Freaks of Nature {Actual RP}


The Amazon

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August 12, 1887

Summer/Slighly Foggy, Warm.

Transylvania, Romania

Catina sits on a wooden stool, staring into her vanity mirror inside her small wagon. She runs a comb through her long brown hair, then takes out a powder puff, patting it on her face. As she places her powder puff back down on the vanity, she see's her crystal ball out of the corner of her eye. Faded memories begin to flood back to her mind.

She remembered when she got the crystal ball. It had belonged to her mother years ago. Catina took care of her after she had fallen ill with Scarlett Fever. It was a long and emotional toll. While on her death bed, her mother told her "The world is full of lies is up to you to tell the best ones.". That was the last words her mother ever spoke to her.

A tear falls from Catina's eye and rolls down the polished surface of the ball. She picks it up, dries it off on her skirt, and places it in her lap. She takes one last look at herself in the mirror before leaving her wagon. As soon as she opens the door, she jumps, hearing a barking sound and human-like growling.

She looks down to see Wolf sitting at the bottom of the steps. She puts her hands on her waist and huffs at him "Wolf! It is rude to scare people like that. Shoo!". The boy looks up to her with a confused look, but says nothing. Catina rolls her eyes and walks down the steps, passing him by. She begins to walk down to her tent with her crystal ball in her arms. She is suddenly stopped by a tugging at her dress, nearly cause her to drop the ball. She spins around to see Wolf sitting there with the edge of her skirt in his mouth. Catina yells out in anger "Can someone come get this mangy mutt, please! He needs to be on a leash!".
Jinx ran out of her wagon to the sound of Catina shouting and Wolf growling. Her dark eyes darted around taking in her surroundings before she finally noticed what had been going on. "Ah! Sorry about that Catina! Wolf, c'mere boy, it's time for you to have breakfast with my other friends." she cooed, briskly walking towards him and scratching his head, gently prying the dress out of his jaws.

She coughed slightly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Sorry, he slipped away while I was making his breakfast. I'll try and make sure he doesn't do that again" she murmured, tapping her leg with her free hand, indicating for Wolf to follow.

With that, she slowly walked back to her wagon, making sure that Wolf was actually following her. If he didn't follow, then she already had his leash ready to tie to the leather strip that was used as a collar for the wild boy. Around the stool just inside her wagon, a large white python coiled itself around the legs, it's small forked tongue flickering out of it's scaled mouth. One of Jinx's favorite pets.

Wolf's concentration on ripping apart the fabric when he heard a familiar voice. His head whips around with the dress still in his mouth. It was the young girl that everyone called his "Keeper". Breakfast? That means food...I think. Time to eat. Hungry. He perks up at the thought. He allows her to take the fabric from his mouth, forgetting he still had ahold of it. When she scratches his head, he leans into her hand. Feels nice. Get's the itch. Helps the bugs. He tries to stand up. He tries to walk like they do, but it doesn't work. As she walk's away, Wolf hunches back down to his hands and feet and follows behind her.
Brandon Dunn

He leaned against the outside of his wagon. He yawned watching everyone bustle around. Standing up straight he moved to the door of his wagon, opening the door when he could hear Wolf barking and growling. Dico groaned and all but slammed the door to his wagon shut and moved away from it in search of the kid, wondering who he was messing with this time. His smile pulled into a grin as he spotted Wolf holding the bottom of Catina's dress between his teeth.

Dico let out a chuckle and shook his head, walking up behind Catina he leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "Well well well... Look who it is." He would lean back, out of her personal bubble, giving her a crooked smirk. "Seems Wolf boy over there has taking a liking to you." He chuckles once again and raises an eyebrow keeping that smirk on his face. "He does stick around you a lot."

Harley Hayes

The woman huffed and raised an eyebrow out of disgust when she seen Dico trying to hit on Cat. She shook her head and moved over to Jinx's wagon, looking into the open door. "Hey." She spoke softly as she leaned against the door way, looking around the room. She spotted the snake and took a step back. "What just happened?" She smiled. "Did Wolfie Boy get away?" She giggled and reached out letting her hand rub the top of the boys head.

She glanced back at Dico and Cat, wishing Cat would not fall for his dumb-ass tricks. He was a whore and she knew that as well as her sister. Looking back at Jinx she gave a smile as she lowered down, crouching, petting Wolf, smiling at him as well.
Sophie was bracing her arms against the wooden floorboards of her wagon as her the bottom of her feet were resting against her shoulders. She looked up as she heard Wolf's barking, "Well everyone's awake for sure." she said in an amused tone. Holding the position for a few more moments, Sophie fluidity unwounded herself to her feet and raised her arms above her head as she heard her shoulders pop. Letting out a sigh, Sophie exited her wagon with a smile on her face.
Jinx glanced up with a slight smile when she saw Harley. "Hi.... Yeah, he got away again. I was preparing his breakfast" she said with a slight shake of her head before crouching on the ground. "Wolf, look. It's breakfast" she cooed once again to him, holding a wooden plate with some meat on it, both raw and cooked over a small fire from a few nights ago. She was curious to see which meat he preferred.

