• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Finished [Frontier] (Highgrove/Caelia Barony) Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer

As he entered the room, John couldn’t help but to gag at the disgusting smell. As his eyes scanned the room, he could feel the content’s of his last meal coming up from his throat. The room seemed to be a dead end however, as Amice was nowhere in sight. And it seemed like they were not alone here, as there were some kind of undead goblins in front of them! They could fight them off, but it would only result in more time being wasted.

“Damn it, its a dead end. We don't have time to deal with these guys.” He spoke in a hushed but urgent tone, hoping the zombies would not notice them yet. Turning around to leave, he spotted a familiar figure running past them. Come to think of it, Aqua wasn’t among them! Did she just went down the wrong path?! “You guys go on ahead to Flare.” He told the others, before going down path 2 right after Aqua.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , LightningJay LightningJay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

As soon as Phoebe rounded the corner, her sense of smell was assaulted by an overwhelming putrid smell of rotting flesh and death, causing her to gag and reflexively cover her mouth and nose with her free hand. The sight in the dead end they found themselves in wasn’t any better, being greeted by a similar sight of remains like that ritual site in the forest. That wasn’t the only similarity with that site in the forest, it seemed, as just like in the forest something that should be inanimate started moving, except this time instead of a tree it was much more grotesque. Phoebe reflexively took a small step back when goblin corpses started rising out of the ground.

“Wha-, where the heck are you going!” She said to John, but her comment didn't have a chance of getting a reply, as he was already dashing off to somewhere. She turned back to Thane. "Come on, we don't have time! Amice and this 'ritual'... we need to go deal with that shaman!" Phoebe said to him, before going after John.

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane clicked his tongue as he abruptly stopped from stepping foot into the undead filled room. His instincts told him to purify the filth, but he had a much more important matter to deal with. His head swiveled back as John made his remark, missing Aqua as she passed by and into Path 2. "Damn it!" He backed away and swiftly turned around to chase after the group. "Wait up! We can't go after Flare, this is the path we have to focus on." His voice echoed along the path as he readied his axe. Turning his head turned towards the back, he moved quickly with his axe ready. "Keep moving! I don't know how fast those undead will be!"

He looked back at Phoebe. "Don't look back, focus on navigating! Whatever happens, you have to lead us to the heart!" He turned away again, his eyes focused on the path behind them. "I'll at least make sure they won't get past me."


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
LightningJay LightningJay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.


Combat Rules are active
  • Remember to keep track of your Cooldowns.
  • Use three actions per post at most.
  • Basic attacks and/or defend actions, talking a lot (more than a few sentences), using abilities and similar stuff all take up an action.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions when/if needed.



Tahmuras' fire was only somehwat effective against the goblins, who raised their shield in order to counter. Whist the fire was enough to burn away their shields, the goblins themselves seemed unharmed and ready to counter. That was the deal for one of them, at least, as the left one first got further roasted by Flare's Flamethrower, after which it got kicked back as well. Although the goblin behind it managed to dodge out of the way, the twice-fried goblin itself was pretty toasted and dead by now. That left one wounded goblin and two okay goblins to deal with...

If it weren't for the fact that the two unharmed goblins started sprinting off in different direction. “Warn others!” “Quick!” They called out to one-another, leaving their third companion to fend for himself.

The third Goblin would try to use some sort of [Slash F] ability to slash its sword at Flare's legs, after which it'd attack twice more. Fearing the large Goblin-roasting 'machine' right besides it slightly more than the fire-spitting fox.

The latter was why Tahmuras managed to get past them and called out. “I'm pursuing!” He was already running after the one going left, where they'd last seen Amice.


Meanwhile, Aqua was able to keep running for a long while. The hallway broadened as she kept going, although it was mostly empty. Left and right was some old abandoned mining equipment, but that was about it. She'd eventually come to a standstill from all the running, before a place where the path circled back around. However, she'd hear a voice coming from somewhere behind an extremely narrow passage. “H-hello? Is someone there? Please! You've got to help me!” The voice sounded faintly feminine and like that of an adult, with a bit of a sing-song quality to it, but that was about all she'd be able to make out.

John and Phoebe, running after Aqua, would be able to catch up. They too, would hear the voice from past the narrow gap in the walls. Perhaps if they had a way to open it up more or if they were to try hard enough to fit through, they could pass it. However, even for the smallest among them, it wouldn't be easy. It'd take some time and effort and a lot of mental willpower to fight off potential claustrophobic instincts.

