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Fantasy From the Colosseum

"Probably because we'll get trapped in an endless cycle of favors because information makes the world go round in here. I'd rather wait, watch and listen then get bogged down trying to please everyone in a dangerou situation." He said , in a highy sarcastic manner, to the goblin. He repositioned further on the ledge and continued to listen to any rumor among the symphony of deafening blows.
Aristosa looked the troll-woman in the eye. She didn't dislike her but she could tell she would. Yet more red was found in her eyes. It was with hesitation she told the troll what her intentions really were but she didn't want to make enemies just quite yet. "I was told to explore both this place and whatever the 'Warden's Den' is, though I assume that will have someone else waiting. I'm supposed to bring back an item from whichever place I decided to be my new-found opponent. Does that answer satisfy you?"

Naxk smirked as he showed the human the pouch of gold he "borrowed" from the guard. "Coin makes mouths speak here human." He said as he proudly walked towards the gladiators. He looked around for a while, looking for someone who looked like they know something. He obviously won't ask any of the snakes, since of course the target might be his/her friend, and he definitely won't ask his own kind. So he looked for a human, since they were the safest bet and he knew he could defeat one on his own.

"Hey fleshling, how much does it take to know something around here?" He asked a man, showing a couple of coins to the man.

@captain saxxy @Archbeast
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Fayne tried not to protest when the guards shoved her roughly, with only a hint of irritation flashing in her emerald green eyes. It was strange that they had not bounded her in shackles and chains, almost as if they knew she would not resist nor struggle. It was true that it was not the Elven way to use violence, but desperate times called for beyond desperate measures, and being one of the few who could wield a weapon, Fayne had expected to be chosen as an 'ann' to represent her race and tribe, just not in this way. Now she felt more like a sacrifice than a gift, and more like a prisoner than an honored guest. She once assumed these guards were escorts, but they did not protect her now--they prevented her from escaping her fate. Still, she kept her head held high, her pride unwavering in midst of all those physically stronger than her.

"I am Fayne Gláneth, First-Born of Fírien Gláneth, Beloved Daughter of Niquë Nixë, Hunter of the Helca Tribe, Chosen of the Moon Elves." She told the female Minotaur, keeping her thin voice steady despite the uneasiness in her heart.


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The tail tip twitched once more. Vang thought the proposition open and then shrugged his shoulders. It was a far better offer than kipping all day in the cell. He was eager to get his affects returned to him and enjoy the old notoriety he possessed outside of the gates.

I'll consider it ..."

The gold eyes narrowed some in a slight hunger as he looked down at the troll. Though he was a bandit with a modest reputation, pickings had been growing slim out in the desert with only poor Caravaneers to harass and bully; that's why he had been caught in the first place when he sought out bigger and better things, taking on jobs of which required many more men than he actually possessed. Taking this new proposition a bit more slowly despite the innate urge to hit something, the cat pushed off the wall and held his manacled claws out before the troll.

I'll consider it a bit harder if my paws were free ... and some inquiries as to my belongings were made ...."

@captain saxxy

Within the training hall were various races of gladiators. There were a few kobraka even in one side practicing very exotic combat. As the goblin made his way to the humans gladiators, another sand troll walked into the room in only leather leggings. He had with him a wooden club resting on his shoulder. The sand troll tapped one of the human gladiators near Assashi and was speaking in Common.
"'Ey mon, ye hear dat Sakrys be owin' da Scavengah a pretty fat debt?" The human looked suprised before shaking his head. "Ye'," the troll continued, "I think dat snake's gonna find his guts out of him soon. Betta' be stayin' away from dat northeastern corrido'," the sand troll said with a smirk before continuing on.


Meanwhile, the humans that Naxk approached had all turned their attention to the shorter being. All four of them looked at the goblin with either a quizzical look or a menacing smirk. Footsteps sounded behind the goblin that caused the humans to look up and straighten up and assume a more respectful air. Behind the goblin was the very same sand troll that was near Assashi.
"Ye goblins are too greedy for ye own good. Blood be more precious dan gold here, goblin. Whatcha business?"

