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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist:Amestris at War (IC)

Rusty of Shackleford

Ten Thousand Club
Central City, Military HQ, 9:15 A.M.
Ben was walking briskly to his office, still getting his uniform straight. His wife forgot to wake him up, and he was frantically trying to get to work on time. He made it just in time, sitting down and sighing, noticing he was the first one in his squad there. He was in a squad with some man who used water alchemy and was...strange, one called the "Frigid Alchemist," the daughter of the Fuher, and his CO, who had tattoos all over her. War was on the horizon, and Ben knew he wouldn't be able to stay with Elise much longer.

Fullmetal Alchemist:Amestris at War CS
Elicia was walking to her favorite cafe in the city. She orders a latte and pays. A really cute new worker hands her a cup of coffee. she sits down and takes a sip. "Ugh... not hot enough." She pulls back her sleeve a bit and touches the cup and the latte steams up a bit. She takes another sip. "Perfect." She finishes her cup looks at the time and notices she is late. "Fuck. Well, at least I'm in charge." She walks to the building and composes herself and goes into her persona looking cheerful and bubbly. She walks into the office to see someone there. "Well..." looks at her files, acting a bit airheaded. "Lightning Alchemist. I'm glad to see you are here on time. Sadly your squadmates don't seem to share your ideals." She says with a bit of a cute chuckle.

(OOC: Just bold is Talking/ Bold and Italized is Thoughts)
The Frigid Alchemist
Central Military HQ

Vincent strolled through Central at his own leisurely pace, showing no concern at the fact he was running late for work. If there was any real trouble I would've been called in and told it was urgent, he rationalized and continued down his path. Life had looked up for him ever since he had passed the State Alchemist exam, being assigned to central and working with a squadron of alchemists, including the Fuhrer's daughter. His other teammates were powerful and highly capable, but the Arsenal Alchemist intimidated him almost as much as the commanding officer, Elicia Hughes.

"Maybe I should show up on time?" the Frigid Alchemist mused as he walked into the headquarters and towards his teams office. Entering the doorway he saw that Ben and Elicia were already present and that he was the third member to arrive. "Dammit. I'm early aren't I?" Vince said with a laugh as he sat at his desk and loosened his tie. "What is our agenda for today Lieutenant?"

SRUNewman SRUNewman Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
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Khan sat at his desk beside the window writing out a letter of some sort with one hand and switching his view back and forth between a cipher hidden underneath another stack of papers on the other side of it. Once finished, he stood up and walked out of his room in the inn he had chosen to stay at and headed down the hall to the stairwell. He ascended the stairs to the roof where a group of cages containing a group of pigeons was set. He reached into one of the cages and pulled out one of the pigeons, along with it, a piece of small parchment that was neatly wrapped up. The pigeon cooed softly as Khan stroked its back and wings, after which he attached the small piece of paper to its feet, and sent it off into the sky above, letting it fly to its predetermined destination.

Khan then went back downstairs and locked the door to his room, proceeding to head out onto the streets of Central City. Where he spent most of his days roaming up and down aimlessly.
Central City, Military HQ, 9:17 A.M.
Avory stretched as she briskly walked down the hallway, she knew she was late and she really tried to be on time today but, she got a bit distracted on the way and...Well, as long as she wasn't the latest she'd be good. With a huff she adjusted the collar on her uniform before opening the door, walking in with the regular jovial pep in her step. With a dorky smile she looked at her CO, "Sorry I'm a few minutes late, Sir. I'll get to work." She said quickly, before going to her desk, glancing around her room. She wasn't too sure of her team but, she was ready to meet them all.
Elicia notice Vincent's mistake in rank. "This son of a bitch." She thought. She gives a little bubbly chuckle "Major I think you got my rank wrong its Lt. Colonel, not Lieutenant. Please refrain from the mess up. That would make you my CO." Its almost like you can sense the aura of anger she was giving off but she wasn't showing it. Soon Mustang's daughter walks in. "Avory, you know me. Hows Mustang, I haven't seen him in a while."
Central city, Military HQ, 9:32 Am

Zelgius strode throughout the Central HQ complex wearily. He hadnt slept yet as the bags under his eyes suggested. Instead he had spent the night studying his fathers journals hoping for something that would allow him to break his current rut. It hadnt slipped his mind that he was supposed to be meeting his new squad that day, he just had more important things to deal with.

