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Fomore From Foam

Irvin sucked in a deep breath thinking it over fast. "Yeah. I don't think we have an option right now. I mean I have my truck, but two wizards in it. Yeah it'll make the trip to Atlanta. Just lead the way and I'll bring the weed killer." He scratched at his forehead for a second and soon his meal came to him. It was the largest breakfast combo the place had and he quickly poured a bottle of syrup over his waffles and dug into them. Yeah they might be in a rush, but they'd be ass out if he didn't have any energy to go on. Besides the last time he ate had practically been 24 plus hours ago.

"We can leave after food. Want anything?"
She glanced at his meal and her stomach rumbled. Damned traitor. She quickly snagged a waitress and ordered some tea and a light salad. Yes, she was hungry but she couldn't run with a full meal in her belly. She suspected she would be running for her life shortly. the vege patch was something out of the Day of the Triffods. And she wasn't planning on being plant food just yet.

Her breakfast arrived and she picked up a fork and stabbed at it.

"I need to know something. You seemed convinced it is the Fomore. Why?"
"Fair question." Said Irvin with a full mouth and swallowed to give her a better answer. "Well, truth is I am not positive. But I have information the fomore are filling in that hole the reds left behind. Other than that it is just a strong hunch that it is them. I mean I can't explain it at all and with rumors of that wizard in Chicago coming back from the dead, well the strangeness just fits." He wiped his mouth over the soft, cotton like napkin and placed it down as he lifted his third cup of coffee and downed that quickly, letting the hot liquid wash down the remaining waffle he had lodged in his throat. "Do you have any idea who else it might be?"
She shrugged. "No, not really but I do try and keep an open mind ."

"If the Fomore are trying to take advantage of the war between the Council and the Red Court then it may work. But it's risky. If the Fomore are going to make themselves a thrat it could always turn the other vampire courts against them. It's a dangerous time for any faction to make a move towards power unless they can back it up ". She took a sip of her tea. "so we are potentially talking about an army here,"

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