• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Freshers

Rylee had always enjoyed traveling, even if she hardly ever did due to money restrictions, but her interest in history had made her want to travel. "Really? That's pretty cool. I'm not one for places as big as Paris but it be cool to go to a smaller place in France." The mention of her bag had Rylee turning to look at it a small well. She had no idea what Jackie had called her but decided it was probably something simple and chose to ignore it. "Very important, huh?" She chuckled, scratching at the back of her neck,"I didn't really bring any decoratin' stuff, save for a few pictures. But if it's that important I better get to it, yeah?"

The moment Aron saw that his roommate owned a bass, a smile crept across his bearded face. He never imagined that his roommate would be a musician as well. Shaking Finleys hand firmly, he wanted to make a good first impression. He took His compliments well, as someone would always compliment him on his unusual hair style everywhere he went. Of course he got some haters, but he didn't care. It made him stand out, and he liked it. 

Hearing Finleys question about his Guitar playing, an even bigger smile crept across his face "As Long as I can remember. Been my biggest passion and nothing could replace it" he said, setting his stuff to the other side of the room "what about you fam, how long you been play'in". Finally, someone that seemed to have guitar technical know-how. This was better than Aron could ever dream


"Hey guys!" 

Leaning on the door frame of the room. 

"You two didn't come and say hey to others, I thought that I would come to you." 

Giggling to herself, knowing one of the reasons that she came down this way. 
Was so, that she could meet the tattooed guy. 

But she also, would get to meet the other guy that she saw. 

Two foe the price of one. 

"Mind if I come in a join you two?" 

She didn't want to push herself on them. 

This was their room after all. 

Maybe they were playing something, not wanting to bother them to much. 


Hearing the voice of a woman that was behind them, Aron turned around.

He was surprised to see a vary attractive woman leaning in the door frame.

She was small. well, almost everyone was small to Aron. being 6'4 had its perks

she was covered in tattoos and had long undercut.

her hair was the brightest blonde he had ever seen, it was almost white.

Aron was almost speechless. he was love struck.

looks like he had found someone that seemed more similar to him 

"Uh, um, not at all" he said, rubbing his neck and smiling, blushing beneath his beard "Come in". 

"let me introduce myself" Aron said in his deep baritone voice "I'm Aron" he stuck out his hands for a shake "And this is Finley"




She was shocked at how tall he was. 

But most were taller then her, she was short. 

But she had to admit that she liked that he was so tall. 

Having to look up at him as he spoke. 

It was nice to have someone here that was like her. 

He was the type of man that she could fall for. 

That beard and my god that hair. 

It was amazing that they had the same undercut she had. 

It was sweet they way that he rubbed the back of his neck. 

He almost seemed kind of shy. 

But she couldn't be sure of that right now. 

Pushing herself off the frame of the door, walking into their room. 

Smiling, "Its very nice to meet you Aron." 

Placing her tiny hand into his, as she wrapped her soft hand around his. 

Her hair falling back as she looked up to him, her eyes meeting his. 

"I'm Amber." 

She couldn't help but stare into his a little bit. 

Not she was just being creepy, staring at him like this. 

Pulling her eyes away from his, looking over to the other guy. 

Keeping her hand in Aron's just a little longer. 

Smiling over at Finley. 

"Nice to meet you as well. Its nice to have both of you here." 

Finally pulling her hand from Aron's holding out to Finley. 

Standing a little closer to Aron. 



"I feel ya on that man, and I've been playing since I was like 8. Did double bass for jazz band all throughout high school as well." he replied. Just then, a rather attractive girl with white-blond hair entered the door frame. She mentioned how they didn't go talk to the others. "I was actually just gonna get my stuff put away before heading down there, then I met aron. I think he was going to do the same." he said, gesturing behind him when he said 'stuff'. He looked over at his burly bearded roommate to see his was giving off all the signs he had the hots for the girl. This caused finley to smirk a bit, before his attention was turned back to the girl as she asked if she could come in. He simply nodded when Aron answered her and introduced the both of them.