Arriving in the confrence room he seemed to make no notice of his lateness, instead he simply strolled to the open seat muttering, "good day." and sitting down quietly. In his mind he reread the notes he had poured over hoping he had missed something.

(hey guys sorry im late, profile issues have changed me from BlazingSword BlazingSword and Blazingsword23 Blazingsword23
To this current profile.)
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford SRUNewman SRUNewman
rooke rooke
Mossino Mossino
Ben nodded as Vincent came in, saying to Avory, "You're late, Corporal." He sighed, looking for Zelgius, who walked in just as he did so. He was somewhat frightened by the Alchemist, as he was almost completely emotionless. He nodded at his greeting, doing some paperwork on his desk before he got a phone call, saying, "1st Major Benjamin Abrams, how may I help you?" He heard a familiar feminine voice on the other side, Ben sighing as he said, "Elise, I thought I told you not to call me while I'm working. I'll call you back. Love you!" He hung up, continuing with his work.
rooke rooke
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23
Adniel was walking through the hall at a brisk pace trying to get to what would be his new shared office. In a rare example of ineptitude he hadn't gotten his new orders until a few moments ago because of a postage error. He hadn't read through all of it yet, but there was one thing he was certain of: it was going to need a lot of work. Headed up by the Fuhrer's own daughter and other notable alchemists Adniel was sure that there would be hiccups within the operation for the first few days. Unfortunately a part of Adniel couldn't help but wonder about Elicia's aptitude to command and the usual rumors had been floating around that she was far too young, though one might also argue that her capture rates and abilities were what gave her the rank, nonetheless Adniel was looking forward to meeting the squad and helping guide them to a successful future.
Adniel knocked on the door and entered, giving each person within the room a looking over before referring to his own orders to reference. " Good morning all, sorry for my late arrival. A mix up with the postal service."
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
rooke rooke
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23
Khan rustled himself into a bar, pushing open the doors and taking a seat by a Xingese woman sitting at a booth by a window. It appeared as if this woman was expecting him, as she had turned her head towards his direction and seemed to recognize Khan's face. He sat with her and bought both of them a set of drinks and began speaking in a foreign language, presumably Xingese or some dialect of it. The man caught the attention of several disgruntled and already drunk bar goers due to his sharp appearance, and most importantly the fact that he had already garnered the full attention of the lovely young lady that they had been eyeballing for the last 15 minutes. A group of them got up and stood at the sides of the bar and waited for further instruction from the ring leader who began making his way to their table.

"I see. I see. Is there anything else that you need to know," he whispered to the woman in Xingese.

"No, I think that should be it," she replied in Xingese as well. She was about to say her next sentence before being shortly interrupted by a hand came slamming down in between the two of them. Immediately, Khan and the woman to look up just moments after finishing their conversation.

"Hey, you having fun there little guy," said the burly and much taller ringleader of the drunkard group at the bar. He had at least 6 inches on Khan and was 50-60 pounds heavier. "Mind if I take this spot," he asked menacingly.

"Well, sure you can. Kuu I think we're done here. Because I think we're done here. I had my drink, you had yours. We'll merrily be on our way." Khan got up and helped the lady up out of her chair as well before being pulled from her and thrown across the room to the entrance of the bar. He recovered and propped himself up by the door.

"The girl, stays Foreigner. We'll make sure to take care of her," one of the other drunkards said suggestively. Kuu looked the group in disgust, knowing what they were all thinking. Khan got to his feet and reached up for the locks on the door.

"Hey, what are you doing," the ring leader of the drunkard group asked. Khan reached for one lock on top of the double doors and pushed it up. Then another. Then another, until the only way in and out of the bar was sealed shut.

