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Fantasy Four Wings Discussion Board



Expect the unexpected, it expects you
This will be were we talk about everything, while having everything in one spoke. Character sheets, Updates, Confirmed Decisions and Rules will be on the top, followed by the discussions. Please PM me if there is an issue or something happens. I will be as active with this as much as possible, but I will always reply to your PM within at most 8 hours.
Here are the links for quick reference:

Character Sheets
Confirmed Group Decisions
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  1. No God Moding, you control your character and only your character
  2. Post within 5 days, unless you have talked to the group or PMed me that you will be out.
  3. At least one paragraph per post, no one lines please, there are hard to reply to in groups
  4. Be nice. It is okay to play rough in rp, but on these discussion board, respect each other
  5. Talk to me if there is a problem with any other player, including if it is me, I can come off insulting when I don't mean to
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Character Sheets

Name: Malaya Freya Okar

Power: Elemental

Age: 27

History: Malaya comes from a primarily African family, her mother was a mix, just like her, but was killed shortly after her birth. In a world with humans and beings that are more, there was always a secret she had to keep to herself and made having friends a challenge, but she was strong. She grow up with a slight accent, compared to those around her that she could not shake. But that made her seem more interesting, she spend a lot of her childhood learning to be a wife and a powerful woman at the same time. It was hard for her, but she learned quickly that hard did not mean she couldn't do it, just that it was expected. After her father's passed, Malaya was alone in this world, her family still in Africa, which was a land she knew nothing about. She started to go downwards, when she was working and fall for her co-worker, who when she broke it off because it was effecting her work, started rumors and caused her to lose her job with how crazy he tried to drive her and harassing her. She started going down hill from there with a suicide watch one year and even losing some control of her powers, making her go into a psych ward, where she was on meds that made it hard for her to use her powers. She just got out with some understanding that she was healthy and that she had to find a way outside of the dark and deep hole she was going through.


Name: Helioz Hawkins, prefers to be called "Leo".

Power: Mentalist

Age: 24

Leo never really liked his power. Yes, it was an ability that many dreamt of having. But for Leo, it ended his life from the very moment he experienced it. Growing up in a small but loving family, he didn't know he had the abilities of a mentalist until late highschool. Every thought that could occur in a small room would bombard his brain incessantly, whether he wanted it to or not. Even his own home had become a battlefield for him. He watched and listened unwillingly as his parents slowly but surely grew fed up with the other. It had only been a week since this power had manifested when he decided he had had enough. Amongst the myriad of random voices in his head, one voice cut clear through the rest. "Run away." And so he did. Exiling himself into the unknown, he hoped that maybe, just maybe, there was a way to get rid of this power forever. Of course, a young teen with no protection of any kind was a likely target for dead end thugs. He was able to evade most of them, but one encounter sent his mind into limbo. Trapped in a dead end, a gun pointed at him, he thought it was the end. A loud bang cut through his ears, a flash of light, and a bullet was sent straight for his chest. "Stop the bullet." His head spun and the sound of metal clanging on concrete echoed in his ears.
"Take his gun." He didn't know what it meant, but the next thing he realized, the gun was in his hands. "Shoot him." What? No. He couldn't do that. "SHOOT HIM."
The voice rang louder and louder, pushing his consciousness to the limit. Soon enough many voices were overlapping, begging for him to shoot. He couldn't take it anymore. He pulled the trigger. With eyes as red as blood, he just ran. He ran with no aim or goal, just to get as far away as possible. He didn't know who that voice was or why he had this power. But soon, that will all change.


Name: Ali'ikoa Kekoa-Leone (Al or Alik for short)

Power: Enhancer

Age: 32

History: Al was born to Kaeo Kekoa, a Hawaiian native, and Adele Leon, a French-Italian tourist, who were both willing victims of a summer fling that led to a shotgun wedding. His father, Kaeo, made a living, like most of Hawaii's residents, by running a surfing school during the day and performing as a Luau fire-dancer during the evenings. His mother, Adele, was a traveling nurse and simply continued her practice on the island of Oahu where they lived. For the first 7 years of his life, Al grew up like any normal kid would; the only difference being that he his motor skills seemed to develop significantly faster than his peers which his father attributed to his good genetics from the Kekoa line. The blood of warriors.

On the eve of his 7th birthday however, everything changed. He lost both of his parents when they got into a head-on collision with a truck on their way home from his birthday celebration. Both of his parents died on impact but he miraculously survived and was rushed to the emergency room where he was diagnosed with a gash on his head and a severe concussion; it was said that his small and limber body kept him from getting caught up in most of the wreckage.

From there, Al found himself tossed into Hawaii's foster care system as his only surviving relative was an uncle who was currently serving time in prison for drug charges. He bounced from foster home to foster home, learning to fend for himself as, more often than not, he found himself in situations where he had no choice but to fight or become a victim of the darkness that existed in people's hearts. Through those battles, he discovered the unique capabilities hidden within his body, abilities that he had to keep secret from others. He learned the hard way that it was ok to be a little bit faster and a little bit stronger than those at his age, that didn't cause harm or alarm to anyone, but if he took it beyond that, forced to or not, bad things happened.

As a tall and lanky 16 year old, Al secured his first job as a lifeguard for Waikiki beach and took steps to separate himself from the foster care system, rarely spending time at his assigned home outside of using it as a place to sleep. There were more than a few times that he used his powers in order to save the lives of clueless tourists who managed to get themselves caught in riptides but, outside of that, he was hesitant to use his abilities. By the age of 18, he stood an easy 6' 4" with a frame that had yet to be filled out and with little to no direction in his life, he decided to enlist with the Marines.