Thane, following them whilst keeping an eye out, would notice the zombie goblins were chasing them. Except for the fact that they were slow. By the time their group had caught up to Aqua, Thane could see that the first of the zombies had only just entered the much broader parts of the tunnel. It'd probably take a bit more before they'd make it through to where they were, but they were still moving in their direction.
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Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

Watching the goblin burn into a crisp was enough to entice a bit of sadistic joy from the armored furnace from hell. Flare's first kill was almost like what they had imagined, even if it was admittedly a bit mortifying at first. Seeing its skin and flesh char and melt off its person wasn't exactly a pretty sight. Though at least it wasn't an actual person. That alone gave them solace in their actions. And they wanted more.


The goblin behind their barbequed companion would unfortunately dodge out of the way, avoiding a similar fate. Now they were alarmed and in their panic, the remaining two would skedaddle in opposite directions from the intersection. That left only one trapped in here with them and it decided to fight. It slashed at the OVEN's leg, its knife sending sparks flying as a lodged gap would burst open to fire a jet of steam. The armored furnace flinched as Flare could feel a bit of their essence jet outside. Even with its already durable exterior, the proper battle armor enchantments hadn't been casted upon their suit yet; making them vulnerable to a well-placed (or misplaced) strike at a knob or wire.

Flare would attempt to sidestep the remaining strikes before vice-gripping the goblin's striking hand, casting [Flame Touch F] to disarm the crummy creature. They watched it squeal in agony as the fire began scorching their entire forearm and dance up its body, all as the OVEN's lifeless helmet gazed into their eyes like a sadistic harbinger of hell. Then with its other hand it slammed against its head and plunged it into the jagged cave walls to finish it off. As they stood over the lifeless corpse, Flare quickly flicked their hand to rid of any blood staining its iron gauntlet.

But their job wasn't done yet. Tahmuras was now quickly pursuing the goblin heading left in the direction where they last saw Amice. Flare wanted to follow him, but quickly recognized the potential danger the goblin on the right may bring. Perhaps Tahmuras already knew and was why he called out. The fire elemental acknowledged as they stomped towards Path #4. "Taking right!" they boomed as they began stomping towards the goblin, "Leave no goblin standing!"

They plan to join back up with the fiery fox as soon as they were finished with this guy.

  1. Grabbing and casting [Flame Touch F] on attacking Goblin.
  2. Slamming Goblin against the wall.
  3. Pursuing Goblin running down Hall #4.
- Flame Touch F - [Magic F, Continuing F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare can set objects on fire by touching them with their hands.
- Flamethrower E - +0 Cooldown [Ready Next Round]
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Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane let out a breath of relief as he saw the goblins shuffle towards them. They were unsurprisingly slow, but that news was already good enough for Thane. "It'll take a while before those bastards will catch up to us." He informed the others as he hastened his steps towards them again. "Keep moving!" He spoke with urgency, but his steps halted as he approached the group. "What's the hold up?" He inquired impatiently, clenching and unclenching the axe in his hands. Due to being late in arrival, he wasn't able to hear whoever called for help in the narrow path.

"Aqua." He called out. "Please do not rush off suddenly like that." He looked at her in the eyes, seriousness in his tone. "I am well aware you are... nervous, but please ask for help if you are unsure of anything." He sincerely wished Aqua curbed her anxiousness for the moment at least, but he knew it would be too much to ask for an inexperienced person like her. Then again, he too was inexperienced in endeavors like this. He only had the luxury of having discipline from being in a church from a young age. He sighed. "If something happens to you too, I don't think the rest of us would come out fine anymore."

His eyes once again darted at the path he was in, before looking back at the group. "You guys need to move quickly. We don't have much time to waste." His voice was heavy, and his eyes were darting around as if in full alert. The sweat flowing from his forehead wasn't from exertion, but the worry that is currently torturing his heart of the thought of Amice in the hands of the enemies. Awaiting the others' moves, the impatient tapping of his foot on the ground echoed along the path.



According to Thane, the zombies from earlier were still hot on their tails! Damn it, couldn’t they just give it a rest already? But thankfully they were slow enough to be ignored for now, and hopefully they wouldn’t run into a dead end and get cornered by the zombies. They were really disgusting, and John didn’t want anything to do with them!

After Thane had regrouped with the others, he seemed to be pretty impatient for their next plan of action. “Hold up a second Thane... I think there was a voice coming from over there.” John said, pointing towards the narrow passage near them. “It could be Amice, or perhaps some other captive. The rest of you might want to continue down the path and scout out what’s ahead first. I’ll try to open up this path although I’m not sure how effective it will be.”

Pulling his first back, he’d ready himself, before launching 2 punches at the narrow passage with [Attack, or something]. He didn’t know if the punches would open up the passage or not, but it seemed like it would be worth a shot.