"In my country, a wise man once said, 'Proper etiquette, makes an honorable man.' Do you know what that means," Khan slyly asked the group of drunkards.

"You know that you're locked in here with us, you prick."

"No, I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me."
Zelgius "the sage" Argossi​

Once he was confindent that he had gone through the entirety of the notes and missed nothing zelgius turned his attention to the others noting that nearly everyone in this room was known for something or another. Yet he refrained from giving any one of them to much attention, he was i stead subtly going through his head and putting himself up against each of them. Unfortunately the odds didnt seem to stack up in his favor. Not that he wished any ill will towards them, it was simply a habit he had formed being in the military, he enjoyed sizing up the officers, just a way to pass the time while he was unable to study.

Jesse "quicksilver" armstrong

Jesse sat breathing calmly on the stool, yet all around her was noise, the click of the cameras, the pep talk her coach was giving her. "your off your game Jesse, whats wrong? Its the third round why is this fight even still going." he was shouting to her. Her mind was a bit scattered, alot going on today. Taking one last deep breath she locked her eyes on the opponent, Julia Anderson. The rest of the noise seemed to drown out, she stepped into the middle of the ring, and when the bell dinged she dived into the fray. Julia threw a hook to Jesse's body, but jesse curled her right elbow down and blocked it, twisting her core she returned a powerful left hook which caught julia guard but still seemed the stagger her. Leaving her no breathing room Jesse stepped into a right cross catching julia in her lower ribcage, followed by a left cross on the opposite side effectivly knocking the wind out of julia. The winded woman threw a right hook to respond, but jesse slapped it aside connecting her signature overhead Left , knocking Julia to the mat and bouncing her head off the canvass twice. The crowd went wild, and the ten count went by declaring Jesse the winner of the fight. As she left the stage her mind was elsewhere. This is it, the day i attack central headquarters...she thought to her self as she walked into the lockeroom.
(anyone wanna help be a terrorist?)​
Once Lt. Colonel Adniel walked through the door talking about his new orders she knew exactly what was happening. "These bastards sent someone to watch over to make sure I don't mess up. I swear I hate them." She keeps her face from looking dark. She gives a big smile trying to hide her feelings. She giggles "Good morning Lt. Colonel I'm glad to hear you are here to work with us. I'm guessing we will both be taking care of this squad." She goes and sits at the headdesk putting her files away and relaxing. She looks to Ben talking to his wife. "Now isn't that the cutest thing ever Major." She chuckles.
Mossino Mossino
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Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
St. Boethius St. Boethius
Ben glared at the Colonel, sighing as he started to work again. He truly did love his wife he just didn't want her using calling a government phone every day. As he was doing some paperwork, he got a funny feeling, like someone was up and he didn't know what it was.
SRUNewman SRUNewman
Adniel smiled and gave a nod to Elicia, " And Good morning to you as well LTC. I don't want to step on your toes on this one by any means. This is your squad, but if you need help I'll be here." Adniel said taking a seat at one of the smaller desks. "My official orders were to advise you and assist with operations, so this is still very much your show to run." Adniel explained as he tossed his orders into the desk in front of him. "At any rate, what's on the agenda for today LTC?" As Adniel waited for a reply he looked over those who had managed to make it. Each one of them was accomplished in their own right, but throwing them into a team.... Adniel just hoped it would work.
SRUNewman SRUNewman Mossino Mossino rooke rooke Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
The Frigid Alchemist
"So there is going to be a second Lt Colonel now too. As long as I am not replaced as the token Ishvalan you and I are okay." Vincent said half-jokingly as he stared down Adniel. He didn't know much about the newcomer, but doubted the superior officer would even be the slightest bit intimidated by himself. He was clearly another respected state alchemist and probably twice his age and far more experienced. "Shouldn't we be properly introduced to our new, I dunno, Second in Command?" Vincent added with a smirk towards his Commanding Officer and standing to go fetch himself a cup of coffee.