4 years and a war later, Ali'ikoa Kekoa-Leone found himself in the main 48 states at the age of 22 with the same questions unanswered and a bevy of memories, some he was glad for and some he wish he didn't have.

From there, he applied for college where he found himself out of place, what sort of experiences could an orphan turned soldier, someone who had seen and experienced the various faces of death, share in common with the typical college Freshman? Despite his looks, he found it hard to become close friends with anyone, there was a certain hardness to him that seemed to scare some people away and made him unapproachable. That continued for most of his first year back in the states until the summer of his Sophomore year when he met the woman who taught him how to smile again.

Unfortunately, like most things in his life, she ended up just being a passerby, a fresh breath of air on a summer day. But it was enough to break the ice, at least temporarily, that had formed like a protective shell over him. More importantly, she helped him rediscover that rare thing that had been lost so long ago in his youth, the ability to hope and to dream for something more.

So, as his life carried on, he became more daring and trusting in his own capabilities. Using the shadows of the night to hide things that other humans could only dream of.


Name: Avery Thorne

Power: Energy

Age: 23

History: Avery grew up in a small, off the map town where she isolated herself from the general population. At 14, she ran away from home, sick of the strange rash of incidences that seemed to follow her. As a child adopted out of the foster care system, she had no knowledge of her powers, and no knowledge of how to control them. For more than a few years, she stayed in an abandoned cabin on the edge of town doing her best to crush the abilities she was certain she wasn't supposed have, and which she figured no one else had as well.

Because of this, she is behind on the development of her abilities, and still frequently makes mistakes with them. For a while, she took a temp job as an IT service provider after she turned 18, but when it became clear her grip on her abilities wasn't as good as she thought it was, she ran away from her problems once again.
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The Mangy Moose Saloon

Jimmy = The Bouncer (big burly guy)
Edwin Taylor = Owner (a former drill sergeant of the US Marines)
Sarah = Owner (middle-aged firecracker of a woman)
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Confirmed Group Decisions


Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Starting in the Evening Characters will slow-play the powers thing and allow the characters to interact without that aspect first so that there is a sort of build-up
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For the city or setting, I suggest maybe somewhere in America or Europe. I don't really have a particular reason, just a personal preference.
But I'm good with any place.
Agreed, maybe something with a lot of space, the attacks are going to damage a lot of space depending on who is being attacked. Maybe a small town or country side, some place that has people but not enough to get hurt ever time the evil tries to send something after them?
How far in will we be starting? Like, do the characters already know each other and have been fighting together for a few years? Or are we in a situation where the characters don't know of each other yet but happen to find themselves in the same city/town/bar/hotel/etc and that's where we will kick things off?
Don't know each other or what is after them. They will be learning as they go and trying to stay afloat. Since Alik is the most hopeful person, I figure he could be the one that helps keep them kind of together. Leo and Malaya are still going to have some issues that would make them want to do bad things to themselves or question if they are mean for anything other then darkness, but I figure Alik is a good ground character to try and keep them in their senses. So, they would each find something dark that they feel is after them and when it attacks they would find each other to be allies and work together to stay good and fight it off while trying to figure out what it wants from them.
Don't know each other or what is after them. They will be learning as they go and trying to stay afloat. Since Alik is the most hopeful person, I figure he could be the one that helps keep them kind of together. Leo and Malaya are still going to have some issues that would make them want to do bad things to themselves or question if they are mean for anything other then darkness, but I figure Alik is a good ground character to try and keep them in their senses. So, they would each find something dark that they feel is after them and when it attacks they would find each other to be allies and work together to stay good and fight it off while trying to figure out what it wants from them.
Ok, if that is the case then, we gotta figure out a way to tie them into being in the same area/figuring out that there are other "special cases" around, etc. It could be as simple as being at the same bar and having something happen or we can think of something else entirely.
Yes. That would be the case. I figure location would give use an idea of what they can do, for example you wouldn't have a lot of cafe's in a small town, depending on where you are, so they could go there or the bars might be closed in the day in some places.

But you are right, we do have to figure out where they meet and how they meet. Coming into town should be easy, and in a small time they are more likely to meet, especially come in at the same time, roughly.
There is always the possibilty of meeting at some kind of emergency site.

Like, take a fire for example. In a small town, Emergency responder ETA could be a while. But ordinary citizens usually don't run into a fire, you know?

But people with super powers might if there was a person or animal still trapped inside.
Yup, plenty of possibilities. I'd be fine with either a small town or a big city. Small towns are easier to manage but big cities tend to make a bit more sense as far as strangers, particularly drifters, being in one place.
True. Maybe not a fire though, they are still human, so Energy and Mentalist would no be able to handle it too well for too long. Maybe something small towns would not normally see but something that the four of them would feel like they had to be a part of, to help. Like a robbery standoff, or something like that?
Of course, the fire was only an example. Although, with the majority of problems that come from fires being heat energy, I'm not sure that Energy would fair too poorly. Energy manipulation seems like a pretty broad category 😊
I mean they would have different levels. Like Avery doesn't know how to really control her powers like Alik, who has had practice would. So they wouldn't be as in controlling as others.
Maybe we shoudl make our own little world kind of this, instead of picking something from the world.
Maybe we shoudl make our own little world kind of this, instead of picking something from the world.

Hmm, but that would kinda mess up some of our character backgrounds. Not that it really matters, we can always just edit. But I like the idea of making our own world.
Also, what time zones are everyone from? My biggest worry for this RP is not being able to have a session where everyone is online
Not if the world we make is similar. But I see your point. I am central.

I do like the idea of some open area where there are few people, because for my character, he is very inexperienced with his powers, and can not control it as well as some of the others. And in the mental state of his, large areas are bound to be affected.

Rip, looks like I'm across the world from you. I'm in the Philippine Standard Time Zone.

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