• Attack, or something - Fighting style F, ranged F, energized F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  1. Talk
  2. Punch
  3. Punch
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , LightningJay LightningJay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

After a short while of running down a pretty long cave, they once again ended up at a fork in the road. "It's good to go after a teammate, but did you really have to go running off so suddenly like that, John?" She said, as she caught her breath before turning to Aqua. "Are you alright, Aqua?"

John then called attention to the voice coming from the narrow side pathway. "Yea, I heard that too! Although I don't think that sounded like Amice..." The presence of another captive was a bit alarming. "Multiple captives... and a ritual... I don't like the sound of any of this..." The bad feeling in her gut only intensified as she started speculating on what possible magic rituals could captives be useful for. And it definitely didn't help that most of them that she could think of were of the sacrificial kind.

"I'm not so sure splitting up again is a..." Phoebe started in response to John's suggestion to go down the pathway they didn't have to squeeze to get through but stopped herself. "Right, we need to find Amice! Aqua, let's go down this way! If we need to split up again, it's best if we go in pairs!" The mage then starting to make her way down path 5, proceeding with as much caution as this time crunch of a situation allowed.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
LightningJay LightningJay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.


Combat Rules are active
  • Remember to keep track of your Cooldowns.
  • Use three actions per post at most.
  • Basic attacks and/or defend actions, talking a lot (more than a few sentences), using abilities and similar stuff all take up an action.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions when/if needed.

(Side-stepping would be a dodge/defend action.) Flare would counter the goblin that continued trying to strike at them by grabbing it. They were able to disarm it and stop it from damaging their armour further by slow-roasting it as it screeched and screamed in pain. Leaving the goblin corpse behind as a bloody roasted mess, Flare would start running into Path #4 to chase another one. They could see the goblin near the end of the path they were running into as it was screaming its lungs out to whomever or whatever was at the end of this tunnel. “Intruders! Fire using intruders! They're here! They're here!”



Tahmuras hadn't replied to Flare, as he'd already given chase.


Meanwhile, John started to punch, punch and punch some rocks. Whilst it wasn't exactly gentle on his knuckles, it did manage to break loose some bits and pieces of rock. He wasn't exactly punching a hole in the wall, but he was eventually able to start slipping through the opening he'd widened. After a bit of a bend, the passage would open up into a small side-room, where he'd find the origin of the voice they'd heard.



A rather tall and rather blue woman was chained up to some pillar in the room. Along here lay what seemed to be remains of those who'd been unfortunate enough to end up in a position like hers before hand. All evidence suggested she'd been here for a while, as she looked somewhat dehydrated and as she'd gotten scrapes and bruises all over her from what likely had been attempts to free herself. “Oh... Oh thank the Spirit King someone found me before those goblins remembered they chained me up in here.” She called out upon seeing John. “Can you please help me get rid of these chains? I don't know if there's a key or if you can break them or anything, or if you have a catalyst, I'm sure I could break them myself... please, just anything to get out of here. I swear I'll help you get rid of the goblins, they only got to me because they managed to get the jump on me.” She added, clearly desperate to get out of the situation.


Phoebe, meanwhile, decided to take Thane's advise to keep moving. The two would find themselves running down a long path, much narrower than the first. However, they'd soon find themselves at a crossroad. The path to the north of them seemed to get narrower, making it difficult to see what was at the end of it. The path to the south of them split up into two different paths. They'd have to make a choice which way to go, or perhaps even to go back to where John went or to wait on Aqua, who was lagging behind.


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

Like a thundering vessel from Hell, Flare would continue chasing the poor goblin down the tunnel. However, the fire elemental would soon realize that running in a heavily armored suit didn't make them exactly the fastest thing alive. Their target was quicker and more nimble, keeping pace as they called out blood murder for immediate assistance. Seeing that they wouldn't be able to catch up to them physically, Flare would have to stop that rancid creature from afar. Hustling forward, they would attempt to get into range before stopping to chuck a [Fireball F] at its victim. Hopefully this would at least cause him to loose balance and allow Flare to get them if it struck against the walls of the gave, if not completely incinerate the goblin upon a direct hit. It would be better if they were alive anyways, for they had some VERY pressing questions to ask him.

Flare continued running shortly after firing, regardless whether or not it successfully hit.

  1. Chasing Goblin.
  2. Stopping to chuck [Fireball F] at Goblin's position.
  3. Resume chasing/approaching Goblin.
[Fireball E] - [Magic E, Range F, Continuing F] - +1 Cooldown - Flare can lob a fireball from their hands up to 30 feet away.
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John continued smashing open the path despite Phoebe’s concerns on them splitting up again. After all, he couldn’t possibly just leave a damsel in distress when they were calling out for help! And who knows, Amice might be in there too!

