Forever Separated [Hanabusa Aidou x SilverNova]


Mistress of Time and Space
"scott!...Scott!..Wake up lad!" The voice called out, seeming far away. In the young lad's dreams his family was reunited and he spent his days in bliss. But the vision was gone as soon as the sleeping guard lazily opened his chocolate brown eyes. Above him, a older messenger peered at his face. Surprise lit Scott's face before he leapt out of bed, reaching for the sword that rested on the nightstand. Quickly the messenger waved his hands in a stop motion yelling, "WAIT! WAIT! I come with news from the emperor!" Scott relaxed, realizing that there was no danger, and nodded towards the elder in a motion that told the messenger to continue. Clearing his throat and now slightly wary of Scott, the messenger delivered the news, "His royal majesty, King Benevarth of the phoenix adoras, has called a banquet for his much exalted son, Prince Darren. All imperial guards and servants of the King and his palace are required to attend, sir." Scott groaned as the messenger finished his speech, unhappy that he had to take time off from his duties to attend a banquet. However he faked a smile and waved the messenger away. Since all the guards held residence in the same wing, Scott had little privacy and displayed his annoyance with this openly once the messenger left. Mumbling, Scott quickly combed back his cinnamon hair, the color hair that all people with phoenix adoras had, and threw on his guard armor. Then with haste he made his way out the door and down the hall to the diner room.