The troll is seven feet and four inches tall, muscular with gold-toned skin. Similar marking in red are painted on his face, arms and torso, all of which were bare. His tusks curved upward unlike the first troll encountered.



The forest troll was more dumbfounded than anything. It was not a response she seemed to be expecting. In the same instance, another forest troll female stepped into the room from behind Aristosa.
"Den I hope ye be takin' dat dagga'," said the new troll. She was a little bit taller with blood red hair and fiery eyes. "Oda'wise, I'll be havin' to put yo' precious bodeh' onto da roast. No bodeh crosses Uk'rala."



Eranu shook her head, looking back at the crowd in the mess hall.
"You're heritage and titles makes little difference here, Fayne. I am Eranu. So tell me, do you know why you are truly here? Are you familiar with the nature of this Colosseum and why it is so vital to this woodland?"



The sand troll's grin widened as he extended his long arm and held his hand just above the shackles. His fingers took formation and after a second the lock clicked open and the shackles popped off and clanked on the stone floor. The sand troll retracted his hand and rose to his full height, maintaining eye contact with the lynx.
"Ye belongins are not gonna be needed in here. If anythin' dey only be a burden. It'll be important for ye to know... dis ain't da desert sands. Dis coliseum have diffferent rules and different rulers. Dis ain't da game you might think it is, Vang. Dis ain't no fava' yo doin' fo me. Dis is yo makin' sure ye ain't gettin' gutted in yo' first night's sleep." The troll turned and began to walk out the cell. He turned his head and looked back at the lynx. "Once yo job is complete, I will find ye. I think ye can do this simple task."
"Yes, well I won't be deciding this based on who can yell the bigger threat at me." Aristosa said, turning to look at the new troll. What is with all this red? She said to herself, looking at the new troll's red hair. "I'm assuming you must be Uk'rala then? Whether you are, or are not, I couldn't really care at the moment. What I do want to know is, what will be awaiting me in the other room? You already seem to know what's going on judging by you telling me to get the dagger without me even mentioning it."

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Fayne frowned slightly at Eranu's quick dismissal of her high titles, but decided to let it go. If rankings did weren't important in this place...no matter, she would prove herself just as well in fights. But what the Minotaur said--something about the nature of this Colosseum? Fayne didn't understand. "No, I do not know this place well." She admitted humbly. "Perhaps you could give me a brief introduction? I spend most of my time in the woods and do not venture far from there. This is my first time here."


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Assashi nodded. It felt like forever he had been perched though it was just a short time. He then slipped, free of anyone's notice, off the ledge and into the labrynth of halls once again. He slipped down a series of hallways until he got to some double doors, north eastern corridor marked above them. He then cracked the doors, slid inside behind a batch of empty barrels, that concealed him from every direction, and began to wait. as he peered through a small Crack set ween two of them, he couldn't help but be reminded of the old tale of the spider and the fly.

Uk'rala stepped around the dryad and next to her kin. From behind her, she unsheathed two steel daggers and formed a wicked grin. Forest trolls were never renown for their appreciation for the half-stag folk, especially the female variants (dryads). Just before Uk'rala could say another word, the door she had entered through slammed open once more. It was two humans, one of which was the one that Eranu left with when leaving Aristosa. With the humans was a taller moon elf male. "Make one foul move, Cannibal, and I will see your head atop that totem, personally. Blood is meant for the arena, not the quarters." The moon elf spoke with a commanding voice.

Uk'rala and her companion forest troll hissed. The unnamed forest troll that was next to she who was referred to as "the Cannibal" bolted towards the moon elf, going right past Aristosa, with stone knife in hand...



"This is the battleground for all races. This is where feuds are settled and debts are paid, but more importantly, this is a more concentrated fight between your kind, the moon elves, and the forest trolls. The rest of us are here because we have to be to protect our people from being further engaged in the war beyond this coliseum." The minotaur's face was stone cold and grim. "You have a choice now, but I think the decision is already made. Seek out either she who is referred to as 'the Cannibal' in the Blood Hall, or he who is known as 'the Warden' in the Warden's Den. I will expect you soon. Just... try not to get caught between them in the process."


