Fullmetal Alchemist roleplay

Edward Elric

One Time Luck
Amestris was officially founded around 1550, though the country existed prior to that date, without much organization or government to speak of. The coming of the “Philosopher of the East” changed that nation′s history by providing them knowledge in the practice of Alchemy, which lead to an uprising of Amestris influence and power in the region. After the foundation of the country, Amestris began expanding its territory by invading neighboring countries and subduing them.

Since its inception, Amestris has been a powerful country, promoting conflicts with its neighbor states and maintaining an extremely authoritarian, centralized government. The basis of the country's political and economic stability has become strongly connected to war, boosting the military to the highest ranks and prestige positions within the government.

In July 1558, Amestris first declared war with the nation west of the country by invading the city of Riviere, resulting in the first bloody battle of Amestris′ known history. Amestris later invaded other neighboring cities such as Cameron in 1661 and Wellesley in 1811.

By October, 1835, Amestris invaded the neighboring country of Aerugo, starting the war that has endured until the time of the series.

By around the year 1894, the prominent general King Bradley (considered a war hero) was appointed as Commander-in-Chief, or Führer, of the country. Since Führer Bradley′s appointment, there have been conflicts in most borders of the country, resulting in many massacres and heavy civil wars, always under the command of Central′s Army.

In the year 1901, in the province of Ishval - known to be a rogue and instable area and, at the time, occupied by the military - an Ishvalan girl was shot by an Amestrian soldier, instigating revolt from the locals and thus beginning the Ishval Civil War. The Civil War lasted until 1908, when Führer Bradley issued the Order 3066, sending the military′s most feared special division, the State Alchemists, to Ishval's front, commanding the extermination of the Ishvalan people. The area was devastated and its population massacred by 1909.

The conflicts escalated thereon, with bloody struggles in the East, South, West and North Areas in the following years. The main battles were at Liore against the followers of Letoism (1914) and at Briggs against Drachman forces (1914—1915.)

By late winter 1915, Amestris faced its greatest crisis since its founding, with a civil war in the heart of the country, resulting in Führer Bradley′s death and the rise to power of Führer Grumman, formerly the Commanding Officer of the Eastern Headquarters.

Führer Grumman′s ascendance to power changed the country′s policy drastically, promoting peace treaties with neighboring countries and removing military forces from the borders, concentrating efforts on building cooperation with other nations, especially Xing, a country formerly isolated and distant from Amestris, that has improved its relations thanks to the efforts of General Roy Mustang and the new Emperor of Xing, Ling Yao.

Please play fair and Have fun. You may pick a character all are open except edward elric from the show or create your own. If you create your own use this character sheet.


Alchemist Name:(Optional)

Class: (Like State Alchemist, or Hommunculis, or rogue alchemist.)


An eerie day this was. The sun was rising above the horizon as it fell on the country of Amestris. Rumors spreaded through out the city of Resembool that the FullMetal Alchemist had returned. The people of the city talked among each other as if it was big news. People frantically moving left and right as conversation was constantly made. Was this just rumors or Was it the truth? A few state alchemists was running about these days and searching for him since the events that had happened. From the alleyway, a pair of golden eyes could be seen, but only the eyes. The figure behind the eyes watched as the people continue to make a big deal about it. He wondered if anything was going home or was they glad to see if the fullmetal alchemist was back in his home town. He just sighed for a moment while deciding to leave his alleyway or to just stay hidden for the time being. After a few more moments, He decided that he would reveal himself instead of hiding like a coward.

A young man walked out of the alley way and from the shadows. He stood at 5'9 and was an average 125 muscular build not counting the automail on his left leg and right arm. He had grown a few inches since his younger days. His clothing gave him off. He wore a bright red hooded cloak with flamel engraved on the back signifying his tutelage under his master, Izumi curtis. His shirt was black with cut off sleeves that led down to a wide brown belt which his state alchemist watch hung from that held his black pants on where the legs billowed just over the top of his black boots. His face was calm and his eyes were noticeable as they was golden like the sun which rested below his golden blonde hair. The back of his hair was tied into a braided pony tail as the front had a small antenna like twig in the front. He left the hood on his head as he kept his white gloved left hand and his right automail hand kept in his pockets as the sun blared on him. His clothing gave him off. He was indeed Edward Elric, The FullMetal Alchemist and he had returned to his hometown.
fullname:Nichole Lashay Lowe

Alchemist name:Plant Alchemist

class:State Alchemist

ability:can summon plants to her aid. she can make a wall of plants and a plant bow and arrows when needed. they are very dangerous!

appearance:Has short black hair,afro american with light skin,hazel eyes, glasses, 5'41/2
Name: Coko Erato Otnyz

Alchemist name: Transmutation Alchemist

Class: Rogue

Ability: can transmutate nonliving things and can fuse creatures together

Appearance: Has long black hair covering the left side of his face, pale skin, fair physique, red right eye, robotic right leg and right arm, has a metal eyepatch on the left side of his face. Wears jeans, bandages wrapping up from my waist to my upper chest and wrapping my forearms, and a black hoodie.
Coko walked down the city streets with a hood over his face. He looked up at the State Alchemist HQ and sighed. "Fools...thinking they can catch me."
Coko stopped and thought for a moment. Maybe I should have some fun... With a clap of his hands and slamming them to the ground. A shockwave of rocks went zooming at Nichole.
Nichole's eyes glinted and she clapped her hands together putting up a wall of strong ivy. "who are you?"her voice not cheery as before it was cold.
Fullname: Bernard chester

Alchemist Name: Adroit Alchemist

Class: State Alchemist

Abilities: Manipulates the materials in a way that the result as best details and features.

Appearance:Looks like Norman Wisdom!
Coko smirked as he shook his head. He repeated the trigger and turned the pavement into blades, cutting down the ivy.
Coko took off the glove on his right hand, revealing a robotic arm, coko repeated the trigger once more, then touched the robot arm, which turned to a blade
Coko dodged and cut the arrow. He was now right in front of the plant alchemist. With a smirk, he said, "Good evening, Nichole...how is the plant alchemist doing?"

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