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Fandom Forever Something New: An FMA Story

Once the car had crawled to a stop, Claudio rather eagerly hopped out, taking the opportunity to stretch his limbs as he surveyed his surroundings. "Shall we see if anybody needs an alchemist's help?" He asked Almeda curiously, the subtle glint of ambition visible in his eyes. He wanted to prove himself and his alchemy like always it seemed.

While rural towns often were suspicious of alchemists, especially those from the military, he seemed more or less completely unconcerned by that risk. He only hoped that Almeda wouldn't be dissuaded either.
"While I love your enthusiasm, adorable really, I think you might want to be a bit more tactful," Almeda was unapologetically proud of being an alchemist, but she didn't get where she is now by loudly boasting about it wherever she went.

"Ooo~ Unless you've decided to becoming a traveling showmen," she joked. "In that case I think you might need a little more showmanship."

Almeda paused a moment and then walked over to the nearest person. A nice looking older women and seemed to quickly strike up a conversation with her. Leaving Claudio in the dust. Although not intentionally. Almeda was looking for a good place to eat here and the women pointed them in the right direction and then after a few minutes more of talking went on her way.

"I have a feeling this might be a good place to stop for a night, that is if you don't mind," Almeda started walking off in the direction the nice women had given her.
Claudio did his best to keep up with his energetic friend's drifting from conversation to conversation, offering his aid to some of the village denizens to pass the time that she spent chatting (at least, he would have if anyone decided to take him up on his repair alchemy). It was good to see her in her element, reveling in the world around her just like she did when they were young.

When she proposed her idea of crashing in the village for the night, he couldn't help but agree. "I think so too. I've gotten so used to the sounds of late-night cars and street chatter that I almost forget what quiet sounds like." He was quite enthralled by the idyllic town, even if the townsfolk didn't seem too keen on city folk. He did his best to try and masquerade his occupation as an alchemist, but the passive worldview of how composition and decomposition work was nearly impossible to obfuscate.

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