Catina sighs and lifts up the edge of her dress to inspect it. "That damn dog ripped it" she mumbles under her breath. She lets go of the dress and turns to Brandon when he speaks to her. She smiles sweetly at him, slightly tilting her head. "Well, I wish he hadn't. I don't know why he likes me so well.". She shrugs her shoulders.


Wolf eyes the two diffrent foods. Why? Why do they....what is the word.....cook. Yes, why do that cook it? Taste better not cooked. Taste....familiar. He starts to lean his head down to eat it, but then remember's what he was being taught. Hand's....use hands. He scoops up the raw meat in one hand and begins shoving it in her mouth. He is startled by the feeling of someone by his face. He sees....Harley? That is what they call her, isn't it? Thinking she is going after his food, he snaps at her.
Brandon Dunn

He grins at Cat and looks down at her dress. Snickering he looks down at her raising an eyebrow. "Might just have to get you changed out of that dress." He stops and looks up when Sophie steps out of her wagon. He awkwardly scratches his neck and smiles at Cat. "So... Do you know when the show is?" He smiled his crooked smile. "I actually forgot." He chuckled and let his arm drop to his side as he looked at the woman.

Harley Hayes

She didnt pull back from Wolf, she just keep petting him. "Calm down. I am not hurting you." She looked up at Jinx and smiles. "How have you been doing Jinx? Its been awhile since I have actually got to stop and talk to you." She spoke to the other woman as she pet the top of Wolf's head. She stood up in her spot and crossed her arms over her chest, looking around the womans wagon then back down to the snake. She cringed and backed away some, letting out a nervous chuckle.
She looked at Wolf with a frown, shaking her head at him. "No Wolf, no snapping. Be nice to Harley."

Jinx leaned down and picked up the large python. "Snow, it's your feeding time too. Come to the kitchen" she murmured, entering the small kitchen area at the end of her wagon. Placing the large snake on the small table, she took out a rat and held it by the tail. Quickly the snake lunged at it, devouring the rat.

Jinx turned to face Wolf and Harley again after feeding the snake a second rat. "I have been doing well Harley, looking after Wolf has been a fun job, and it keeps me occupied" she said with a small smile. "ANd what about you?"

Cat raises an eyebrow at Brandon's statement about getting her out of her dress. "Are you saying I should get out of it, or are you offering to do it for me?" she giggles. Instead of going and changing, she simply rips off the bottom of her skirt, leaving a shorter one just above her knees. She stands back up and eyes Brandon "The show doesn't start until sundown, but if you need something to do, you could always help me get ready.".
Rufus woke up in his tent behind his stage, looking around noticed it was dark out. He let out with a gasp "Oh my, I over slept. It's got to be almost show time.". He jumped to his feet and grabbed his pocket watch from his satchel. He looked at the watch and noticed he has twenty-five minutes to get ready and warm up.

Rufus darted around trying to get his costume on and get his weights ready for the show. When he was done he found his practice bar and started placing weights on it. He started with half the normal weight and it was to easy, not even out of breath. He then added about fifty more pounds two-thirds the goal tonight and again no problems. He didn't want to go to far cause he wanted it to be a surprise to him as it would be for the audience. So he did his stretches and a breathing exercise to calm himself. Even though he knew this show would be like any other night.

He wanted so bad to step it up but didn't know how. He thought come tomorrow that he might ask around the grounds for some new ideas. So knowing that showtime was closing in on him he sat down and had himself a biscuit and some tea just before the show. He hoped that there was no problems tonight he didn't want a repeat injury of last year.
Wen Yang had absolutely no idea what to do with himself. The show wouldn't start in a long while which made the grounds look so lifeless, he wasted most of his time wandering around the grounds, simply running circles for the sake of passing time. Despite being accepted into the freak show, Wen Yang still couldn't shake the feeling that he hasn't quite adjusted to everyone yet. He was after all different from everyone else, hailing from the Eastern Asia unlike the Europeans which composed the freak show. Tonight would be first time he'd perform on stage, he was only a recent catch which meant he still had to prove himself to the rest of them.

Finally dropping the whole aimless wandering activity, he decided to find a nice secluded area in the grounds to train and hone himself. If there was one thing that his parents imparted to him before he sailed across the ocean, it would be that there will always be room for improvement no matter how much you've mastered your art. Finding a sufficiently solitary area, he sat down for a while to see what his vantage point could show him of the grounds. "Hopefully, I get to prove myself tonight. I am really getting nervous about all this, what There would be no backing out of this, I will see this through." Discarding any signs of doubt would be the first step in his journey, he would be showcasing part of China's talent in this show later tonight, he could not afford to shame himself.