As he finally slid into the room, he’d come across a mysterious blue lady who seemed eager to see him. He folded his arms, eyeing her carefully from a distance. “Hmph, it’s funny that you think I’m here to save you. How do I know that I can trust you?” That’s when he noticed her terrible condition, with injuries all over her body telling him of the abuse she’d been through. The look in his eyes softened as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Ahem, well... I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to place my trust in you for now. I’m in a hurry to save a fellow comrade, and I’ll gladly take every help I can get. Let me see what I can do for you.”

Up till now, John had only been throwing punches, but this time he might accidentally injure the lady in the process. That’s right, he didn’t need to just limit himself to punches. His entire body was a weapon. In that case, he just had to imagine his body as different kind of weapon. A weapon capable of cutting, chopping, slicing. Raising his hand high up, he delivered a karate chop to the chains with [Chop harder].

Chop harder - Fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F, appraisal E - user uses a hand to chop at something, while augmenting the attack with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane sighed as John declared his intent. "Although I agree with Phoebe, we can't leave those calling for help, alone." He gave a look at the narrow pathway and began walking away. "Make it quick." He told him before looking at Phoebe with a nod. "The faster we are, the better chances we have." He then faced Aqua. "Stay here for John. Those undead goblins shouldn't be fast enough to get to you guys immediately." He immediately went along with Phoebe as they rushed forward again.

"This is getting tiresome..." Clear irritation was in his voice as they were once again faced with another crossroads. "This time, we can't split any further..." He tapped his axe on the ground. "Phoebe, which direction?" He asked, his eyes still wary on where to go. The caves had become more troublesome than he expected it to be, with its winding paths. His fury was already starting to flare once the initial worry waned. He was raring to split goblins in twain, but the nature of the environment and enemies made it hard for him to do so. He clicked his tongue in irritation, silently vowing to eradicate at least the goblins in the area.



She ate mushroom stew for breakfast, and after running until she was out of breath, Aqua unloaded all the content of her stomach into the ground. Strangely, vomitting actually helped her clear her mind. The girl was still pale, but her panic attack seemed to have subsided. She nodded weakly at Thane and Phoebe as they scouted forward.

Realizing that John was onto something. She followed the boy into the branching path, but didn't follow him into the hole as she still feels slightly dazed. She did hear the conversation from the inside though and apparently the goblins already held someone captive.

"Umm... did someone say they need catalyst?" Aqua pulled a wand from her belt and slided it into the hole for John or the blue woman to take.

"I-it's my spare, feel free to use it."

1) Offer Salt Stick (Catalyst Grade E)​
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , LightningJay LightningJay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

The path Phoebe went down was more windy and much more narrow than the one they had just ran across a few moments ago. At least with how slow Thane described those zombie goblins back there to be, it'd probably take them a good while before they caught up to her and Thane. She could only hope that Aqua and John could regroup with them before the zombies catch up or be alright dealing with the zombies if they do.

In response to Thane's question, Phoebe let out a sigh after looking at the amulet. “The amulet’s not picking up anything significant right now.” It looks like they were gonna have to do it the old fashioned way, for the time being. She looked down the 3 paths before them. "Hmm... It looks like that path might lead deeper into the cave, but it looks a bit narrow over there, don't know if it keeps narrowing down that path, so it might be risky..." She said, pointing down path 5. She mulled over the options in her head. "...We just might need to take the risk... time to take a longer route is something we don't have." She started carefully making her way down path 5. "I'll go ahead. Between the 2 of us, I'll probably have an easier time moving around in smaller spaces with our height difference."
Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice. Don't die.
LightningJay LightningJay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.


Combat Rules are active
  • Remember to keep track of your Cooldowns.
  • Use three actions per post at most.
  • Basic attacks and/or defend actions, talking a lot (more than a few sentences), using abilities and similar stuff all take up an action.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions when/if needed.

Whilst Flare's fireball managed to singe the goblin's back, it still managed to continue running forwards. However, as they continued... They saw a big room, which was mostly empty. Except for three things. Amice; chained onto some sort of altar in the middle. An odd goblin directly across from it... and eight regular goblins standing around, with the ninth being the singed one running into the room.

Upon seeing it the shamanic looking goblin yelled out. “There's the intruder! Stop it!” The goblins started heading towards Flare almost immediatly, including the one they'd previously attack turning back around to face them...




Her eyes grew a bit weary upon John denying the fact he was there to save her at first, but when he changed his mind, she visibly relaxed again. Sadly enough, the karate chop the the chains wasn't enough to get them to break...