@Hanabusa Aidou
(So, are there different leaders for each of the different Adoras? Can they not interact with others? (If not, any ideas on how our charries could meet? Sorry, I was a bit confused ^^"))
((OOC: Yes there are different leaders/governments for the different species of Adoras, but they can interact with each other like form an alliance or a war. So like countries today really, but opposite spirit animals naturally hate each other and refuse to work with each other. Same with the Phoenixes and Dragons, they hate each other and in the case of the Phoenix 'monarchy'/empire they have to love other Phoenixes by law(to keep the genes "pure") other wise penalty is death. The Dragon governments might work differently, but I'll let you decide how they run things ;) So just think of it like how our world is with separate races and cultures. And for how they could meet? not sure, but since Emma is a transporter perhaps she could work for King Benevarth? Then they could meet at the banquet, but it's your choice how they meet. Yay overly long explanation :D lol))
((OOC: I do love those explanations xD I suppose that could work, perhaps regular avians and reptiles could almost be neutrals of the dragons and Phoenixes? So Emma could probably work with avian or reptile adora'd people, meaning that she would be allowed in to transport stuff for the banquet. In that case, I'll get to typing up my response!))
Emma swung her legs back and forth as she sat on the front ledge of the cart as it was pulled up the semi-steep incline to the castle. She was a transporter, transporting goods to the castle for the feast. She scowled, remembering that it was the castle of the Phoenix king, King Benevarth. For some reason he didn't seem to mind her as a transporter, and for someone with a Phoenix adora she didn't mind him. It was the rest of his subjects she minded. They passed through the gate, currently unguarded for the feast. She forgot what it was even in honor of, a prince or something? Not like it mattered, they were just the transporters. She hopped off the cart with her comrades as they entered the kitchen, unpacking supplies for meals and decorations. A messenger was waiting. "The king says that you transporters are all invited to the feast honoring his much exhaled son, Prince Darren... Even the one with the dragon adora." Emma was a bit surprised. Even her? Huh. Weird. After she and her partners, who were all bird or reptile Adoras, finished unloading the supplies they just sat in the hallway, not really knowing what to do. They watched people go by, maids and servants and the like. They supposed they would wait until this feast started and people appeared, then they would follow them, as they had never traversed past the storage rooms of this castle. Especially notEmma, for she got dirty looks wherever she went here for having a dragon adora.
The grand stained glass windows that lined the walls in the hall way leading to the diner room left a odd feeling of nervousness in Scott. However, the random feeling ebbed away when a good friend of his approached. Giving a slight friendly bow, Scott asked, "Koazay, how are you?" The boy that responded was a broad shouldered teenager, about the same age as Scott, who carried the spirit of the griffin. "Fine, fine. Have you seen the master cook? ...He was supposed to help me in getting a recipe that my mom asked for." Scott shook his head and explained, "I'm assuming he'll be in the kitchen preparing the courses for the prince's banquet...speaking of which were you invited?" Koazay laughed sarcastically at the question, "I believe it's not so much an invitation than as a forced requirement. But, yes I'm going. It's starting mid-day right?...Well we don't have long till then. If your going to the diner room, where the first course will be, then I'll join you." Scott nodded to his friend. Together they went to the diner only stopping to bow to their superiors. When the two boys rounded the corner Scott stopped in his tracks. They were just outside the kitchen and Scott eyed the transporters sitting in the hallway his gaze resting on Emma. Koazay spotted the girl a nick second later and leaned to whisper to Scott, "Is that girl a dragon adora?.....I thought they were forbidden to enter the Kings castle unless doing a job, but she's just sitting there...." Then the boy shuddered and mummered to Scott, "ugh just looking at her is getting me angry." He may not have been born a Phoenix, but he had adapted their ways and shunned what they shunned, dragon adoras. Scott hushed his friend quickly and strided towards Emma. "Hello, I'm Scott." The lad's voice was smooth like he spoke often, being very sociable. Koazay, on the other side, was less then nice and just stood behind scott giving the girl a dirty glare.
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Emma sighed. This was kinda boring. She turned to Adeline, her friend and fellow transporter who had a peacock as an adora. It was apparent to see by her long, sleek dark hair and mesmerizing green-blue eyes with a ring of gold around the pupil. She was a unique beauty, but did have a quite proud personality. "Hey Ade, when do you think this feast thing will start?" The blond asked. "I'm bored, and starting to get hungry." Adeline shrugged. "Dunno. Hopefully soon, this really is boring. I wish I had at least brought my mirror and brush, I'll bet my hair is getting frizzy!" Emma laughed, Adeline was always concerned with her hair and usually carried her mirror around, mostly to admire yourself. Emma frowned as a Phoenix woman walked past her, silently glaring. "These people need to lighten up. Just because I'm a dragon doesn't mean I'm going to do anything." She grumbled. "I'll bet you a coin not one of these stupid Phoenix's will do anything but glare at me and say rude things." Jacob, the snake spirit, grinned. "Sure." He was another transporter, and did love his money. Just then, some Phoenix who looked like a guard walked up to them, introducing himself as John. Emma's eye twitched. "Seriously?" She muttered. Jacob laughed. "Ha! You totally owe me a coin now!" He said. Emma rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I was joking." She turned back to the Phoenix-spirit, Scott. "Hello, Scott... I'm Emma." She said, then frowned at his friend who was glaring at her. "Why are you glaring at me? Your adora isn't even a Phoenix!" She cried. "Ahem. If you're wondering why we're here, your king invited us to that feast." Adeline said. "We are transporters, we brought a lot of supplies. And yes, he invited Emma too. We are waiting to find out where the feast is, could you two gentlemen please tell us?" She asked kindly, flirting her long eyelashes. Adeline usually got her way with her beauty and soft words, but Emma didn't really mind since most of the time she benefitted from it as well.
Koazay's fingered the griffin necklace that marked him as such and pushed back his longer golden-brown hair, then stepped closer towards Adeline. Growling, he hissed at the peacock spirit girl,"We're not telling you anything...or your dragon friend either. It's a shame that the King even permits you entrance into the palace! Also, the fact that my spirit isn't a phoenix doesn't matter when I know that troublesome beasts like your dragon friend are hanging about...your friend, Emma's breed is almost as bad as a basilisk(the griffin's opposite)!" Scott's eyes swept over the line of transporters, ignoring Koazay's ranting, then back to Emma and the dashing girl next to her. Scott, smiling, told Emma, "The prince's banquet will be in the formal ball room. It's around the corner and down the hall. However, the starting meal is normally in the diner room. We are heading there ourselves, would you like to come?" Then Koazay immediately turned on his friend, "Scott! What are you doing?! We can't let them attend! They are reptilian!" The two guards then both squarely looked at each other, Scott portraying unspoken words through his glare. Finally, Koazay backed down, "Fine Scott...But I'm not to blame when the Master Guardsman demands who allowed them to come." Scott shook his head at Koazay, "They're not all replitians, this girl," he pointed to Adeline,"is a peaock adora... They are openly accepted here meaning their friends are as well." Koazay stepped away and allowed Scott to lead the way.
Emma's eyes flashed at Koazay's rude comments, taking a step in front of Adeline. "Leave her alone, she didn't do anything." She said, glaring at the griffin spirit. She was loyal to her friends, and wouldn't stand to see them picked on when they did nothing! "What do you even know about dragons, anyway? I'll bet you know absolutely nothing!" She replied. "You just want to feel like you're a part of this Phoenix community, so you mindlessly accept all their habits, including hostility towards dragons. And for the record, basilisks aren't even that bad." The dragon adora turned, slightly surprised to see Scott ignoring his 'friend' and telling them the correct information. She wondered why he would be doing this. "Thank you, mister, uh, Scott." Emma said, slightly awkwardly. She was definitely not used to a Phoenix standing up for her against another animal.