He got up and began his warm up routine taught to him by several teachers back in China. Afterwards, he indulged in himself in a review of all his known techniques, to anyone watching it would be as though he gracefully dancing, to anyone familiar with what he was doing they'd know that even if one of those hits connect with them they'd be in a lot of pain. This was also a way to cope with his rising anxiety, it served to calm him and to remind him of him for some reason, something he capitalized on to keep his anxiety from getting the better of him. It also occurred to him that he had not interacted with any of the other members, despite already being accepted into the show. He was not as unique as they were but he had to keep up with them nonetheless. He decide that he could stop to rest only before the show begins, until then he would be training in seclusion or what he considered solitude at least.
Sophie smiled and waved at Brandon and Catina before walking towards the main tent. As she entered the tent Sophie looked up towards the trapeze ropes and swings, she briefly wondered how Caroline can perform tricks and have confidence that she wouldn't fall. "I'll be sure to ask her after the show" Sophie said to herself. She then exited the tent and walked towards her stage, it was average in size but that was alright for her as her act didn't require that much space.

She sat down on her stage and looked up at the setting sun, "Its almost time." she said with a smile. 'But I don't know what to perform this time. I'll figure something out I usually do.' Sophie thought to herself. She shook away from those thoughts and braced her hands on the floor of her stage to raise herself in a handstand. Bending her forearms so that she was closer to the ground, she bended one of her legs to make a low arch. She then raised herself all the while arching her legs till the heels of her feet were nearly touching her forehead, making her back create a letter 'c'. She then straightened her legs and moved her body towards the left, effortlessly pulling herself on her feet.
Caroline moves around hearing everybody else up. " got to be kidding me it's to early." She rolls on to her side and has a light glaring into her eyes. "I just can't win today, okay I'm up. Caroline stands thinking if she needs to practice first or eat, getting up and storms out to go to her ropes caring less about food.

On the way to the big tent she looks around seeing everybody awake, caroline looks at her sister "Good Morning Harley." Walking past her. She brushes past the tent flaps looking up seeing her joy her swings and ropes. She walks to the ropes pulling herself up half way to the top Caroline would jump seeing Sophie under her smiling till her feet land on a cold bar. Sitting on it swinging back and forth sliding off to go upside down. She pulls her head to her feet griping the bar flipping to the ropes twisting them around her so she wouldn't slip down crawling down the rope untying herself sitting looking at the ropes."I'm ready for the show tonight Sophie !" She smiles with confident.

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Sophie looked at Caroline, now that she was out of her arched positioned. She smiled at Caroline, "Thats good to hear Caroline. I'm also ready for the show as well." Sophie couldn't help feeling excited as performing her ability to the crowd is such a joyful experience to have. To watch their faces of awe and amazement, she was one asked by a child whether it hurt to bend her spine like that but she told him that it doesn't because she had lots of practice. Sophie was glad that she had a place that accepted her for who she was.
Brandon Dunn

Brandon grinned at Catina before waving back to Sophie. He looked down to the smaller female then up to the low sun. Time had passed quickly and Brandon narrowed his eyes. He looked down to Catina again with that same crooked smile. "No too long before the show starts. That might have to wait till later." He winks at her. "I'm to go get ready for the show." With that he takes her hand in his own and kisses the top of her hand. He turns and walks away, around Harley's wagon and to his own.

He stepped in and took off his jacket and his shirt, leaving his torso bare. He picked up his cast iron torches and 3 or 4 match books. He left his tent and moved outside. Brandon was only a side attraction but he was fine with it. He lazily set his stuff down and leaned against a pole.

Harley Hayes

Harley smiled up at Jinx and shrugged her shouders. "Just doing the usual and making sure my sister, Caroline, does not get near Brandon at all." She huffed then smiled at her sister who was walking by. "Good morning Caroline." She turned back to Jinx. "I better go get ready for the show." She smiled and patted Wolf on the head then waved to Jinx as she left. She slowly walked to her wagon, getting a look from Brandon. She glared at him and moved into her wagon quickly changing into a black and cream corset top and some black capris. She picked up the steel chicken wire like balls that were connected to their own chains and had wire wool in the middle. She dipped them in paraffin(in the US we call it Kerosene) and let the chains hang out of the side of the bucket. She grabbed some matches and picked up the bucket moving out of her wagon. She moved to her side attraction area she was put in and sat down.
Caroline sits with Sophie."I'm just kinda nervous tonight, I've practiced alot and I still feel not good enough."she unwraps the white tape on her hands looking around. She gets up walking to her wagon type room closing the door to clear her head before she got ready. Her mind full of mistakes she did today to think to fix tonight.

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Sophie nodded her head in understanding and watched Caroline walk out of the tent. She stood up and thought what to do for her act. She could do the usual tricks but Sophie felt that repeating the same routine would be boring to watch after so many times so she tries to perform a new trick to keep the crowd coming. Letting out a small sigh, Sophie performed a slow cartwheel before letting herself fall into the splits. Then moving her torso towards the right, she placed her forearms on the floor before lifting her lower body. She then curved her legs till the soles of her feet were on her shoulders.

'I wonder whether someone would be willing to do a double act with me. That would surely attract the audience.' Sophie thought, 'I should probably ask the new guy. He's probably nervous as its his first show.'

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