Future of the Haslanti League


Ten Thousand Club
Assuming that the Bull doesn't manage to shatter it into a million little pieces, what would you anticipate as the future of the League?

All the material presented seems to indicate that they are at a critical juncture and on the verge of expansion.  If that is the case what do you suppose the next logical series of event would be?  The Realm seems to have allowed them their autonomy without too much interference so far, but would that continue if they expanded?  Would the League attempt to integrate Whitewall?  Gethamane?  

Anyone have any thoughts?

IMHO, the League would try to expand to the southeast in order to gain  allies in a less harsh climate. Linowan, perhaps?

Also, they may clash with the Scavenger Lands if they venture a little farther to the south.

I don't think anyone would like to incorporate the freaks living in Gethamane to their society  :wink:
It seemed to me that the Linowans may be out of the question.  To get to them the League would have to manage to go through the Bull.  Whitewall, Gethamane and Diamond Hearth on the other hand seems to be more convenient allies/ acquisitions.

Stillborn, did you say you were running a game in the North?  What are your thoughts?
they could make an agreement with the Bull of the North, they would give the Bull some airships, and the Bull would give them a free hand in the north and maybe some support.
I doubt they would mess with the Linowan or The Scavenger Lands. The Bull has his eyes on those targets and anyone stupid enough get in between him and his targets won't live long enough to regret it. I wouldn't be surprised if they exanded southwest toward Whitewall and claim most of that Pennisula.

With it's location near The Sequestered Taernacle does anyone think the Cult may find some uses with the League?
I really had not considered any Cult of the Illuminated connections- but they have some potential.

The League seems to be relatively Solar- friendly (Elais Tremalion) and if they were to annex Whitewall effectively t would likely increase that positive disposition.  Further Whitewall was originally a holy city to the Solars and a connection with the Cult of the Illuminated in the future would seem to resonate under those circumstances.
Crimson Banner Executioner at least tried to recruit him, but the book states he is (or was, whatever) a member of the Haslanti League.
Actually yes, Elias has been recruited.  He serves the Haslanti directly, but is now connected with the Gold Faction- though he seems to know very little about it.

The narrative text in the book states that CBE managed to save him from a DB.  The last couple of lines read something to the effect of " the figure pointed his blade from atop the drift and stood motionless- and Elias new he had been recruited."
The Bull's been lucky.  He was only able to kill the Sidereal because he had a special, one-shot, artifact arrow that allowed him to attack one target anywhere, without warning.  I personally plan to run my next game as a team sent by Lookshy to put him in the grave, permenantly.
The Bull's been lucky.  He was only able to kill the Sidereal because he had a special' date=' one-shot, artifact arrow that allowed him to attack one target anywhere, without warning.  I personally plan to run my next game as a team sent by Lookshy to put him in the grave, permenantly.[/quote']
Do you have a source for that or is it a pet theory. I know the artifact exist but is it stated anywhere that the Bull is in possesion of one?
Well...regardless of the Bull's person stats & abilities- what do you think the future of the League is likely to be?

Where do you think they would seek to expand first?  How would they accomplish the expansion?

I think it hinges on what Elias intends to do.

 If he sits back and remains an unofficial Oligarch, I don't see the League being too proactive about expanding; Gethamane has too much baggage, while Whitewall likely has the ability to stay independent.

 The northeast runs into:

1) Linowan. Even though they're in a low-level (or higher, depending on the campaign) state of war with Halta, they won't take kindly to a western incursion...unless they're being Polanded by Halta, the Bull, the Realm, and/or Lookshy.

2) Yurgen. Analyzed to death on this thread already.

3) Cherak. Haslanti will definitely hesitate before taking on de facto provinces of the Realm, instead of just 'allied countries.'

 Now, if Elias starts getting into the expansion race himself, and making the League less mortal-centric...coming to terms with the northern cities is not out of the question.

 Here's an interesting thought that hasn't been brought up yet: the concept of western expansion for the League. Haslanti tech isn't really geared toward holding purely marine territories, but there's quite a lot of potential real estate that the Western powers is too far away from to claim...

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