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Fantasy Forced Fates

Well, there's nothing really happening besides the ball and that there's characters interacting here and there, so, Esca is going to announce the couples soon! So it'll bring the drama higher and have more material to work on (:
Though we must remember that it is supposed to be commoner marrying royalty in almost all situations
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Escasriet said:
No need, we got all of the character spots filled with Lenna joining the cast
Sorry about that, most of you made commoners and I didn't.. I should have and I apologize once more.
You shouldn't aplogize, when there is no need! We have everyone, the whole cast is here! :)
Escasriet said:
I hope you don't mind the extra info about Octavius, like him being a blood warlock. Though it could make Lenna more determined fearing that he would use her family as a sacrifices for blood magic.
I like it a lot. It would give even more incentive to the hospital plot, that he poisoned his city and let many of them die for blood magic, so he could run a hospital and get even more money and power. Suits him just fine.

As for Vaescopo itself, it's a highly industrial city bisected by river and canals - not dinky canals like Venice, but fast flowing water - used to turn waterwheels to run grain and cotton mills. Octavius prefers free men over slaves since they're less likely to plot against him and more productive. The number of warlocks living in the city is kept small so he can maintain his power without rivals. He has military alliances with the neighboring cities as protection, and in return there's a silent, unspoken agreement that, upon Octavius' death, these cities will come in and share the spoils. Without many warlocks or a large military, Octavius invests the city's wealth into even more production, and more wealth.

Now, about Lenna's fiance... between the land of freezing your toes off and land of sweating yourself to death, I'd say she prefers neither. Laikas would be interesting in the sense that Lenna's the manipulator type, and it would be rather fun to see her train him like the naive wittle puppie he is. I mean snuggle. The puppy, I mean. As for Rahkah-Ohm, he might be more interested in Lenna since he mentioned Alcatraz as part of the south's culture, but he probably wouldn't be as easy to use. I mean train. I mean fall in love with.
Cervance said:
It's heating up on the dance floor! A fierce rivalry emerges between the three princes?! Who shall be crowned victor in the dance to the death?!?
And are the all merely dancing in the palm of Lenna's hands? Find out on the next episode of... Force Fate XYZ!
Baconhands said:
@SoulFire Waiting for @Escasriet to respond before I do.
no problem!
Also, Laikas hasn't interacted with everyone yet. Whether it be during or after the ball, I'd like him to interact with all potential partners before a final dwcision is made. Albeit, I don't mind whomever it is as the tag on this RP is 'forced marriage'
That definitely makes sense! But there's also going to be the decision to let th couples break off the engagement and form another bond but they'll have to go through trials too!
The silence of waiting is both blissful and painful

Would anyone like to have a discussion of some sort? Here is a random topic: Nicolas Cage
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I would love a discussion!

Omggggg he was so good in Face Off' , National Treasure
Guys I don't know but I slept most of the day away.... It's crazy.... LOL I see what you did there! Omg. He was one of my favorites right next to Arnold Schwarzenegger (idk how to spell)
Really? I haven't watched the news in so long, I mostly hear it from my family members or professors
GOOD MORNING EVERYONR <3 what's happening? There's a Saints game today for where I live..
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/DCSS.png.4643a8b39b128ab81476e790b42f1b43.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/DCSS.png.4643a8b39b128ab81476e790b42f1b43.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is how I've spent my morning since I have no work. I should probably stop showing off and run away from the dragons now.



  • DCSS.png
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Did you say dragons? I wanna be friends with dragons.
There's a spell that let's you summon friendly dragons to fight for you named "Call Dragons." And a spell that lets you turn into a dragon. But my Ant-dude is not a very good spellcaster. He's more of the stabby type.
Awww.... What's a good spell caster then? I like summonings... Especially drgaons

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