He shook the girl's hand when she extended it to him after she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Amber." he said with a smile. "Well I'm gonna head down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. You guys can come with me if you want." he began to walk towards the door.

(basically he's giving you two time to talk alone :3)



Smiling, "Oh, sorry about that Finley." 

Looking at the things behind him. 

He seemed like a nice guy. 

"I have to get my room done as well. But I got excited at meeting everyone." 

Smiling as shrugs sheepishly. 

It looks like she might have stopped what they were talking about. 

Biting her bottom lip some, to go with Finley or not. 

She wanted to get Aron more that was for sure. 

But she didn't want leave Finley out while talking. 

That would rude and she wasn't the type to be rude. 

Looking up to Aron, a soft smile spread across her face. 

"What you think Aron? You hungry now?" 

Not wanting to take him from Finley. 

But she couldn't help that she would love that time with him. 

Knowing that it was raining, not wanting to walk out in the rain. 

Trying to think of what they could do on a day like this with this. 

"I think I will hang out with Aron, if he doesn't mind." 

They might end up there with Finley, after sometime together. 

Not wanting to push though, that would ruin things. 



All Aron could do was blush underneath his beard.

"Yeah, im good with that Amber. we'll catch up with you later Finley".

After Finley left, he gave a sigh through his smile, rubbing the back of his neck once again.

Now it was just him and Amber, their eyes in a lock.

Aron staring into hers, while she was staring into his.

Her eyes were a warm green, like a grassy field on a sunny day. 

This gorgeous girl was in his dorm, wanting to talk to and spend time with him.

This day was going off to a good start, and it wasent even 10:00am yet. 

Aron then sat down on his bed that was across the room. 

How was he going to start a conversation with this girl, he knew nothing about her.

Maybe he should ask her some basic questions "

So Amber, tell me a bit about yourself. What courses are you studying"

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When Aron said that he was good with it. 

She couldn't help get excited. 

Not wanting to creep him by a hug, she just smiled brighter at him. 

Her green eyes, staring into his blue. 

They gave her a feeling of being outside. 

Looking up into the bright blue, clear sky. 

Which she loved to do just that on warm days. 

Watching his tall form walk and sit on his bed. 

Should she follow him and sit next to him? 

No, that would be to forward of her. 

Tearing her eyes away from him for just a moment, seeing a chair by the desk. 

Walking over she pulled the chair over to his side of the room. 

Sitting down, she crossed her leg over the other. 

Smiling over to him, tapping her lips. 

"I'm studying psychology. I guess it is one of the things I feel called to do."

Wanting to open up and actually tell the real reason that she was studying.

But that would come in time.

 The more that they got to know one another.

She didn't feel nervous around him.

Wanting to know all she could about this man before her.

"What about you Aron, what are you studying?"

If she would have to guess it she would guess something with music.

She bet he had a great voice, just to hear him talk.

Which she wouldn't say right now to him.

But she did really like his voice sounded.

It was so deep to her.

It was one of those voices that if they hugged each other, his voice just might rumble through her.

Looking at the cases that he had.

Oh and it looks like he loves music too.

"I take that you play."

Smiling, sweetly at him.

"I have never could play, my hands are to small."

Laughing she wiggles her fingers as she holds them up.


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Seeing Amber gracefully sit down in the chair at the desk

He wondered what she would say,

tapping her lips and crossing her legs

"Thats good, going after your passion is the best thing you can do"

he said with a smile, looking into her eyes

"And i admire people that do that. its what i've done all my life"

It was true.

all that Aron had done in his life had lead up to this moment

all of his music and art made him who he was today

although he wanted to know what inspired her to study psychology

that could wait for another conversation

"im actually studying three degrees. Musical composition, musical performance and digital art"

Aron was taking three courses so that he could be more easily hired after uni

After all, being an artist is a pretty hard living

"Yeah, I've been playing all my life. Never gone a day without playing"

her laugh made him smile and giggle a bit

as you could tell, Aron was kind of nervous and shy around Amber

He had never really had a crush

Always being busy with his art and music to notice girls

By this time he was sweating and twiddling his thumbs

it seemed like his chill personality had gone out the window


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She played with her nails a little bit. 

