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Realistic or Modern Freshers Sign-Ups

she can always indirectly play with them, like hide behind a hall corner and play(the room acoustics could make it so they dont know where it's coming from)

Well, she uses a Zero Dave Mustaine Angel of Deth II  the cables would most likely reveal where she is XD
I know. She loves metal, just as I do. (Kinda created myself anyways)

Most of all do I love priest!

I'm a sucker for the prog stuff (Dream Theater, Meshuggah, Opeth, Rush, etc). Also Amon Amarth because everyone loves viking metal :P

Evan Mainew






Evan is the kind of person who is often characterized as "quirky" and a bit weird. He lives in his head a lot,often not noticing those around him. His tendency to go from an excitable mood to a bored one seems to confuse people. While he is not easy to understand,he can easily become a friend for life for those with the patience to get to know him. He likes to hear about people's thoughts,even if it's the smallest of things. He also lacks a "sarcasm detector",and will be completely blunt about his thoughts.


x Quiet

x Gentle people

x Children

x Sweets

x Reading

x Those who don't judge his character


x Bow ties

x Physical touch when not asked for

x Breaks on his routine

x Sea food




Evan was born in Scotland,living a generally normal life despite not being an exactly normal person. The constant words of people telling him that he was "awkward" and that something was wrong with his head were what pushed him to study Psychology.
Is there a chance you guys can stop quoting each other (and me) and tag instead? Because I usually reads rps on my phone in the mornings, and on my way from work, and the posts gets so much longer to scroll and harder to read. 
Is there a chance you guys can stop quoting each other (and me) and tag instead? Because I usually reads rps on my phone in the mornings, and on my way from work, and the posts gets so much longer to scroll and harder to read. 

should we make it a rule to either tag or put the quote in a spoilers tab?
Is there a chance you guys can stop quoting each other (and me) and tag instead? Because I usually reads rps on my phone in the mornings, and on my way from work, and the posts gets so much longer to scroll and harder to read. 

Well, my phone doesn't let me tag more than one person. 

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