Luckily, Aqua came to the rescue. Handing over her spare catalyst through the hole, the woman would be thankful. “Thank you...” She'd call out. After which she'd use the catalyst to cast a spell that slowly started to freeze the chains that were binding her. It wasn't enough to break them. However, … “Could you try hitting them again?” She asked John.

As she awaited his answer, a slight glow started to form around her as some of her bruises and cuts started to fade. She'd apparently cast some minor healing magic on herself. “Seriously, I can't thank the both of you enough. I thought I was done for.”

As for Aqua, she would spot the undead goblins, though slow, were starting to approach again. The first of which might actually just be able to reach her, if she wasn't going to move away from them within this round.


As Phoebe went into path 5, she realised it'd soon curl back around, ending up in a room with a single table and a chest atop of it. As far as her amulet was concerned, it was going absolutely wild all of a sudden, suggesting there was all sorts of magic coming from that chest, but not giving a clear indication of what species or thing it was from. Otherwise, the room was surprisingly empty, giving no indication of what it was or what it could've been used for.


Meanwhile, Thane, staying behind at the crossroads, suddenly saw something green running at him from out of the dark. “WAAAAAAAH!!!” The goblin screamed, as if trying to intimidate him into moving. Assuming that Thane wasn't going to do so, the Goblin tried to jump at him in order to slash its sword at Thane's throat with all its strength (Slash Ability F).



Thamuras came running immediately after, although the fox had only one thing on his mind. “Where's Amice?” He asked.


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

Dead set on the singed goblin, Flare turned the corner as they were about to finish off that blasted cretin. Flames flared from her helmet as she roared out, "C'mere you vile-!" But their voice trailed off suddenly as they peered into the well lit room before them. Goblins. Quite the lot of them. One of them looked to be the shaman they overheard from his minions. But more importantly, chained to an alter in the middle of the room, Flare witnessed a nightmare scenario come true.

"AMICE!" the fire elemental gasped, bleeding out a sense of desperation and dread. Those two goblins from the intersection set up a trap to isolate them further! And this is EXACTLY why they reckoned that they stick together in the first place. To avoid situations just like this from happening! Flare silently cursed to themselves, seething in their suit. While fire and fury raged outside of her suit, showcasing an emotionless suit of armor ready for battle, the face deep behind it was worried. Even with the OVEN suit being capable of knocking back a few hits, they weren't quite sure if they could take on nine goblins and still be functional at the end of it. Fraust was stern to remind her how they weren't invincible, how NOT to underestimate their enemy no matter how weak they appeared. Especially if they happened to be outnumbered.

If Flare was going to fight them all by themself, they had to give it everything they got!

But with Amice having becoming the damsel in distress, Flare knew that time was of the upmost essence. They had to figure a way to get to her quickly, but only half of a solid plan could be made up before the shaman commanded the minions to stop them. Time to improvise. Fast! Flare's helmet roared to life before unleashing a stream of flame [Flamethrower E] to cover the corridor entrance; while potentially scorching the singed goblin closest to them alive in the process. If they were all going to bum rush at them through this bottleneck, the fire elemental was going to ensure that it wouldn't be THAT easy!

With their make-shift elemental hazard now in full swing, Flare's right gauntlet began to spew red-hot flames as they unleash a [Flame Punch F] at the next goblin coming at them.

"COME AT ME!!!" the armored warrior roared as loudly as they could, hoping it somehow echoed far enough through the caves for any of their teammates to pinpoint the fire elementals' location. Flare then readies a block as they continue processing their next course of action.

  1. Use [Flamethrower E] to cover corridor entrance floor (and potentially the singed goblin).
  2. Throws [Flame Punch F] at next closest goblin.
  3. Readies a block.
- [Flame Punch F] - [Magic F, Continuing F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare strikes their opponent with a fire-imbued punch.
- [Flamethrower E] - [Magic E, Range F, Continuing F] - +1 Cooldown - Flare fires a ray of fire from the OVEN suit's helmet, allowing them to hit a single target, up to 30 feet away.
- [Fireball E] - [Magic E, Range F, Continuing F] - +0 Cooldown - [Ready Next Post]

"J-John, there's zombie goblins coming." Aqua alerted the boy as she saw the undeads dragging themselves towards her. "I will try distracting them. Y-you two stay safe there."

She already told herself that she wouldn't mess up again. Now's the time for her to prove it to herself.

"I'm here y-you, you, cadaver." She yelled at the zombies to draw their attention. She's clearly outnumbered though so she didn't stick around and quickly retreated to the south, following the route that Thane and Phoebe took before.