Not that she was nervous about being around Aron. 

But there was something about him, that made her feel giddy. 

And the only way not to show that to much. 

Was to play with her nails. 

But she hung on his every word. 

As their eyes met each other, not able to keep the smile off her face. 

A soft blush crossed her cheeks at his words. 

"Then we both have that in common with one another. About having passion for something." 

Though it would seem that they had more the more that they talked with one another. 

Her eyes going wide. 

"You are going to be busy studying all three of them." 

She couldn't help but feel sad, that she wouldn't get to see him much. 

Though an idea popped in her head. 

"Maybe we can study together. Even though we might not have any classes together. It would be nice to have there to study with." 

Smiling sweetly as she blushed. 

"I would love to hear you play sometime, Aron." 

She loved music and she would love to hear how good he was. 

Watching him twiddle his thumb, he looked so cute doing that. 

Looking at the tattoo's that covered his arms. 

Wondering what they all meant. 

Without thinking, she moved closer to him.

The wheels of the chair moving across the floor with ease. 

Her feet brushed his as moved. 

Leaning a little closer to him, hoping that she wasn't crossing the line. 

Reaching out, he could some of the tattoo's that graced her fingers. 

Her fingers softly brushed his hand. 

"You know I do love your tattoo's Aron." 

Smiling up to him as she looked into his eyes. 

Blushing, "Sorry about that, Aron." 

Slipping her hand away some, moving back just a little bit. 

"What kind of music do you like to play?" 

Maybe they would share the same when it came to music. 


After leaving the hearing range of the dorm he smirked, saying to himself, "It'll be interesting to watch the relationship between those two build, they practically seem made for each other." He soon made his way towards the cafeteria. However, a thought crossed his mind: ‘I wonder if they have a music room here in the dorm building.’ With this, he went over to a nearby vending machine and got a honey bun from it, snacking on it as he looked around for the hypothetical room.
A few minutes later, he came across what he was looking for: a rather sizeable room with a drumset, a couple mics and amps, a grand piano, a keyboard, and a double doored room labeled ‘instruments’. He opened a door to the instrument room and found at least one of every standard orchestral and electric instrument. Of course, in the case of woodwinds and brass the mouthpieces were removed, and the stringed instruments had no bows to accompany them. This mattered little to Finley however, as he found exactly what he was looking for: a massive case organized with the stringed section. He was going to play the electric bass, but one look at the strings on it made him want to get a tetanus shot.
He wheeled out the giant case back into the main room of the hall and set it down, opening it to reveal a beautiful mahogany double bass with what looked like a tropical wood fretboard.

He smiled widely as he lifted it out of its case and putting it on its endpin(the rod on the very bottom of the body). He made sure it was in the correct tuning before he began to experiment with walking bass lines while building up the tempo to about 200 bpm.(he’ll be facing away from the door going into the room so he wont notice her come in)

@Princess Ami
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"Yes, yes," she told Rylee. "Very important," she said, still smiling. Jacqueline though decorating your dorm was vital. It made the place feel more like home and more welcoming. She then stood up and asked where Rylee's room was. "If you want," she offered "I have extra decorations you could use." It was really the least she could do. "Allow me," she said and grabbed Rylee's duffel bag so she wouldn't have to carry it. Then, she waited for Rylee to show Jacqueline her room and help her get settled in.

After leaving the hearing range of the dorm he smirked, saying to himself, "It'll be interesting to watch the relationship between those two build, they practically seem made for each other." He soon made his way towards the cafeteria. However, a thought crossed his mind: ‘I wonder if they have a music room here in the dorm building.’ With this, he went over to a nearby vending machine and got a honey bun from it, snacking on it as he looked around for the hypothetical room.
A few minutes later, he came across what he was looking for: a rather sizeable room with a drumset, a couple mics and amps, a grand piano, a keyboard, and a double doored room labeled ‘instruments’. He opened a door to the instrument room and found at least one of every standard orchestral and electric instrument. Of course, in the case of woodwinds and brass the mouthpieces were removed, and the stringed instruments had no bows to accompany them. This mattered little to Finley however, as he found exactly what he was looking for: a massive case organized with the stringed section. He was going to play the electric bass, but one look at the strings on it made him want to get a tetanus shot.
He wheeled out the giant case back into the main room of the hall and set it down, opening it to reveal a beautiful mahogany double bass with what looked like a tropical wood fretboard.

