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Fandom Mortal Kombat - The Dragunity Tournament

Vulkin Zephoore

Takloree Jedi Master
The Druginity Tournament is very different from other Tournaments for anyone with the right skills can join. They can from small gangs, to large governments, as long as they can pass the tests to enter, they may enter though and join the Tournament. The tests are made to allow only the strongest of warriors to enter in, ones with great skills, devotion, and talents, may enter. But also know, there may be only be 3 fighters per cause, no more on less.

(This leaves you playing as 3 OCs or 2 OCs and 1 Canon Character or 1 OC and 2 Canon Characters.)

From here the fighters will so begin to be challenged by other rivals and the rules are simple, you engage in Kombat, and unless Lord Xzengar calls upon Mercy of the fallen Opponent, which if he does, disqualifies that opponent, it will be the victor's choice if the beaten opponent is killed or spared. If spared that opponent may have a chance to fight again in the tournament, if killed, well, that explains itself.

Who ever manages to defeat every opponent will come to fight Lord Xzengar himself, and if they win they will be crowned Kombat Champion and their rewards, are near speechless.
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