1) Run south​
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , LightningJay LightningJay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

With the amount of crossroads they had encountered so far in this mine, Phoebe was a tad bit relieved that the path didn't split again, however at the same time a little dismayed that the path ended up leading to a dead end that wasn't the place where Amice was being held. However, there was something interesting at the dead end the pinkette found herself in. Although she was technically dungeon diving right now, she wasn't expecting to see a chest in a place like this that was overrun with goblins.

What's more, her amulet started acting up like crazy when she stepped foot into the little dead end. Opening the chest immediately was obviously not a good idea, after all it could be trapped. And seeing as how that site back in the forest was trapped, she wouldn't put it past the goblins to set up yet another trap. Plus, did Mimics exist in this world too? They definitely were a staple in dungeon games in her old world, but did they exist here too? She hadn't heard of any, so far anyways.

Well, better to play it safe when dealing with a suspicious chest in a goblin infested mine. Phoebe approached the chest inspecting it with [Book Smarts] as soon as she got close enough. Time to see if appearances can be believed.

  • Inspect the chest using [Book Smarts]
    • [Book Smarts]- Appraisal E, Educated F, Arcana F, Academia F
      • Appraise spells, magical items and symbols as well as anything related to educational institutions to learn more about it. Limited to 1 target within 5 feet.
      • Grade E, 1 Post Cooldown

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane grit his teeth. They've been through ways, but still hadn't found Amice. Without any other point of reference, he nodded at Phoebe's suggestion. "I'll stay here." He told Phoebe as she went up the Path. He hoped to be at least a point of return for the others, specifically John and Aqua, when they come back from helping whoever was in the narrow pathway. Just as soon as Phoebe disappeared into the corner, a goblin made its way out of the other path, instantly earning Thane's attention and ire. His pupils shrunk and his grip tightened as he immediately stepped forward and took a stance, his axe at the ready.

The goblin's show of intimidation only angered Thane as he quickly drew his axe back.

[Defend: Speed D - Light Armor F]
Thane stepped back, evading the goblin's lunge.

[Attack: Swift Smite F - Strength C]
Almost immediately, Thane spun the great axe around as it sparked into golden flames. He raised the axe high as the fire roared, before sending it crashing down on the goblin.

[Other: Communication]
Spotting Tahmuras appearing after, Thane couldn't help but curse at his inquiry. "She's not anywhere here!" He immediately replied to Tahmuras, dragging the axe back into his hands. "We've scoured the paths around here, but we didn't find her." He clicked his tongue in frustration. "Attention everyone!" He yelled, hoping to catch the attention of John, Aqua, and Phoebe through the echoes in the caves. "Tahmuras is here, but no sight of Amice!"


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice. Don't die.
LightningJay LightningJay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.




Aqua ran onwards after warning John, managing to meet back up with Thane. However, whilst most of the zombies followed her, one of them stayed behind, trying to worm its way through the crevice that John had created to reach the chained-up woman. It didn't seem the creatures were intelligent enough to understand being challenged or insulted.


Meanwhile, Phoebe had enough [Book Smarts] to realise that most chests didn't have a [Monster] title to them. Although she needed to get within 5 feet to use her appraisal... Which was close enough.


The chest opened up to reveal a maw with multiple sharp teeth and a long and flexible tongue. Considering Phoebe had been clever enough not to instantly try opening it, the creature hadn't been able to munch down on a limb of hers. However, it had sensed being [Appraised] from her [Book Smarts] ability and sprung into action as a result, latching out with its tongue and trying to wrap it around her arm in order to capture her.


(Using D speed with light armour F would technically mean the armour would take 1 damage and break due to using a stat that's 1 grade above its durability. The same goes for the Great-Axe instantly breaking from using C strength with an F-grade weapon, causing the axe to break (from D) after which Thane himself would take one damage for the remain grade of difference (from C). I'll be nice and not go full World's Rules and just limit his output instead.)

Thane managed to barely dodge the enraged and panicking goblin, after which he counter-attacked. However, the goblin was able to hop out of the way, with Thane only grazing it. It looked like it would be able to try lunging at Thane once more, but it took a fire-ball to the face before it could, which was enough to deal with it.



Fireball – Magic School [Fire] (Range, AoE, Duration, Targets) F , Selective F – Fires a ball of fire at enemies. - E grade – 1 Post Cooldown

A bit out of breath from the running and magic directly afterwards, he stood still for a bit, breathing heavily before formulating a response. “She's.. not here...” The words sank in with the fox. “Then she must be in Flare's direction! That way!” The said, pointing back to where he came from (7) with his snout. He was too out of breath (doesn't have Focus to move) after casting magic to immediately go after Flare and Amice himself.


Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Upon seeing Flare appear, Amice called out. “Flare!” She tried to struggle and break free, but it seemed the goblins had tied her up too well for her to break free.

Flare's Flamethrower managed to burn down the goblin that'd been escaping them thus far. However, the other goblins instinctively dodged away from the flames, sticking closer to the sides rather than going through the opening. It seemed they weren't eager to risk becoming goblin roast.

As Flare challenged them, a few seemed to be taunted enough to start moving in again, but they were halted by a command.

Goblin Shaman


“Fools! Stand back!” The shaman called out, causing the goons to stay in place. Instead, a highly wicked grin formed on his face.

The goblin looked at Flare, then suddenly started singing.
“This little goblin has ten toes~
Now what would you do, if one of them goes...?”

As he finished the song, he'd suddenly lunge forwards and sink a ritualistic dagger into Amice's foot. “AHHHHHHHHH!” The gnome cried out in shock, pain and fear, soiling herself and looking beyond terrified of what just happened.

The shaman only chuckled, although he made sure to stay close enough to Amice to use her as a shield should Flare barge in. Worse, however, was that he started singing again.

“This little gnome still has ten fingers...
Now what would happen if the Fiery one lingers?”

He sang, bringing the ritualistic dagger up towards Amice's hands.

“Please... Please... please no more... please...” The Gnome begged and cried and whimpered.

It was pretty clear that the Shaman was doing his best to lure Flare into the room, so that the goblins to the sides could all jump them at once. A thing that they might not survive, as they be heavily outnumbered and exactly where the Shaman wanted them. However, if they would be able to resist the taunt despite knowing better was another matter...
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John finally snapped out of his daze when he heard Aqua’s voice calling out to him. The boy shook his head as he did so. What just happened? This wasn’t the time to be dilly dallying! “Sorry for the wait,” said he, as he raised a hand up to chop down on the frozen chains before him. Then, turning around he’d find a zombie who was trying to enter the room.

“You damned zombie! Get out of my way!” The boy charged towards the crevice, throwing a punch right for the disgusting thing. If there was only one zombie here, then that meant that the rest were after Aqua! Damn it… He was starting to regret splitting up earlier. Maybe that ended up causing more harm than good for them. However, it was not like he could just leave a beautiful damsel in distress to suffer in this disgusting rotting prison cell!

[Attack, or something] - Fighting style F, ranged F, energized F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[Chop, or something] - Fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F, energized F - user uses a hand to chop at something - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

1. Chop the chains with [Chop, or something]
2. Charge at zombie
3. Punch zombie with [Attack, or something]
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , LightningJay LightningJay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard , Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Oh shit! Oh SHIT!" It doesn't take much common sense to know that ordinary chests didn't have Monster titles. But by then, the "chest" had already revealed its hideous maw. As it reached out its tongue to try and latch onto her arm, Phoebe made an attempt to back away from the Mimic towards the entrance of the room, both to prevent being ensnared and to create some distance between her and it. All the while, she had pointed her wand at the monster, sparks of electricity gathering around the catalyst before...

"CHAIN STRIKE!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Hopefully the echoes of her yell would catch the attention of Thane or whoever happened to be near her in case the Mimic survived the spell. And if that couldn't get their attention, then the subsequent sound of thunder probably would as the electricity that built up around the wand discharged towards the Mimic as a bolt of lightning.

  • Dodge attempt (Speed E)
  • Cast [Chain Strike D] against the Mimic
    • [Chain Strike] - Magic D, Lightning Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic F, Focus F
      • Phoebe points at a target within the range of 100 feet and recites an incantation. Upon the completion of her incantation, a bolt of lightning is shot from her wand towards the target. Upon striking the target, the lightning then spreads and strikes up to an additional 4 enemies around the vicinity of the target so long as the additional targets also were within 100 feet of Phoebe at time of casting.
      • Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Grade D Abilities: 0/2

"Thane! Tamura! There's zombies behind me! RUN!!" Aqua panically warned the other two as she passed by them. She didn't even realize that she had outran the zombies by a wide margin as in her mind she's a bad runner and would be grabbed by the zombies if she stopped running. Despite what she wanted to believe, her panic-prone self might not be that easy to fix.

Facing the branching path, Aqua immediately turned left to path (6) as she had been turning right all this time and figured she would turn full circle if she turn right again.

1) Run to path (6)​


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

Flare made quick work of the goblin directly in front of them, roasting them into charred green-skin. Yet the other goblins weren't willing to indulge the fire elemental's growing levels of arson, make sure to avoid the flames sprouting underneath. Flare hissed in grave dissatisfaction before taunting them to come at them. And indeed, a few seemed goaded in as they began approaching them foolishly. Yet the shaman - the cruel sadistic witch that it was - forced them to halt their advance; a wicked grin plastered on his crooked face.

