thought as night settled in around him, around the house, around the beach. He paid little attention to the stars emerging from the blackness of the sky or the rising of the white glow that followed the moon although he did notice the constant changing of the tides in the see as the water came in further and further, following the moon as it floated ever higher. Only when the moon was joined by an unexpected glow did Light’s eyes shift up to the sky after being focused for so long on the graves he sat in front of.

It was a comet - glowing with the fire of its speed through the sky - following a path through the black and stars. Light didn’t know there was to be such a spectacle tonight. As his eyes followed the glowing silver tail, he noticed something very off about this particular flight - it was not straight nor perfectly arched; rather, it was very uneven as the course of the comet changed completely. Light’s eyes continued to follow it as it fell out of his line of sight. That was very odd, he couldn’t help but think to himself. Part of him was curious. Part of him knew that something unnatural had to cause such an anomaly. Yet another part of Stormborn also knew that he was a wizard of Lamia Scale which meant he had jobs to do. He had a reputation to preserve and that didn’t happen by going on random adventures with no purpose.

His eyes trickled to the graves once more. They would’ve told him to go, and Light knew that fact well. It was for that reason that Light decided to investigate, not knowing where it would lead him, not knowing how long it would keep him from the guild hall or his guildmates. This was something he needed to do to honor their memory.

Light stood up and kicked off his shoes, knowing that they would only be annoying throughout the swim. He could feel the sand in his feet, such tiny granules that were oh so familiar. He had trained within the sand of this beach; his first spells had been cast while his feet were coated in it. Leaving the familiar beach behind, Light dived into the water as his magic gripped for control of the waves while his arms entered into the repetitive motion of a front-stroke. Each movement of his arm propelled him forward, his water magic enhancing the strength of each stroke as he followed the light’s path. I hope this is worth it, he thought. I really do.

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I am in love with this character! But she died... It's so sad. ( :( )
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Kestrel said:
I am in love with this character! But she died... It's so sad. ( :( )
She was supposed to die for the purposes of this rp... although this rp is also dead now and it saddens me that I can't find another rp to use her in.
Hales said:
She was supposed to die for the purposes of this rp... although this rp is also dead now and it saddens me that I can't find another rp to use her in.
That's a bummer. I have a character like that. My nickname IRL is Kestrel, after the falcon, so now it's my name for online accounts.

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