"You know, I thought griffin-spirits were supposed to be noble and kind, but I was obviously wrong." Adeline said with a 'humph' as she stepped past Koazay. Emma grinned at him.

"Goodbye, uneducated follower." She said to him, giving him a nickname that she thought suited him. "For the record, the king specifically invited us, including me. Ask his messenger for proof." She was dene with him for now, and followed Scott with the others.
Scott bowed lightly towards Emma. "It's my pleasure, but be cautious with what you say..." he noted, "some people won't back off like bird brain here did." Scott pointed his tumb back at Koazay who in turn look nastily at the transporters who leapt up to follow Scott down the passage ways. The two palace guards lead the group to the diner room which was already filled with guests despite that it was still an hour away till the prince's banquet. Most of the guest were lords and ladies from around the city that bordered the great castle of the phoenix king. They talked in groups around the room, waiting for the Noble's and King's relatives to appear before the emperor did himself. As soon as they arrived Koazay stepped eagerly away from the group and went to chat with some other guards. Most of which shot disgusted looks at the dragon girl and the other reptilian transporters and servants. Scott allowed the group to explore while he approached Emma, "It's odd of you to choose a job here, especially after the great wars with your ancestor dragons..." Then looking away Scott sighed as said, "My parents even died from the war... well sort of. They were killed by a dragon Adora. I don't even know why, but I know that he could control his spirit outside his body like me. Sometimes I think he wasn't even after my parents, but me instead because I was like him with this ability." The boy looked to the ground wondering if Emma was anything like the dragon adoras he had heard about in stories of war.
Emma shrugged. "I don't say rude things unless they start it, if they insult me they're an idiot if they don't expect an insult back." She said as she followed him with her fellow transporters, choosing to ignore Koazay's glares. They looked in interest at the people in the banquet, mostly people who looked like they had Phoenix adoras by certain physical traits. Emma rolled her eyes at all of the glares and bad looks she was getting, but simply ignored them too. She was definitely outnumbered in here. She watched her fellow transporters wander a bit, as they weren't being glared at as much, as Scott approached her. "Well, my transporting job isn't specifically within your kingdom, you know." She said. "I transport all over, but this specific job happened to be in here. It's a bit bothersome because of all the dirty looks I get, but it's not that bad." She listened to his story with some interest. "Your parents were actually killed by a dragon adora? Ouch, that's rough. But it's cool that you have a better control over your Phoenix spirit, that is probably why he was targeting you if he could do the same." She paused. "So in that case, wouldn't you hate me more because I was a dragon adora? It's not that I don't appreciate you not being a complete jerk unlike everyone else, but why are you telling me this and actually being a decent person to me?" It was unlike most other Phoenixes she met, who hated her immediately when they saw her adora was a dragon.
Scott looked into her eyes sensing that she wasn't at all like the dragon adoras of Phoenix legends. "I'm not sure, but I guess I can tell your different...I mean honestly I believe that we as humans shouldn't base our opinions of one another on the fact that our soul animal is just different. However, I know no one else in the world even thinks that way anymore," he reasoned", It's like they've all just given up on remembering that we aren't just animal, but human's as well." As Scott finished talking the first of the nobles walked in, a small girl a little younger than Emma. Scott nodded curtly to her and turned to whisper to Emma, "That's the Prince's cousin, Lady Isabella. I'd watch out for her, she can have a nasty temper." But Lady Isabella was just the first noble and slowly more guests trickled into the diner room, either taking their spot around the long table or clustering in small conversation groups. As a few of them walked by Scott would note to Emma who they were. Most of the guests continued to look uncomfortably towards Emma and the reptilian servants/transporters. Those who didn't choose to simply ignore them instead.
Emma shrugged. "What you say is true, I don't really think that way either, but since everyone here pretty much automatic hates me for having a dragon adora I just try to accept that they're all idiots and will probably never change their stubborn little minds." She paused. "Well, except for one I suppose." She said, smiling at Scott. She looked at the little girl, averting her eyes then so that she would not catch her attention, because then Lady Isabella would see that she was a dragon adora, most likely automatically getting on her bad side. She nodded to the warning in thanks, watching all the other nobles and important figures coming that Scott would point out., ignoring the stares that some of them sent her. After some time, the lights slightly dimmed and a drum-roll sounded. An announcer was stating that it was finally time: Finally time for the king to arrive with his coveted son, the Prince! Emma looked towards the door in slight interest, waiting like everyone else for the Prince to come in and start the feast.