SRUNewman SRUNewman Mossino Mossino Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford St. Boethius St. Boethius
Adniel gave a small chuckle at Vincent's comment, though really it felt more like a provocation. " Very well...." The older alchemist said before standing up and going into the parade rest position. " My name is Adniel Yahweh, and along with being a lieutenant colonel I am also a proud warrior monk of the almighty Ishtar. I am the luminous state alchemist and was assigned to assist your commander with her first command position. I was born in Ishval and survived the war because of my family's exile for practicing alchemy... is there anything else you'd like to request Frigid Alchemist? Perhaps a demonstration is necessary as well?" Adniel asked with a straight face, but his tone was soft with none of the edge one would expect one of his rank and experience to have.
rooke rooke SRUNewman SRUNewman Mossino Mossino Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Khan flicked his wrist and pulled out a playing card from underneath his sleeve. It was a simple card on the surface, but slightly thicker than a normal playing card with a design on the back being a more ornate version of the alkahest's pentagram. He threw the card at lightning fast speeds and deadly accuracy toward the drunkard leader while simultaneously concentrating his Chi flow towards the card to perform a remote transmutation using Alkahestry mid flight. The card changed form from a flimsy piece of paper into a decent sized metallic ball bearing by changing the arrangement of the Carbon molecules in the paper. The metal ball slammed into drunkard's forehead temporarily stunning him. One of the men threw a punch at Khan, but he proceeded to duck under it and used the momentum the man generated to throw him over his back and out of a nearby window. Another man came at the intelligence agent with a knife, however he was quick to react, dodging a few initial jabs and then parrying the last stab by kicking the knife out of his hand and following it up with a reverse roundhouse kick from the same leg to the man's temple.

The boss recovered from the initial shock of being briefly knocked out and saw the aftermath of the rather short fight between his buds and this stranger. The drunkard then pulled out a gun and desperately tried shooting Khan, only for his target to disappear in a flash of smoke and light. The now armed aggressor was fired wildly into the smoke and around the room, sending material flying all over the place as the bullets struck different objects littered throughout the bar. Khan reappeared from the drunkard's blind side and tossed a card towards the man's right ear. The card exploded with a loud bang causing the drunkard to become even more disoriented. Now out of bullets and completely lost, Khan new it was his time to finish him off. The man was fairly large so it would definitely take several hits to bring him down, but he had more than enough time now to do so. The Xingese man launched a rapid combination of punches to different parts of the man's torso, followed up by a high kick to the chin sending the man into the air, before finishing him off with a straight kick into a couple tables and chairs, breaking them in the process.

The explosions, smoke, and the unconscious body strewn out in front of the bar attracted the attention of passing citizens and nearby law enforcement.
Elicia was starting to get a bit annoyed by Vincent and his attitude. "I don't think that will be very necessary Lt. Colonel. Let's not have a sparring match here, please. And Major Miles when you talk too Lt.Colonel Adniel, you speak with respect. That's how this works in the military." She stands up and hands everyone a folder except for Adniel. "Sorry LTC I don't have one for you because I didn't know you would be joining us ill give you mine to look after the briefing." She composes herself. "The higher-ups want to test this squad out since we are newly formed. There seems to be a string of murders going on around the Central City. It looks to be the work of an alchemist, who is messing with the properties inside peoples bodies. Changing elements so that they explode. Or heating up people from the inside out. We are tasked to find and stop this criminal."
Adniel looked towards Elicia as she began handing out folders no doubt containing the brief on the criminal. " Don't worry about it too much LTC Elicia I'm sure I'll learn what I need to from the brief itself. " Adniel said before finding an empty space on the wall and moving out of Elicia's way so that she could present the brief. " Before we begin, I just want to go ahead and say that to stop any confusion before it starts just address me as Yahweh and your squad lead as LTC. Now please LTC Elicia proceed with your brief." Adniel had no ill will towards Vincent for his comments so dropping the issue was rather easy. Though it did point to a potential issue in regards to how his temperament would work within the team. If he can't be bothered to keep standard military bearing in the office how would he handle the capture of their target?
SRUNewman SRUNewman rooke rooke Mossino Mossino Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Ben nodded when he heard Elicia give the orders, saying, "Hmm... that's not good. With the rebellion on the verge of happening, this could not bode well. What do we know about this Alchemist? Do we even have a name?" He looked at Adniel, nodding as he said "Okay" in Ishvalan. He had a respect for the Ishvalan people, and his wife helped rebuild the nation a few years back.
St. Boethius St. Boethius
SRUNewman SRUNewman
The Frigid Alchemist
Central HQ

