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Fantasy Forced Fates

SoulFire said:
@Annabella Sorry for the short response, I dont know what else to say lol. I promise to do better in the future :/
You're fine! Your posts are really great so that's alright.
omg. i just realized i messed up the maid's names. i kept writing valerie and not amelia. omg

okay, i fixed it. LOL. im so sorry if i confused you guys @_@
I edited Piper's second post (#15). I tuned back her emotional explosion on her father and a little wording after that.
I edited some of Serena's recent reply. I was re checking the grammar and adding and deleting things here and there!
I put up a sheet. Hope its not too dark for everyone's tastes, because it gets worse.

I blame the Escasriet for making Sendrio a horrifying place for a commoner to live without being a sociopath.
Cervance said:
I put up a sheet. Hope its not too dark for everyone's tastes, because it gets worse.
I blame the Escasriet for making Sendrio a horrifying place for a commoner to live without being a sociopath.
Where's the fun if I DIDN'T make a kingdom a dark and horrifying place? It would be sociopath free and boring!

Lenna is adorable- in a 'possibly can kill you' type of way. I also love that she's so different from the other female and even male characters.

I forgot to officially "approve" her in my last post. So Lenna the sociopath is approved! You are free to post, but currently can't poison our characters! Not matter how much she might want to poison Lavitz lol
Before long Lavitz will be BEGGING to be poisoned. Also, that was an entire effin' chapter in one post, what am I doing to myself... it was the only chance to have you poor saps fall in love with Lenna's sweet little family though, so I put in the extra effort.

As for Octavius, I think there's some room for him to attend a ball, right? He's such a fabulous villain, after all.
Cervance said:
Before long Lavitz will be BEGGING to be poisoned. Also, that was an entire effin' chapter in one post, what am I doing to myself... it was the only chance to have you poor saps fall in love with Lenna's sweet little family though, so I put in the extra effort.
As for Octavius, I think there's some room for him to attend a ball, right? He's such a fabulous villain, after all.
I can't see why not ^-^
Hi everyone! Do you guys perhaps have a good metaphor? I can't even pick one. .
@Annabella Just a heads up that I posted and ended our dance, just wanted to get something else up in case you felt trapped on the dance floor with me lol.
SoulFire said:
@Annabella Just a heads up that I posted and ended our dance, just wanted to get something else up in case you felt trapped on the dance floor with me lol.
I am sooo sorry.

Like hella sorry.

My stomach feels as if Satan implanted demon babies in it.

In other words, cramps.

I did not feel trapped, I will reply by tomorrow.
Annabella said:
I am sooo sorry.
Like hella sorry.

My stomach feels as if Satan implanted demon babies in it.

In other words, cramps.

I did not feel trapped, I will reply by tomorrow.
No worries, I hope you feel better.

I wanted my character to interact with other Prince's anyway, and found the perfect opportunity to do so.

Feel better soon, I hear chocolate is a good cure for most ailments...then again I'm no doctor, but I think House might agree with me. Plus I just had some caramel chocolate icecrea, and it was quite phenomenal
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SoulFire said:
No worries, I hope you feel better.
I wanted my character to interact with other Prince's anyway, and found the perfect opportunity to do so.

Feel better soon, I hear chocolate is a good cure for most ailments...then again I'm no doctor, but I think House might agree with me.
Thank you, Bon Bon.

I'm watching Halloween and it makes the moodiness feel so much better.

House is life. I shall endeavor to get chocolate once I don't feel like jumping off of a bridge.
It's heating up on the dance floor! A fierce rivalry emerges between the three princes?! Who shall be crowned victor in the dance to the death?!?

And are the all merely dancing in the palm of Lenna's hands? Find out on the next episode of... Force Fate XYZ!
Hey, everyone!

I'm thinking of wrapping up the ball soon. Maybe after everyone post(s) one or two more times? Then I'll bring in the announcement along with the couple pairings. After the announcement, I'll do a mini time skip to the next day aka Day One of the characters' stay in Elphanor.

I was wondering if you guys, for the most part, don't have much of a preference to your character's fiance? I like everyone's first choice before I make the official list in the IC. Again, if you don't get someone you really want, later in the RP I'll have a way to break off the engagement and a chance to form new ones. I try my hardest that everyone is happy with their couples by the end of the RP!


Cervance said:
It's heating up on the dance floor! A fierce rivalry emerges between the three princes?! Who shall be crowned victor in the dance to the death?!?
And are the all merely dancing in the palm of Lenna's hands? Find out on the next episode of... Force Fate XYZ!
I hope you don't mind the extra info about Octavius, like him being a blood warlock. Though it could make Lenna more determine fearing that he would use her family as a sacrifices for blood magic.
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Hi there Esca! I don't have a preference to who my character gets! && The fun is just getting started, OHOHOHO! That sounds like a good plan to me! I'm glad that you like getting other people's opinions and decisions first before selecting since many really don't have that option! A happy and working effort RP = a functional moving and fun one! (:
I have no right idea of what's going on so I would be ecstatic for the plot to move on although the drama is tense, yo'.

I don't exactly have a preference, whomever you would to pair my character up with is your choice.


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