(So sorry I took forever to respond, it was midterms week and my schedule's been pretty busy >_>)
(yeah I understand, school should always come first.)

As the room turned from a bright orange color, that had been emitted from the overhead lights, to a soft purple, Scott softly told Emma, "I have to go now. I need to meet with the master guardsman, but I'll talk to you once I'm done." Then he slid away from her in order to join the group that Koazay was hovering in. Suddenly trumpets blared the Phoenix King's anthem, announcing the arrival of the royal family. The king came in on a cinnamon colored horse led by two of the highest officials. Though the emperor rode with the best of postures, it was clear that he was very ill and that he looked older than the country itself. Unlike the majority of the phoenix born adoras, he had a dark brown,almost black hair color that was over run with the gray hairs from age.

Next to enter the room was Prince Darren. He had the same hair color, only slightly tinted with a bright red, longish ears, and a strong but slender body. Most phoenix adoras were shaped with a body that was slightly thicker in muscle, meant to be able to defend and heal. However, the king and his son would have been impossible to tell their adoras just from a glance. If those in the room hadn't already known that the two were the rulers of the Phoenixes then one could've doubted that they even were royals.

Scott looked at his leaders and bowed down to his knees. Everyone else in the room did the same until the elderly King motion them all up. King Benevarth didn't say a word as he went to sit at the long table in the room. The prince followed his father sitting to the side of him. Then slowly the chatter of the people in groups picked back up again as they sat down. Scott's eyes scanned the group of guards till they met with the master guardsman. Quickly the lad bounded over to him just as he was sitting and asked, "Master Tinjiy, do I have permission to to dismissed from my duties tomorrow in order to take a day off for training?" The older guardsman nodded. "Yes, but Scott I want you back before 11." Scott nodded and went back to join Emma, before taking a seat at the table.
Emma nodded. "Alright, see you later I guess." She said, still a bit unsure why he was spending his time with her. Perhaps he was just supposed to guard her and make sure she didn't start any fights? That would make sense, and he was just being polite so she wouldn't start a fight with him? She was snapped out of her thoughts as the royals were finally arriving, watching the king who didn't look too good and the prince who frankly didn't really look like a prince arrive. She lowered herself on her knees as everyone else did, for the sake of not getting glares as she was sure her fellow transporters did.

Emma finally rose with the rest when they were signaled to stand up, finding her partners, almost laughing when she saw the mob of boys flocked around Adeline. She was quite the charmer with boys of almost any adora, though especially ones who were birds. "Hey, Ade, where's Jacob?" She asked. Adeline shrugged, and Emma left her with her little harem of admirers where Jacob was gorging himself with food. He looked up as he saw his partner.

"Hey Emma, the food's great!" He said with a grin, yellow eyes flashing in delight. She smiled.

"Don't over-eat, last time you came to a feast you were so full you couldn't ear for like a week." He was quite the stereotype of the bottomless-pit stomach boy. The dragon adora saw that Scott was finally done talking to his boss, and made her way over to him again. She sat next to him at the table, observing all the foods there were. There was thankfully a lot of meat, which was mainly what Emma ate, and a lot of spicy food as well, the Phoenix adoras were famous for their wide variety of spices dishes.