@captain saxxy

In the north eastern corridor of the Ruby Colosseum, near where Assashi was concealed, a drakorian walked out of his cell. He was short for his kind, only five feet and eight inches at most. His flesh was covered in lime green scales that defined his slim and muscular form. The lizard-man sniffed the air for a moment before looking about room. The torchlight made things difficult for him to see, since dakorians possessed semi-thermal vision. The dakorian blinked and began walking in the opposite direction of Assashi.
Assashi sighed behind the mask, almost wishing he hadn't showed up. he hopped from behind the barrels silently, then inched towards the creature. the closer he got, the more uneasy he felt, it would be so simple to kill him now, but he had to be sure. When he was about ten feet from the creature he spoke, "Sakyrs, is it? The welcoming troll sends his regards Debts and shovels get you in the ground equally as quickly. " he reached into the cloak, grabbing the handle of the chain whip with his left hand, but not revealing it just yet.
Aristosa watched as the troll she presumed to be Uk'rala walked around her to stand next to the other one. She noticed her hands moving behind her back but before she could guess what was happening the door slammed open and in came three people. One she recognized as the man from earlier before she had left on this small quest. The other man she hadn't seen, nor the moon elf. It was when he had told the troll down that Aristosa realized what might she might have been doing, or in this case grabbing, behind her back. She turned back to look at the trolls as they hissed in unison but as she did the first troll darted right past her with a dagger in hand. She quickly stepped back, not wanting to involve herself although she felt as if it were a little late for that. She made sure to keep an eye on the other troll as well in case either were to soon turn towards her.
Fayne's expression mirrored the minotaur's somber words. This is what I've been training for my whole life. She realized, the truth hitting her like a tidal wave. "I understand." She replied, waiting for Eranu to continue, but she seemed to be heading in the direction of yet another newcomer. Fayne shrugged to herself. Well then, I guess I should start finding that Warden's Den. Legends of 'the Warden' were passed throughout all the Elven tribes, and you couldn't go very far without knowing his name. To Fayne, he was the obvious choice, and she didn't even need to go investigate the Blood Hall. With her decision made up in her mind, she walked out of the mess hall, secretly relieved to be leaving all that chaos and noise.

But then as soon as she left the hall, she realized with a start that she was hopelessly lost in this unfamiliar place.
Going back to ask Eranu for directions was the first thing that came to mind but she decided against it. Fayne would never find her again in that crowd of people in the mess hall, especially if she didn't want to be seen. She would have to find the Warden's Den by herself. After three wrong turns and one dead end later, Fayne finally found herself standing in front of a den shaped doorway, with a sign hanging on a wall. The wooden plank had the words 'Warden's Den' carved into it, and Fayne was sure she was in the right place. The only thing she was uncertain of now was whether she should step inside.
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@captain saxxy

The drakorian turned and looked back at the human with its reptilian gaze. The lizard-man turned his whole body and straightened himself. He cocked his head before speaking in a very sly voice.
"Looking for Sakrys, are you? Interesting, because he has a match today." The drakorian stepped forward and curled his hand. "And who is this... 'welcoming troll' you speak of?" I'd be very interested in having a word..."



One of the humans, the one Aristosa hadn't seen before, dipped down and landed a resounding fist into the forest troll's gut, causing her to double over and collapse. The moon elf looked at Uk'rala as the forest troll spoke.
"You have no place in dis hall, Alanor. Leave now or I'll be seein' yo blood fillin' mah chalice." Uk'rala looked over at Aristosa. "Dis elf think he own da place when he just refuses to accept who is really at da top of da food chain."



Alanor could hear the slighest footsteps outside. Reaching over to his side table, he grabbed his sheathed dagger and snapped it onto his belt, keeping his hand over the pommel. He walked over to the large wooden door and pulled it open, and looked upon the female elf that approached. He had never met or seen her before. He figured it was a new arrival to the Colosseum.
"I presume you met the Patient One," he said in a neutral tone. He was taller than she and very muscular from all of his training.
No different than the desert sands, eh?