He smiled widely as he lifted it out of its case and putting it on its endpin(the rod on the very bottom of the body). He made sure it was in the correct tuning before he began to experiment with walking bass lines while building up the tempo to about 200 bpm.(he’ll be facing away from the door going into the room so he wont notice her come in)

@Princess Ami

Michelle finally found the music room, not at last because some music was coming out of it already. Michelle entered and saw a boy face away from her, playing a bass. Michelle was thinking if she should say something, but she didn't want to disturb him. Plus she didn't like speaking to most people. Therefore, she sneakily snuck in, going to a nearby amplifier and plugging in her Angel of Deth II. It was her most prideful thing to own, she had saved a long time to be able to buy it.

She didn't want to startle the boy, but she had to play and her music was best played loud. And even though she lowered the volume slightly, it was still loud, when she started playing the guitar part of her favorite song. Leather Rebel by Judas Priest.

Aron was quite exited when he heard Amber's offer to study together.

she was right, he was going to be vary busy and he would need some company

He blushed 

"Well, i would be happy to play for you anytime"

Aron always loved playing for people

It was the whole reason why he became a musician

What happened next surprised him

When Amber came closer 

it was like he was frozen 

still staring into those warm green eyes of hers

The moment her feet touched his 

he felt relaxed, like he had just had a breath of fresh air

she had a look of curiosity in her eyes

he followed her gazed to his hand tattoos

Her soft gentle hands were warm to the touch

He blushed and smiled at her compliment 

"i feel the same way about yours"

He was glad that Amber liked his tattoos

Oh, how they reminded him of the past

When her gazed met his when she looked up

he caught a little blush on her cheeks

"so it seems like the feeling is mutual" 

Aron thought to himself

"No apology is needed"

no really, there wasn't

Now they were back to his music

"well when i was young, my parents had me classically trained in many instruments for many years"

Aron said, clearing his throat

"Although in high school, i acquired interest in many other genre's, like singer/songwriter, blues and rock. but i would have to say that my favorite is still classical"

Aron then had an idea

He then quickly opened up the guitar case next to him and pulled out an acoustic

he then gave it a strum

"would you like to hear?"


Rylee had been reaching out for her duffel bag when Jackie grabbed it but she managed to keep from looking startled,"Well, thank ya." She looked down the hallway,"Now I wanna say that, that roomright there is empty." She turned the knob to a door at the end of the hall on the left sighed and smiled at the blank space inside. "And I'd be correct in my assumptions." Rylee looked back at Jackie and grinned.


Jacqueline followed Rylee back to her dorm. Still carrying her duffel bag, she listened to what Rylee had to say. The more empty the room was the better. That way it would be easier to decorate. Smiling back at Rylee, she looked at the empty room carefully. "Do you have any pictures or special items you brought?" she asked, wondering if they should start with that. "Or maybe we could unpack your clothes first, but it's whatever you want to do," she said with a sweet smile.

Rylee reached out to take her duffel bag and sat it on the bed. "The few pictures I brought are on top so might as well get that done first." She unzipped the black bag and pull out two picture frames, one housing herself and an older man, the other a very tired looking Rylee in chaps and long sleeve denim button up. Two people stood next to her in the photo, a blonde boy, who could t have been much older than her, and an almost identical girl with her elbow placed atop Rylee's head. Rylee smiled, brown eyes lighting up as she placed the pictures in the dresser. "Annnd, that's about it." She scratched her head and rubbed her booted in the floor,"I suppose I shoulda brought some posters or something."