"So..." Emma said in between bites of food, "What does this place look like when it's not all decked out? I've only transported here on special occasions such as this one."

(Ugh, so sorry for my late responses DX I was going to respond yesterday, but I had the PSAT and then I had to run a bunch of errands then the homecoming dance, then I fell asleep as soon as I got home >_> I'll try to respond in a more timely manner in the future.)
(Alright, like I said earlier I understand. However, I really like this role-play so we just have to make sure it doesn't die. Also I wanted to give a good representation of what I thought the characters looked like so here's my doodle(it's bad I know xD ): Click )

Scott shrugged nonchalantly, "It's normally pretty quiet, but to be honest I don't guard around the palace. My duties are as a border patrol, meaning that I don't actually get alot of time to explore inside." The young guard then decked out his plate with a few festive foods, but didn't go overboard. The chatter of the room went on for a while before the king once again stood up and coughed to get the attention of those around him. "Loyal subjects, as you know this banquet is in honor of my noblest son, Prince Darren! My news may come as no surprise...I have indeed fallen ill as is expected to happen when your a man of my age," The king chuckled as if he had just made the funniest joke, "So because of this I have decided to resign from my position as your leader." Then suddenly the room exploded with the sound of mass confusion from all the lords and ladies. It was unheard of for a king to step down early before his death. Shocked Scott stood up, "Your majesty please forgive me, but isn't it forbidden to step down?" The elder's eyes quickly shot to Scott and he shook his head, "The king makes the rules does he not? So then the council shall be overruled in this law. My predecessor, Prince Darren is now your new King." Sitting back down Scott turned to Emma, "Something doesn't seem right about this..."
(I like your drawing! I made one too, but everyone looks creepy xD I'll just insert the image <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.061733296e333df9df7353c73193770e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/image.jpg.061733296e333df9df7353c73193770e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The reason Adeline is the only one wearing clothes is because I was too lazy to draw clothes for the rest XP)

Emma nodded at Scott's words, but made no comment, as she already had food in her mouth. She glanced up with everybody else as the king made his statement, and was a bit surprised. She didn't know too much about Phoenix's, but she didn't know that their royalty retired. She glanced up at the son, Prince--no, soon to be King Darren. Would he be a good ruler? It doesn't really matter to me, I don't live in this kingdom. She thought, then turned to Scott as he spoke. She shrugged. "I don't know, I don't know much about how the monarchy works in the Phoenix territory, since I'm not in here that much. But I thought the kings never retired." She shook her head. "To me, it probably just means I'll have to stay across the border when we're transporting in here. Because for whatever reason the King allowed me to, though I'm doubtful that his son will. Which is to be expected, our adoras are enemies." She took another bite of the meal. Most of the people in the room seemed to be pretty shaken up, or at least slightly confused by the news. Emma never had to deal why something like that, because the dragons didn't have a monarchy. They simply had a council of elders, who would be elected by the others, so no need for succession or anything of that sort to confuse them.



