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Help Fonts?


the bts life
So every time I go to change the font using [ font=whatever font name ] text [ /font ] it does nothing. The font stays exactly the same. I made sure that I'm typing everything right but obviously I'm doing something wrong. Please help this is driving me insane.
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Are you including spaces within the name of the text? Like for example if I wanted to use the font, Book Antiqua I'd type it exactly like in the font bracket.

[FONT=Book Antiqua][/FONT]

This applies to every single type of font style you want to use. Like IM Double Pica SC. I'd type the whole thing as it appears.

[FONT=IM Double Pica SC/][/FONT]
Hm mind showing me a screenshot of you using the code, if you have it?

Is this the type of font you're looking for?

And actually do you have rich text editor off? If not you can turn it off under preferences. I think you may have multiple font codes going on and cannot see them because of rich text editor.

bwi bwi
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I unchecked the box... Oooh, I think it worked but I can't tell with this theme. Did it work?
It did work :3

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