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Fantasy Forced Fates

Baconhands said:
Welp.. this got depressing very quickly. Can we change thesubject before I get some bad memories?

Here, have some Cumberbatch.
Ahhhh, sorry @Baconhands , feel better soon!

&& awwww! He's from somewhere idk where & yes! Please do! I'm glad you found besties here but it sucks cause like... ahhhhhhh so far away :( && oh.. That's not so magical anymote

Dandelions, Tigers, oh my!
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Just remember, even if you're struggling, and you feel like you've lost important things, you can still control your mood. Viktor Frankl was a Holocaust survivor, and he attributes his survival not to strength of body, but strength of will. He wrote a pretty good book, called "Man's Search for Meaning". Oh wait, books are supposed to be underlined right? Eh, who cares.

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945, Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering, but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory--known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")--holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
I just read the part of the conversation with @Annabella and her mommy...and it won't let me quote. >_< I just wanted to send my thoughts and prayers your way. I won't go into depth, but my mother has had a fair share of health issues as well, and I understand the..the exhaustion from not only having, but wanting to help as much as you can to alleviate their stress. My mother is my world.

<3 not to bring the conversation down, but just to let you know I always have an open ear if you want to talk, and to commend you, because I understand how taxing it can be.

Lots of love!!!
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Annabella said:
My mother used to have leukemia and she survived it, recently they told her she had tumor in her brain that needed to be removed. They performed the surgery however she has been extremely drained as of late, she barely wants to move or do anything but at least she's still there. I've been doing all I can to help out with things but I am honestly exhausted, we're all just one bundle of sadness right now seeing as the doctors haven't yet informed us of what is going on. My mother is prone to mood swings so she can get really angry or frustrated with herself or others at times which has been happening quite a lot lately, it isn't her fault. It helps by being on here as well, being able to talk to people makes me quite happy.
I can't imagine my mother or my family going through the struggles you guys had to go through. As @crucialstar and @Linwe Lossehelin already mentioned, you guys are strong to be able to adapt and deal with so many serious challenges. I have no doubt that you guys will make it!

I'm glad we, us and the other users of the site, were able to help you. Though I was a little late to this due to work and homework (damn you organic chemistry).
I hate organic chemistry too, @Escasriet , omg yore taking it too?! PLS TELL ME WHY IT SUCKS SO BAD
I HAVE NO F*CKING CLUE!!! It doesn't help that my professor is a complete sadist. First day he passed out McDonald job applications, and said we might as well fill these out since we'll fail the class and our majors. Not to mention we have to make an appointment after each exam during his office hours to find out what we got, and him explaining how stupid our answers are! I did it for my first exam I took last week, not going to do it again =_=
@Escasriet if your teacher is doing reverse psychology that doesn't help the student or encourage them to do well, your teacher is a sadist and sucks ass like really? && bruh I make the stupidest mistakes ever...
Oh, he's not even attempting to help his students. He's setting up for failure and enjoying seeing us burn and literally go insane over this course!

@Baconhands I'll do the announcement probably late Sunday. I think it's mainly me and @SoulFire that just needs to post before the announcement. But I'm working on the couple list which will be posted tonight.
Here it is, the moment you guys have been waiting for! *Drum roll* Here are the pairings!

  • Laikas Jymena x Lenna

  • Rahkah-Ohm dez Ruthen x Piper Oxbaren

  • Linwe Lossehelin x Tovas Verale

  • Lilo Miniere x Kalal Gehlreid

  • Lavitz Falcor x Serena Rose

Like I've said before, none of these are set in stone. During the RP, there will be a chance for your character to break off their engagement to form another.




https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21321-linwe-lossehelin/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21321-linwe-lossehelin/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21321-linwe-lossehelin/@Linwe Lossehelin


There. It's done. Now this girl is going to bed lol
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Like I said, I have no actual preference. Laikas will, however... there are certain traditions he will try to uphold.
It's going to be great! Though..I feel bad for Serena. >_> Lavitz is a good character, but she's so..gentle, it will be interesting to see how this works out.

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