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Fantasy Future of Dragons

"Oh.... Okay" Maria smiled " Maria shot a beam from her horn and made a dictionary. Maria smiled "There's all kinds of words in here. It even tells you how to say them in there sylabols" Maria smiled as she pushed the book over to him with her hove
Name took the book and set it down on the mini gun and opened it then started to read and sound out the word"thank you Maria."
"me did not know how me know that it just came in my head."Name was confused how he knew his friends name before she told him
Name listen for a while he can understand what they were saying they were still searching for the unicorn"they should leave in an hour."
"Gods I *gasp* hate these damn things." Penelope caved in two more undead heads before taking yet another turn. "Flunk this man." She ran for the nearest alley. Looking for any sign of a fire escape, Penelope slid over a car's hood and glanced down the alley. No fire escape.

" @#%&!! UGH! WHERES A #@%#%$@#% WAY OFF THIS @#$*&@#%^ @$*%@ w#% STREET! SON OF A #@%@#$@!" Another alley passed by her, no fire escape. She could hear the hoard close behind, and she knew if she didn't stop for a rest soon, she was a goner.

"@#$% it." Penn ran down teh next alley, half expecting to find a dead end. It was a fire escape. She made a b-line for the ladder, which was conviniently located directly above the ladder. In a matter of two minutes and seventeen seconds, she was at the top of the building, hammering away at the support beams. Another minute and a half went by before it topped with a enormous crash to the street below. "Aww yeah. I'm awesome."

(would you guys mind if Penelope ran into Maria and Name? Could be interesting dynamic. A loudmouth, anger issue kid with two nice people.)
(Sure I guess I mean our place is kinda bloked up) Maria smiled "Did you hear what you just said? Your word development has grown greatly"
(Doesn't have to be. She could travel on rooftops and end up at your building, or could have them follow her.)

She lay on her back, staring at the sky for what seemed like ages. Not having done so in a long time. Beautiful day. ugh, i wonder if I can find any soda. Penelope thought before getting up and looking around.

A few minutes later, she had a route planned. It was a few buildings down that she would try to go down to street level. First she threw her hammer. Then the backpack. Pacing back and forth, she built up the courage to jump. It was a decently long jump, it helped that the neighboring building was about ten feet lower than hers. She sighed. "Screw it." She jumped.

Penn repeated the process until she was four buildings down the road and at a crossroad. The corner building had a very unstable ceiling in the corner.
Maria heard a thud on the roof "Stay here uh, tell me your name when I get back" Maria teleported to the roof to see someone "Who are you!"
Penelope whipped around with a shriek and prepared to swing her hammer. "OHMYGODS! Don't sneak up on me like that! And I believe the question is who the hell are you, horsie. I have the hammer. And the skills. You go first."
Maria looked at the girl shocked "I'm Maria..... and I happen to be the one who found this place" Maria smiled "Watch this" Maria turned around and shot her beam of death on the zombies even though more were on there way "Now who has the skills?"
Luna was flying around, every once in a while landing to kill a group of zombies, as she was flying around she spotted two girls on a building and so she ducked down and hid, watching them carefully not knowing if they were a friend or foe.
"Where is it? This building isn't going to last long. I give us three hours, tops. So show me the food so I can eat and rest before they swarm the building. I'm tired."
Raini was flying around looking for a safe place to land so she could properly access the situation at hand. She saw a rooftop nearby and told thunder, "Land there so you can rest and I can think." She pointed him in the direction. When Raini landed, she saw that on the next roof over, there were people.
* Another tower falls and the thing stands on one, its a dragon!( dragon looks like this ) *


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