FUS RO DA---IDEA: Mafia Academy?


Percussive Mafioso
It's year 2123, and the country once known as Russia was taken down in a third world war. In turn, the land was turned into a country where all of the worlds criminals are deported. This country is co-ruled by the all countries in the world. There are different ranks of authority, such as school teachers, school pricipals, border patrol, security guards and law enforcers, etc. The most high ranking authority figures is a panel of 13 people. The leader of the panel, Chiron Powers, is the she-dictator of this criminal country, and she calls most of the shots. She rules with an iron fist to make sure the inhabitants know their place. The country is sub-divided into seperate sections, and within those sections, different types of criminals live. At the center of the land is Mafiya, the section where all of the caught Mafiosos live. Within this section, there is a single school. Mafia Academy, of course. To the residents of Mafiya, if they are ever to have children, they must send their children to this school at the age of 10 until the age of 17 to learn the ropes of being in a Mafia. Because these children are the offspring of criminals, they are never to leave the former Russia.

But within the school, there is group of students who do not find this fair...and they plan to defy this rule, by escaping the criminal land. *dramatic music*


So what do you think, guys? Do you think this would make a good RP? Comment and stuff and lemme know!

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