What happened next would permeate Flare's mind for many months to come...

The screams. The singing. The blood. The utter defilement of the poor gnome was a baptism into a grisly reality Flare was not at all prepared for. And it was all horrible. While their exterior remained seemingly cold and silent to the world around them, the figure inside was brewing with an inferno of red-hot rage. They were beyond disgusted and mortified. Flare was ready to sock this vile green-skin with a fireball to the face, where they'd enjoy watching it crumble to ash. But there was only one problem.

The goblin was too close to Amice.

Flare feared hitting him would cause the explosion to unintentionally splash flame onto the gnome and burn her. And it wasn't like they had the means in putting out said fire themself. But otherwise they didn't have any other abilities that would allow them to reach the shaman or completely wipe the floor with the rest of the goblins. The OVEN may be tough, but goblins are crafty little buggers. They'd find a way in one way or another. Their rage continued to build upon their woes of seemingly useless endeavor, calling out for them to hail-mary into the fray.

Though that must be what the goblins wanted. Despite Amice's suffering, Flare had a hunch that this was on purpose. Perhaps they were counting on Flare to loose their cool in order to take advantage of their lack of focus. The best action was not to fall into their trap. But to what cost would it be for them to shield against the misery inflicted on the hostage. The only thing they had up against them was the deception that they were alone, or not knowing the true extent of "intruders" in the area. But where they were and how far they were from their position was another story.

Flare was on their own. They had to make every action count until reinforcements arrive... IF they can get to them in time.

"Fools. All of you!" Flare said coldly towards the shaman, trying their damnest to quell the rage that was more than ready to burst as they took a step forward to be right under the entrance frame. They look at the rest of the goblin folk. "Your leader denies you glory! You have the Crimson Knight of the Spirit King outnumbered, 9-to-1, yet instead of taking me down you stop just to have your shaman commit a little ritual? I've heard that the goblin who sacrifices the lamb wielding THAT knife is granted ultimate strength and power of a goblin king!" Flare pointed. to the knife the shaman is holding. "Ultimate power and infinite gold are at your fingertips, yet you willingly discard that golden opportunity in the hands of that fraud of a shaman?" Flames then began flaring from their hands as was her helmet, attempting to ramp up their display. "My fellow knights are coming here as we speak. And when they arrive, they'll slaughter each and everyone one of you here... save only for the one who successfully commits the ritual. Time is ticking. Who will be the last goblin standing? Will it be you? Or HIM?"

Flare, by all accounts, was bluffing here. They had utterly no idea of the true intentions of the ritual, but perhaps by attempting to stir tensions of greed and power within the goblin ranks they might be able to attempt to turn on each other. From what they knew from Fraust, Goblins are greedy creatures. And rituals such as this are not out of the norm for a proper ritual to be done, at least from what they read. Using [Empathy F] to help assert their case, they hoped it would be enough...

If not. There was only one other way forward.

  1. Step Forward towards Corridor.
  2. Lie/Convince Goblins to turn on the Shaman with help of [Empathy F]
  3. -

- [Flamethrower E] - [Magic E, Range F, Continuing F] - +0 Cooldown - [Ready Next Post]
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Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

"Ugh!" Thane had been to strung up that he exerted too much force than he should've, as he felt his axe groan under the stress once it crashed down on the ground. He would've been attacked again if it weren't for Tahmuras finishing the goblin off. "Thank you..." He breathed out.

Aqua's arrival put another wrench in the already dire situation. "Where's John?!" He exclaimed, but he could only look at Aqua, whose panic-driven mind could only think of running. What about Phoebe then? It's been a while and he hasn't heard of her from the other path. Once again he was faced with multiple decisions; go after Aqua at Path 6, go to where Tahmuras was pointing at Path 7, go back to John, go check on Phoebe, make haste and choose, think faster, make a decision-

Beset an all sides by problems he couldn't fathomably resolve in quick time, Thane's mind began to spiral out of control as the situation seemed to crash down on him like walls closing in on him. His ears rang, and his eyes frantically scoured around as if trying to find a way out of the unfolding chaos. "Ugh..." He gagged, his stomach churning and his mind already throbbing with a headache. Heavy, labored breaths started coming out his mouth as he looked around with a pitiful lost expression.

He didn't know what to do.

Clutching the holy symbol of the Axe on his chestplate, he grit his teeth in frustration. "FUCK!" A genuine scream of helplessness escaped from his chest as he RAN full speed down Path 6. The only thing he could do now was gamble, and he hoped that he chose right.



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