Vincent could tell that he was getting on Elicia's nerves and decided to kick himself into business mode. Sitting back at his desk he drew a quick alchemy circle and placed the coffee inside, chilling it to the temperature he liked. Sipping on it as the Lt Col passed around the folder with agenda and description of the terrorist involved. Quickly reading over the documents, he noticed there was a huge lack of information on their suspect.

"So, to be clear, this is all we currently have to go off of? Because it is not a lot here." he questioned, concerned as to how they were expected to get results when nothing was given. It all seemed like the plot of a detective film. Thankfully the people were a little more open to state alchemists nowadays, or so he was told. Ben also expressed concern for the lack of information, resulting in a nod of agreement towards his squadmate.
Zelgius Argossi

At the mention of humans exploding zelgius looked up. "you say its the work of an alchemist? Human transmutation is not easily accomplished, if this is an alchemist they must be quite skilled, though personally i dont believe it is an alchemist."he seemed to adress the room as a whole not mentioning any rank or names. However just as suddenly as he had spoken up he was silent again and with a bored looking expression on his face.


Jesse Armstrong

After finishing her match Jesse gathered her stuff from the locker room and went outside to meet her driver and head home. It was still early in the day and her "raid" wouldnt happen until after sundown so she figured she would rest up and double check her gear before leaving. Luckiky it was a short drive and she was done.​
Khan and Kuu walked out of the bar through an exit through the back as Central City Police began investigating the scene and into an alleyway. As some cops came into the alleyway to see if anyone had escaped, Khan pulled out a deck of cards and transmuted it into something resembling that day's newspaper. The two officers passed by without noticing either of the two, and the pair glided over to the main street away from the crowd gathering at the bar.

"I could've taken them on," Kuu said to him.

"I know."

"Well, I'll catch you later, Xi, just don't stir up too much trouble," she said to him before walking off into the crowd. Khan did not make an attempt to respond, and he too parted ways with his mysterious companion. Khan then sat down at a bench nearby and contemplated the information he had received. There was some sort of rebellion brewing in Amestris, and that the current string of murders within the city may or may not be tied to it. Khan now had an objective in mind. He needed to catch the murderer, terrorist, or whoever it is alive before the Amestrian Government eliminated them. Else he would lose his chance at potentially obtaining incredibly valuable information for the Xing Empire.

Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 rooke rooke Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford SRUNewman SRUNewman
The Sapphire Alchemist
Apartment Building in Central

Kimberly awoke from her deep sleep with a easy stretch and yawn. Opening her eyes to observe the room, she realized she was in an unfamiliar room. "Well, this isn't my place. And I'm pretty sure I didn't kill anyone in an apartment last night." she said with a lighthearted laugh. Deciding to explore she walked over to the nearby closet and discovered her clothes from the night before were hung up. "Not something I would do. Guess I met someone with a maid." she noted while reminiscing about her upbringing. Scanning over the other clothes in the closet they seemed to be mostly women's, a fact that slightly confused her.

"Kimmy, you finally awake?" a feminine voice came from the next room.

"Yeah." was Kim's nonchalant reply upon recognizing the voice. It was one of the first friends she made in Central. "Are we going out for a bite or do you have work too soon?"

"I have to get to the station. Help yourself to anything before you head out." the other person answered. "I'll see you at the bar later tonight?"

"Won't miss it." Looks like I stayed overnight at Brooke's. Well at least it's not a random guy I have to kill, Kim pondered as she threw her clothes on, swapping her dirty shirt with one of Brooke's. Making sure to lock the door as she left, she headed to a nearby cafe for some breakfast.

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