How wrong the troll was in that regard ...

Indeed, he had only just arrived, but the rules of blood and conquest existed everywhere. They were universal in their laws for everyone knew them without having to be told. The strongest prospered and the weak faded. Though he was new blood as far as the colosseum went, he was not born yesterday. He would carve his title out in the arena by force no matter how long it took and what the process entailed.

But first things first ... It was time to find this 'whip lady'.

Keeping his wits about him, he strode quietly from the cell and headed up the hall. In the distance, he could hear the sound of metal upon metal and the grunts of warriors as they toiled at their task. His lips curled in a decidedly shrewd grin as he changed course to head towards the training grounds. Though he was unarmed at the moment, opportunity to gain a weapon (until his affects were returned) would surely present itself in that place if he indulged himself on getting the upper hand. But furthermore, he needed names and information.

Watching for a time before striking would no doubt prove to be in his best interest ...


The training hall was sounding away with steel, wood, leather, and stone clashing against each other. Every race on the desert and even a couple more common in the jungle to the south were practicing their combat within this hall. If there would be any hub to find information, this would be it... with a bit of persuasion, of course.
"You never mind that troll. It's me who happens to be with you right now

. I hear he owes a large sum to a someone in here. I don't know specifics. I'm just here on business is all. Merely a pawn of mutual interest. A match you said? What would you say the likelihood of his return would be? Not the 'I stand by my fellow' rate, but rather the actual legitimate probability we see him come back from the sands? " Assashi lowered his hands, cocking his head from the aggressive to the inquisitive, and surely far less likely to cause a fight, position. "Forgive my assumption. I'm merely here to offer a bit of assistance to the poor boy."
Fayne gulped inwardly. The Warden was even more intimidating than she'd ever heard in the legends. He was a head taller than she and towered over her, casting his large shadow over her lithe body. His hand was clutching what seemed like a large dagger, and Fayne shuffled backwards nervously when she observed that. By the Patient One, she guessed that he meant Eranu the minotaur, and clearing her throat, she replied carefully. "Yes. I have made my choice to come here." She tried to keep her voice from trembling and straightened her back, as she didn't want the Warden to think she was timid or weak.
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Aristosa watched the ordeal silently. It had already ended just as quickly as it started, with the troll that ran past her getting a hard fist to the stomach. She sighed softly, noting how the trolls appeared to act based on emotion and not logic. Just dashing right at your target might work in the arena, although she couldn't say for sure as she had never participated nor watched a fight, but the chances of success against a man who she could obviously tell had some standing and his two 'body-guards'? It was an idiotic mistake, one Aristosa couldn't look past. She listened as Uk'rala let out yet another threat, this time towards the moon elf who she now came to know as Alanor. It was obvious both Uk'rala and Alanor were both at the top, only hindered from being the top by eachother. It wasn't obvious how Alanor felt about trying to be the apex as he had only said one thing and it was commanding Uk'rala off. She was easy to read, however. More so simply listen as she spoke her mind. Uk'rala definitely wanted to be on top, or so Aristosa thought especially after hearing the troll claim Alanor wouldn't accept that she was at the top of the food chain. What she originally thought would occur on this task was way off. She hadn't even considered thinking about anything similar to what had actually happened. With a look back towards Alanor she had made up her mind. It only made sense he would be the man in the 'Warden's Den'.

Next, Aristosa turned back to look at Uk'rala. She spoke without hesitation or care to sugarcoat her words in an attempt to make the troll less angry. It wouldn't work anyway. "Uk'rala," She gave a small pause to know she had her attention. "It is you that does not understand their place on the food chain. You and your companion let emotion cloud your judgment. I can also say with confidence that there are not many that favor you which would make you even less of a worthwhile ally, or at the very least not my enemy. It is with these words that I ask for the ritual bone to be handed to me. I have chosen."

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