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Scotted frowned as he looked at the end of the long table where the new King sat. "No...Our monarchy isn't suppose to work like that...This is the first time a king had retired and I'm not so sure I like what's going on." Slowly some conversation started back up again, but it was hushed and the room overall stayed quiet. King Darren smiled imprudently at his father and those around, a sign of his pride, but also of a sort of show of inexperience. Then before the last dishes had even been served Scott got up slowly and whispered to Emma, "I'm leaving...Will you come with me? I'm going to go visit a old friend, but I don't really want to go alone. I would ask Koazay, but....." The guard trailed off and looked in the direction where the griffin adora sat with both arms draped around two single phoenix girls.
Emma listened to Scott and nodded. She didn't really like this so called 'King Darren' was looking, if he turned out to be a terrible king it sucked for the Phoenixes... But was actually good for the dragons, being their enemies. She still didn't hope they'd suffer though. She looked up to Scott as he got up, then nodded, getting up as well. She glanced at Koazy with a laugh. "Yes, I'm sure you don't want to interrupt your friend. I'll go with you, I've been getting too many unfriendly looks anyway. As long as this old friend of yours doesn't have anything against those with dragon adoras like myself." She added. Emma didn't know many Phoenix adoras who were okay with the dragons, though she wasn't even sure Scott's friend had a Phoenix adora. She glanced back at Koazy, not really seeing what the girls appeared to like about him. But that was probably just because he was rude to her. "So, where are we headed?" She asked, glancing around, almost appearing anxious to get away from all the people.
The walk out the door was silent as the young 17 year old guard contemplated whether of not to trust Emma with the identity of the "friend's" house he was now heading towards. Finally he shrugged his shoulders and as soon as the two of them had left the dining room he spoke up. "She's fine with dragon adoras...infact she's the one who taught me to accept everyone, not just my own kind." He continued to walk at a rapid pace until they had left the building. Then he slowed down and lead them through the outer gates. "Do you Remember how I told you that I could manipulate my animal spirit so that I can become not just two spirits in one body like everyone else, but two separate entities? It's called Astral Projection. When I went to go ask Master Tinjiy, the master guardsman, for a day off to study it was for the practice of this. The friend that I need to visit has been helping me learn the practice since I was little." By this point Scott knew they were nearing their destination. "Not everyone can master the ability and I've NEVER heard of any recent occurrences of dragons being able to do it...but I wanted to show you how it is done anyways...Also It's a good way for me to clear my head which, with the sudden oddities in the monarchy, couldn't hurt."
Emma nodded at his words, almost having to jog to keep up with him with her shorter legs. "Accepting of everyone, huh? I like her already." But the part about Astral Projection was quite interesting. "Huh, I didn't know it had an official name. Well that's awesome of her. I wonder how one would teach how to do something like that anyway..." She mused as she followed the Phoenix adora. "Well there could be dragons who do can do it, I mean I assume most people would want to keep it a secret if they could, don't you think? And if they could people might want to fight them for whatever reason, especially if they were anywhere near the Phoenix kingdom, so you probably wouldn't have heard of anyone." Emma knew he didn't mean it as an insult, and she didn't take it as one, but she still felt the need to defend the dragon adoras. She was quite curious about the happenings in the Phoenix empire, but didn't really understand how the system would work as she wasn't there that frequently, so she didn't bother inquiring further and simply followed Scott to meet his friend.
Shrugging, Scott rounded a large bend and stopped at the opening to a large cave opening just outside of the inner part of the city and outer walls of the palace. A dark, damp staircase was visible from the entrance and it seemed to lead downward for eternity. The young guard sighed and mummered back to Emma, "I hate these stairs, why couldn't she have just bought a regular house rather than staying down there?..." As he walked downward he turned back to face Emma for a second, catching her sweet crystal blue eyes within his own orangeish brown ones. His eyes alone gave away so much of his past and his hopes for the future. With all family gone and only having the laborious job around the castle to work for he had sort of given up hope on ever having a family again. However, as he glanced at Emma the thought that he could still have loved ones pressed into his heart. Quickly though, he dismissed the idea and continued his decent downward. Then in response to Emma's comment about dragon adora's being able to use Astral Projection he said, "Perhaps your right. Besides just because I haven't heard of it being done doesn't mean it hasn't....or won't."
Emma shivered slightly as a chilly draft seemed to come from the staircase. At first she was having a few doubts, after all he still had a Phoenix adora. Was his niceness perhaps simply a guise to conceal his true intents, perhaps fighting her with no one around? But at his words her worries dissipated. It would be stupid for him to take her down to a dark, damp place if he was able to use Astral Projection as well, his adora couldn't do much in the dampness of the tunnel since Phoenix's were fire-based creatures. So she followed him down into the tunnel, laughing slightly. "Everyone has different tastes I guess." She said, but simply watched him when their eyes met, somewhat startled by hi gaze. His amber eyes held sadness, despair, but their appeared to be a spark of hope in them yet, she blinked a few times to rid herself of those thoughts. It wasn't her business. So she continued after him until they reached the end of tunnel. "Yeah, I mean you never know. It sure wouldn't be right if dragons couldn't use Astral Projection for whatever reason though, everyone should have that ability. It sounds awesome."

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