Jacqueline watched as Rylee took out her two photos and place them down. She couldn't help but smile at the photos. "No, no," she told Rylee. "It's perfect," she responded to her. She loved the photos. They were full of family love and the memories of a home. Jacqueline took out a couple of pillows and placed it on Rylee's bed so she could decide which looked best. Then she asked"Who is that boy?" pointing to the blonde boy. He looked about Rylee's age, and Jacqueline couldn't help herself to ask who he was out of curiousness.

Rylee looked back to the picture and smiled, running a hand through her hair,"That's Alan, my best friend back home." She pointed to the girl in the picture with her elbow placed atop Rylee's head,"And that's his twin sister Ashley. They're my ride or dies, man." She chuckled, pulling clothes out of her bag and moving to place them in the dresser situated in the room,"That was after a rodeo so I look like death. The other one is my dad and I." Rylee mentioned over her shoulder.

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Jacqueline nodded as Rylee talked about Alan and Ashley. It was nice hearing Rylee talk about her friends back home. Jacqueline looked at Rylee's dad. "He seems very nice," she said whenever she started placing her clothes in her dresser. Thinking for a second, she asked "Are you an Alan dating?" with a huge grin on her face. She of course had to know. She always had a soft spot for romance and love. Rylee and Alan certainly looked like they would be an adorable couple, and Jacqueline is known for setting quite a few people up. She couldn't not ask and try and somehow set the two up.

Rylee scrunched up her nose in disgust,"Oh god, no." She shook her head as she turned around to grab more clothes,"That boy is so far into the friend zone that he'll never get out." She grinned and closed one drawer only to open another,"Besides, I don't swing that way...fully at least." Rylee shrugged, scratching her nose,"If I was to date either of them it would probably be Ashley. But she's engaged so...that won't happen."

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  Reveal hidden contents
Michelle finally found the music room, not at last because some music was coming out of it already. Michelle entered and saw a boy face away from her, playing a bass. Michelle was thinking if she should say something, but she didn't want to disturb him. Plus she didn't like speaking to most people. Therefore, she sneakily snuck in, going to a nearby amplifier and plugging in her Angel of Deth II. It was her most prideful thing to own, she had saved a long time to be able to buy it.

She didn't want to startle the boy, but she had to play and her music was best played loud. And even though she lowered the volume slightly, it was still loud, when she started playing the guitar part of her favorite song. Leather Rebel by Judas Priest.

His ears perked up at someone playing Judas Priest and a little smile appeared on his face. It had been a while since he'd heard let alone played that song. Seamlessly transitioning keys from the one he was playing to the one leather rebel was in, he began to play the bass part to it, using the double thumbing technique he learned on electric bass to essentially perform alternate picking and play fast

His ears perked up at someone playing Judas Priest and a little smile appeared on his face. It had been a while since he'd heard let alone played that song. Seamlessly transitioning keys from the one he was playing to the one leather rebel was in, he began to play the bass part to it, using the double thumbing technique he learned on electric bass to essentially perform alternate picking and play fast

Michelle did not notice, that the person who had until now played his bass had joined her. The blonde had her eyes closed and she was fully gone to her own world. A world where she was alone, where no others disturbed her, where she could live without phobia´s, where noody touched her and nobody talked to her. It was a world of music. Michelle was fully gone until the song ended, then looking at the boy and blushing. "S-sorry.", she muttered, trying to as quickly as possible put away her guitar, not intending to disturb further. 
Michelle did not notice, that the person who had until now played his bass had joined her. The blonde had her eyes closed and she was fully gone to her own world. A world where she was alone, where no others disturbed her, where she could live without phobia´s, where noody touched her and nobody talked to her. It was a world of music. Michelle was fully gone until the song ended, then looking at the boy and blushing. "S-sorry.", she muttered, trying to as quickly as possible put away her guitar, not intending to disturb further. 

"No it's fine, you don't have to leave." He said, turning towards the brunette girl and letting the upright lean on his back. She appeared rather cute to him, especially with her shy demeanor. His eyes then wandered over to what she had been putting away. "Is that the Angel of Deth II?" He asked her. He figured small talk wouldn't work very well to break the ice so he thought discussing a topic that appeared to be dear to her would help, at least in theory.
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Aron was quite exited when he heard Amber's offer to study together.

she was right, he was going to be vary busy and he would need some company

He blushed 

"Well, i would be happy to play for you anytime"

Aron always loved playing for people

It was the whole reason why he became a musician

What happened next surprised him

When Amber came closer 

it was like he was frozen 

still staring into those warm green eyes of hers

The moment her feet touched his 

he felt relaxed, like he had just had a breath of fresh air

she had a look of curiosity in her eyes

he followed her gazed to his hand tattoos

Her soft gentle hands were warm to the touch

He blushed and smiled at her compliment 

"i feel the same way about yours"

He was glad that Amber liked his tattoos

Oh, how they reminded him of the past

When her gazed met his when she looked up

he caught a little blush on her cheeks

"so it seems like the feeling is mutual" 

Aron thought to himself

"No apology is needed"

no really, there wasn't

Now they were back to his music

"well when i was young, my parents had me classically trained in many instruments for many years"

Aron said, clearing his throat

"Although in high school, i acquired interest in many other genre's, like singer/songwriter, blues and rock. but i would have to say that my favorite is still classical"

Aron then had an idea

He then quickly opened up the guitar case next to him and pulled out an acoustic

he then gave it a strum

"would you like to hear?"








Not able to hold back her smile.

Just know that he would play for her. 

It made her feel special, even though he might play for others. 

Seeing the blush, that was the most sweetest thing to see from a man. 

And it was just made better because it was Aron that did it. 

Never thinking that she would have found someone that she connected with like she did Aron. 

This would make things so much better here. 

Feeling herself relax even more as he looked at her. 

There was just something about him. 

Though she couldn't put her finger on it. 

Blush, looking down at her tattoo's. 

It made her feel warm inside that he liked hers. 

"Thank you, Aron. You are one of the few that actually likes them." 

Smiling softly. 

She didn't feel so bad for touching his hands now. 

She just might do it again. 

Reaching to his fingers she touches the tips of his fingers softly. 

It was nice to feel the tips fingers on hers. 

One day she was going to play with his hair. 

It was hard not to touch. 

Lost in her own thoughts, as he moved his hands. 

Sitting back in the chair, she smiles watching him. 

"Well, it seems we like the same music as well, Aron." 

Getting excited that he was going to play something for her. 

Thinking about for a moment. 

It was like them, the song wanting someone to open up to them. 

And it fit for her, wanting to open up to him and she wanting him to open up to her. 

"Do you happen to know Amaryllis By Shinedown, Aron? Its a very good song. And I bet it would be perfect for your voice." 


Jacqueline frowned for a moment. "I'm sorry that Ashley's engaged," she told her "but I'm sure you'll find the perfect match for you soon!" She had no doubt Rylee would meet the person of her dreams since she was very beautiful and kind. "Well at least I think Alan is cute," she giggled at her confession. It's true Jacqueline was more than a little boy crazy. She had a new crush on a boy just about every week. Despite the many crushes, she kept her standards high. True many people had a crush on her and she's dated a few people, but Jacqueline is waiting for the perfect person.

Rylee made a face and turned around to face Jacqueline, leaning against the dresser. "You can think that all day, I won't stop you." Her nose scrunched up in disgust,"I think he's ugly as shit. But that's only because he's like a brother to me I guess." She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest,"Don't be sorry about Ashely, I don't like her like that either. Both of them are like siblings to me." Rylee smiled and her scrunched up face of disgust dissapeared. "What about you? Got any lovers, ex-lovers, best friends back home?"


Jacqueline laughed at what Rylee said. Being an only child, she never knew what it was like to have siblings. Her friends were very close to her, but she never thought of them as siblings. Just friends. She still loved them, though. "Well, I have my mother, father, and dog back in Paris," she said. "I also have a couple of friends like Adaline, Maurissa, Nadia, and Rue," she told Rylee, only naming her closest friends. Then she pulled out a picture on her phone of all five girls together. They've been together since as long as Jacqueline can remember. They were all so alike it was hard to separate them. "I did have a couple of boyfriends," she said, blushing, but then she said it wasn't important.


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